1 00:00:16,133 --> 00:00:18,866 又一天的一个晴天 2 00:00:18,866 --> 00:00:22,699 阳光印在这张旧沙发 3 00:00:22,733 --> 00:00:27,733 躺下来上眼浑然不知寂寞正在蔓延 4 00:00:27,766 --> 00:00:30,799 昨天的激情今天的空虚 5 00:00:30,800 --> 00:00:36,900 还有一张惨白的脸慢慢改变 6 00:00:37,966 --> 00:00:40,699 一杯水和一支香烟 7 00:00:40,700 --> 00:00:44,066 混合安静孤独的气味 8 00:00:44,066 --> 00:00:46,133 是纯情是谎言 9 00:00:46,133 --> 00:00:51,199 星期天的早晨别太绝对疯狂的世界 10 00:00:51,200 --> 00:00:55,200 无声的鞋锁在门之外 11 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:02,900 有时候想把自己关起来 12 00:01:03,866 --> 00:01:08,333 还是学着把心门打开 13 00:01:09,333 --> 00:01:14,899 人与人之间的关系变得不理不睬 14 00:01:15,066 --> 00:01:19,766 习惯无关紧要的冷淡 15 00:01:21,566 --> 00:01:24,333 又一天的一个晴天 16 00:01:24,333 --> 00:01:28,133 阳光印在这张旧沙发 17 00:01:28,133 --> 00:01:30,133 躺下来闭上眼 18 00:01:30,133 --> 00:01:33,166 浑然不知寂寞正在蔓延 19 00:01:33,166 --> 00:01:36,199 昨天的激情今天的空虚 20 00:01:36,200 --> 00:01:42,166 还有一张惨白的脸慢慢改变 21 00:01:43,133 --> 00:01:46,133 一杯水和一支香烟 22 00:01:46,133 --> 00:01:49,533 混合安静孤独的气味 23 00:01:49,533 --> 00:01:51,566 是真情是谎言 24 00:01:51,566 --> 00:01:56,766 星期天的早晨别太绝对疯狂的世界 25 00:01:56,866 --> 00:01:58,133 哈喽哈喽 26 00:01:58,900 --> 00:02:00,000 听得到吗 27 00:02:00,000 --> 00:02:03,100 喂喂喂喂晚上好 28 00:02:05,366 --> 00:02:09,499 啊这个米呀米啊这个 29 00:02:09,533 --> 00:02:14,799 2289工作室米顺烟给大家拜年了 30 00:02:15,866 --> 00:02:17,866 晚上好晚上好晚上好 31 00:02:17,866 --> 00:02:18,799 香草晚上好 32 00:02:18,800 --> 00:02:21,966 东方正晚上好极限之郎晚上好 33 00:02:21,966 --> 00:02:25,399 心灵小仙女晚上好一笑牺牲晚上好 34 00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:28,000 林花晚上好陈良皇家骑士晚上好 35 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:28,766 林少晚上好 36 00:02:28,766 --> 00:02:30,466 杨先生晚上好青衣老哥 37 00:02:30,466 --> 00:02:32,933 哎青衣老哥哈哈哈 38 00:02:33,000 --> 00:02:34,366 晚上好林迪 39 00:02:34,600 --> 00:02:35,400 啊啊 40 00:02:36,333 --> 00:02:38,199 欢迎冒个泡就走进 41 00:02:40,900 --> 00:02:42,666 有些人可能要问了啊 42 00:02:42,666 --> 00:02:45,466 好奇的这个姻缘人可能要问了 43 00:02:45,566 --> 00:02:46,366 就 44 00:02:46,900 --> 00:02:51,066 咪呀咪呀为什么你今天开播这么早呢 45 00:02:51,166 --> 00:02:55,799 呃这个答案就是啊这个早早点播 46 00:02:55,900 --> 00:02:59,566 然后早点下播然后早点那个 47 00:03:00,400 --> 00:03:05,600 早点学习呃最近都不是作业太多了 48 00:03:05,866 --> 00:03:07,533 今天没有代战 49 00:03:09,300 --> 00:03:10,866 燕燕我要睡觉了 50 00:03:10,866 --> 00:03:12,466 你可以跟我说句晚安吗 51 00:03:12,466 --> 00:03:13,866 嗯晚安晚安 52 00:03:14,666 --> 00:03:17,333 怎么怎么又祝我伊利生日快乐呀 53 00:03:17,333 --> 00:03:19,133 我这生日要过一周是吧 54 00:03:19,133 --> 00:03:20,133 晚上好i'm h 55 00:03:20,166 --> 00:03:25,599 见了群人之间的关系变得不理不睬 56 00:03:25,733 --> 00:03:27,599 不喜欢不管 57 00:03:27,600 --> 00:03:29,666 有些时候呢啊 58 00:03:29,800 --> 00:03:32,066 这个过年只是一种感觉啊 59 00:03:32,066 --> 00:03:33,533 当你作为一个 60 00:03:33,933 --> 00:03:38,066 远离家人远离朋友的千山万水之外 61 00:03:38,066 --> 00:03:38,966 你就会觉得 62 00:03:39,366 --> 00:03:41,666 没有那么多过年的感觉 63 00:03:41,666 --> 00:03:45,333 每天在白天是白天晚上是晚上 64 00:03:45,500 --> 00:03:47,566 该怎么白了还怎么白了 65 00:03:47,566 --> 00:03:50,399 只有打开这个直播间然后 66 00:03:50,900 --> 00:03:51,933 看到这个 67 00:03:51,933 --> 00:03:55,266 大伙在看到我这个新年的一个 68 00:03:56,166 --> 00:03:59,766 UY的时候会有一种过年的时感嗯嗯 69 00:03:59,966 --> 00:04:01,399 新春快乐 70 00:04:04,700 --> 00:04:07,200 来给大家搜个拜年词 71 00:04:07,366 --> 00:04:08,166 嗯 72 00:04:08,766 --> 00:04:10,099 拜年词 73 00:04:16,333 --> 00:04:18,799 拜年BGM那个 74 00:04:18,900 --> 00:04:20,066 当当当当 75 00:04:20,200 --> 00:04:22,366 当当当当当当当当 76 00:04:22,366 --> 00:04:26,133 当当当当当当当当当当当 77 00:04:26,666 --> 00:04:29,499 谢谢某过期的东方正的新年快乐 78 00:04:29,500 --> 00:04:30,666 那个是什么来着 79 00:04:32,166 --> 00:04:33,166 哎那个那 80 00:04:33,166 --> 00:04:35,766 个叫什么对对对春节序曲哎 81 00:04:42,166 --> 00:04:42,966 呃 82 00:04:43,533 --> 00:04:45,399 咪呀电视台咪呀电视台 83 00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:49,100 这里是今天的主持人咪呀咪呀呃 84 00:04:49,100 --> 00:04:52,066 在这个阖家欢乐这个 85 00:04:52,266 --> 00:04:53,966 扬扬喜气的日子中 86 00:04:54,266 --> 00:04:57,099 祝大家一路发财双星报喜 87 00:04:57,100 --> 00:04:58,700 三阳开泰四四如意 88 00:04:58,766 --> 00:05:01,399 五福临门六六大顺七子八婿 89 00:05:01,400 --> 00:05:05,566 八仙过海九九重阳十分愉快哈哈哈 90 00:05:08,866 --> 00:05:10,966 谢谢老衲杨爷的关注啊 91 00:05:10,966 --> 00:05:13,866 这怎么哎好土啊这个 92 00:05:14,466 --> 00:05:15,566 这好土啊 93 00:05:15,566 --> 00:05:17,299 有没有那种呃 94 00:05:17,566 --> 00:05:19,133 看起来比较精美 95 00:05:19,133 --> 00:05:22,366 然后又土的比较不太顺眼的那种 96 00:05:27,766 --> 00:05:31,466 祝福像雪花片片问候像春雨绵绵 97 00:05:31,500 --> 00:05:35,533 关怀像音乐声声幸福像珍珠跌落心田 98 00:05:35,600 --> 00:05:37,966 欢乐像浪花四处蹦溅 99 00:05:38,100 --> 00:05:42,133 春节之际愿您好运常伴幸福永驻 100 00:05:42,266 --> 00:05:45,533 欢乐永随哈哈 101 00:05:46,933 --> 00:05:49,566 啊我跟你们说我小的时候是干这个 102 00:05:49,566 --> 00:05:51,066 我专业干这个的 103 00:05:51,066 --> 00:05:51,899 特别专业 104 00:05:51,900 --> 00:05:53,566 谢谢不予妄语的时候新春快乐 105 00:05:53,566 --> 00:05:54,466 非常感谢 106 00:05:54,700 --> 00:05:56,600 我真的是专业干这个的 107 00:05:56,666 --> 00:05:59,066 我我还是很小的小猫的时候 108 00:05:59,066 --> 00:06:00,133 就每年过年 109 00:06:00,133 --> 00:06:01,566 家里人都把我递扔出来 110 00:06:01,566 --> 00:06:03,399 给你们念这些东西啊 111 00:06:06,700 --> 00:06:08,666 但是这这都好土啊 112 00:06:08,800 --> 00:06:10,200 这好土啊 113 00:06:12,366 --> 00:06:13,166 嗯 114 00:06:15,466 --> 00:06:16,899 那怎么办呢 115 00:06:18,933 --> 00:06:21,699 对啊一眼通那怎么办呢 116 00:06:22,700 --> 00:06:26,533 新的一年里祝米燕米亚的音乐人 117 00:06:26,800 --> 00:06:27,900 事业有成 118 00:06:27,900 --> 00:06:29,333 学业顺利 119 00:06:29,400 --> 00:06:32,100 不再白来身体健康 120 00:06:32,100 --> 00:06:36,533 每天都可以按时收看22894962的直播 121 00:06:36,666 --> 00:06:40,099 然后赚到大米有时候分主播一口 122 00:06:40,366 --> 00:06:40,866 希望 123 00:06:40,866 --> 00:06:43,999 这个这个直播间的主播在新的一年里 124 00:06:44,100 --> 00:06:45,266 学业有成 125 00:06:45,266 --> 00:06:47,133 不再挂科不再挂科 126 00:06:47,133 --> 00:06:49,933 不再挂科不再挂科不再挂科 127 00:06:49,933 --> 00:06:51,133 按时毕业 128 00:06:51,133 --> 00:06:54,166 哈哈哈哈啊 129 00:06:55,666 --> 00:06:56,733 谢谢 130 00:06:57,500 --> 00:07:01,466 呃SEW SWQ的幸运时榜 131 00:07:01,466 --> 00:07:03,999 感谢IV该到有不土的吉祥话 132 00:07:04,000 --> 00:07:05,366 还有霓虹雨呢 133 00:07:11,666 --> 00:07:14,199 不再烦人天天烦人今晚电池 134 00:07:14,200 --> 00:07:15,466 都准备好了 135 00:07:15,466 --> 00:07:17,899 我今天打算给你们录那个什么的 136 00:07:17,900 --> 00:07:21,733 我想给你们录那个那个起早的那个 137 00:07:22,266 --> 00:07:23,066 闹铃啊 138 00:07:23,066 --> 00:07:28,299 你们要是有现场写出来的那个也可以 139 00:07:28,466 --> 00:07:30,666 也可以也可以给我投稿 140 00:07:30,933 --> 00:07:32,733 我想给你们录闹铃来着 141 00:07:32,733 --> 00:07:34,466 一把中文的 142 00:07:34,466 --> 00:07:37,533 然后一把那个什么主播怎么85件了 143 00:07:37,533 --> 00:07:38,899 帮我凑个整数吧 144 00:07:38,900 --> 00:07:41,866 家人们我们什么时候冲回百件呢 145 00:07:42,266 --> 00:07:44,566 谢安排气球的幸运是Aligat 146 00:07:44,600 --> 00:07:45,566 谢谢谢谢 147 00:07:45,566 --> 00:07:47,799 我算个锤子学霸型的VR 148 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:49,200 我是个混子 149 00:07:49,200 --> 00:07:50,900 你没看我直播学习呢 150 00:07:50,900 --> 00:07:51,866 笨的要命 151 00:07:51,866 --> 00:07:52,999 笨笨咔咔 152 00:07:55,133 --> 00:07:55,499 你们 153 00:07:55,500 --> 00:07:59,000 我给你们录的那个闹铃你们觉得应该 154 00:07:59,100 --> 00:07:59,766 谢谢安排 155 00:07:59,766 --> 00:08:02,699 持奖的紫金宝和的幸运是安利来的 156 00:08:02,700 --> 00:08:03,766 谢谢谢谢 157 00:08:04,133 --> 00:08:07,499 85不是这样说我们要向上去找 158 00:08:07,533 --> 00:08:09,733 不能总是白来要下要 159 00:08:11,133 --> 00:08:16,099 哎呀这85不是纯整数是小整数呢 160 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:21,266 这春天是不是有点太喜庆了吧 161 00:08:21,966 --> 00:08:24,066 不是的我不是那什么 162 00:08:25,300 --> 00:08:29,600 每天早晨第一件事大喊一声旺旺 163 00:08:30,100 --> 00:08:31,466 旁边是抱枕吗 164 00:08:31,466 --> 00:08:33,133 旁边是等身抱枕 165 00:08:33,766 --> 00:08:35,866 是提督的等身抱枕 166 00:08:35,966 --> 00:08:38,266 昨天无进制今天改10斤 167 00:08:38,900 --> 00:08:39,733 哈哈哈 168 00:08:39,733 --> 00:08:42,466 我们肯定有愿望要往高了定吧 169 00:08:42,466 --> 00:08:44,799 那总不能写个85-0 170 00:08:44,800 --> 00:08:47,133 大家超额完成了我的任务 171 00:08:47,200 --> 00:08:48,766 那这样这样不行的 172 00:08:48,766 --> 00:08:49,766 欢迎六娘 173 00:08:49,766 --> 00:08:52,066 晚上好哎那个叫什么来着 174 00:08:52,066 --> 00:08:54,366 让我听一下那个旺旺的广告 175 00:08:54,666 --> 00:08:57,799 呃旺仔牛奶广告 176 00:08:57,800 --> 00:08:59,333 我给你们录一个这个吧 177 00:08:59,333 --> 00:09:00,799 你们是不是挺喜欢这个的 178 00:09:00,800 --> 00:09:02,500 旺仔牛奶的广告 179 00:09:05,133 --> 00:09:06,599 嗯没有这个吗 180 00:09:06,600 --> 00:09:10,066 提督啊那个舰长的是 181 00:09:11,533 --> 00:09:12,799 我的封面 182 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:16,800 看一下我直播间的封面你就知道了 183 00:09:16,900 --> 00:09:19,700 提督的是一米8那么高的等身抱枕 184 00:09:19,700 --> 00:09:22,966 舰长的是45*45厘米的正常的抱枕 185 00:09:22,966 --> 00:09:23,766 嗯 186 00:09:24,200 --> 00:09:25,900 米亚米尔贪得无厌 187 00:09:26,700 --> 00:09:30,266 我贪得无厌想要你的全部 188 00:09:30,266 --> 00:09:34,166 哈哈哈你知不知道这是哪个人的台词 189 00:09:34,300 --> 00:09:35,966 你知不知道这是谁的台词 190 00:09:35,966 --> 00:09:39,199 当年特别火那个炼狱制作人 191 00:09:39,466 --> 00:09:40,399 你知不知道 192 00:09:40,400 --> 00:09:41,700 哈哈哈 193 00:09:42,366 --> 00:09:44,799 右下角是提督的等生抱枕 194 00:09:44,900 --> 00:09:48,166 嗯 12月礼物是封面封面 195 00:09:48,600 --> 00:09:50,133 封面的那个抱枕 196 00:09:50,600 --> 00:09:52,700 谁啥时候靠整搞颜色了 197 00:09:52,700 --> 00:09:54,100 没搞过颜色呀 198 00:09:54,466 --> 00:09:57,099 这抱枕是全年龄像的 199 00:09:57,566 --> 00:09:59,999 全年龄的有人已经收到了 200 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:01,000 能充的起来吗 201 00:10:01,000 --> 00:10:03,133 家人们充不起来 202 00:10:03,166 --> 00:10:06,466 哎呀这怎么变这么胖胖对不耶哈哈 203 00:10:07,133 --> 00:10:07,366 哈 204 00:10:07,366 --> 00:10:10,966 啊我发现我可以让他自由的胖或者瘦 205 00:10:10,966 --> 00:10:11,999 哎开心 206 00:10:16,133 --> 00:10:17,733 你的全部都是我 207 00:10:17,733 --> 00:10:19,933 那你的全部也太垃圾了吧 208 00:10:19,933 --> 00:10:23,099 哈哈哈翻转了你的全部 209 00:10:23,100 --> 00:10:24,900 挺好的我很喜欢 210 00:10:25,366 --> 00:10:26,533 香味猛抽 211 00:10:27,800 --> 00:10:30,600 哎那个旺仔牛奶广告 212 00:10:30,766 --> 00:10:31,933 来搜一下 213 00:10:34,366 --> 00:10:37,199 谁宣传猪鼻涕的礼物啦 214 00:10:38,466 --> 00:10:42,899 我没有哎那个叫什么来着尾巴看不清 215 00:10:42,933 --> 00:10:44,199 挺大的呀 216 00:10:44,466 --> 00:10:47,933 谢谢MH奖的紫金宝和棒感谢阿力盖豆 217 00:10:47,933 --> 00:10:50,733 对啊你们都很难产生世俗的想法 218 00:10:50,866 --> 00:10:54,966 这尾巴是能看清的呀挺大的 219 00:11:00,533 --> 00:11:03,366 某过期的东方中的白银宝盒 220 00:11:03,600 --> 00:11:04,766 阿里盖到 221 00:11:11,800 --> 00:11:14,366 那那旺仔牛奶的广告哪去了 222 00:11:14,366 --> 00:11:15,399 就是那个 223 00:11:16,166 --> 00:11:20,066 三年二班三年二班烟烟人同学 224 00:11:20,066 --> 00:11:21,933 你的妈妈米烟咪啊 225 00:11:22,066 --> 00:11:25,566 给你带来了你最爱喝的旺仔牛奶 226 00:11:25,566 --> 00:11:27,566 然后镜头一转慢镜头 227 00:11:28,266 --> 00:11:30,299 妈妈 228 00:11:31,800 --> 00:11:33,966 啊我的宝贝 229 00:11:33,966 --> 00:11:36,333 就那个那个广告你们记得吗 230 00:11:36,666 --> 00:11:39,533 今天出去钓娃娃20块钓了5个上 231 00:11:39,533 --> 00:11:42,966 教教我教教我我也想学 232 00:11:43,300 --> 00:11:48,700 教教我母亲哎呀出生哈哈哈 233 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:52,666 旁边的小妹我也羡慕我也羡慕啊 234 00:11:52,666 --> 00:11:53,466 哈哈哈 235 00:11:54,066 --> 00:11:57,733 教教我吧教教我吧 236 00:11:58,100 --> 00:11:59,133 母亲 237 00:11:59,766 --> 00:12:04,066 对对对然后旁边哇你妈妈好爱你呀 238 00:12:04,066 --> 00:12:06,666 对那个我给你们录一个那个当当当 239 00:12:06,666 --> 00:12:07,399 起床铃吧是不 240 00:12:07,400 --> 00:12:08,333 是挺好的 241 00:12:08,400 --> 00:12:09,800 你们是不是挺喜欢的 242 00:12:21,800 --> 00:12:23,666 当电子妈妈是吧 243 00:12:25,200 --> 00:12:26,133 路过 244 00:12:27,733 --> 00:12:30,999 看一眼嘛别路过看一眼再走嘛 245 00:12:31,666 --> 00:12:32,999 什么当电子妈妈 246 00:12:33,000 --> 00:12:35,600 刚才香草说想喜欢哪个 247 00:12:36,466 --> 00:12:40,933 呃应该起个混响对对对对对嗯 248 00:12:40,966 --> 00:12:43,666 喂喂喂喂嗯 249 00:12:43,733 --> 00:12:44,933 呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃 250 00:12:55,566 --> 00:12:57,966 三年二班三年二班 251 00:12:58,133 --> 00:13:00,766 茵茵人同学茵茵人同学 252 00:13:00,900 --> 00:13:04,533 你的妈妈给你送来了旺仔牛奶 253 00:13:05,566 --> 00:13:08,333 哇你妈妈好爱你哦 254 00:13:12,166 --> 00:13:14,599 你旺我旺大家旺 255 00:13:15,766 --> 00:13:18,299 你妈妈给你拿了两瓶旺仔牛奶 256 00:13:18,300 --> 00:13:20,133 在学校门口等你 257 00:13:21,600 --> 00:13:24,766 大喊一声汪汪你就想当我妈 258 00:13:24,800 --> 00:13:27,533 我就记得这个呀我就记得这个广告呀 259 00:13:27,533 --> 00:13:29,466 科三哈哈哈 260 00:13:29,600 --> 00:13:31,733 我准备的不是这种不是这种啊 261 00:13:31,733 --> 00:13:33,399 感觉不如OPPO国乃 262 00:13:34,166 --> 00:13:36,466 你是不是在暗示些什么东西啊 263 00:13:36,466 --> 00:13:38,333 你是不是在暗示些什么东西 264 00:13:39,366 --> 00:13:41,066 你是不是在暗示什么 265 00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:45,200 欢迎光临19很难不笑场 266 00:13:45,200 --> 00:13:47,733 你们录下来呗你们录下来呗 267 00:13:48,733 --> 00:13:51,199 那个什么OPPO滚奶那个歌 268 00:13:51,200 --> 00:13:53,200 是我喝旺仔牛奶八年了 269 00:13:53,200 --> 00:13:56,600 哈哈哈谢谢MH酱的泡泡糖 270 00:13:56,600 --> 00:14:00,133 泡泡糖可乐金币阿里来的 271 00:14:00,400 --> 00:14:02,366 主播可以再喊一次吗 272 00:14:02,733 --> 00:14:04,533 那个OPPO滚奶那个歌 273 00:14:04,666 --> 00:14:07,566 欢迎奶琳你带我走吧新年好 274 00:14:08,466 --> 00:14:10,199 对OPPO时间到 275 00:14:10,200 --> 00:14:12,700 哈哈哈你们好变态 276 00:14:12,700 --> 00:14:14,366 怎么喜欢听这种东西啊 277 00:14:14,800 --> 00:14:16,333 谢谢MV吃掉了听听 278 00:14:21,266 --> 00:14:22,599 入了入了 279 00:14:22,933 --> 00:14:25,199 哦爬过来咬咬咬河 280 00:14:25,200 --> 00:14:28,900 哦爬过来把清凉抱抱河 281 00:14:28,900 --> 00:14:32,266 哦爬过来把好好抱抱 282 00:14:32,266 --> 00:14:34,166 给我后抛给我后抛 283 00:14:34,166 --> 00:14:35,933 我要幼儿不要 284 00:14:36,100 --> 00:14:40,100 给我OPPO给我OPPO我要OPPO我要OPPO OPPO 285 00:14:40,166 --> 00:14:41,966 OPPO过来哦哦哦 286 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:44,600 我还要汪汪 287 00:14:46,600 --> 00:14:48,133 不行这太傻了 288 00:14:48,133 --> 00:14:48,933 不要 289 00:14:49,866 --> 00:14:50,899 傻逼 290 00:14:52,166 --> 00:14:52,733 哇哦 291 00:14:52,733 --> 00:14:55,099 你看我给你们写的台文都很正常啊 292 00:14:55,100 --> 00:14:57,166 主播我是一个没有什么想象力的人 293 00:14:57,166 --> 00:14:58,133 我给你们写的 294 00:15:04,066 --> 00:15:06,666 猫啊撒大妖阿尼斯 295 00:15:07,966 --> 00:15:09,466 啊嗨呀 296 00:15:11,733 --> 00:15:14,099 他打起你OK的口那塞 297 00:15:14,733 --> 00:15:16,333 come by day come by day 298 00:15:16,566 --> 00:15:18,266 还要看OK day 299 00:15:19,200 --> 00:15:20,000 哎 300 00:15:20,966 --> 00:15:22,799 Motto Kitty呢哈 301 00:15:26,800 --> 00:15:29,400 哈哈哈哈哈哈啊 302 00:15:29,466 --> 00:15:32,133 好嗨见的起床灵啊哈哈哈 303 00:15:32,133 --> 00:15:34,333 让我给你们呃呃准备了 304 00:15:34,333 --> 00:15:35,133 好吧 305 00:15:35,333 --> 00:15:37,666 啊谢谢刷存在的梦幻的比克拉房 306 00:15:37,666 --> 00:15:39,133 感谢阿力盖的 307 00:15:39,933 --> 00:15:41,766 有点少见没听过 308 00:15:42,133 --> 00:15:43,399 就那个啊 309 00:15:43,400 --> 00:15:47,200 已经早上了啊哥哥讲早上好啊 310 00:15:47,466 --> 00:15:49,333 这快快赶紧起床了 311 00:15:49,333 --> 00:15:50,766 请快点起床吧 312 00:15:50,766 --> 00:15:52,899 哈哈哈加油加油 313 00:15:53,600 --> 00:15:54,400 你可以的 314 00:15:54,400 --> 00:15:55,600 你快点起起来 315 00:15:55,800 --> 00:15:57,766 哎你还不起床吗 316 00:15:59,533 --> 00:16:01,466 傻逼快死吧 317 00:16:04,066 --> 00:16:07,066 很稀有是吧有点少见没听过 318 00:16:07,066 --> 00:16:09,533 哈哈哈你娘娘肯定听懂了 319 00:16:09,533 --> 00:16:11,199 但是我知道我说的不好 320 00:16:11,200 --> 00:16:12,533 我知道我说的不好 321 00:16:12,600 --> 00:16:15,300 我知道我说的不像那么一回事啊 322 00:16:15,900 --> 00:16:18,200 别揭穿我别揭穿我 323 00:16:20,966 --> 00:16:22,199 太罕见了 324 00:16:23,300 --> 00:16:25,133 主播能不能真实一点 325 00:16:26,466 --> 00:16:27,499 呃 326 00:16:46,333 --> 00:16:50,066 哇哦阿萨达呦哦你讲好嗨呦 327 00:16:50,400 --> 00:16:52,300 卡达奇尼OK的古娜塞 328 00:16:52,800 --> 00:16:54,400 干巴的干巴的 329 00:16:54,800 --> 00:16:56,500 哈呀可OK的 330 00:16:58,100 --> 00:17:00,800 哈哈哈啊哈哈哈 331 00:17:10,300 --> 00:17:12,700 啥抖音暴露呀哈哈 332 00:17:12,700 --> 00:17:16,600 我呀是我呀老公超是我 333 00:17:17,966 --> 00:17:19,999 谁说的老公超是我 334 00:17:22,866 --> 00:17:26,366 本意哪有女生的本意是这样的 335 00:17:29,733 --> 00:17:33,799 哎呀你太可爱了简直就是我的宝贝 336 00:17:33,800 --> 00:17:35,766 你是不是看了那个切片 337 00:17:36,500 --> 00:17:37,866 呵呵哎 338 00:17:38,500 --> 00:17:41,166 老公老公五倍爱你 339 00:17:45,533 --> 00:17:47,599 你们就不喜欢可爱的吗 340 00:17:47,600 --> 00:17:48,866 艾特欧尼卡 341 00:17:49,566 --> 00:17:51,399 欧尼卡欧尼卡 342 00:17:52,333 --> 00:17:53,866 你讲狗究竟什 343 00:17:53,866 --> 00:17:55,399 么你们不喜欢这个是吧 344 00:17:55,400 --> 00:17:57,533 你们不喜欢这个就就就狠狠的 345 00:17:58,366 --> 00:18:00,533 我没讲狗究竟什么 346 00:18:00,733 --> 00:18:02,933 你们就喜欢这一套干什么 347 00:18:03,933 --> 00:18:06,099 哈哈哈嗨 348 00:18:06,333 --> 00:18:08,299 怎么这么多笑脸啊 349 00:18:10,100 --> 00:18:11,100 谁是猛一啊 350 00:18:11,100 --> 00:18:14,166 我不是猛一你喜欢刚才的你喜欢哪个 351 00:18:14,266 --> 00:18:18,199 确实不如什么哈哈哈哈哈 352 00:18:18,200 --> 00:18:21,333 恭喜你三八哈哈哈 353 00:18:27,900 --> 00:18:29,333 扛麻袋扛大袋 354 00:18:29,333 --> 00:18:30,699 营业员不吃这一套 355 00:18:30,700 --> 00:18:32,066 那你们吃哪一套 356 00:18:32,266 --> 00:18:33,899 你们你们吃哪一套 357 00:18:37,066 --> 00:18:40,766 疼了8个孩三三到7内哈哈哈 358 00:18:41,066 --> 00:18:42,666 你们去哪一套 359 00:18:46,100 --> 00:18:46,566 一样 360 00:18:46,566 --> 00:18:52,266 刚才那样说话让我被非常有家的感觉 361 00:18:52,500 --> 00:18:53,300 嗯 362 00:18:54,200 --> 00:18:55,900 谢谢香草的打call 363 00:18:55,900 --> 00:18:58,300 谢谢佛系的熊匠的牛蛙牛蛙 364 00:18:58,300 --> 00:18:59,966 谢谢林迪的牛蛙牛蛙 365 00:18:59,966 --> 00:19:01,866 谢谢月下牺牲的爱了爱了 366 00:19:01,966 --> 00:19:04,166 谢谢永驻星辰的爱了爱了爱了一个 367 00:19:04,166 --> 00:19:05,866 刚才有人发红包了吗 368 00:19:05,900 --> 00:19:07,100 谢谢你的红包 369 00:19:09,733 --> 00:19:11,399 谢谢皇家骑士的牛蛙 370 00:19:11,400 --> 00:19:13,566 牛脑瘫儿我的脑瘫 371 00:19:16,100 --> 00:19:17,733 你才是脑瘫儿 372 00:19:25,200 --> 00:19:36,266 哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒 373 00:19:36,800 --> 00:19:39,966 谢谢林上的打call谢谢梦瑶的打call 374 00:19:40,200 --> 00:19:44,666 谢谢呃娘娘的红包房感谢爱你 375 00:19:44,666 --> 00:19:46,366 感到谢谢谢谢 376 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:53,333 不对劲怎么不对劲呢 377 00:19:54,966 --> 00:19:57,999 嗯为啥我还抽不到 378 00:19:58,000 --> 00:19:59,133 我不知道 379 00:20:00,200 --> 00:20:01,800 晚上好晚安 380 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:02,666 熬夜思密 381 00:20:03,133 --> 00:20:06,566 然后还有一个正常一点的版本啊 382 00:20:06,566 --> 00:20:09,699 你你们你们你们喜欢哪个呀 383 00:20:10,266 --> 00:20:11,266 为什么呀 384 00:20:11,266 --> 00:20:13,533 我也我也很难抽到 385 00:20:19,766 --> 00:20:21,966 们你们喜欢哪个 386 00:20:22,200 --> 00:20:24,400 就之前那个嘿嘿 387 00:20:26,766 --> 00:20:29,299 但是总这么说话挺伤嗓子 388 00:20:29,300 --> 00:20:31,800 我今天打了一杯水就正常的办法 389 00:20:31,800 --> 00:20:35,100 就是那个那个欧尼加哦还有 390 00:20:36,100 --> 00:20:37,066 爱吃你OK的 391 00:20:37,066 --> 00:20:37,866 柯南山 392 00:20:38,400 --> 00:20:40,266 啊那个那个 393 00:20:41,300 --> 00:20:43,300 今天玩了双人成型 394 00:20:43,300 --> 00:20:45,800 一个人创造两个小品好难 395 00:20:46,266 --> 00:20:47,966 你可以找我一起玩呢 396 00:20:48,100 --> 00:20:52,733 问富丰县一家代表着什么啊啊啊 397 00:21:17,966 --> 00:21:18,766 啊 398 00:21:19,800 --> 00:21:22,366 就是呃呃 399 00:21:22,366 --> 00:21:24,499 如果我持有这个东西 400 00:21:24,500 --> 00:21:27,400 然后有可能他会亏 401 00:21:27,400 --> 00:21:30,333 但是就他亏了那个多少吧 402 00:21:30,333 --> 00:21:31,999 就是他那个负风险溢价 403 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:34,533 就是我持有这个东西他可能会亏 404 00:21:35,066 --> 00:21:36,999 答不上来我白写了 405 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:37,800 哈 406 00:21:38,666 --> 00:21:40,966 我忘了挂科了 407 00:21:40,966 --> 00:21:43,399 哈哈怎么就是尴尬了 408 00:21:44,333 --> 00:21:47,466 改伦出轻语沉默又破房 409 00:21:57,333 --> 00:22:00,899 tea通宵不要不要 410 00:22:03,266 --> 00:22:08,799 负风险易建设与债权人经济体内 411 00:22:09,100 --> 00:22:10,000 私人部门 412 00:22:10,000 --> 00:22:13,400 所持有的美元债券和汇率波动趋势 413 00:22:13,400 --> 00:22:17,000 以及预期升值幅度成正相关 414 00:22:21,166 --> 00:22:24,499 我没学这个吧我没学这个呢 415 00:22:25,200 --> 00:22:25,766 也不对 416 00:22:25,766 --> 00:22:28,899 我好像学过了但是现在不考这个呀 417 00:22:29,966 --> 00:22:33,299 没事我们不考这个哎嘿嘿 418 00:22:33,566 --> 00:22:36,533 哎没法课文fandomic 419 00:22:36,733 --> 00:22:37,999 我很诚实 420 00:22:39,000 --> 00:22:41,400 你为什么要开创我啊 421 00:22:42,100 --> 00:22:44,866 艳艳怎么跟其他人玩游戏啊 422 00:22:44,933 --> 00:22:47,966 从今以后你就是我的女朋友了 423 00:22:47,966 --> 00:22:50,599 你不允许跟其他的男生说话 424 00:22:50,600 --> 00:22:51,866 哈哈哈 425 00:22:52,566 --> 00:22:54,733 嗯谢谢月下牺牲的牛蛙 426 00:22:54,733 --> 00:22:56,099 牛蛙谢谢永城星辰 427 00:22:56,100 --> 00:22:59,166 的打call谢谢460的牛蛙牛蛙阿力盖豆 428 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:06,133 这不就白学了吗 429 00:23:06,266 --> 00:23:08,333 啊这不就白学 430 00:23:08,333 --> 00:23:10,866 不考的人就不学了呀 431 00:23:12,366 --> 00:23:16,299 还有一个可爱一点的那个版本 432 00:23:16,333 --> 00:23:18,933 就你们你们你们 433 00:23:19,800 --> 00:23:21,533 燕燕情人节企划 434 00:23:21,533 --> 00:23:25,266 可以表演一个人玩森林冰火人吗 435 00:23:25,400 --> 00:23:27,733 你你想让我既 436 00:23:28,200 --> 00:23:32,933 没有人一起玩又打不通关是吧 437 00:23:32,933 --> 00:23:34,399 你好坏呀 438 00:23:35,300 --> 00:23:39,400 哎呀这么珍贵的礼物我不能送给燕燕 439 00:23:39,933 --> 00:23:41,666 你要珍藏起来 440 00:23:42,133 --> 00:23:44,266 呃你抽到了什么呀 441 00:23:44,366 --> 00:23:46,933 我有一个爱了爱了我送给你 442 00:23:46,933 --> 00:23:48,866 我给你画好不好 443 00:23:50,366 --> 00:23:51,666 啊我给你换 444 00:23:53,900 --> 00:23:57,533 谢谢花生要黑听的爱了爱了谢谢 445 00:23:57,766 --> 00:24:02,966 MH讲的粉玫瑰和幸运是Aligat谢谢谢谢 446 00:24:03,133 --> 00:24:06,066 情人节不把男朋友跟 447 00:24:06,300 --> 00:24:08,200 兄弟们介绍一下 448 00:24:08,266 --> 00:24:08,733 嘿呀 449 00:24:08,733 --> 00:24:12,499 都哥们什么什么男朋友不男朋友的 450 00:24:12,600 --> 00:24:16,400 谢谢雪花奇经的新春快乐谢谢 451 00:24:16,600 --> 00:24:18,866 春凉皇家骑士的牛蛙牛蛙 452 00:24:18,866 --> 00:24:21,799 谢谢勇出星辰的爱了爱了爱了一个豆 453 00:24:22,100 --> 00:24:24,400 你今天是不是在其他直播间 454 00:24:24,400 --> 00:24:25,700 看见主播了 455 00:24:25,733 --> 00:24:28,799 你每天都能在其他直播间看见主播 456 00:24:38,900 --> 00:24:41,600 什么能借你男朋友用吗 457 00:24:41,600 --> 00:24:45,266 哎呀都哥们什么男朋友不男朋友的 458 00:24:45,933 --> 00:24:48,133 情人节你来出个自我介绍 459 00:24:48,133 --> 00:24:51,766 米呀米呀的小男友堂堂穿上是吧 460 00:24:53,133 --> 00:24:55,666 主播是个锤子现充一天到晚 461 00:24:55,766 --> 00:24:59,199 昨天直播了8个小时有这样的现充吗 462 00:25:01,000 --> 00:25:04,966 能叫你男朋友来跟咱们101吗 463 00:25:06,500 --> 00:25:08,166 能借你女朋友用用吗 464 00:25:08,166 --> 00:25:09,199 那不行那不行 465 00:25:09,200 --> 00:25:10,866 你们怎么借男朋友没关系 466 00:25:10,866 --> 00:25:12,566 因为男朋友没有 467 00:25:12,566 --> 00:25:14,666 但你们借女朋友我就真的急了 468 00:25:14,666 --> 00:25:16,333 因为我真的有女朋友 469 00:25:16,333 --> 00:25:18,266 他也就是我的小女友 470 00:25:18,300 --> 00:25:20,933 女朋友把我女朋友借走我惊艳了 471 00:25:24,666 --> 00:25:27,133 第2个看一下第2个啊亲爱的们 472 00:25:27,933 --> 00:25:30,966 价格挺可爱的我觉得比较适合你们 473 00:25:30,966 --> 00:25:33,933 嗯嗯应该放一个可爱一点的BGM 474 00:25:33,933 --> 00:25:36,099 你们可以开个录屏之类的 475 00:25:36,533 --> 00:25:39,466 嗯嗯嗯嗯 476 00:25:39,733 --> 00:25:40,899 不要过来呀 477 00:25:40,966 --> 00:25:42,666 怎么离这么近呀 478 00:25:44,366 --> 00:25:46,399 two s one black 479 00:26:01,533 --> 00:26:02,766 应该开个BGM 480 00:26:02,766 --> 00:26:04,066 这有点太舒缓了 481 00:26:04,066 --> 00:26:07,866 应该叫不醒我赖床的炎炎日嗯 482 00:26:30,300 --> 00:26:33,500 我觉得你们以你们的懒狗承重 483 00:26:33,500 --> 00:26:35,800 应该是叫不醒的嗯 484 00:26:41,666 --> 00:26:45,399 来点狂野的BGM好嘞哈哈 485 00:26:45,466 --> 00:26:48,099 嗯好嘞稍等一下啊 486 00:26:48,766 --> 00:26:49,699 不着急 487 00:27:03,733 --> 00:27:05,666 每天叫醒你的是自己的帅气 488 00:27:05,666 --> 00:27:07,099 你真想太作了 489 00:27:08,766 --> 00:27:09,933 自恋狂 490 00:27:15,366 --> 00:27:16,733 来点激情的 491 00:27:16,933 --> 00:27:18,466 等等一分钟 492 00:27:18,700 --> 00:27:19,700 等一分钟 493 00:27:19,700 --> 00:27:21,666 我直接使用手机播放嗯 494 00:27:36,466 --> 00:27:38,099 大姑大姑大姑大姑 495 00:27:38,500 --> 00:27:39,333 哎呀喵 496 00:27:39,333 --> 00:27:43,466 提醒你现在是北京时间早8点整 497 00:27:44,166 --> 00:27:46,866 起床起床起床起床起床啦 498 00:27:47,800 --> 00:27:48,600 哎 499 00:27:49,700 --> 00:27:50,733 还困 500 00:27:52,300 --> 00:27:53,200 救命吧 501 00:27:53,200 --> 00:27:56,566 怎么这么菜呀快快快快快行动起来 502 00:27:56,800 --> 00:27:58,733 要迟到啦 503 00:28:08,966 --> 00:28:10,466 8点我都到单位了 504 00:28:10,466 --> 00:28:12,066 那你起的真讨厌 505 00:28:12,066 --> 00:28:12,999 哈哈哈 506 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:15,800 那你们可以把中间的这一段截掉 507 00:28:15,800 --> 00:28:17,300 嗯 8点钟 508 00:28:17,300 --> 00:28:18,800 暂时8点钟上课了 509 00:28:18,800 --> 00:28:20,400 这种声音得天天迟到 510 00:28:20,400 --> 00:28:23,866 那咋办你非要我哥哥 511 00:28:30,100 --> 00:28:32,666 那我觉得你可能不太适合这个什么 512 00:28:32,666 --> 00:28:35,099 你要不听那个奇迹国圣经 513 00:28:35,133 --> 00:28:37,333 逗逼吧怎么这么菜呀这个 514 00:28:37,333 --> 00:28:39,733 你要不听那个起来吧太有感觉 515 00:28:39,733 --> 00:28:40,999 哈哈哈 516 00:28:41,666 --> 00:28:42,733 快点哥们都起 517 00:28:42,733 --> 00:28:45,366 你们怎么都起这么早呀 518 00:28:45,366 --> 00:28:48,399 你们你们哎你们 519 00:28:48,666 --> 00:28:51,766 呃呃8点挺早的呀 520 00:28:52,533 --> 00:28:56,999 6点半到九点每过一分钟录一个啊 521 00:28:59,733 --> 00:29:03,266 嗯对然后抽到这个起床0的有 522 00:29:03,500 --> 00:29:07,000 有嗯今天有人在吗 523 00:29:07,000 --> 00:29:09,766 抽到起床0的有我看一下 524 00:29:11,066 --> 00:29:13,999 嗯嗯嗯 525 00:29:15,266 --> 00:29:17,099 好像有零笛吧 526 00:29:17,100 --> 00:29:20,733 对然后尤文奥特曼在吗嘿嘿嘿 527 00:29:22,400 --> 00:29:23,300 嗯 528 00:29:24,333 --> 00:29:27,466 风行天下客防穿 529 00:29:28,333 --> 00:29:30,366 轻舞飞扬奥飞少 530 00:29:33,000 --> 00:29:35,400 纯粮皇家骑士 531 00:29:35,933 --> 00:29:36,466 呃我 532 00:29:36,466 --> 00:29:39,666 可以给你们单独念一遍刚才的内容 533 00:29:39,666 --> 00:29:42,166 就加根生命什么时候抽的 534 00:29:42,166 --> 00:29:43,366 生日的那天 535 00:29:43,600 --> 00:29:44,866 生日的那天 536 00:29:45,266 --> 00:29:47,466 然后可以单独念个署名的 537 00:29:47,466 --> 00:29:50,166 然后是公用的那个就在边上的 538 00:29:50,166 --> 00:29:53,499 如果你们有想定制的内容的话也可以 539 00:29:54,000 --> 00:29:55,133 如果是你的话 540 00:29:55,133 --> 00:29:56,533 有病吧语言沙香绿 541 00:29:56,533 --> 00:29:59,699 嘴巴也不必一遍遍眼巴巴要抱抱 542 00:30:00,566 --> 00:30:01,933 哈哈有病吧 543 00:30:01,933 --> 00:30:05,333 这么晚了还不起床有病吧哈哈 544 00:30:05,600 --> 00:30:07,600 你以为烟人跟烟一样都是两个 545 00:30:07,600 --> 00:30:09,133 不是说粉碎主播吗 546 00:30:09,400 --> 00:30:10,666 不是说粉碎主播吗 547 00:30:10,666 --> 00:30:11,566 怎么开的这么早 548 00:30:11,566 --> 00:30:12,799 欢迎你啊想你 549 00:30:12,900 --> 00:30:14,933 你5点就起来打会了 550 00:30:16,400 --> 00:30:17,166 真的假的 551 00:30:17,166 --> 00:30:19,766 烟拜拜烟拜拜烟拜拜 552 00:30:20,466 --> 00:30:21,966 对闹钟音声 553 00:30:22,066 --> 00:30:23,066 对你们 554 00:30:23,066 --> 00:30:25,399 你们如果有想指定我念的东西 555 00:30:25,400 --> 00:30:26,866 可以让我那什么 556 00:30:27,100 --> 00:30:28,333 嗯可以让我念 557 00:30:28,333 --> 00:30:30,099 然后如果说那个 558 00:30:30,500 --> 00:30:33,366 你们抽到了之后没有什么想要的 559 00:30:33,366 --> 00:30:34,366 那我就会 560 00:30:34,366 --> 00:30:36,699 你就可以说要日语的还是要中文的 561 00:30:36,700 --> 00:30:38,766 然后我把那个你的名字 562 00:30:39,366 --> 00:30:40,699 加进去嗯 563 00:30:42,100 --> 00:30:44,300 晚上好晚上好 564 00:30:47,466 --> 00:30:51,133 噔噔噔噔噔噔噔噔 565 00:30:51,800 --> 00:30:52,966 噔噔 566 00:30:53,866 --> 00:30:55,599 噔噔噔噔 567 00:30:56,266 --> 00:30:57,533 噔噔噔噔 568 00:30:58,466 --> 00:31:02,099 主播的口红小样啊啊 569 00:31:02,133 --> 00:31:03,866 香水小样吧 570 00:31:04,266 --> 00:31:07,533 两毫升到5毫升不等原装 571 00:31:09,866 --> 00:31:12,199 刚一边洗澡一边外放直播 572 00:31:12,200 --> 00:31:13,466 然后被你爸妈敲门了 573 00:31:13,466 --> 00:31:13,999 你在干嘛 574 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:15,866 你早说呀你早说呀 575 00:31:16,933 --> 00:31:20,266 这个变态一边洗澡一边看寡人 576 00:31:22,800 --> 00:31:24,266 汉语困惑害怕 577 00:31:24,266 --> 00:31:26,366 打咩家乡话speak 578 00:31:28,600 --> 00:31:30,166 你是头天测试抽的 579 00:31:30,166 --> 00:31:32,466 嗯对还有还有谁来着 580 00:31:32,466 --> 00:31:37,099 还有还有还有还有冒个泡就走军 581 00:31:37,400 --> 00:31:40,366 对我记得还有冒个泡就走进 582 00:31:40,600 --> 00:31:42,700 怎么85件了是吗 583 00:31:44,100 --> 00:31:44,900 哈哈哈 584 00:31:44,900 --> 00:31:49,733 79件就等于说不过不要不要鸭蛋呀 585 00:31:51,600 --> 00:31:54,133 看管人怎么了看管人怎么了 586 00:31:56,466 --> 00:31:57,899 怎么看管人不行吗 587 00:31:57,900 --> 00:31:59,533 你们你们可以那什么 588 00:31:59,600 --> 00:32:01,466 我也可以给你们录一个 589 00:32:02,766 --> 00:32:05,666 早安又是美好的一天 590 00:32:05,700 --> 00:32:09,933 香草加橙汁今天有好好的看管人吗 591 00:32:10,366 --> 00:32:11,266 哈哈哈 592 00:32:11,266 --> 00:32:15,533 今天有好好的锁定22894962直播间吗 593 00:32:15,566 --> 00:32:18,466 今天也有这个哎 594 00:32:20,100 --> 00:32:23,500 全心全意的这个喜欢米呀米呀吗 595 00:32:23,500 --> 00:32:25,066 哎太嘎吃了不行 596 00:32:25,066 --> 00:32:28,533 今天也有这个认燕子当爹吗 597 00:32:29,733 --> 00:32:31,666 什么香草定制射死马路 598 00:32:31,666 --> 00:32:33,399 你小时候不看管人吗 599 00:32:33,466 --> 00:32:36,499 咪呀咪呀我从小看到大 600 00:32:37,266 --> 00:32:42,266 管人迟到你对我说路口大开头 601 00:32:42,266 --> 00:32:43,933 尽管苦纳赛 602 00:32:44,700 --> 00:32:49,400 勇敢追个人的梦想那搞笑的模样 603 00:32:50,200 --> 00:32:51,666 哈哈哈 604 00:32:52,000 --> 00:32:54,900 听着燕子的声音我打灰都有劲了 605 00:32:54,900 --> 00:32:57,733 你大半夜12点你打啥呢在这 606 00:32:59,100 --> 00:32:59,966 罕见 607 00:33:01,900 --> 00:33:03,800 两梦了马上取关 608 00:33:04,566 --> 00:33:05,399 干嘛 609 00:33:09,000 --> 00:33:12,400 super idol的笑容都没你的甜 610 00:33:12,400 --> 00:33:16,333 8月正午的阳光都没你耀眼 611 00:33:16,566 --> 00:33:19,333 热爱这做怪人痴的你 612 00:33:19,333 --> 00:33:22,266 像个蠢蠢的是变态 613 00:33:23,300 --> 00:33:24,966 都哈哈哈 614 00:33:26,600 --> 00:33:29,366 求求了我不我不 615 00:33:29,366 --> 00:33:31,499 就要跑调才有那个感觉 616 00:33:32,333 --> 00:33:34,866 就要跑调才有那个感觉 617 00:33:34,866 --> 00:33:36,933 我也好好录过这首歌的 618 00:33:37,333 --> 00:33:38,866 我不是给你们放过吗 619 00:33:38,866 --> 00:33:40,899 虽然我我不是好好唱的 620 00:33:43,200 --> 00:33:44,666 主播唱的还行 621 00:33:45,066 --> 00:33:46,899 一下牺牲你的滤镜 622 00:33:47,133 --> 00:33:49,766 查询一下牺牲的滤镜后主啊 623 00:33:56,133 --> 00:33:58,333 泼大气的笑脸 624 00:33:58,566 --> 00:33:59,399 有呀 625 00:33:59,600 --> 00:34:03,600 也都有的好不好好录我感觉差别不大 626 00:34:03,600 --> 00:34:05,333 所以干脆就白搭了 627 00:34:06,866 --> 00:34:07,333 好不好 628 00:34:07,333 --> 00:34:10,466 和路差别都不大所以干脆就白了 629 00:34:12,266 --> 00:34:14,499 对音乐人攻击性拉满是吧 630 00:34:14,500 --> 00:34:17,333 那对窝里横主播一直一直都是 631 00:34:17,466 --> 00:34:19,299 非常窝里横的人呢 632 00:34:19,300 --> 00:34:20,933 嘿嘿谢谢 633 00:34:20,933 --> 00:34:24,133 刷存在的梦幻的紫金宝和的幸运石 634 00:34:24,133 --> 00:34:25,066 阿里一个到 635 00:34:25,066 --> 00:34:26,199 谢谢支持 636 00:34:26,266 --> 00:34:33,499 的super idol的笑容都没你的甜 637 00:34:33,500 --> 00:34:38,333 8月正午的阳光都没你耀眼 638 00:34:38,466 --> 00:34:41,966 热爱这做怪人吃的你 639 00:34:41,966 --> 00:34:45,766 像个蠢蠢的死变态 640 00:34:47,333 --> 00:34:50,499 你不知道你有多损害 641 00:34:51,666 --> 00:34:56,466 能不能连麦攻击别的拐人主播 642 00:34:57,900 --> 00:34:59,800 我为什么要攻击别人拐人啊 643 00:34:59,800 --> 00:35:01,566 我肯定要攻击你们啊 644 00:35:01,600 --> 00:35:05,366 跟别人拐人真不是就跟咱爷爷人生 645 00:35:06,933 --> 00:35:08,899 我不做管人吃我干嘛呀 646 00:35:09,466 --> 00:35:11,499 我不看管人我干嘛呀 647 00:35:18,966 --> 00:35:21,266 我李横我李横怎么了 648 00:35:21,333 --> 00:35:23,133 你瞧不起我李横吗 649 00:35:23,133 --> 00:35:24,733 你瞧不起我吗 650 00:35:25,700 --> 00:35:27,166 欢迎心若潮汐 651 00:35:27,733 --> 00:35:30,933 你瞧不起我李横对吧嗯 652 00:35:34,300 --> 00:35:36,566 我以后是不正确的 653 00:35:36,900 --> 00:35:37,766 嗯 654 00:35:38,766 --> 00:35:39,966 嗯 655 00:35:43,266 --> 00:35:44,266 肉肉你的脸 656 00:35:44,266 --> 00:35:47,766 哈哈哈我不知道怎么跟你们这个 657 00:35:47,766 --> 00:35:49,599 呃温温柔柔的呀 658 00:35:49,600 --> 00:35:53,333 温柔一温柔就是哎呀主播真别当绿茶 659 00:35:53,366 --> 00:35:54,866 真不好这口 660 00:35:54,900 --> 00:35:55,933 哦哦 661 00:35:57,133 --> 00:35:59,399 你们喜欢什么样的呀 662 00:36:00,133 --> 00:36:01,499 晚上好呀 663 00:36:01,500 --> 00:36:02,733 听我吵醒 664 00:36:05,966 --> 00:36:09,533 主播在窝里狠狠的攻击我 665 00:36:10,200 --> 00:36:12,266 谁跟你在一个窝里啊 666 00:36:12,266 --> 00:36:14,766 bug喷嚏乌鲁塞 667 00:36:16,300 --> 00:36:18,000 谁跟你在一个窝里 668 00:36:19,066 --> 00:36:21,866 内战唤神外战投降 669 00:36:21,933 --> 00:36:24,899 那就是这样的内战内行外战外行 670 00:36:24,900 --> 00:36:26,933 主播老内战达人了 671 00:36:27,266 --> 00:36:29,133 怎么跟英嫣说话呢 672 00:36:29,133 --> 00:36:31,666 不守焉得的英嫣人哼 673 00:36:36,300 --> 00:36:37,900 GN收收位 674 00:36:38,566 --> 00:36:39,366 嗯 675 00:36:39,933 --> 00:36:41,666 你是新关注我的吗 676 00:36:41,666 --> 00:36:44,099 怎么你已经会说GN收收位了 677 00:36:45,066 --> 00:36:47,299 他们把你带坏了 678 00:36:48,133 --> 00:36:48,933 啊 679 00:36:50,733 --> 00:36:54,066 主播能听一下大风的新歌开版吗 680 00:36:54,066 --> 00:36:55,066 那不行啊 681 00:36:55,166 --> 00:36:55,999 不行的 682 00:36:57,200 --> 00:36:58,533 这啥歌呀 683 00:37:07,100 --> 00:37:10,400 不这啥歌怎么会退到我的CFM里面 684 00:37:11,100 --> 00:37:13,466 过一点mini mini过一点又渴 685 00:37:13,500 --> 00:37:15,200 感觉我不会再不快乐了 686 00:37:15,200 --> 00:37:16,733 来一根冰糖葫芦啊 687 00:37:16,733 --> 00:37:19,566 没香感觉我不会再不快乐了 688 00:37:19,566 --> 00:37:20,366 尝尝尝尝 689 00:37:22,266 --> 00:37:23,366 对你微笑 690 00:37:23,366 --> 00:37:24,199 门也没有 691 00:37:28,466 --> 00:37:31,466 我的私人FM里本来都是一些 692 00:37:31,466 --> 00:37:35,066 很好听很有品味的纯音乐 693 00:37:38,900 --> 00:37:41,366 我知道为什么了都怪你们 694 00:37:41,366 --> 00:37:44,466 昨天你们吵吵嚷嚷的想要溜电棍 695 00:37:44,466 --> 00:37:46,066 然后我就用我的网易云 696 00:37:46,066 --> 00:37:47,733 搜了三首电棍的歌 697 00:37:47,733 --> 00:37:48,266 他就觉得 698 00:37:48,266 --> 00:37:49,766 我喜欢这些东西 699 00:37:49,900 --> 00:37:51,766 都怪嫣嫣人想溜电棍 700 00:37:51,766 --> 00:37:53,399 都怪我太宠你们了 701 00:37:55,766 --> 00:37:58,366 我不听的呀我从来没听过这个东西 702 00:37:58,366 --> 00:37:59,699 谁这么土呀 703 00:37:59,700 --> 00:38:00,866 我不爱听 704 00:38:00,966 --> 00:38:01,999 晚上好安慰 705 00:38:02,000 --> 00:38:02,800 请假 706 00:38:03,400 --> 00:38:05,600 什么呀欢迎夏天喵 707 00:38:05,600 --> 00:38:07,500 你好多夏天喵 708 00:38:07,733 --> 00:38:08,866 我们吵吵嚷嚷那 709 00:38:08,866 --> 00:38:11,499 对呀你们吵吵嚷嚷的跟我说要听的 710 00:38:11,500 --> 00:38:13,666 我熬不过你们没办法吗 711 00:38:13,666 --> 00:38:15,733 哎呀虽然儿子很任性 712 00:38:15,966 --> 00:38:17,266 青春期很叛逆 713 00:38:17,266 --> 00:38:20,066 但是我当妈妈的也要多包容包容 714 00:38:21,200 --> 00:38:22,900 这原来弹幕员我反对 715 00:38:22,900 --> 00:38:24,500 你反对是没效果的 716 00:38:25,700 --> 00:38:27,466 你反正是没效果的 717 00:38:27,466 --> 00:38:30,799 我只能说给你脑残两个字啊 718 00:38:31,200 --> 00:38:32,900 他说我是脑残啊 719 00:38:32,900 --> 00:38:34,600 对对对啊 720 00:38:36,466 --> 00:38:39,733 啊我生气了 721 00:38:39,866 --> 00:38:41,333 谢谢林上的关注 722 00:38:41,333 --> 00:38:42,399 这谁关注我 723 00:38:42,400 --> 00:38:44,100 怎么有人见长刚关注 724 00:38:44,100 --> 00:38:45,800 我一听阿里 725 00:38:45,800 --> 00:38:47,466 一听阿里是什么 726 00:38:51,300 --> 00:38:55,733 哈达西只有你那里呆呢哈哈 727 00:38:57,933 --> 00:38:59,599 你们吃了那个 728 00:39:00,200 --> 00:39:01,866 西海的瓜吗 729 00:39:02,100 --> 00:39:03,666 你们今天吃了吗 730 00:39:03,666 --> 00:39:05,933 我今天一吃吃了一整天 731 00:39:07,366 --> 00:39:10,133 吃的我好好噎 732 00:39:10,766 --> 00:39:13,333 好久好久没有这么大的瓜了 733 00:39:22,133 --> 00:39:24,333 你谁呀什么怎么了 734 00:39:28,566 --> 00:39:30,533 谢谢MH酱的粉玫瑰 735 00:39:30,533 --> 00:39:31,999 阿里盖的你都不用吃 736 00:39:32,000 --> 00:39:34,366 你看评论区就知道是啥事了 737 00:39:34,600 --> 00:39:37,533 一看了评论区那你不是也知道吗 738 00:39:38,266 --> 00:39:39,733 来点锐评就看看 739 00:39:39,733 --> 00:39:41,466 以前发一条动态是这样的 740 00:39:41,466 --> 00:39:43,533 两个事情赶到一起了 741 00:39:43,800 --> 00:39:44,766 大家都知道 742 00:39:44,966 --> 00:39:47,566 海子姐打那个打a吗 743 00:39:47,666 --> 00:39:48,899 他打a然后a 744 00:39:48,900 --> 00:39:51,900 那边不是有主播跟他之前关系挺好 745 00:39:51,900 --> 00:39:52,700 的吗 746 00:39:53,566 --> 00:39:54,766 就是那个 747 00:39:55,333 --> 00:39:56,899 美少女凯莎 748 00:39:57,000 --> 00:39:58,900 就a那边的大主播 749 00:39:58,900 --> 00:40:01,500 然后之前这两个人也是关系挺好的 750 00:40:01,500 --> 00:40:03,766 朋友之前孩子姐不是有那个什么 751 00:40:04,066 --> 00:40:05,999 7那个什么事件吗 752 00:40:06,000 --> 00:40:10,400 然后这个凯莎口嗨了一句之后 753 00:40:11,166 --> 00:40:14,333 但也没有太说什么吧就说那个 754 00:40:14,533 --> 00:40:15,699 那个什么睡 755 00:40:15,700 --> 00:40:18,100 什么来就就原话就这么说了 756 00:40:18,100 --> 00:40:20,866 然后就就没有什么别的了 757 00:40:21,400 --> 00:40:24,366 孩子姐就破房然后直播骂他 758 00:40:24,366 --> 00:40:25,733 发微博骂他 759 00:40:26,166 --> 00:40:27,666 他他华贵道歉 760 00:40:27,666 --> 00:40:28,966 第二天录播出了之后 761 00:40:28,966 --> 00:40:30,566 发现自己其实也没说啥 762 00:40:30,566 --> 00:40:32,533 然后就把道歉给删了 763 00:40:35,666 --> 00:40:38,166 这是第一件事这不是最重要的事 764 00:40:38,166 --> 00:40:41,599 因为那个这个节奏其实说大不大 765 00:40:41,600 --> 00:40:42,666 说小不小 766 00:40:42,900 --> 00:40:46,133 但是最重要的那个事情呢是什么 767 00:40:46,133 --> 00:40:47,666 是第二件事 768 00:40:53,866 --> 00:40:57,466 就是呃他直播的时候说到那个 769 00:40:57,466 --> 00:40:59,733 之前那个耳机的事情 770 00:40:59,766 --> 00:41:03,199 那个耳机保严的那个事 771 00:41:03,200 --> 00:41:06,366 然后他就做出了一些呃 772 00:41:06,366 --> 00:41:09,533 很容易被三减一不是很恰当的评论 773 00:41:09,900 --> 00:41:11,400 之后就挨冲了 774 00:41:11,400 --> 00:41:13,800 因为这个是基本该官定论 775 00:41:13,800 --> 00:41:15,700 是不允许有任何商讨的 776 00:41:15,700 --> 00:41:19,333 基本就一定是要肯定要反对他的 777 00:41:19,333 --> 00:41:20,199 就包括我本人 778 00:41:20,200 --> 00:41:22,333 我觉得这个事都很很不正确 779 00:41:22,333 --> 00:41:23,133 对 780 00:41:23,700 --> 00:41:26,100 对取关然后下房管拉黑 781 00:41:26,100 --> 00:41:30,000 就两个世界在一起就就一下就炸了 782 00:41:30,000 --> 00:41:32,200 他那个一下就炸了 783 00:41:41,766 --> 00:41:45,733 我今天刷这个相关都是什么呢 784 00:41:45,733 --> 00:41:46,699 都是什么 785 00:41:47,466 --> 00:41:48,733 他们都在刷 786 00:41:48,733 --> 00:41:50,966 那个那个断头 787 00:41:50,966 --> 00:41:54,199 断头王后吧还是断头女王来着 788 00:41:54,966 --> 00:41:57,933 就那个他们都在说 789 00:41:57,933 --> 00:41:59,599 就他还太年轻 790 00:41:59,600 --> 00:42:02,133 不知道命运馈赠的礼物 791 00:42:02,133 --> 00:42:06,066 早已在暗中标注好了价格 792 00:42:06,533 --> 00:42:08,466 我没有骗女孩子钱 793 00:42:10,366 --> 00:42:15,566 我就是觉得作为公众人物确实这个 794 00:42:16,000 --> 00:42:18,900 屏啊这些什么人 795 00:42:20,333 --> 00:42:22,566 还是要谨慎谨慎发言 796 00:42:22,566 --> 00:42:25,199 而且他现在体量这么大 797 00:42:25,600 --> 00:42:27,966 一有节奏就很出圈 798 00:42:27,966 --> 00:42:29,166 我现在发现 799 00:42:29,166 --> 00:42:30,066 很多不看 800 00:42:30,066 --> 00:42:33,333 管人的人也都在讨论这个事情了 801 00:42:33,733 --> 00:42:35,399 对注意严重 802 00:42:35,500 --> 00:42:36,300 是啊 803 00:42:37,333 --> 00:42:39,366 肯定要注意言论的 804 00:42:42,466 --> 00:42:44,566 因为越多人关注你 805 00:42:44,566 --> 00:42:47,666 就说明你的言论传播的越快嘛 806 00:42:47,866 --> 00:42:49,799 你你反黑也没用啊 807 00:42:49,800 --> 00:42:54,200 我我那个啥好多都都论了 808 00:42:55,066 --> 00:42:57,699 农村这个引以为戒 809 00:42:57,900 --> 00:42:59,166 出锅也不能菜 810 00:42:59,266 --> 00:43:00,599 天天这一瓶 811 00:43:01,933 --> 00:43:04,699 天天天天天天瓶这瓶那的 812 00:43:04,700 --> 00:43:07,400 万一哪天撞枪口上了咋办 813 00:43:09,366 --> 00:43:12,133 实名制上网是是不一样的 814 00:43:12,400 --> 00:43:14,266 那个那个不是那什么 815 00:43:14,266 --> 00:43:17,066 你这个翠莎为什么你翠莎拍这个图标 816 00:43:17,066 --> 00:43:19,799 我看他们那个同心姐那个牌子有图标 817 00:43:19,800 --> 00:43:21,733 很可爱的一个小图标 818 00:43:34,866 --> 00:43:36,699 测试嗯 819 00:43:37,066 --> 00:43:37,866 哎 820 00:43:38,733 --> 00:43:40,299 为什么你的没有 821 00:43:42,700 --> 00:43:45,400 坏了家人们收邮件了 822 00:43:45,766 --> 00:43:47,533 先看看说了些啥 823 00:44:01,400 --> 00:44:04,766 一上学就是每天定的这个邮箱 824 00:44:04,966 --> 00:44:06,933 24小时待命 825 00:44:13,800 --> 00:44:15,600 没事了好了 826 00:44:16,100 --> 00:44:19,100 测试我的阴影为什么没有 827 00:44:19,133 --> 00:44:20,566 哎你们有什么呀 828 00:44:20,566 --> 00:44:21,499 为什么我没有 829 00:44:21,500 --> 00:44:22,333 欢迎6鸟 830 00:44:23,400 --> 00:44:25,733 这什么刚出来就收到律师函 831 00:44:26,800 --> 00:44:28,900 我操吃没蛋了是吧 832 00:44:29,500 --> 00:44:32,766 还能说话吗主播我吃没蛋了是吧 833 00:44:35,333 --> 00:44:36,933 关于抄话来全是名 834 00:44:37,000 --> 00:44:38,966 我们是公布每天发1万个邮件 835 00:44:38,966 --> 00:44:40,133 我们这不行 836 00:44:40,200 --> 00:44:41,333 我们这发邮件 837 00:44:41,333 --> 00:44:43,566 我们跟老师唯一的联系就是中 838 00:44:43,566 --> 00:44:44,466 跟邮件了 839 00:44:44,466 --> 00:44:45,399 没别的了 840 00:44:47,600 --> 00:44:49,400 现在你们去水个视频 841 00:44:49,400 --> 00:44:51,066 发个山那个 842 00:44:51,166 --> 00:44:54,666 山海子姐牌子的视频都能几万播放量 843 00:44:55,866 --> 00:44:58,499 哎我这下真要散了 844 00:44:59,600 --> 00:45:03,500 感觉感觉这一波节奏很难结构了 845 00:45:03,566 --> 00:45:06,466 其实就作为我来看舞台的 846 00:45:06,466 --> 00:45:08,966 姐那个这些节奏 847 00:45:09,533 --> 00:45:10,666 真不少 848 00:45:11,766 --> 00:45:16,766 就就真一直都不少但是他都就 849 00:45:17,133 --> 00:45:19,133 都挺过来这次看见 850 00:45:19,766 --> 00:45:21,766 真的要散了 851 00:45:24,566 --> 00:45:27,999 我们翠莎想蒸发一个米还是很容易的 852 00:45:28,366 --> 00:45:30,799 翠莎你不会来看我吧 853 00:45:30,800 --> 00:45:32,166 没关系吧 854 00:45:40,533 --> 00:45:42,299 该收还是收 855 00:45:43,700 --> 00:45:46,400 但是路人缘不行了呀 856 00:45:46,400 --> 00:45:49,666 路人缘记了就完蛋了呀 857 00:45:53,333 --> 00:45:54,466 主要他 858 00:45:54,600 --> 00:45:58,800 肯定没办法维持之前的那个体谅了 859 00:46:02,966 --> 00:46:04,499 自欺欺人 860 00:46:05,133 --> 00:46:06,566 你们别啊批了 861 00:46:06,566 --> 00:46:10,266 哪有人欺负我呀没人欺负我呀 862 00:46:10,400 --> 00:46:13,600 就你们看VR的那个新工商了吗 863 00:46:14,500 --> 00:46:16,700 你们看VR的新工商了吗 864 00:46:16,933 --> 00:46:19,133 工商都给切割了 865 00:46:20,300 --> 00:46:24,466 本来那个明日之后联动直播嘛然后 866 00:46:25,366 --> 00:46:30,266 不是他跟阿紫然后临时就换成小可了 867 00:46:30,600 --> 00:46:33,933 提前半个小时换成小可就感觉 868 00:46:34,100 --> 00:46:35,933 紧急换人就 869 00:46:38,866 --> 00:46:40,499 神圣分离者 870 00:46:40,600 --> 00:46:43,700 哈哈哈神圣分离者 871 00:46:47,266 --> 00:46:49,666 对啊直播都不馋了 872 00:46:56,133 --> 00:46:58,066 可可伊来了 873 00:46:58,700 --> 00:47:01,200 哎其实我我一直很好奇一件事啊 874 00:47:01,200 --> 00:47:03,500 我一直特别特别好奇一件事就是 875 00:47:03,866 --> 00:47:05,333 你们谈到小可 876 00:47:05,333 --> 00:47:07,066 永远都会说小可人挺好的 877 00:47:07,066 --> 00:47:08,299 小可唱歌不错 878 00:47:08,366 --> 00:47:09,599 小可节目效果也有 879 00:47:09,600 --> 00:47:11,166 但是呢小可皮不好看 880 00:47:11,166 --> 00:47:13,333 你们真的觉得小可皮不好看吗 881 00:47:14,600 --> 00:47:17,533 大家是认真的觉得小可的皮肤好看吗 882 00:47:17,733 --> 00:47:20,333 你带个水剑月说可可英来了 883 00:47:20,333 --> 00:47:22,299 你欺负主播不识字是吧 884 00:47:23,466 --> 00:47:25,666 只和可直播不猜米 885 00:47:26,866 --> 00:47:29,533 经典我认识只可只可不认识我是吧 886 00:47:29,533 --> 00:47:32,399 不觉得小孩子来喽 887 00:47:33,333 --> 00:47:34,999 你觉得他只有一个屁还可以 888 00:47:35,000 --> 00:47:35,966 现在的这个吗 889 00:47:35,966 --> 00:47:37,299 还是以前的那个 890 00:47:40,133 --> 00:47:42,333 外套脱了的时候好看 891 00:47:42,900 --> 00:47:45,166 小可乐皮是松伟画的 892 00:47:45,333 --> 00:47:46,766 真不好看吗 893 00:47:47,166 --> 00:47:48,299 真不好看吗 894 00:47:48,300 --> 00:47:50,700 我觉得小可乐皮特符合我身脉 895 00:47:50,933 --> 00:47:53,133 但是松伟老师画的呀 896 00:47:58,333 --> 00:47:59,899 3D的那个还可以 897 00:47:59,900 --> 00:48:00,866 3D的那个 898 00:48:00,866 --> 00:48:03,599 就没有那么有宋梅老师的那个感觉了 899 00:48:03,600 --> 00:48:05,966 我觉得小可耐2D皮真挺漂亮的 900 00:48:06,300 --> 00:48:08,333 哎怎么都都感觉不行 901 00:48:08,333 --> 00:48:09,966 第一个皮确实不行啊 902 00:48:10,000 --> 00:48:12,500 这个这个现在目前用的这个 903 00:48:14,066 --> 00:48:15,466 你瑞平我水建院 904 00:48:15,466 --> 00:48:17,133 水建院是谁的大牌子 905 00:48:17,966 --> 00:48:19,133 坏了坏了 906 00:48:19,333 --> 00:48:20,499 对不起啊对不起 907 00:48:20,500 --> 00:48:22,133 主播永远不识泰山 908 00:48:22,133 --> 00:48:23,999 嗯柯可可的柯头 909 00:48:24,000 --> 00:48:25,800 嗯嗯哈哈哈 910 00:48:26,700 --> 00:48:29,300 现在的不太喜欢这样做 911 00:48:35,000 --> 00:48:38,000 把我的标题改成10年没有新店长了 912 00:48:44,366 --> 00:48:46,166 之前我特别无聊的时候 913 00:48:46,166 --> 00:48:47,399 首先刷到一宝可梦 914 00:48:47,400 --> 00:48:49,366 视频不知道大家看没看过 915 00:48:49,500 --> 00:48:52,566 就那个波克比咬手指大赛 916 00:48:54,166 --> 00:48:54,999 两边的那个 917 00:48:55,000 --> 00:48:56,900 啊不是是是不是不是波克比 918 00:48:56,900 --> 00:48:57,866 那叫什么来着 919 00:48:57,866 --> 00:48:59,166 长得像个蛋一样的 920 00:48:59,166 --> 00:49:00,266 那那叫什么来着 921 00:49:00,266 --> 00:49:02,466 波克比是奥利的吧 922 00:49:02,966 --> 00:49:04,199 我忘了 923 00:49:05,066 --> 00:49:07,733 就是那个就是一个蛋咬手指 924 00:49:07,900 --> 00:49:09,466 对对对叫波克比 925 00:49:09,466 --> 00:49:12,999 对对对那个波克比咬手指大赛 926 00:49:13,000 --> 00:49:14,666 你们看过那个没有 927 00:49:14,666 --> 00:49:16,599 如果你们非常非常无聊的话 928 00:49:16,600 --> 00:49:18,200 我强烈推荐你们去看看 929 00:49:18,200 --> 00:49:19,866 波克比咬手指大赛 930 00:49:21,300 --> 00:49:23,333 特搞笑我跟你们说 931 00:49:24,766 --> 00:49:27,133 鲤鱼鱼啊鲤鱼呀 932 00:49:27,800 --> 00:49:29,366 嗯挺好的 933 00:49:30,400 --> 00:49:31,533 波克比不是蛋 934 00:49:31,533 --> 00:49:32,966 对对对对对 935 00:49:33,066 --> 00:49:35,866 就是那个两边互相咬手指的那个 936 00:49:36,000 --> 00:49:37,700 特好玩我榜一呢 937 00:49:37,700 --> 00:49:39,500 哦你还是榜一啊 938 00:49:40,900 --> 00:49:42,400 这就是看主播在演的 939 00:49:42,400 --> 00:49:45,366 主播什么时候那个这个爱摁混了 940 00:49:45,366 --> 00:49:47,733 我们就一起看波克比摇手指大赛 941 00:49:47,866 --> 00:49:49,166 烟烟可爱单推 942 00:49:49,166 --> 00:49:50,799 这是从你嘴里说出来的话 943 00:49:51,800 --> 00:49:54,566 这是这是这是从你嘴里说出来的话 944 00:49:54,566 --> 00:49:56,266 哈哈哈欢迎 945 00:49:56,266 --> 00:49:58,299 哈哈魔王糖来了 946 00:49:58,300 --> 00:50:00,000 嗯魔王糖什么 947 00:50:03,566 --> 00:50:05,966 家人们我的水杯好像漏水 948 00:50:06,766 --> 00:50:09,799 我我这水杯被他底下是湿的呀 949 00:50:10,066 --> 00:50:11,566 他好像漏水 950 00:50:15,733 --> 00:50:17,766 想跳船来了 951 00:50:37,266 --> 00:50:39,133 怎么卡了卡了吗 952 00:50:39,600 --> 00:50:41,900 嗯卡了吗 953 00:50:44,700 --> 00:50:47,000 你的王牛奶牌子会掉 954 00:50:47,200 --> 00:50:48,666 你没带着吧 955 00:50:48,666 --> 00:50:51,366 会掉了的牌子在弹幕机里能看到的 956 00:50:51,366 --> 00:50:53,566 但是我现在看不到你的牌子 957 00:50:54,200 --> 00:50:56,166 怎么了怎么反管了 958 00:50:58,600 --> 00:51:01,466 其实最近有挺多小瓜能吃的 959 00:51:01,466 --> 00:51:02,899 我吃了个饱饱 960 00:51:02,900 --> 00:51:05,533 就那个松粉甜那那瓜有点烂 961 00:51:05,600 --> 00:51:07,666 我就不跟大伙说了 962 00:51:08,333 --> 00:51:11,533 你们看那个你们之前关注那个就 963 00:51:12,366 --> 00:51:14,066 新奈林那个 964 00:51:14,066 --> 00:51:17,999 新年回然后上总督的总督福地 965 00:51:18,000 --> 00:51:21,333 是跟新奈林通话10分钟吗 966 00:51:21,966 --> 00:51:24,066 你们你们看到那个了吗 967 00:51:24,200 --> 00:51:26,000 你们如何评价这个 968 00:51:32,900 --> 00:51:36,600 对连麦10分钟天隐神来了 969 00:51:36,600 --> 00:51:39,200 哈哈哈什么万向天隐 970 00:51:39,200 --> 00:51:41,766 大伙能不能给我万向天隐点呢 971 00:51:41,766 --> 00:51:43,099 给我隐隐呗 972 00:51:43,100 --> 00:51:44,600 我都没兴趣吃 973 00:51:44,866 --> 00:51:46,599 一分钟2,000块 974 00:51:48,300 --> 00:51:50,200 新爱林目前榜一 975 00:51:51,800 --> 00:51:54,733 哇林迪是新爱林的榜一 976 00:51:56,166 --> 00:51:57,866 没米不平价 977 00:51:57,966 --> 00:51:59,966 那个不是林宝自己搞的吧 978 00:51:59,966 --> 00:52:02,199 那是运营铸币操作搞的吧 979 00:52:02,200 --> 00:52:04,900 我今天看到那个切片了 980 00:52:05,200 --> 00:52:09,200 就经典运营制定一个傻宝策略 981 00:52:09,200 --> 00:52:11,600 然后把微推出来道歉 982 00:52:13,766 --> 00:52:15,866 蔫蔫的现场连麦便宜 983 00:52:15,866 --> 00:52:17,599 多便宜大碗是吧 984 00:52:18,333 --> 00:52:19,666 我没有运营啊 985 00:52:19,666 --> 00:52:21,666 晚上好晚上好 986 00:52:22,966 --> 00:52:25,699 那是你们想攻击我都没关系啥 987 00:52:25,700 --> 00:52:28,700 要是Asso买这个玉帝得乐死 988 00:52:30,500 --> 00:52:33,000 现在0的运营好像有点傻 989 00:52:33,200 --> 00:52:34,000 我感觉 990 00:52:34,300 --> 00:52:37,766 上次也是跟猫雷的那个事也是 991 00:52:37,766 --> 00:52:39,499 就天天老是 992 00:52:39,500 --> 00:52:41,600 现在0出来道歉 993 00:52:41,866 --> 00:52:43,166 但是这些角色 994 00:52:43,166 --> 00:52:45,299 其实很多都不是他做的吧 995 00:52:45,300 --> 00:52:47,100 都是那运营搞的吧 996 00:52:47,366 --> 00:52:48,566 咋这笨呢 997 00:52:48,566 --> 00:52:49,399 对啊 998 00:52:50,366 --> 00:52:52,766 运营咋能搞成这样呢 999 00:52:53,400 --> 00:52:56,366 不过日本这边就喜欢玩圆者蹲吧 1000 00:52:56,366 --> 00:52:58,566 明明是公司决策做错了 1001 00:52:58,566 --> 00:52:59,866 然后经典的 1002 00:52:59,966 --> 00:53:03,566 把这个主播推出来跟大伙道歉 1003 00:53:03,700 --> 00:53:04,933 哎呀错了错了 1004 00:53:04,933 --> 00:53:08,266 其实跟主播本人没啥关系吧 1005 00:53:09,266 --> 00:53:12,299 对啊因为这样连麦你们咋都不说话呢 1006 00:53:13,500 --> 00:53:14,200 看到 1007 00:53:14,200 --> 00:53:17,300 看到那个之前的运营打算私下通话了 1008 00:53:17,300 --> 00:53:18,733 可是就 1009 00:53:18,933 --> 00:53:22,533 真实损害的是主播的那个路人缘啊 1010 00:53:22,533 --> 00:53:26,899 因为这个好事不出门坏事传千里 1011 00:53:28,333 --> 00:53:30,366 可多人可能吃到这个瓜了 1012 00:53:30,366 --> 00:53:33,333 但是他们不知道那个后续的那个视频 1013 00:53:33,333 --> 00:53:36,066 然后不就不太行了吗 1014 00:53:36,366 --> 00:53:37,766 看着都着急 1015 00:53:37,900 --> 00:53:39,966 灵宝我其实挺喜欢的 1016 00:53:42,000 --> 00:53:43,600 阉嫣人的总督 1017 00:53:44,533 --> 00:53:46,066 都不来看直播 1018 00:53:46,100 --> 00:53:47,666 我不是有总督吗 1019 00:53:47,666 --> 00:53:48,466 你们 1020 00:53:49,100 --> 00:53:50,600 你们都忘了我有总督了 1021 00:53:50,600 --> 00:53:52,866 虽然我这总督就剩两天了 1022 00:53:52,866 --> 00:53:54,666 三天两天 1023 00:53:54,733 --> 00:53:57,066 我等我看一眼还有几天 1024 00:53:58,700 --> 00:54:00,200 还有两天 1025 00:54:00,933 --> 00:54:02,766 我这总督就两天了 1026 00:54:02,766 --> 00:54:04,966 但是呢我也是有总督的 1027 00:54:04,966 --> 00:54:07,299 我们总督就是不说话 1028 00:54:07,300 --> 00:54:11,066 然后不看直播不存在不找画面 1029 00:54:11,366 --> 00:54:15,366 哈哈哈啥都不干什么三好总督啊 1030 00:54:15,366 --> 00:54:16,999 都是阴烟人的错 1031 00:54:17,133 --> 00:54:19,966 虽然很帅的但都是阴烟的错 1032 00:54:20,000 --> 00:54:21,300 跟阴烟人没关系 1033 00:54:21,300 --> 00:54:24,700 啥时候我因为我这张碎嘴被开了 1034 00:54:24,700 --> 00:54:26,066 你们就快跑吧 1035 00:54:26,066 --> 00:54:27,566 赶快给我切割 1036 00:54:28,300 --> 00:54:31,333 因为不用保护我我就摁ICU就行 1037 00:54:31,333 --> 00:54:33,333 太卑鄙了谁卑鄙 1038 00:54:34,800 --> 00:54:37,300 力反馈手套太憨批了 1039 00:54:37,300 --> 00:54:38,800 对啊我们有总督呀 1040 00:54:38,800 --> 00:54:40,700 小天出来说话 1041 00:54:40,700 --> 00:54:44,266 哈哈哈他都花钱了为什么要开直播 1042 00:54:44,500 --> 00:54:47,933 天顶在以前路过的也还挺活跃的 1043 00:54:48,733 --> 00:54:49,933 怎么了他现在 1044 00:54:49,933 --> 00:54:50,766 没怎么 1045 00:54:50,800 --> 00:54:54,566 人家只是去过自己的现实生活了 1046 00:54:56,100 --> 00:54:59,066 你出一个装超级钻戒的紫金宝盒 1047 00:54:59,066 --> 00:55:00,333 你能不能给我 1048 00:55:00,600 --> 00:55:02,000 送给我吧 1049 00:55:02,000 --> 00:55:03,366 谢谢美国密者 1050 00:55:04,333 --> 00:55:07,299 来看我你现在就打俩字啦 1051 00:55:10,100 --> 00:55:12,200 连你好再见都不愿意跟我说 1052 00:55:12,200 --> 00:55:13,700 就好在是吧 1053 00:55:14,300 --> 00:55:17,066 你知不知道你有多伤我的心啊小慧 1054 00:55:18,000 --> 00:55:19,866 反粉头行为代表 1055 00:55:19,866 --> 00:55:21,599 别别给哎 1056 00:55:21,800 --> 00:55:24,133 谢谢梦0124的舰长啊 1057 00:55:24,133 --> 00:55:25,666 厉害的谢谢梦想 1058 00:55:26,533 --> 00:55:27,966 呱唧呱唧呱唧 1059 00:55:28,533 --> 00:55:29,533 呱唧呱唧呱唧 1060 00:55:29,766 --> 00:55:30,566 我超级 1061 00:55:31,466 --> 00:55:33,133 谢谢谢谢alie get the 1062 00:55:38,933 --> 00:55:41,766 家人们我们又要凑整数了 1063 00:55:41,866 --> 00:55:45,066 哈哈我们又要开凑整数了 1064 00:55:45,666 --> 00:55:47,366 又要凑85了 1065 00:55:48,933 --> 00:55:50,533 84-85来 1066 00:55:54,800 --> 00:55:58,566 对啊这是老近的自动续费感谢感谢 1067 00:55:58,800 --> 00:56:00,100 香草香草 1068 00:56:00,100 --> 00:56:02,800 你的紫金宝盒里为什么不是钻戒啊 1069 00:56:02,800 --> 00:56:03,600 香草 1070 00:56:04,766 --> 00:56:05,499 都不行啊 1071 00:56:05,500 --> 00:56:07,400 老观众也得叫爹啊 1072 00:56:07,533 --> 00:56:09,266 上箭都叫爹 1073 00:56:11,066 --> 00:56:12,866 过12点了呀 1074 00:56:16,766 --> 00:56:19,066 谢谢香草的紫金宝和新月食 1075 00:56:19,066 --> 00:56:20,166 来了一个到 1076 00:56:20,333 --> 00:56:22,333 主播有才艺表演吗 1077 00:56:23,866 --> 00:56:26,299 我会转转尾巴和我唱爹 1078 00:56:26,300 --> 00:56:28,600 我们直播间订饭就是这样的 1079 00:56:29,400 --> 00:56:31,133 198会自动续费吗 1080 00:56:31,133 --> 00:56:33,299 198不会自动续费 1081 00:56:38,966 --> 00:56:40,866 我操爹谢谢 1082 00:56:41,566 --> 00:56:44,699 潮汐酱谢谢心有潮汐的见讲 1083 00:56:44,700 --> 00:56:46,533 阿里盖豆欢迎回来 1084 00:56:47,166 --> 00:56:50,133 欢迎回来欢迎回来阿里盖豆我操爹 1085 00:56:50,133 --> 00:56:52,533 主播像个飞舞谁说的 1086 00:56:55,800 --> 00:56:57,400 主播到时候可以给你们唱点什么 1087 00:56:57,400 --> 00:56:58,600 恭喜你发财 1088 00:56:58,600 --> 00:57:00,733 之类的但是我我怕你们 1089 00:57:00,766 --> 00:57:03,199 听完了纷纷进行一个跳的传 1090 00:57:04,900 --> 00:57:06,900 85吧谢谢谢谢 1091 00:57:06,933 --> 00:57:09,799 应该的主播就是废物 1092 00:57:09,800 --> 00:57:12,400 什么连诺海都开始攻击我了 1093 00:57:13,133 --> 00:57:14,366 谢谢家人们 1094 00:57:16,766 --> 00:57:18,966 昨天上课的时候自己说的 1095 00:57:18,966 --> 00:57:21,099 我上课的时候当然是废物啊 1096 00:57:21,100 --> 00:57:23,666 但是我砸台的时候是思想上的巨人啊 1097 00:57:23,666 --> 00:57:25,866 嗯你们不理解 1098 00:57:26,533 --> 00:57:28,533 不理解女孩子的可爱 1099 00:57:28,533 --> 00:57:30,799 不理解女孩子的心事 1100 00:57:30,900 --> 00:57:32,966 不理解女孩子的笨蛋 1101 00:57:33,133 --> 00:57:35,966 也也不理解金融学 1102 00:57:35,966 --> 00:57:38,933 哈哈哈谢谢安排吃酱的 1103 00:57:38,933 --> 00:57:40,733 紫金宝盒的粉玫瑰爱丽来到 1104 00:57:40,733 --> 00:57:42,699 谢谢主播再唱一遍史密德吧 1105 00:57:42,700 --> 00:57:43,500 真的吗 1106 00:57:44,166 --> 00:57:45,333 两位新爹 1107 00:57:45,533 --> 00:57:48,499 想想要不要让我唱SPA的我也可以唱 1108 00:57:48,566 --> 00:57:51,199 我可以唱但我未必唱 1109 00:57:52,066 --> 00:57:55,066 这我的才艺这块确实出现人太真 1110 00:57:55,066 --> 00:57:56,899 有人喜欢听我唱SPA的呀 1111 00:57:56,900 --> 00:57:58,066 我真开心 1112 00:57:58,066 --> 00:57:59,199 可来 1113 00:57:59,866 --> 00:58:01,599 你上次听过吗 1114 00:58:01,733 --> 00:58:03,266 母呀不是母吗 1115 00:58:04,166 --> 00:58:07,733 你也是一只精灵你没听过呀 1116 00:58:07,733 --> 00:58:08,899 真的吗 1117 00:58:09,900 --> 00:58:13,000 那你那你答应我听完不要跳床好了 1118 00:58:15,666 --> 00:58:16,933 听爹当场领一刻不退款 1119 00:58:16,933 --> 00:58:17,899 没关系没关系 1120 00:58:17,900 --> 00:58:20,200 应该没事吧哈哈哈 1121 00:58:20,700 --> 00:58:22,300 呃谢谢MH酱的 1122 00:58:22,300 --> 00:58:24,666 紫金宝盒的粉玫瑰阿力来到 1123 00:58:25,133 --> 00:58:27,566 天猫精灵来上次错过了 1124 00:58:28,366 --> 00:58:30,299 什么什么一道仙 1125 00:58:32,133 --> 00:58:34,599 哪去了不见了 1126 00:58:39,200 --> 00:58:41,666 那我上次是怎么放出来这个的 1127 00:58:45,200 --> 00:58:46,466 妮儿昨天播了多久 1128 00:58:46,466 --> 00:58:47,799 8个小时了 1129 00:58:48,466 --> 00:58:50,199 8个小时怎么了 1130 00:58:50,200 --> 00:58:51,500 是你知道的那个呀 1131 00:58:51,500 --> 00:58:54,900 谢谢MH讲的新春快乐厉害了 1132 00:59:02,533 --> 00:59:03,599 寡人矜持 1133 00:59:08,533 --> 00:59:10,533 等会我找一下歌词 1134 00:59:10,533 --> 00:59:11,966 等一下我这歌 1135 00:59:11,966 --> 00:59:13,399 词我肯定背不下来 1136 00:59:15,500 --> 00:59:17,366 谢谢MH家的幸运星 1137 00:59:24,400 --> 00:59:26,466 阳光攀过窗沿 1138 00:59:26,466 --> 00:59:29,266 心房温暖了我的了被窝 1139 00:59:29,266 --> 00:59:31,966 叫醒没做完的好梦 1140 00:59:32,100 --> 00:59:34,500 起身手忙脚乱 1141 00:59:34,500 --> 00:59:37,400 匆匆出门怕跟不上正 1142 00:59:37,400 --> 00:59:40,500 点开走的巴士一路狂奔 1143 00:59:40,566 --> 00:59:44,566 铃声惯不懂我疲惫眼神 1144 00:59:44,566 --> 00:59:47,266 怪自己昨夜睡得太沉 1145 00:59:47,266 --> 00:59:49,366 闹钟不够大声 1146 00:59:49,533 --> 00:59:53,499 体温伴着喘息有点上升 1147 00:59:53,700 --> 00:59:57,366 窗外吹来了夏天的风 1148 00:59:58,600 --> 01:00:00,766 夕阳晚照轻佻余晖 1149 01:00:00,766 --> 01:00:02,966 风在背后温柔的吹 1150 01:00:02,966 --> 01:00:05,299 看得见的青春体会 1151 01:00:05,300 --> 01:00:07,800 看不见我究竟是谁 1152 01:00:09,400 --> 01:00:11,733 从来不会空手而归 1153 01:00:11,733 --> 01:00:14,366 无声的鬼魅 1154 01:00:18,700 --> 01:00:19,333 天 1155 01:00:19,333 --> 01:00:23,099 行走在危险边缘是一道拐杖 1156 01:00:24,566 --> 01:00:27,733 跳着指尖上的舞蹈 1157 01:00:28,333 --> 01:00:30,466 不行这副歌我唱不下来绷不住 1158 01:00:30,466 --> 01:00:31,266 我家人们 1159 01:00:33,733 --> 01:00:34,933 大目标 1160 01:00:36,000 --> 01:00:38,533 不行不行不行不行不行我停停停 1161 01:00:38,533 --> 01:00:39,333 主歌得了 1162 01:00:39,333 --> 01:00:41,099 跑调肯定跑了呀 1163 01:00:43,100 --> 01:00:44,500 这副歌我不会 1164 01:00:46,500 --> 01:00:48,466 主播没有自己的主题歌吗 1165 01:00:48,466 --> 01:00:50,199 主播主播会唱静音 1166 01:00:52,566 --> 01:00:54,699 被吊打还真是 1167 01:01:00,700 --> 01:01:02,100 休想桃子夭夭 1168 01:01:02,766 --> 01:01:04,666 我真的练过 1169 01:01:05,266 --> 01:01:06,933 我真的练过 1170 01:01:07,333 --> 01:01:10,566 谢谢天下的五个人靠票感谢阿力哥的 1171 01:01:10,700 --> 01:01:11,966 这不挺可爱的吗 1172 01:01:11,966 --> 01:01:14,066 我我觉得我唱的挺还原的呀 1173 01:01:14,300 --> 01:01:16,966 哎我觉得挺还原的呀 1174 01:01:19,266 --> 01:01:22,466 啊那个呃呃呃呃 1175 01:01:23,366 --> 01:01:26,466 哈哈哈啊哈哈哈 1176 01:01:29,100 --> 01:01:29,900 哎哎 1177 01:01:30,300 --> 01:01:33,566 清晨阳光盼过长夜 1178 01:01:33,566 --> 01:01:39,099 西风叫醒我的人叫醒我昨晚的好梦 1179 01:01:39,500 --> 01:01:43,600 醒神让我梦中人匆匆出门 1180 01:01:45,200 --> 01:01:49,900 我在小张店开着的81路空白 1181 01:01:50,966 --> 01:01:54,866 你说话不懂我疲惫眼神 1182 01:01:55,600 --> 01:01:57,766 我觉得他这首歌其实挺可爱的 1183 01:01:57,766 --> 01:02:00,299 但是如果如果不是他唱就好了 1184 01:02:00,300 --> 01:02:01,533 你是听原唱 1185 01:02:01,600 --> 01:02:04,000 哈哈我给你放完呗 1186 01:02:04,800 --> 01:02:06,200 我给你放完得了 1187 01:02:08,366 --> 01:02:11,199 烂就是好好就是烂 1188 01:02:21,466 --> 01:02:22,366 刷存在的 1189 01:02:22,366 --> 01:02:23,899 梦幻的是一个牛蛙 1190 01:02:23,900 --> 01:02:26,700 牛蛙饭感谢安利赖的好听无滤镜 1191 01:02:27,800 --> 01:02:28,600 哎 1192 01:02:29,166 --> 01:02:29,966 哎 1193 01:02:30,500 --> 01:02:35,166 小小淘气呀快进入我的怀抱 1194 01:02:35,166 --> 01:02:38,333 温暖氧气在这好骄傲 1195 01:02:39,166 --> 01:02:43,466 哦鼻子头脑一看无可救了 1196 01:02:43,466 --> 01:02:45,766 一条神秘的黑桃 1197 01:02:45,766 --> 01:02:48,266 我在云彩里喵喵 1198 01:02:51,533 --> 01:02:52,333 就连麦 1199 01:02:52,366 --> 01:02:54,766 我一开始我也不理解大伙为啥那啥 1200 01:02:54,766 --> 01:02:58,699 知道我第一天晚上睡觉然后起来就 1201 01:02:59,800 --> 01:03:02,700 新的在危险边缘示意的怪盗 1202 01:03:02,700 --> 01:03:03,533 然后我就知道 1203 01:03:03,533 --> 01:03:05,699 哎这个歌为什么有太阳那味了 1204 01:03:06,133 --> 01:03:09,299 谢谢大树林里的红包房感谢阿里盖到 1205 01:03:09,300 --> 01:03:09,933 谢谢谢谢 1206 01:03:09,933 --> 01:03:12,766 其实我没听过元气国一假的含金量 1207 01:03:12,766 --> 01:03:14,333 哈哈哈哈 1208 01:03:14,333 --> 01:03:18,199 我可以用那个特别特别低的那个声音 1209 01:03:18,200 --> 01:03:20,466 嗯对对啊这我也没听 1210 01:03:20,466 --> 01:03:22,499 希望你别整这种两眼一黑的火了 1211 01:03:22,666 --> 01:03:23,966 烂就是好 1212 01:03:24,733 --> 01:03:26,133 好就是烂 1213 01:03:26,266 --> 01:03:29,599 你懂吗什么叫好中有烂烂中有好呢 1214 01:03:29,733 --> 01:03:32,866 这是一种很难把握的平衡的哲学 1215 01:03:33,066 --> 01:03:37,166 而我翻唱这首v圈金曲 1216 01:03:37,500 --> 01:03:39,066 就是一个很烂的翻 1217 01:03:39,133 --> 01:03:40,966 翻唱了一首很好的歌 1218 01:03:41,133 --> 01:03:43,866 这在烂跟好之间达成了一个 1219 01:03:44,066 --> 01:03:46,566 完美的黄金比例的平衡 1220 01:03:46,733 --> 01:03:47,866 这说明什么呢 1221 01:03:47,866 --> 01:03:50,766 哈哈哈我憋不下去了 1222 01:03:50,766 --> 01:03:52,333 烂你就是好 1223 01:03:55,700 --> 01:03:57,500 好儿爱爱相信郑老爷 1224 01:03:57,500 --> 01:03:58,666 是不是点的时候下不说 1225 01:03:58,666 --> 01:03:59,999 是啊点了呀 1226 01:04:01,066 --> 01:04:04,799 只能说这个东西太那个什么了 1227 01:04:05,666 --> 01:04:06,499 泰恩 1228 01:04:07,300 --> 01:04:12,700 嘿嘿黄金比例是零点六一几来着 1229 01:04:12,766 --> 01:04:14,066 我忘了 1230 01:04:14,766 --> 01:04:17,666 黄金比例是零点六六三几 1231 01:04:17,666 --> 01:04:19,666 六一几还六四几来着 1232 01:04:21,366 --> 01:04:22,699 0.618 1233 01:04:24,733 --> 01:04:27,766 主播的圣代威和比利时0.618吧 1234 01:04:27,766 --> 01:04:31,066 主播的小脑发育程度是0.618 1235 01:04:31,900 --> 01:04:33,933 几点下播啊今天 1236 01:04:34,066 --> 01:04:37,099 两个舰长先加一个小时吧 1237 01:04:37,100 --> 01:04:38,733 我现在已经不再害怕加班了 1238 01:04:38,733 --> 01:04:40,799 家人们我甚至能开加班机 1239 01:04:41,900 --> 01:04:44,300 我现在可以开加班机了家人们 1240 01:04:44,300 --> 01:04:47,000 这个我你们你们想开加班机吗 1241 01:04:47,000 --> 01:04:48,100 我开一个吧 1242 01:04:50,700 --> 01:04:52,533 等会啊我搜一下 1243 01:04:53,933 --> 01:04:56,933 现在已经完全不害怕耐酒灰了 1244 01:04:57,766 --> 01:05:00,499 爱是主播是脑台儿 1245 01:05:03,266 --> 01:05:03,966 写作业也算 1246 01:05:03,966 --> 01:05:04,999 当然算了 1247 01:05:06,500 --> 01:05:07,300 开一个 1248 01:05:09,933 --> 01:05:12,866 可不可以自己输入现在目前的时间呢 1249 01:05:13,933 --> 01:05:16,999 我要把9,200小时狠狠的输入进去 1250 01:05:22,933 --> 01:05:24,733 主播还有多久没还 1251 01:05:30,800 --> 01:05:35,400 长期还有9,100 1252 01:05:37,366 --> 01:05:39,499 就是三个小时 1253 01:05:39,500 --> 01:05:40,866 不对9,190 1254 01:05:41,600 --> 01:05:45,300 算短期的话今天欠一个小时 1255 01:05:45,466 --> 01:05:48,199 嗯简单非常的简单 1256 01:05:48,200 --> 01:05:50,533 主播不是户外我干嘛 1257 01:05:50,566 --> 01:05:52,466 蹭饭挑战是吧 1258 01:05:56,800 --> 01:05:57,700 什么歌呀 1259 01:05:57,733 --> 01:05:59,933 这怎么净给我推张正业呢 1260 01:05:59,966 --> 01:06:01,866 马冬梅版恋爱循环 1261 01:06:01,866 --> 01:06:04,599 这什么谢谢为你咕噜噜的打call谢谢 1262 01:06:04,600 --> 01:06:06,066 我是要代替的牛蛙牛蛙 1263 01:06:06,066 --> 01:06:07,899 谢谢不遗忘语的牛蛙牛蛙 1264 01:06:07,900 --> 01:06:09,900 谢谢是用长期的牛蛙牛蛙 1265 01:06:09,933 --> 01:06:12,266 谢谢香草加橙子的打call谢谢 1266 01:06:12,566 --> 01:06:14,166 刷存在的梦幻的牛蛙牛蛙 1267 01:06:14,166 --> 01:06:15,566 谢谢某某同志的牛蛙牛蛙 1268 01:06:15,566 --> 01:06:16,933 谢谢清夏的打call 1269 01:06:16,933 --> 01:06:18,166 谢谢永出星辰的牛蛙牛蛙 1270 01:06:18,166 --> 01:06:19,699 谢谢大树林里的这个好爱 1271 01:06:19,700 --> 01:06:21,133 咸味吃掉的牛蛙牛蛙 1272 01:06:23,766 --> 01:06:26,133 某过期的东方正的打call谢谢 1273 01:06:26,133 --> 01:06:27,199 一下轻的你玩你玩 1274 01:06:27,200 --> 01:06:27,900 非常感谢 1275 01:06:27,900 --> 01:06:29,600 那不行我们不能见长翻倍 1276 01:06:29,600 --> 01:06:31,066 见长翻倍都是骗人的 1277 01:06:31,166 --> 01:06:33,533 见长翻倍最后就是为了一个提督清空 1278 01:06:33,533 --> 01:06:35,999 我们不是这样的我们是总督才能翻 1279 01:06:36,466 --> 01:06:38,999 因为底数太大了然后 1280 01:06:40,566 --> 01:06:41,766 我看一下 1281 01:06:42,500 --> 01:06:45,166 他们用的那个一般都是哪个呀 1282 01:06:45,166 --> 01:06:46,699 加班机在哪里呀 1283 01:06:47,166 --> 01:06:48,366 主播助手 1284 01:06:48,533 --> 01:06:49,799 日期时间 1285 01:06:51,300 --> 01:06:52,466 我这样子不骗人吗 1286 01:06:52,466 --> 01:06:56,133 9天啊我肯定会弄完的你放心 1287 01:06:56,566 --> 01:06:58,666 在我毕业之前一定会忘完的 1288 01:06:58,666 --> 01:07:01,166 这是我生命的那个那个什么 1289 01:07:04,500 --> 01:07:06,000 我生命的长座 1290 01:07:06,800 --> 01:07:09,400 啊为什么没有这个东西呀 1291 01:07:12,000 --> 01:07:14,533 虚拟主播的加班机在哪里啊 1292 01:07:15,866 --> 01:07:18,533 加班机加班机 1293 01:07:22,166 --> 01:07:24,699 再等一个月我就有条件上体重了 1294 01:07:24,700 --> 01:07:25,866 好呀好呀 1295 01:07:30,733 --> 01:07:32,799 加班机那个插件没有哎 1296 01:07:32,800 --> 01:07:34,166 我会记得进 1297 01:07:36,133 --> 01:07:37,766 我会狠狠的加班的 1298 01:07:37,766 --> 01:07:38,866 现在也是在还 1299 01:07:38,866 --> 01:07:41,066 没关系家人们我们不会再涨了 1300 01:07:41,066 --> 01:07:44,966 因为天天老这个总数99%是掉了所 1301 01:07:44,966 --> 01:07:47,166 以说之后就还起来 1302 01:07:47,166 --> 01:07:49,499 应该就是有借有还的那个程度了 1303 01:07:49,500 --> 01:07:51,733 欢迎娜娜大夫晚上好 1304 01:07:52,266 --> 01:07:54,099 你为什么要准备明年考研 1305 01:07:54,133 --> 01:07:55,199 我觉得我觉得 1306 01:07:55,366 --> 01:07:58,066 我觉得圣光今年肯定考上了 1307 01:08:08,566 --> 01:08:11,933 谢谢MH酱的紫金宝盒的幸运石幸运石 1308 01:08:11,933 --> 01:08:12,766 阿力乐豆 1309 01:08:12,766 --> 01:08:15,299 谢谢3个幸运石谢谢冰可乐 1310 01:08:17,066 --> 01:08:20,999 我们怎么只会往下爆不会往上爆呀 1311 01:08:21,866 --> 01:08:24,099 主播的大乱斗没了 1312 01:08:24,100 --> 01:08:26,400 主播大乱斗赛季都结束了 1313 01:08:26,400 --> 01:08:28,100 欢迎杨先生啊 1314 01:08:28,733 --> 01:08:31,399 呃VIP的加班机 1315 01:08:34,366 --> 01:08:36,299 加班机在哪里统计呀 1316 01:08:40,866 --> 01:08:43,566 谢谢MH奖的白银宝盒的金币 1317 01:08:43,566 --> 01:08:45,866 金币金币泡泡糖 1318 01:08:46,733 --> 01:08:48,866 明天开始准备考研了 1319 01:08:49,700 --> 01:08:51,566 让我也回国考研吧 1320 01:08:51,700 --> 01:08:54,800 嗯谢谢MH奖的疯狂演员 1321 01:08:54,900 --> 01:08:57,200 泡泡糖金币泡泡糖阿力盖豆 1322 01:08:57,200 --> 01:08:58,066 欢迎天叶 1323 01:08:58,600 --> 01:08:59,200 你是主播 1324 01:08:59,200 --> 01:09:00,200 你问我吗 1325 01:09:00,200 --> 01:09:02,533 我发现没有哎我以为我以为 1326 01:09:02,533 --> 01:09:05,533 我们用的都是同一个版本的这个 1327 01:09:07,300 --> 01:09:10,800 我这个暴露比40:1 1328 01:09:11,000 --> 01:09:12,400 这有点多 1329 01:09:12,466 --> 01:09:14,333 感觉有点小多 1330 01:09:21,466 --> 01:09:24,999 好卡呀我怎么卡起来了 1331 01:09:25,300 --> 01:09:27,766 谢谢MH家的新春快乐 1332 01:09:30,366 --> 01:09:32,199 欢迎大家进入直播间 1333 01:09:32,200 --> 01:09:34,466 喜欢主播的可以点一下关注 1334 01:09:34,566 --> 01:09:35,999 感谢阿力来到 1335 01:09:39,400 --> 01:09:41,733 我好像没有这个功能哇 1336 01:09:43,100 --> 01:09:44,800 他们的功能好厉害 1337 01:09:44,800 --> 01:09:46,666 我都没有这个功能的 1338 01:09:50,666 --> 01:09:51,699 找不到 1339 01:10:06,800 --> 01:10:09,266 加班机的那个插件 1340 01:10:10,666 --> 01:10:14,266 我我的加班机的插件找不到了 1341 01:10:26,533 --> 01:10:29,933 喜欢主播的上镜让主播狠狠的加班 1342 01:10:45,266 --> 01:10:46,266 哎呀坏了 1343 01:10:46,266 --> 01:10:48,499 这个时候就就体现出了 1344 01:10:48,866 --> 01:10:51,399 不认识唯一的不好的电了 1345 01:10:54,600 --> 01:10:58,366 不知道他们的这些插件都是叫什么 1346 01:11:04,266 --> 01:11:08,166 好似喵好似喵狠狠压下主播手机架 1347 01:11:08,933 --> 01:11:12,299 喜欢主播的可以给主播上个见长 1348 01:11:14,766 --> 01:11:16,566 自己狠狠的压榨自己了 1349 01:11:16,566 --> 01:11:18,399 我主要是想开开加班机 1350 01:11:18,400 --> 01:11:19,700 反正最近都都要 1351 01:11:19,700 --> 01:11:20,500 加着吗 1352 01:11:20,566 --> 01:11:24,299 开个加班机看起来感觉非常的敬业 1353 01:11:24,300 --> 01:11:25,333 有正式 1354 01:11:29,466 --> 01:11:32,166 我去微群里面问一下 1355 01:11:41,366 --> 01:11:45,699 goodnight my darling 1356 01:12:00,966 --> 01:12:02,066 我好聪明 1357 01:12:02,266 --> 01:12:03,799 我可以直接去问 1358 01:12:09,700 --> 01:12:12,300 谢了主播明天回老家贴对联 1359 01:12:12,400 --> 01:12:15,300 嗯嗯晚安夜宵继续熬夜思密 1360 01:12:18,366 --> 01:12:20,699 哎他们跟我说有 1361 01:12:21,333 --> 01:12:23,666 那为什么我没有看到呀 1362 01:12:24,900 --> 01:12:28,333 因为每次直播的收益大概有多少呢 1363 01:12:28,333 --> 01:12:31,666 要看大家的礼物情况 1364 01:12:31,666 --> 01:12:34,366 你们可以把我当场的流水 1365 01:12:34,700 --> 01:12:38,766 然后乘一下0.4就大概我的收益 1366 01:12:39,933 --> 01:12:42,466 有时候多有时候少 1367 01:12:43,733 --> 01:12:47,099 二哥二哥是什么鬼啊 1368 01:12:47,866 --> 01:12:49,533 我以前是不是一群呢 1369 01:12:53,266 --> 01:12:55,666 谢谢红石匠的红灯笼 1370 01:12:55,666 --> 01:12:56,533 非常感谢 1371 01:12:56,533 --> 01:12:57,333 挨了一个洞 1372 01:12:57,866 --> 01:13:02,999 就少的时候弄个那什么弄个电费 1373 01:13:03,000 --> 01:13:05,933 多的时候能去个超市 1374 01:13:10,500 --> 01:13:12,966 个体要被手术狠狠的压榨 1375 01:13:13,500 --> 01:13:16,366 这流水成0.4就是我赚的钱 1376 01:13:23,766 --> 01:13:24,966 他们说有 1377 01:13:25,333 --> 01:13:26,333 在哪里呀 1378 01:13:26,533 --> 01:13:27,333 在 1379 01:13:28,366 --> 01:13:30,199 礼物特效里面 1380 01:13:31,933 --> 01:13:35,066 礼物加播心吧啊好耶 1381 01:13:40,266 --> 01:13:41,199 真好真好 1382 01:13:41,200 --> 01:13:44,733 家人们我不再是孤独的一个笨蛋了 1383 01:13:44,733 --> 01:13:45,533 嘿嘿 1384 01:13:45,933 --> 01:13:49,333 你们想这个加减都分别说成什么呀 1385 01:13:49,333 --> 01:13:50,199 正常 1386 01:13:53,200 --> 01:13:55,466 一个舰长30分钟 1387 01:13:55,466 --> 01:13:58,933 然后减减的减时间的选什么呢 1388 01:14:03,266 --> 01:14:05,299 就是开了个加班机啦 1389 01:14:18,600 --> 01:14:20,533 一直都很聪明啊 1390 01:14:20,533 --> 01:14:21,933 我一直都很聪明 1391 01:14:21,933 --> 01:14:24,366 一个小心心加30分钟 1392 01:14:26,666 --> 01:14:28,966 最近直播时间我看一下 1393 01:14:28,966 --> 01:14:31,899 还有杂谈的话还有 1394 01:14:32,666 --> 01:14:34,533 还有90分钟嗯 1395 01:14:37,333 --> 01:14:41,366 然后看一下我的专属皮肤 1396 01:14:41,366 --> 01:14:43,533 看一下有没有更好看一点 1397 01:14:52,500 --> 01:14:54,066 店长减5分钟 1398 01:14:54,066 --> 01:14:56,533 那这店长也太便宜了吧 1399 01:15:21,500 --> 01:15:23,700 啊我好喜欢这个BGM啊 1400 01:15:37,400 --> 01:15:38,600 标题怎么了吗 1401 01:15:38,600 --> 01:15:42,133 哈哈没有我就是随便画画 1402 01:15:42,600 --> 01:15:45,200 烟烟人能不能速度抽到变成大主播 1403 01:15:45,200 --> 01:15:46,766 给主播引流呀 1404 01:15:46,766 --> 01:15:48,299 哎呀等不及了呢 1405 01:16:07,100 --> 01:16:09,333 什么叫新的卖惨牌呀 1406 01:16:09,466 --> 01:16:12,499 哎呀我搞错了CSS弄错了 1407 01:16:15,000 --> 01:16:19,166 音乐上的键算不算新键奖也也算吧 1408 01:16:19,566 --> 01:16:22,933 上见了没说要加班的就没 1409 01:16:22,933 --> 01:16:25,366 说加减班的自动算加班了 1410 01:16:25,400 --> 01:16:26,966 昨天播了8个小时 1411 01:16:26,966 --> 01:16:29,166 肯定把昨天的加班都还完了 1412 01:16:33,700 --> 01:16:35,733 贴这吧贴上面吧 1413 01:17:01,133 --> 01:17:03,533 这谁还敢送紫金宝盒呀 1414 01:17:03,533 --> 01:17:06,099 那你们有没有不太送的礼物 1415 01:17:06,600 --> 01:17:08,400 你们有没有不太送的礼物 1416 01:17:09,300 --> 01:17:10,900 沾上点自动散点吧 1417 01:17:10,900 --> 01:17:11,733 那可以啊 1418 01:17:12,700 --> 01:17:14,266 探索者起航是吧 1419 01:17:14,266 --> 01:17:16,466 减少一一零零八6分钟 1420 01:17:16,466 --> 01:17:18,799 哈哈哈哈哈哈 1421 01:17:23,566 --> 01:17:25,699 那就一个喵娘减3分钟 1422 01:17:25,700 --> 01:17:27,366 总共减3分钟 1423 01:17:30,466 --> 01:17:32,899 那就一个妙娘姐3分钟吧嗯 1424 01:17:38,500 --> 01:17:40,000 整杜鹃2分钟 1425 01:17:40,000 --> 01:17:41,900 这做的也太没排面了 1426 01:17:43,566 --> 01:17:45,166 对我送了好多 1427 01:17:45,866 --> 01:17:47,099 现在开始 1428 01:17:47,133 --> 01:17:49,666 对对现在开始那个算 1429 01:17:53,500 --> 01:17:54,966 现在就这么自律 1430 01:17:54,966 --> 01:17:57,266 万件之后要怎么样我不好说 1431 01:17:57,266 --> 01:18:00,499 经常经典贷款可以贷款退主播 1432 01:18:00,500 --> 01:18:03,866 啥时候万一有这个200件那天 1433 01:18:03,866 --> 01:18:05,099 哈哈哈 1434 01:18:05,800 --> 01:18:07,600 要是要是 1435 01:18:08,066 --> 01:18:11,166 这谁看我唱的是逼的进我粉丝群啊 1436 01:18:11,566 --> 01:18:14,466 看到燕燕很喜欢就进来了 1437 01:18:14,466 --> 01:18:16,666 他在唱歌哈哈 1438 01:18:33,566 --> 01:18:36,599 我叫死妹子还有新粉丝进去 1439 01:18:43,700 --> 01:18:45,400 真活在梦里了 1440 01:18:46,133 --> 01:18:47,966 什么时候调到晚上7点 1441 01:18:47,966 --> 01:18:49,533 跟大主播们碰一碰 1442 01:18:49,666 --> 01:18:50,599 以卵击石 1443 01:18:50,600 --> 01:18:52,333 我还把自己干碎了吗 1444 01:18:52,333 --> 01:18:54,199 那不是把自己狠狠的干碎 1445 01:18:54,333 --> 01:18:56,333 i still let me go 1446 01:18:57,133 --> 01:19:01,366 i used to dance but i'm losing my feet 1447 01:19:01,733 --> 01:19:03,899 这还有不下播挑战呢 1448 01:19:03,900 --> 01:19:05,766 这是不下播挑战是个什么 1449 01:19:05,966 --> 01:19:06,933 你好呀 1450 01:19:07,966 --> 01:19:08,966 什么时候的事情 1451 01:19:08,966 --> 01:19:10,933 就刚才就刚才 1452 01:19:11,900 --> 01:19:13,866 就刚才 11点的时候 1453 01:19:15,866 --> 01:19:18,266 哎还有一个特别长的 1454 01:19:18,266 --> 01:19:19,666 那我们换这个吧 1455 01:19:19,866 --> 01:19:20,899 我看一下 1456 01:19:21,466 --> 01:19:35,099 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh 1457 01:19:35,333 --> 01:19:38,499 does she meet us under the moon 1458 01:19:45,100 --> 01:19:47,333 这个看起来可爱皮肤萌 1459 01:20:08,066 --> 01:20:12,766 ice is pluger my touch touch too throw da da yo yo 1460 01:20:12,766 --> 01:20:15,899 oo oo oo hey doctors on it 1461 01:20:15,900 --> 01:20:17,566 ooo ooo 1462 01:20:18,600 --> 01:20:21,566 don't knock that day i'm over 1463 01:20:21,700 --> 01:20:23,800 my dash touch get those da da yo yo 1464 01:20:23,900 --> 01:20:26,266 超我知道他们平常都是咋玩的 1465 01:20:26,266 --> 01:20:28,166 原来他们都是这么玩的 1466 01:20:28,800 --> 01:20:31,133 今天错过家人小姐直播 1467 01:20:31,133 --> 01:20:33,199 才自动化有音乐的直播间 1468 01:20:33,200 --> 01:20:36,133 没关系主播也看家人小姐直播的 1469 01:20:38,000 --> 01:20:39,266 我也看的啊 1470 01:20:41,866 --> 01:20:43,099 看看你知不知道 1471 01:20:43,100 --> 01:20:46,166 知不知道这个主播的成分很复杂的 1472 01:20:46,166 --> 01:20:47,199 耶的急救 1473 01:20:47,300 --> 01:20:49,333 卡纳卓玛诺里奥古莱迪亚 1474 01:20:49,333 --> 01:20:51,733 爱王者卡萨拉纳伊夫格 1475 01:20:51,866 --> 01:20:52,666 西班牙一代 1476 01:20:52,666 --> 01:20:55,533 一个字get gone Nakana Ka yeah come on now 1477 01:20:55,666 --> 01:20:56,466 duck the song 1478 01:20:56,466 --> 01:20:58,399 give me the walk and don't tell my pocket how's that good 1479 01:21:09,466 --> 01:21:11,533 科普一下主播是全批 1480 01:21:11,700 --> 01:21:12,533 什么叫全批 1481 01:21:12,533 --> 01:21:13,733 我是黄佳琪 1482 01:21:15,000 --> 01:21:16,566 谁说的我是全批 1483 01:21:16,900 --> 01:21:18,100 什么叫全批 1484 01:21:22,366 --> 01:21:24,499 夹心糖是吧取关了啊 1485 01:21:25,333 --> 01:21:26,133 啊 1486 01:21:26,566 --> 01:21:28,166 你为什么不喜欢 1487 01:21:28,400 --> 01:21:30,900 不喜欢夹心糖呀 1488 01:21:31,600 --> 01:21:33,400 你为什么不喜欢夹心糖呀 1489 01:21:40,100 --> 01:21:43,300 什么这么忙的我都不看主播还看哦 1490 01:21:44,200 --> 01:21:45,133 什么意思啊 1491 01:21:58,166 --> 01:22:00,399 立刻生效可以看我 1492 01:22:04,133 --> 01:22:08,066 很简单因为他属于SOP 1493 01:22:08,266 --> 01:22:11,299 5P好多合在一起就是全p 1494 01:22:12,266 --> 01:22:13,866 太看得起我了吧 1495 01:22:13,866 --> 01:22:15,566 欢迎一角晚上好 1496 01:22:15,800 --> 01:22:17,533 我只看音乐你 1497 01:22:18,900 --> 01:22:22,066 如何评价我大哥近期直播中经常20Q 1498 01:22:22,066 --> 01:22:24,199 那是因为我是他的小女友 1499 01:22:24,200 --> 01:22:25,666 他在跟我对暗号 1500 01:22:28,333 --> 01:22:30,933 那是因为他在跟我对暗号了哎呀 1501 01:22:31,200 --> 01:22:34,900 in a little Sleigh 1502 01:22:35,500 --> 01:22:37,500 Sleigh Sleigh Sleigh Sleigh 1503 01:22:37,533 --> 01:22:40,133 Sleigh Sleigh 1504 01:22:40,500 --> 01:22:43,266 Sleigh Sleigh 1505 01:22:43,300 --> 01:22:48,100 Sleigh Sleigh 1506 01:22:48,133 --> 01:22:52,199 i'm on one i passed out to get those fighting nights i 1507 01:22:52,266 --> 01:22:54,766 ain't sexy thought they ain't thinking of 1508 01:22:54,866 --> 01:22:57,199 they were like then i got saved the room 1509 01:22:57,400 --> 01:23:00,666 but i wanna see这玩意也看不清呀 1510 01:23:00,933 --> 01:23:02,866 这皮肤好看是好看 1511 01:23:04,100 --> 01:23:04,900 看不清 1512 01:23:07,166 --> 01:23:08,999 哎这怎么这样呢 1513 01:23:11,333 --> 01:23:14,299 什么姐猫猫你们你们不知道吗 1514 01:23:14,533 --> 01:23:16,299 你们是第一天知道这个事吗 1515 01:23:16,300 --> 01:23:17,900 燕宝后天会播吗 1516 01:23:17,966 --> 01:23:19,966 只要没赶上考试的时间 1517 01:23:19,966 --> 01:23:21,333 我都会直播的哦 1518 01:23:31,200 --> 01:23:33,933 主播连大哥的皮肤都没有 1519 01:23:34,400 --> 01:23:35,600 还在这边 1520 01:23:37,000 --> 01:23:38,266 什么歪歪 1521 01:23:40,333 --> 01:23:42,299 你你好过分呐 1522 01:23:42,466 --> 01:23:45,266 有没有人告诉过你你这样很过分 1523 01:23:45,266 --> 01:23:48,933 打人不打脸打脸上自尊懂不懂 1524 01:23:50,066 --> 01:23:52,166 你知不知道你这样很过分呐 1525 01:23:53,533 --> 01:23:54,866 白天播吧 1526 01:23:54,966 --> 01:23:56,899 半夜三更绷不住 1527 01:23:56,900 --> 01:23:59,400 但是我这边是半夜 1528 01:23:59,400 --> 01:24:01,266 你们原来才是白天呢 1529 01:24:02,000 --> 01:24:04,933 只能说啊有些时候不一样 1530 01:24:04,933 --> 01:24:06,966 没有装扮的东西 1531 01:24:09,600 --> 01:24:11,100 哈哈哈 1532 01:24:12,566 --> 01:24:14,599 没有装扮的东西都来了 1533 01:24:14,600 --> 01:24:16,666 我我我不好上 1534 01:24:17,300 --> 01:24:18,766 怎么3分钟变成5分钟 1535 01:24:18,766 --> 01:24:20,666 那是他他自己固定的 1536 01:24:20,933 --> 01:24:22,466 应该如何评价 1537 01:24:22,466 --> 01:24:25,733 有人在魂斗罗8球就如何用手柄 1538 01:24:26,566 --> 01:24:28,133 玩魂斗罗 1539 01:24:29,766 --> 01:24:31,933 手柄不能玩魂斗罗吗 1540 01:24:33,166 --> 01:24:35,166 我不知道这个事情啊 1541 01:24:35,900 --> 01:24:37,133 主播是紫发 1542 01:24:37,133 --> 01:24:38,333 主播是双马尾 1543 01:24:38,333 --> 01:24:39,399 主播是我爹 1544 01:24:39,400 --> 01:24:41,200 主播8点到10点没有播过 1545 01:24:41,200 --> 01:24:43,066 一个猜想我是克勤 1546 01:24:43,266 --> 01:24:46,266 哈哈哈一个猜想我是克勤 1547 01:24:46,933 --> 01:24:49,466 我不是近视眼谁是近视眼呢 1548 01:24:49,700 --> 01:24:53,500 我不想穿外套我要快乐的浪浪 1549 01:24:53,766 --> 01:24:55,333 谢谢明白 1550 01:24:55,333 --> 01:24:59,499 上官的喵女儿离开大喵还是喵还是喵 1551 01:24:59,800 --> 01:25:00,733 喵 1552 01:25:01,400 --> 01:25:03,000 主播为什么还有清空呀 1553 01:25:03,000 --> 01:25:03,966 是玩不起吗 1554 01:25:03,966 --> 01:25:06,933 清空只清当场又不清之后的 1555 01:25:07,366 --> 01:25:08,533 只清当场 1556 01:25:09,300 --> 01:25:10,700 我差50颗星 1557 01:25:11,966 --> 01:25:12,966 提多就成啊 1558 01:25:12,966 --> 01:25:14,666 没有当场这是当场的 1559 01:25:14,666 --> 01:25:16,099 不是不是全部 1560 01:25:16,100 --> 01:25:18,966 不是全部成的是这个下边的时间下 1561 01:25:18,966 --> 01:25:19,766 边的 1562 01:25:22,600 --> 01:25:23,966 这是他默认的设置 1563 01:25:23,966 --> 01:25:25,666 我不知道往下添什么了 1564 01:25:25,666 --> 01:25:27,133 这俩就是默认了 1565 01:25:28,100 --> 01:25:31,166 刚给客情刷圣女物怎么这么不中用啊 1566 01:25:31,166 --> 01:25:33,766 穿了一身豪华的衣服还打不过人家 1567 01:25:33,766 --> 01:25:35,499 穿破烂的咋办 1568 01:25:35,700 --> 01:25:37,066 偷偷烟真是好事 1569 01:25:37,066 --> 01:25:38,066 瞄着偷 1570 01:25:39,300 --> 01:25:42,733 我宣布他皮的装扮今天开始改成直发 1571 01:25:42,733 --> 01:25:44,266 就是我的了 1572 01:25:44,566 --> 01:25:47,166 我把他装扮进行一个嗯嗯的偷来 1573 01:25:48,100 --> 01:25:49,166 喵娘是好事 1574 01:25:49,366 --> 01:25:52,466 哈哈哈我也要我也要 1575 01:25:54,166 --> 01:25:54,966 啊 1576 01:25:56,366 --> 01:25:57,733 默认就不会改是吧 1577 01:25:57,733 --> 01:25:58,699 改成什么呀 1578 01:25:58,700 --> 01:26:02,533 你们可以可以可以教教我改成什么 1579 01:26:02,666 --> 01:26:03,966 客情露背音乐露吗 1580 01:26:03,966 --> 01:26:05,366 你怎么知道我不露呢 1581 01:26:06,666 --> 01:26:08,766 怎么了超级可爱月月酱 1582 01:26:11,266 --> 01:26:12,933 你怎么知道我不露背呢 1583 01:26:15,333 --> 01:26:17,266 你也太低估我了吧 1584 01:26:19,066 --> 01:26:21,499 其实你们看不到的地方全都没穿东西 1585 01:26:21,500 --> 01:26:23,300 啊哈哈哈哈 1586 01:26:23,966 --> 01:26:25,733 因为比较省布料吗 1587 01:26:25,733 --> 01:26:27,166 我确实没有背后 1588 01:26:28,600 --> 01:26:29,933 这就像贴图一样 1589 01:26:29,933 --> 01:26:32,966 这衣服像贴图一样贴在身上前前半身 1590 01:26:32,966 --> 01:26:35,266 对对对这毛衣是露背的 1591 01:26:35,500 --> 01:26:37,066 然后我那裙子也是露背的 1592 01:26:37,066 --> 01:26:38,699 要不然我背后有个尾巴 1593 01:26:38,700 --> 01:26:40,533 是从什么地方出来的呢 1594 01:26:41,766 --> 01:26:43,699 不露背什么地方出来的呢 1595 01:26:45,300 --> 01:26:47,133 什么时候攒够3D化的钱 1596 01:26:47,133 --> 01:26:48,599 就可以给你们看了 1597 01:26:49,466 --> 01:26:50,999 对啊你落钱的话都一样 1598 01:26:51,000 --> 01:26:54,266 还真是落钱的话都一样啊所以没关系 1599 01:26:54,466 --> 01:26:57,133 但是我攒够3D化的钱就给你们看 1600 01:26:57,133 --> 01:26:58,299 哈哈哈 1601 01:26:59,166 --> 01:27:01,733 今天的直播就看到这里了 1602 01:27:01,733 --> 01:27:04,166 那你们得帮我攒攒3D化的钱 1603 01:27:04,600 --> 01:27:07,466 他是怎么挂在身上的你们不知道吗 1604 01:27:08,400 --> 01:27:11,133 有袖子呀有袖子呀 1605 01:27:11,133 --> 01:27:13,399 毛衣是露背的但是有袖子 1606 01:27:15,600 --> 01:27:17,300 主播为什么还要穿呢 1607 01:27:17,300 --> 01:27:18,066 我可以不穿 1608 01:27:18,066 --> 01:27:20,666 我今天不是放出了绝密那个什么照吗 1609 01:27:21,133 --> 01:27:22,599 有照管无动于衷 1610 01:27:22,600 --> 01:27:24,066 一看你就没看过我切片 1611 01:27:24,066 --> 01:27:25,599 罚你给我切片十遍 1612 01:27:26,533 --> 01:27:27,999 罚你去溜我的千遍 1613 01:27:28,000 --> 01:27:30,466 十遍我的钱包永远不会坑 1614 01:27:31,933 --> 01:27:35,199 这句话听起来真的太霸气了 1615 01:27:35,266 --> 01:27:37,066 感觉霸气侧漏 1616 01:27:37,600 --> 01:27:40,800 一个猜想只骗人是用胶水粘的 1617 01:27:47,766 --> 01:27:49,966 我要是熬不住了送10个喵娘 1618 01:27:49,966 --> 01:27:51,666 直接结束直播了 1619 01:27:52,533 --> 01:27:55,699 真的吗你切片的时候都没有毛衣 1620 01:27:55,866 --> 01:27:58,499 那你这个那个裙子也露背啊 1621 01:27:58,500 --> 01:27:59,300 毛衣也露背 1622 01:27:59,300 --> 01:28:00,566 都是一样的原理 1623 01:28:00,766 --> 01:28:03,733 到最好的时刻 1624 01:28:05,000 --> 01:28:05,733 这视频 1625 01:28:05,733 --> 01:28:07,899 现在直播回放会显示在视频里面的 1626 01:28:07,900 --> 01:28:08,866 好烦呐 1627 01:28:09,900 --> 01:28:11,400 因为他现在标了直播回放 1628 01:28:11,400 --> 01:28:14,966 导致我这个整个视频看起来就很很乱 1629 01:28:15,266 --> 01:28:16,533 投稿就很乱 1630 01:28:18,366 --> 01:28:19,266 哎呀 1631 01:28:20,200 --> 01:28:21,566 毛衣可爱喜欢 1632 01:28:21,566 --> 01:28:22,566 我也喜欢 1633 01:28:25,133 --> 01:28:28,133 我还喜欢戴围巾还喜欢穿的厚厚的 1634 01:28:29,766 --> 01:28:32,133 直播回放好像会导致限流 1635 01:28:32,200 --> 01:28:34,266 对我也我也不是特别想 1636 01:28:34,266 --> 01:28:35,066 那什么 1637 01:28:35,500 --> 01:28:39,366 主播的喵娘好像过于便宜了说实在的 1638 01:28:39,366 --> 01:28:40,399 啥意思啊 1639 01:28:42,533 --> 01:28:44,299 我也可以以小博大 1640 01:28:44,300 --> 01:28:46,700 然后那个你们送一个新年快乐 1641 01:28:46,700 --> 01:28:47,700 加一分钟 1642 01:28:47,800 --> 01:28:50,400 送一个喵娘减50分钟 1643 01:28:51,733 --> 01:28:53,799 主播还有一套衣服呢 1644 01:28:56,400 --> 01:28:58,400 主播的另一套衣服得 1645 01:28:58,900 --> 01:29:02,733 这个月要是能凑够钱就上 1646 01:29:03,133 --> 01:29:06,666 30块钱就可以让一个店长的努力白费 1647 01:29:07,666 --> 01:29:08,466 那我们 1648 01:29:08,466 --> 01:29:10,699 应该设计成什么比较贵的东西吗 1649 01:29:10,700 --> 01:29:14,600 主要是设计成太太贵了没参与感啊 1650 01:29:14,600 --> 01:29:15,400 家人们 1651 01:29:16,400 --> 01:29:20,333 衬衫太贵了没参与感了虽然之城是吧 1652 01:29:20,466 --> 01:29:23,299 不是只听这个机子设置的 1653 01:29:23,300 --> 01:29:26,300 只听是机子的不听那个什么的 1654 01:29:26,300 --> 01:29:27,300 不听全部 1655 01:29:27,966 --> 01:29:28,899 你今天好卡 1656 01:29:28,900 --> 01:29:29,500 只是我卡 1657 01:29:29,500 --> 01:29:31,266 不可能是我卡吧 1658 01:29:34,966 --> 01:29:38,099 就一个新春快乐数值设置 1659 01:29:40,400 --> 01:29:42,000 关键是太便宜了 1660 01:29:42,000 --> 01:29:44,766 好像这个好a呢有没有这个好a 1661 01:29:50,266 --> 01:29:52,999 他不能是0.5吧 1662 01:29:53,000 --> 01:29:54,500 能是0.5吗 1663 01:29:57,266 --> 01:30:00,066 可以哎那就可以设个0.5 1664 01:30:02,266 --> 01:30:03,366 翠园之城直接跑 1665 01:30:03,366 --> 01:30:04,533 没人说我呀 1666 01:30:04,533 --> 01:30:07,066 我到直播到现在好像都没收到过翠园 1667 01:30:07,066 --> 01:30:08,733 之城好像就收到过一个 1668 01:30:09,366 --> 01:30:11,666 一小时仅限杂聊吗 1669 01:30:15,900 --> 01:30:17,200 什么叫只限杂粮吗 1670 01:30:17,200 --> 01:30:18,333 可以学习呀 1671 01:30:19,333 --> 01:30:22,166 反正我的这个直播一般两个多小时 1672 01:30:22,166 --> 01:30:24,966 背后大家睡觉了我就开始学习了 1673 01:30:25,600 --> 01:30:27,100 加班机启动 1674 01:30:44,933 --> 01:30:46,766 今天如何评价冻柚子 1675 01:30:46,766 --> 01:30:51,133 我只吃过冻葡萄冻荔枝和冻桃子 1676 01:30:51,133 --> 01:30:54,499 冻柚子是什么味道的你可以告诉我吗 1677 01:30:56,666 --> 01:30:58,566 主播我去别的直播间抢牛蛙 1678 01:30:58,566 --> 01:30:59,466 牛蛙送给你 1679 01:30:59,466 --> 01:31:00,499 我好感动 1680 01:31:00,500 --> 01:31:01,533 超级谢谢你 1681 01:31:01,533 --> 01:31:02,366 挨离挨揍 1682 01:31:03,500 --> 01:31:04,800 你看脸红的 1683 01:31:04,866 --> 01:31:07,599 那能学这段钢琴声好好听 1684 01:31:12,466 --> 01:31:16,666 哈喽哈哈哈等会我贴在屏幕上吧 1685 01:31:16,666 --> 01:31:17,466 这 1686 01:31:18,466 --> 01:31:20,266 这应该是罗马音吧 1687 01:31:20,266 --> 01:31:22,666 这看起来不像是那个什么 1688 01:31:23,166 --> 01:31:26,166 谢谢贪哥的牛蛙牛蛙阿力来到谢谢 1689 01:31:27,066 --> 01:31:29,066 这段钢琴音好好听 1690 01:31:29,066 --> 01:31:31,799 傻逼你吊我干什么 1691 01:31:41,866 --> 01:31:44,499 现在新年快乐下面了不 1692 01:31:45,500 --> 01:31:46,300 那 1693 01:31:46,700 --> 01:31:50,000 郑老爷不带了由你来继承他的愿望 1694 01:31:50,000 --> 01:31:52,266 狠狠的进行一个攻击 1695 01:31:53,466 --> 01:31:55,866 我妈猜中了也肯定是 1696 01:31:57,133 --> 01:32:00,533 大过年回家狠狠的喝酒 1697 01:32:00,533 --> 01:32:02,066 然后呢导致 1698 01:32:02,066 --> 01:32:03,133 导致什么 1699 01:32:03,866 --> 01:32:06,333 导致没有办法准时收看 1700 01:32:06,366 --> 01:32:08,266 米耶米亚的直播 1701 01:32:11,200 --> 01:32:12,900 当然也有一种可能性的 1702 01:32:12,900 --> 01:32:15,700 就是他被拉去相亲了 1703 01:32:15,700 --> 01:32:18,100 然后导致他没有办法 1704 01:32:18,500 --> 01:32:20,666 准时收看米呀米呀的直播 1705 01:32:20,666 --> 01:32:22,566 房顶信号真好 1706 01:32:23,500 --> 01:32:25,733 风好大我好害怕 1707 01:32:26,266 --> 01:32:28,299 烟烟怎么了蓉蓉 1708 01:32:38,100 --> 01:32:40,466 速度80迈心情是自由自在 1709 01:32:40,466 --> 01:32:42,199 哇你们你们都没挂科 1710 01:32:42,200 --> 01:32:44,266 你们为什么要进行个瑞亚 1711 01:32:44,666 --> 01:32:46,066 我都要挂科了 1712 01:32:46,066 --> 01:32:47,199 我还没怎么 1713 01:32:47,900 --> 01:32:49,566 你好可爱啊妍妍 1714 01:32:49,566 --> 01:32:53,166 真的吗真的吗哇 1715 01:32:55,700 --> 01:32:58,366 月亮你好你应该能推荐一些纯音乐吗 1716 01:32:58,366 --> 01:33:00,766 我推荐这个啊 1717 01:33:00,933 --> 01:33:03,333 哦哦看你容易忍不住 1718 01:33:03,333 --> 01:33:05,599 别别说了再说我要害羞了 1719 01:33:05,600 --> 01:33:06,400 哎呀 1720 01:33:06,566 --> 01:33:09,099 这个燕子我什么大风大浪没见过 1721 01:33:09,100 --> 01:33:11,300 说我是傻逼的然后认做 1722 01:33:11,300 --> 01:33:14,600 我爹的认我做爹的都有 1723 01:33:14,933 --> 01:33:19,066 但是哎呀一被挨夸还是很不好意思 1724 01:33:26,300 --> 01:33:28,466 这个估计也是切片来的 1725 01:33:28,533 --> 01:33:31,366 你现在发现这是啥礼物这个好哎 1726 01:33:31,566 --> 01:33:33,066 这是这个好哎 1727 01:33:34,266 --> 01:33:36,966 耶耶小宝贝每次一来就说学习跑了 1728 01:33:36,966 --> 01:33:38,533 嗯没有呀 1729 01:33:38,533 --> 01:33:39,733 反转的反转的 1730 01:33:39,733 --> 01:33:40,799 怎么反转了 1731 01:33:41,100 --> 01:33:42,466 减0.5分钟 1732 01:33:42,466 --> 01:33:44,199 这不想让你们有参与感吗 1733 01:33:44,200 --> 01:33:45,566 让你们想要啥呀 1734 01:33:45,666 --> 01:33:47,699 喜欢你好喜欢你 1735 01:33:47,933 --> 01:33:50,599 哎呀啊我不好意思了嘛 1736 01:33:50,600 --> 01:33:52,466 别别夸了 1737 01:33:56,800 --> 01:33:58,566 该吃该吃一起来 1738 01:33:58,566 --> 01:34:00,499 主播受不了了 1739 01:34:03,766 --> 01:34:05,133 来自什么 1740 01:34:05,133 --> 01:34:07,066 怎么有PK邀请啊 1741 01:34:15,733 --> 01:34:17,333 什么新赛季啊谢谢 1742 01:34:17,333 --> 01:34:20,566 剩女的一二三四五六七八九十个 1743 01:34:20,566 --> 01:34:21,533 这个好哎 1744 01:34:21,666 --> 01:34:23,599 谢谢不予妄语的10个新春快乐榜 1745 01:34:23,600 --> 01:34:24,866 感谢阿力盖照 1746 01:34:25,333 --> 01:34:28,199 就喜欢攻击性高来你我不好意思呀 1747 01:34:28,800 --> 01:34:30,166 谢谢可可的简单 1748 01:34:30,166 --> 01:34:32,299 阿力盖的我不敢接 1749 01:34:32,300 --> 01:34:34,000 那我们打大乱斗吧 1750 01:34:34,466 --> 01:34:36,866 他怎么又开那个那什么了 1751 01:34:37,666 --> 01:34:40,199 他不是他不是那什么了吗 1752 01:34:40,800 --> 01:34:44,800 哎他这个不是赛季都都过了 1753 01:34:44,800 --> 01:34:47,200 为什么还有人邀请连线呢 1754 01:34:48,600 --> 01:34:50,600 明明赛季都过了 1755 01:34:50,600 --> 01:34:52,466 他有说他有邀请我 1756 01:34:52,466 --> 01:34:54,099 这怎么还能开呀 1757 01:34:54,733 --> 01:34:56,533 接了我我已经拒绝了 1758 01:34:56,533 --> 01:34:57,199 我不敢 1759 01:34:57,200 --> 01:34:59,800 我他叫什么什么什么什么工作室 1760 01:34:59,933 --> 01:35:01,766 我我不敢接 1761 01:35:05,366 --> 01:35:08,166 上官哥我手里是开没用 1762 01:35:14,300 --> 01:35:16,100 谁说的我没用 1763 01:35:16,500 --> 01:35:17,966 你们谁说的 1764 01:35:18,166 --> 01:35:19,499 把他交出来 1765 01:35:19,800 --> 01:35:23,800 哈哈让我狠狠的进行一个鞭打呀 1766 01:35:31,400 --> 01:35:33,566 我喜欢的纯音乐 1767 01:35:35,200 --> 01:35:39,700 我们米呀米呀工作是米顺呀米顺呀 1768 01:35:39,700 --> 01:35:42,800 在这里祝大家新年快乐 1769 01:35:42,800 --> 01:35:44,500 给你们拜年了 1770 01:35:52,900 --> 01:35:55,600 这怎么没有那个钢琴了呀 1771 01:36:00,566 --> 01:36:02,266 冠军巡逻中 1772 01:36:03,333 --> 01:36:05,733 不是这时间也没减没减吗 1773 01:36:08,733 --> 01:36:10,766 哎为什么 1774 01:36:11,266 --> 01:36:12,599 为什么没剪呀 1775 01:36:12,600 --> 01:36:13,866 我不知道而已 1776 01:36:18,500 --> 01:36:20,733 为啥写的是减0分钟啊 1777 01:36:20,733 --> 01:36:21,999 可能他0.5 1778 01:36:22,000 --> 01:36:24,733 成效不了只能不能带小数点吧 1779 01:36:24,733 --> 01:36:26,133 那就只能一了 1780 01:36:32,733 --> 01:36:33,733 没有没有没有 1781 01:36:33,733 --> 01:36:35,666 这这这为什么呀 1782 01:36:36,533 --> 01:36:39,599 坏了他他他没修好 1783 01:36:40,466 --> 01:36:42,699 他他可能得整数 1784 01:36:44,500 --> 01:36:46,300 我我重新设一下 1785 01:36:46,300 --> 01:36:47,800 等一会啊待会 1786 01:37:08,500 --> 01:37:11,766 你紧急醒了过来哈哈哈 1787 01:37:11,766 --> 01:37:13,733 你不是不舒服吗 1788 01:37:13,733 --> 01:37:16,966 你立天宫你立天宫你立天宫 1789 01:37:17,000 --> 01:37:19,166 可是你为什么要醒过来呀 1790 01:37:20,400 --> 01:37:24,100 明明睡得早点不是挺不错的吗嗯 1791 01:37:25,666 --> 01:37:27,799 歌单的有纯音乐吗 1792 01:37:28,533 --> 01:37:32,333 我没有纯音乐的歌单但是但是 1793 01:37:32,533 --> 01:37:36,299 嗯啊我的纯音乐都是那种 1794 01:37:38,400 --> 01:37:41,533 你们可能不会喜欢吧但我挺喜欢的 1795 01:37:41,533 --> 01:37:44,466 看我被主播气醒了谁说的 1796 01:37:47,333 --> 01:37:48,699 我挺喜欢这个的 1797 01:37:48,700 --> 01:37:50,566 你们有人听东方吗 1798 01:37:54,266 --> 01:37:55,999 这不是没过来打卡吗 1799 01:37:56,000 --> 01:37:57,100 那这 1800 01:37:57,766 --> 01:37:59,733 你你都让我有点感动 1801 01:37:59,733 --> 01:38:03,366 哈哈哈你都让我有点感动了 1802 01:38:04,166 --> 01:38:06,199 契约扰动都来了 1803 01:38:06,200 --> 01:38:07,966 我没有费尽心力 1804 01:38:16,200 --> 01:38:18,166 全体没有了算你的 1805 01:38:19,733 --> 01:38:21,933 你们可以把号给我托管 1806 01:38:21,933 --> 01:38:23,366 然后等那个什么 1807 01:38:23,366 --> 01:38:26,266 等那个你们哪天有事来不了 1808 01:38:26,266 --> 01:38:27,933 然后我就上你们的号 1809 01:38:28,166 --> 01:38:29,933 在直播间一边直播 1810 01:38:29,933 --> 01:38:31,999 一边用你们的这个这个账号 1811 01:38:32,000 --> 01:38:34,100 打出符合你们性格的这个 1812 01:38:34,800 --> 01:38:38,600 弹幕啊然后对我自己进行一个嘎吃 1813 01:38:38,600 --> 01:38:39,966 比如说上郑老爷的号 1814 01:38:39,966 --> 01:38:41,533 为了符合他的性格就要 1815 01:38:41,700 --> 01:38:43,966 就让他在直播间疯狂的表白 1816 01:38:43,966 --> 01:38:46,466 哎燕燕真的好喜欢你燕燕 1817 01:38:46,566 --> 01:38:48,799 从来没有见过这么可爱的女孩子 1818 01:38:48,800 --> 01:38:49,533 你的猫儿 1819 01:38:49,533 --> 01:38:52,533 你的猫儿一举一动都扰乱我的心神 1820 01:38:52,533 --> 01:38:55,533 然后让看着弹幕这个发出 1821 01:38:56,400 --> 01:38:57,700 很多很多的问号 1822 01:38:57,700 --> 01:38:59,900 然后我就觉得非常的开心 1823 01:39:01,733 --> 01:39:03,933 主播把张伟气醒了 1824 01:39:05,866 --> 01:39:08,099 我就喜欢这个主播 1825 01:39:08,100 --> 01:39:09,166 确实该死 1826 01:39:09,166 --> 01:39:09,899 谁说的啊 1827 01:39:09,900 --> 01:39:11,000 尤文奥特曼 1828 01:39:11,500 --> 01:39:14,100 那个什么你的那个音声 1829 01:39:14,400 --> 01:39:16,000 你你你有没有那个 1830 01:39:16,000 --> 01:39:18,500 什么有没有有没有有没有 1831 01:39:18,566 --> 01:39:20,399 有没有指定的那个 1832 01:39:21,933 --> 01:39:23,166 中文跟日文 1833 01:39:23,166 --> 01:39:24,599 你有没有指定的内容 1834 01:39:24,600 --> 01:39:25,533 如果没有的话 1835 01:39:25,533 --> 01:39:27,699 我给你录一个带你网名的 1836 01:39:27,700 --> 01:39:30,333 或者你私信我想要我叫你什么 1837 01:39:30,333 --> 01:39:32,866 但是你不能不能搞一些奇怪的称呼啊 1838 01:39:32,866 --> 01:39:33,766 得是那种正常的 1839 01:39:33,766 --> 01:39:34,933 比如你的网名啊 1840 01:39:34,933 --> 01:39:36,799 或者是你现实的名字啊 1841 01:39:36,800 --> 01:39:38,766 或者乱七八糟的什么的都行 1842 01:39:38,866 --> 01:39:41,699 不能让占我便宜让我叫你爹之类的 1843 01:39:41,700 --> 01:39:42,800 这是不可以的 1844 01:39:43,900 --> 01:39:44,800 你是什么风格 1845 01:39:44,800 --> 01:39:48,166 你19就是这个非常正常的怪人观众 1846 01:39:48,700 --> 01:39:49,900 可可爱的 1847 01:39:50,533 --> 01:39:52,199 约了麻了 1848 01:39:53,500 --> 01:39:55,700 你说说你的DNA失望 1849 01:40:04,933 --> 01:40:06,099 不能叫爹吗 1850 01:40:06,100 --> 01:40:07,900 瞬间失望了叫爹 1851 01:40:08,366 --> 01:40:09,499 什么变质了 1852 01:40:09,500 --> 01:40:10,900 怎么就变质了呢 1853 01:40:11,066 --> 01:40:12,199 父爱变质 1854 01:40:14,766 --> 01:40:16,199 我我实在扛不住 1855 01:40:16,200 --> 01:40:17,500 yes me机械机长 1856 01:40:17,766 --> 01:40:19,166 晚安晚安燕子的爱 1857 01:40:19,166 --> 01:40:21,999 对你们一直都是那个纯纯的母爱啊 1858 01:40:23,700 --> 01:40:26,533 我我一直对你们都是纯纯的母爱呀 1859 01:40:26,533 --> 01:40:27,333 嗯嗯 1860 01:40:38,000 --> 01:40:39,800 叫爹是另外的价钱 1861 01:40:39,800 --> 01:40:41,733 对叫爹是另外的价钱 1862 01:40:42,500 --> 01:40:44,533 没有我猜的干什么 1863 01:40:47,100 --> 01:40:49,300 对我一直对你们都是纯纯的母爱呀 1864 01:40:49,300 --> 01:40:51,600 这个在直播间可以叫妈妈 1865 01:40:51,600 --> 01:40:53,333 妈妈找到你的妈妈 1866 01:40:54,800 --> 01:40:55,933 乖儿子啊 1867 01:40:55,933 --> 01:40:58,099 对你中间有个攻击的欲望 1868 01:40:58,133 --> 01:40:59,399 干什么 1869 01:41:00,066 --> 01:41:02,466 主播有自己的名台词吗 1870 01:41:02,566 --> 01:41:03,799 那个什么 1871 01:41:04,400 --> 01:41:07,266 好像其实有几句但都不是什么好感啊 1872 01:41:07,900 --> 01:41:09,966 小蝌蚪找妈妈 1873 01:41:10,000 --> 01:41:12,533 我会不会变得也像其他咽炎人一样 1874 01:41:12,566 --> 01:41:14,399 只要你保持一颗 1875 01:41:15,200 --> 01:41:17,366 安静干净的心 1876 01:41:17,366 --> 01:41:19,599 就不会变得像其他烟人一样 1877 01:41:19,600 --> 01:41:22,366 这个这个淤泥一样的这个物种啊 1878 01:41:22,366 --> 01:41:23,699 你就会变成那个 1879 01:41:23,866 --> 01:41:25,733 濯清涟而不妖的那个 1880 01:41:25,733 --> 01:41:28,466 出淤泥而不染的那个白莲花啊 1881 01:41:29,266 --> 01:41:31,366 明月妈妈我是出生 1882 01:41:34,933 --> 01:41:36,366 妈妈我要喝奶 1883 01:41:37,666 --> 01:41:39,133 好恶心啊 1884 01:41:40,066 --> 01:41:41,299 好恶心 1885 01:41:42,966 --> 01:41:44,266 听说谁是淤泥 1886 01:41:44,266 --> 01:41:45,533 我是淤泥我是 1887 01:41:45,533 --> 01:41:47,099 狠狠的淤泥好吧 1888 01:41:53,300 --> 01:41:54,733 戒烟消消胃 1889 01:41:55,066 --> 01:41:56,366 你烟出生 1890 01:41:56,366 --> 01:41:57,533 我是妈妈 1891 01:41:57,666 --> 01:41:58,899 我是你爹 1892 01:41:59,866 --> 01:42:00,766 我是你爹 1893 01:42:00,766 --> 01:42:01,799 你在干嘛呢 1894 01:42:09,900 --> 01:42:11,766 赵老爷相亲回来了 1895 01:42:11,766 --> 01:42:14,866 没有没有那我我我黑p的我黑p的 1896 01:42:14,966 --> 01:42:16,533 我猜赵老爷晚上不来 1897 01:42:16,533 --> 01:42:19,999 可能是那个喝多了或者是相亲去了 1898 01:42:23,300 --> 01:42:24,333 没有啊 1899 01:42:26,266 --> 01:42:27,899 主播80观众 1900 01:42:27,900 --> 01:42:30,800 我哪有80个观众啊我一共只有60个观众 1901 01:42:30,800 --> 01:42:32,500 何谈80观众呢 1902 01:42:34,666 --> 01:42:35,466 哎 1903 01:42:39,100 --> 01:42:42,466 我就60个观众和前80个观众一家人 1904 01:42:50,966 --> 01:42:52,566 别绯闻大家 1905 01:42:52,566 --> 01:42:53,899 谁绯闻你们了 1906 01:42:54,333 --> 01:42:56,166 对啊我只有60个观众 1907 01:42:56,933 --> 01:43:01,366 到现在你呀你呀你这鼻嘴净唠逼 1908 01:43:03,300 --> 01:43:05,133 你发点能念的呗 1909 01:43:05,600 --> 01:43:07,333 你能不能发点能念的呀 1910 01:43:07,333 --> 01:43:08,133 啊 1911 01:43:08,800 --> 01:43:09,533 有的时候吧 1912 01:43:09,533 --> 01:43:11,699 我其实很想跟你们进行一个像 1913 01:43:11,700 --> 01:43:14,466 像其他的一样跟大家亲切友好 1914 01:43:14,466 --> 01:43:16,499 然后有素质又友好 1915 01:43:16,533 --> 01:43:19,366 然后又可爱又友好的跟你们互动 1916 01:43:19,366 --> 01:43:21,933 但是有的时候你们真不开窍啊 1917 01:43:23,966 --> 01:43:25,466 怎么念的呢 1918 01:43:27,166 --> 01:43:28,999 子不教父之过 1919 01:43:29,166 --> 01:43:32,366 主播做错了什么骂我就 1920 01:43:33,866 --> 01:43:35,066 父子呢 1921 01:43:36,066 --> 01:43:37,333 坏了坏了 1922 01:43:38,900 --> 01:43:40,666 我被除草机逮捕了 1923 01:43:40,666 --> 01:43:42,799 除草机对我进行一个逮捕 1924 01:43:43,300 --> 01:43:44,933 你这不是都念完了吗 1925 01:43:44,933 --> 01:43:46,599 粉丝成分确实复杂 1926 01:43:46,600 --> 01:43:48,000 我靠给呀 1927 01:43:49,766 --> 01:43:53,166 炕着卖白粉的鸭收着卖白菜的米 1928 01:43:53,166 --> 01:43:56,466 家人们我要郁郁了 1929 01:43:57,200 --> 01:43:59,933 燕燕跟燕燕人不是双向奔赴是吧 1930 01:43:59,933 --> 01:44:01,899 那燕燕就像你的一面镜子 1931 01:44:01,900 --> 01:44:03,166 如果你攻击燕燕 1932 01:44:03,166 --> 01:44:04,699 那燕燕也会攻击你 1933 01:44:04,733 --> 01:44:06,466 如果你该吃燕燕 1934 01:44:06,466 --> 01:44:08,099 那燕燕会很不好意思 1935 01:44:08,100 --> 01:44:11,666 然后就假装打岔其实心里美滋滋的 1936 01:44:12,866 --> 01:44:15,199 其他主播会给哥们进行一个游戏的 1937 01:44:15,200 --> 01:44:17,400 陪玩哪个没陪你玩游戏啊 1938 01:44:18,266 --> 01:44:20,166 主播就喜欢念这种弹幕 1939 01:44:20,200 --> 01:44:21,500 哎呀哈哈 1940 01:44:22,066 --> 01:44:23,133 怎么会呢 1941 01:44:30,600 --> 01:44:32,966 我一直都觉得我其实很上票 1942 01:44:32,966 --> 01:44:35,066 我被我最爱的粉丝网爆了 1943 01:44:35,066 --> 01:44:38,266 家人们我郁郁了白菜 1944 01:44:38,266 --> 01:44:40,166 你都没卖过白啥呀 1945 01:44:40,300 --> 01:44:42,533 我卖白菜会亏本的啦 1946 01:44:42,566 --> 01:44:43,999 think i need you more 1947 01:44:52,133 --> 01:44:56,566 烟宝后天白天陪大家一起过年好吗 1948 01:44:57,666 --> 01:45:00,166 我会挑一个时间开的啦 1949 01:45:00,400 --> 01:45:03,800 但是我过年的企划可能也 1950 01:45:04,066 --> 01:45:06,399 不是特别的合适 1951 01:45:06,866 --> 01:45:11,066 我不知道要跟大家搞什么过年的企划 1952 01:45:11,066 --> 01:45:13,733 你现在经历一场史无前例的巴黎 1953 01:45:13,733 --> 01:45:14,733 还真是 1954 01:45:19,933 --> 01:45:20,866 别人路过 1955 01:45:20,866 --> 01:45:24,099 说着卖白菜的小姑娘好可爱呀 1956 01:45:28,900 --> 01:45:31,200 这主播就笑嘻嘻送别人 1957 01:45:31,200 --> 01:45:32,566 你怎么知道呀 1958 01:45:32,566 --> 01:45:33,766 我就是讲你你 1959 01:45:33,866 --> 01:45:36,533 你夸夸我我就可不好意思了 1960 01:45:36,533 --> 01:45:39,099 就比如说有的时候你们也不上见长 1961 01:45:39,100 --> 01:45:41,300 然后就在弹幕就跟我撒娇 1962 01:45:41,533 --> 01:45:42,499 亲爱的燕燕 1963 01:45:42,700 --> 01:45:45,500 你再加会吧忙着再看一会吗 1964 01:45:45,500 --> 01:45:46,266 然后我 1965 01:45:46,266 --> 01:45:49,199 我又不好意思我说那再加一会吧 1966 01:45:49,200 --> 01:45:50,133 哈哈哈 1967 01:45:51,400 --> 01:45:53,366 我是要开心呀 1968 01:45:58,566 --> 01:46:01,533 我加个班好不好我已经压了 1969 01:46:01,533 --> 01:46:05,066 已经加了做中国年不看中国电影 1970 01:46:07,266 --> 01:46:09,366 因为你们就跟我撒娇 1971 01:46:09,700 --> 01:46:11,766 我就可不好意思了 1972 01:46:13,266 --> 01:46:16,966 哎对了大伙有没有学计算机的 1973 01:46:16,966 --> 01:46:18,766 能不能帮主播写作业 1974 01:46:18,866 --> 01:46:20,133 哈哈哈 1975 01:46:20,133 --> 01:46:23,399 主播今天想进行一个小小作业的写 1976 01:46:23,400 --> 01:46:25,366 主播找点事好不好 1977 01:46:25,366 --> 01:46:26,899 我要给你上禁言了 1978 01:46:27,400 --> 01:46:29,866 名门胜光禁言该用户 1979 01:46:30,000 --> 01:46:31,366 怎么郑老爷都回来了 1980 01:46:31,366 --> 01:46:32,999 你的攻击性还这么高 1981 01:46:34,333 --> 01:46:37,566 有没有学那个CS的给主播写作业吧 1982 01:46:37,566 --> 01:46:38,366 家人们 1983 01:46:39,700 --> 01:46:40,866 我还没学呢 1984 01:46:40,866 --> 01:46:41,966 我还没学过呢 1985 01:46:41,966 --> 01:46:44,766 让我看看我我的作业是个啥内容 1986 01:46:45,600 --> 01:46:48,266 等会看完直播进行一个作业的写 1987 01:46:57,533 --> 01:46:58,733 开玩笑开玩笑的 1988 01:46:58,733 --> 01:47:00,599 不是CS go是CS 1989 01:47:00,933 --> 01:47:03,966 我们课程推售200一份真便宜 1990 01:47:05,466 --> 01:47:08,933 要不知不知道我们这边代写都多少钱 1991 01:47:09,733 --> 01:47:11,666 你知不知道我们这边代写多少钱 1992 01:47:11,666 --> 01:47:13,333 这边的代写我都怀疑 1993 01:47:13,333 --> 01:47:15,566 就大学毕业别找正经工作直 1994 01:47:15,566 --> 01:47:17,166 接进个代写机构 1995 01:47:18,000 --> 01:47:20,066 赚的盆满钵满好吧 1996 01:47:22,533 --> 01:47:23,333 学西安省 1997 01:47:23,600 --> 01:47:27,300 台阶是学西安市的女生学西安市 1998 01:47:27,600 --> 01:47:28,900 这么厉害 1999 01:47:29,100 --> 01:47:32,466 多少才小作业1,000人民币起 2000 01:47:32,466 --> 01:47:34,566 大考试2,000人民币起 2001 01:47:35,133 --> 01:47:37,866 我后天跟监考老师过年不要 2002 01:47:40,733 --> 01:47:42,899 讲一下世博在干嘛 2003 01:47:43,266 --> 01:47:45,899 一二绘图工具这是个啥 2004 01:47:45,900 --> 01:47:47,366 让我先学一下啊 2005 01:47:47,566 --> 01:47:49,766 哥们不会CS哥们只会发s 2006 01:47:51,166 --> 01:47:52,899 让我狠狠的看一下 2007 01:47:53,900 --> 01:47:57,000 要求我创建数据库设计 2008 01:47:57,366 --> 01:48:00,999 你的设计将记录在一组实体关系图 2009 01:48:01,000 --> 01:48:01,800 这什么 2010 01:48:02,800 --> 01:48:05,000 as a step without care 2011 01:48:05,000 --> 01:48:08,466 step without care boy take shot them all 2012 01:48:08,733 --> 01:48:12,766 or could i hang out all or cast i can't believe 2013 01:48:20,400 --> 01:48:22,600 今天今天学那个 2014 01:48:22,600 --> 01:48:24,400 学CS家人们 2015 01:48:26,400 --> 01:48:30,366 等会到2个小时左右可以开始学习了 2016 01:48:30,366 --> 01:48:32,199 对关系重是吧 2017 01:48:32,200 --> 01:48:34,366 呀对没学过耶 2018 01:48:34,966 --> 01:48:35,499 come on Louie 2019 01:48:35,500 --> 01:48:53,000 cottokakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka 2020 01:49:00,933 --> 01:49:03,133 是净土编辑器 2021 01:49:03,600 --> 01:49:05,400 这是个啥东西啊 2022 01:49:05,933 --> 01:49:07,099 学什么CS 2023 01:49:07,100 --> 01:49:08,933 跟兄弟来把CS go 2024 01:49:10,300 --> 01:49:13,933 我们直播间真的是干什么的都有 2025 01:49:14,566 --> 01:49:16,299 哇好麻烦呀 2026 01:49:17,466 --> 01:49:19,899 感觉这个东西好像不适合直播学 2027 01:49:19,933 --> 01:49:22,866 还是适合那个直播学我之前那个科目 2028 01:49:25,333 --> 01:49:27,766 烟烟能教我做三斤半是吗 2029 01:49:27,766 --> 01:49:29,766 我不行我真不行 2030 01:49:29,766 --> 01:49:30,566 哈哈哈 2031 01:49:30,933 --> 01:49:32,766 烟烟人都很努力 2032 01:49:32,766 --> 01:49:35,966 对默认对烟烟人都很努力 2033 01:49:35,966 --> 01:49:39,866 所以我也我也不能太拖大家的后腿 2034 01:49:39,933 --> 01:49:42,333 就我也要努一些思念 2035 01:49:43,600 --> 01:49:44,733 不如来首等你 2036 01:49:44,733 --> 01:49:46,299 怎么就记得你那个捣蛋呀 2037 01:49:46,300 --> 01:49:48,400 你知不知道我今天上播的时候 2038 01:49:48,800 --> 01:49:52,500 就是放的你点的歌当OP结果你都没来 2039 01:49:53,200 --> 01:49:54,800 让我非常的失望 2040 01:49:56,133 --> 01:49:58,666 我放的很难当OP的 2041 01:49:59,733 --> 01:50:00,599 菠萝老师教你 2042 01:50:00,600 --> 01:50:02,400 好呀菠萝老师教我 2043 01:50:02,600 --> 01:50:06,200 有没有艳艳人都是这个这个 2044 01:50:08,466 --> 01:50:10,366 非常厉害的人 2045 01:50:10,366 --> 01:50:13,933 这个f呢就是非常厉害的人哦 2046 01:50:17,133 --> 01:50:19,366 这是正义史官错误的 2047 01:50:19,500 --> 01:50:21,333 不要不要三减一啊 2048 01:50:21,333 --> 01:50:24,299 不要给人家进行扣帽子的扣 2049 01:50:36,466 --> 01:50:38,066 你才不是呢 2050 01:50:42,766 --> 01:50:44,566 我一打开我这个网易云呐 2051 01:50:44,566 --> 01:50:45,366 哎呀 2052 01:50:46,333 --> 01:50:48,333 一听到你就想到了燕子 2053 01:50:48,333 --> 01:50:50,733 四舍五入当这个寂寞的夜里你在直播 2054 01:50:50,733 --> 01:50:52,399 燕子没有你我该怎么办 2055 01:50:52,400 --> 01:50:53,966 熟悉的音乐还在回响 2056 01:50:53,966 --> 01:50:55,866 可熟悉的人再也不会出现 2057 01:50:55,933 --> 01:50:58,733 答应我在另一个世界也要好好的生活 2058 01:50:58,800 --> 01:51:00,966 往后看见的每一只猫都有你的影 2059 01:51:01,133 --> 01:51:02,366 你怎么这么狠心呢 2060 01:51:02,366 --> 01:51:04,666 没有你我该怎么办啊燕子 2061 01:51:04,966 --> 01:51:07,099 也不知道是谁给我写的啊 2062 01:51:07,100 --> 01:51:08,466 也不知道是谁写的 2063 01:51:11,933 --> 01:51:14,666 你能别念了不我已经念完了 2064 01:51:16,933 --> 01:51:18,566 我求求你了 2065 01:51:21,466 --> 01:51:22,299 哎呀 2066 01:51:23,133 --> 01:51:26,066 封口费哈哈哈 2067 01:51:26,333 --> 01:51:27,366 没有没有我 2068 01:51:27,366 --> 01:51:29,466 我其实收到的时候觉得挺感动的 2069 01:51:29,466 --> 01:51:30,666 就是有点晚了 2070 01:51:30,666 --> 01:51:33,466 我好像1月初才看到这几条私信这 2071 01:51:33,466 --> 01:51:35,333 要是我平常看到这私信 2072 01:51:35,333 --> 01:51:37,133 我肯定感动的眼泪巴巴 2073 01:51:37,133 --> 01:51:39,566 然后直接进行一个播再上 2074 01:51:40,466 --> 01:51:43,733 但是我我没有看网易云私信的习惯 2075 01:51:43,733 --> 01:51:44,533 家人们 2076 01:51:52,566 --> 01:51:55,799 哭着求我留下来 2077 01:51:56,100 --> 01:51:57,800 终于看开 2078 01:51:57,800 --> 01:51:59,733 爱回不来 2079 01:51:59,733 --> 01:52:03,899 我们面前太多阻碍你 2080 01:52:07,400 --> 01:52:09,066 你怎么透皮呀 2081 01:52:09,066 --> 01:52:10,999 有有人怎么透皮呢 2082 01:52:11,266 --> 01:52:13,299 谢谢送你的红包房 2083 01:52:13,300 --> 01:52:14,666 感谢爱你来到 2084 01:52:14,666 --> 01:52:15,199 谢谢谢谢 2085 01:52:15,200 --> 01:52:18,133 待会去织网抄两篇献给雨刮器 2086 01:52:18,333 --> 01:52:19,866 织网的有名小作文 2087 01:52:19,866 --> 01:52:21,966 已经被香草给我抄完了 2088 01:52:22,866 --> 01:52:26,899 我操孩子这一天掉3万粉这多 2089 01:52:31,166 --> 01:52:33,099 我这辈子还没有过3万粉呢 2090 01:52:33,100 --> 01:52:35,300 我加上辈子加起来还没有3万粉 2091 01:52:35,333 --> 01:52:37,066 他一天就掉了3万粉 2092 01:52:38,933 --> 01:52:39,733 我很 2093 01:52:43,600 --> 01:52:45,800 我小作文基本原创了吗 2094 01:52:45,900 --> 01:52:48,333 香草不是让我念过那个十年 2095 01:52:48,366 --> 01:52:49,599 春光那些吗 2096 01:52:49,600 --> 01:52:50,733 之网是个啥 2097 01:52:50,866 --> 01:52:52,466 浙江文学网 2098 01:52:52,866 --> 01:52:55,133 a s的小作文集合地 2099 01:52:55,800 --> 01:52:58,066 三万活粉说话的那种 2100 01:52:59,266 --> 01:53:02,133 昨天的节奏太狠了我想 2101 01:53:03,933 --> 01:53:04,566 对啊 2102 01:53:04,566 --> 01:53:08,733 他一天掉的活粉我这辈子都没拥有过 2103 01:53:08,733 --> 01:53:11,066 我好羡慕你们都裂开 2104 01:53:11,066 --> 01:53:14,466 也没有三万个人啊 2105 01:53:16,200 --> 01:53:17,900 啊没有三万同阶啊 2106 01:53:17,900 --> 01:53:19,800 的确没有三万同阶这个说法 2107 01:53:19,800 --> 01:53:21,366 就没有没有 2108 01:53:21,366 --> 01:53:23,099 好像没有三万同阶过 2109 01:53:25,200 --> 01:53:27,400 因为裂开还差2,000 2110 01:53:31,133 --> 01:53:33,699 我的爷爷有时分裂之后 2111 01:53:33,800 --> 01:53:37,366 离孩子这一天掉的粉还差2,000 2112 01:53:37,666 --> 01:53:42,799 流下来终于看开爱回不来 2113 01:53:42,800 --> 01:53:46,533 我们面前太多阻碍 2114 01:53:46,533 --> 01:53:50,066 你的手却放不开 2115 01:53:50,066 --> 01:53:53,899 宁愿没出息求我别离开 2116 01:53:53,900 --> 01:53:55,866 你别离开了 2117 01:53:55,866 --> 01:53:59,133 家人们教教我怎么养家吃饭 2118 01:54:01,766 --> 01:54:03,133 算了算了 2119 01:54:03,933 --> 01:54:05,466 这什么意思啊 2120 01:54:05,700 --> 01:54:07,766 我这我这我这 2121 01:54:08,800 --> 01:54:10,566 我这个失恋FM 2122 01:54:10,566 --> 01:54:12,099 我才刚说完这个话 2123 01:54:12,100 --> 01:54:14,933 我正好把这导弹切了切下一首歌 2124 01:54:15,066 --> 01:54:17,366 给我推了一首叫经络的歌 2125 01:54:18,933 --> 01:54:20,966 给我推了一首叫经络的歌 2126 01:54:20,966 --> 01:54:22,099 什么意思啊 2127 01:54:23,300 --> 01:54:25,466 直播间第一有多少人 2128 01:54:26,000 --> 01:54:27,300 几千人吧 2129 01:54:29,500 --> 01:54:31,800 年年后天都没有时间直播吗 2130 01:54:31,800 --> 01:54:32,933 真的不会 2131 01:54:36,466 --> 01:54:37,766 你天天念啥歌呢 2132 01:54:37,766 --> 01:54:39,099 不唱完了吗 2133 01:54:39,966 --> 01:54:41,366 不唱完了吗 2134 01:54:48,766 --> 01:54:50,699 看吧吃到海子结晶了 2135 01:54:50,700 --> 01:54:53,000 谁说他也是吃到海子结晶了 2136 01:54:54,933 --> 01:54:57,933 真的这歌就叫经络你们可以看一下 2137 01:55:02,800 --> 01:55:05,400 不是我为啥要俩考试时间重了呀 2138 01:55:06,400 --> 01:55:08,533 哎我好纳闷呀这什么情况 2139 01:55:21,400 --> 01:55:22,266 谢谢天 2140 01:55:22,266 --> 01:55:24,399 下的打call谢谢m h酱的牛蛙牛蛙 2141 01:55:24,400 --> 01:55:25,733 谢谢大树林里的打call 2142 01:55:25,733 --> 01:55:26,766 谢谢抚摸对方的牛蛙 2143 01:55:26,766 --> 01:55:28,599 牛爱丽爱豆谢谢谢谢 2144 01:55:28,966 --> 01:55:31,766 啊我为啥我俩考试都在2月2号呀 2145 01:55:32,766 --> 01:55:35,299 这时间长了我考个锤子啊 2146 01:55:35,300 --> 01:55:36,933 这怎么了哎 2147 01:55:52,000 --> 01:55:54,166 奇怪了哼 2148 01:55:55,666 --> 01:55:57,366 敲你们挂了 2149 01:55:58,600 --> 01:55:59,366 哎 2150 01:55:59,366 --> 01:56:01,699 谢谢仿生会梦家电子羊妈的爱了爱了 2151 01:56:01,700 --> 01:56:02,333 谢谢梦瑶 2152 01:56:02,333 --> 01:56:04,066 牛蛙牛蛙厉害的谢谢谢谢 2153 01:56:04,066 --> 01:56:05,999 哎这这礼物不是叫牛蛙牛蛙吗 2154 01:56:06,000 --> 01:56:07,533 为什么现在变成牛蛙了 2155 01:56:07,933 --> 01:56:09,666 为什么跟以前不一样了 2156 01:56:22,133 --> 01:56:23,499 练成两半去考 2157 01:56:23,500 --> 01:56:25,733 没挂过科的雨刮器是不完整的 2158 01:56:25,733 --> 01:56:27,099 我不想挂科 2159 01:56:28,266 --> 01:56:29,299 我不想 2160 01:56:30,100 --> 01:56:32,266 为什么不想播热门游戏 2161 01:56:32,300 --> 01:56:33,800 这样就失去自我 2162 01:56:33,966 --> 01:56:36,866 店长说那你咋不去公路上骑马 2163 01:56:49,066 --> 01:56:52,166 主播考的是下人考试考的是影分身 2164 01:56:52,166 --> 01:56:56,699 这咋办我好烦呐想不通 2165 01:57:04,866 --> 01:57:07,066 睡了晚安燕子晚安林少 2166 01:57:07,300 --> 01:57:09,500 yes me谢谢 2167 01:57:16,700 --> 01:57:17,866 我要看看你们 2168 01:57:17,866 --> 01:57:20,166 今天想看我学习什么东西啊 2169 01:57:20,166 --> 01:57:22,333 家人们我们可以先策划一 2170 01:57:22,333 --> 01:57:24,699 下了你们今天想看我学什么 2171 01:57:31,466 --> 01:57:34,666 谢谢洛海的牛蛙饭感谢阿里盖到 2172 01:57:47,866 --> 01:57:49,333 学骂人 2173 01:57:50,166 --> 01:57:52,899 我今天能学什么学猫叫 2174 01:57:54,666 --> 01:57:55,666 看我挂科 2175 01:57:55,666 --> 01:57:56,999 挂什么学什么 2176 01:57:57,000 --> 01:57:59,666 第一个选择是昨天跟前天的那个 2177 01:57:59,666 --> 01:58:01,099 就一样的那个 2178 01:58:01,266 --> 01:58:03,599 第二选的就是写一下那个 2179 01:58:03,600 --> 01:58:05,300 那个从从零开始 2180 01:58:05,366 --> 01:58:07,666 你们可以见识到主播到底有多笨 2181 01:58:07,666 --> 01:58:09,799 就是搞那个实验室啊 2182 01:58:20,566 --> 01:58:23,333 原谅我只能用小学男生般的 2183 01:58:23,333 --> 01:58:26,066 抽象的嬉笑表达对你的喜爱 2184 01:58:26,166 --> 01:58:27,133 没关系的 2185 01:58:27,466 --> 01:58:28,566 我理解的 2186 01:58:29,266 --> 01:58:31,499 大伙都像小学男生一样 2187 01:58:31,500 --> 01:58:34,100 喜欢扯喜欢女孩的辫子 2188 01:58:34,733 --> 01:58:36,133 我能理解的 2189 01:58:36,200 --> 01:58:37,266 我很包容的 2190 01:58:37,266 --> 01:58:39,599 所以为什么我说我是爷爷妈妈 2191 01:58:39,600 --> 01:58:41,300 而你是出生呢 2192 01:58:41,300 --> 01:58:44,333 就是因为爷爷妈妈永远会对自己 2193 01:58:45,100 --> 01:58:48,866 出生了一年人啊这个表示一个理解 2194 01:58:48,866 --> 01:58:52,866 理解鱼鱼鱼鱼上手上手天才天才 2195 01:58:53,900 --> 01:58:56,533 我会一直包容你们的家人们 2196 01:58:57,266 --> 01:58:59,666 新的一年也要多多指教啊 2197 01:59:01,666 --> 01:59:03,333 我要是小学男生 2198 01:59:03,333 --> 01:59:05,066 我必往你头发上弹鼻屎 2199 01:59:05,066 --> 01:59:06,199 你可真恶心啊 2200 01:59:06,200 --> 01:59:08,533 你的个人卫生习惯一次就记了 2201 01:59:08,933 --> 01:59:10,266 你好恶心 2202 01:59:11,933 --> 01:59:16,399 就是说哥们那个就不是我说你啊 2203 01:59:16,400 --> 01:59:18,733 这个咱俩看同一个主播 2204 01:59:18,733 --> 01:59:21,599 让我感觉到一丝丝的也挺好 2205 01:59:21,700 --> 01:59:23,966 你说咱们平常都闹着玩的 2206 01:59:23,966 --> 01:59:24,899 怎么到了这时候 2207 01:59:24,900 --> 01:59:27,133 你就要往人头上弹鼻屎呢 2208 01:59:29,466 --> 01:59:30,366 真有你的 2209 01:59:30,366 --> 01:59:31,733 你可真恶心 2210 01:59:32,733 --> 01:59:34,699 你不会就是挖完鼻子之后 2211 01:59:34,700 --> 01:59:35,733 然后那个往课 2212 01:59:35,733 --> 01:59:38,199 桌背面蹭的那种邋遢鬼吧 2213 01:59:39,266 --> 01:59:41,899 啊被我发现了是吧 2214 01:59:43,133 --> 01:59:44,566 去后面罚站 2215 01:59:45,266 --> 01:59:47,799 你现在只想往我衣服里塞蟑螂 2216 01:59:47,900 --> 01:59:49,366 那你这样就讨厌了 2217 01:59:49,366 --> 01:59:50,933 你这样就讨人厌了 2218 01:59:50,933 --> 01:59:51,999 跟你说这个 2219 01:59:52,533 --> 01:59:55,166 臊皮可以适度啊但是不可以过度 2220 01:59:55,166 --> 01:59:55,999 你你想 2221 01:59:56,000 --> 01:59:56,700 剪一个有 2222 01:59:56,700 --> 01:59:59,166 自己喜欢的女孩子的头发收藏 2223 01:59:59,366 --> 02:00:01,933 结果你把他整个假发套都薅下来了 2224 02:00:01,933 --> 02:00:03,933 你说他不打你脸他干嘛呢 2225 02:00:07,166 --> 02:00:09,799 主播对妹妹剃毛寸这件事怎么看 2226 02:00:09,800 --> 02:00:11,566 可能他是铁梯吧 2227 02:00:11,900 --> 02:00:13,566 也可能他懒得洗头 2228 02:00:14,600 --> 02:00:16,700 这个这件事有很多种可能 2229 02:00:17,366 --> 02:00:19,733 你你你你的心里 2230 02:00:20,200 --> 02:00:22,000 有没有更多的这个客观条件 2231 02:00:22,000 --> 02:00:23,300 让我评价一下 2232 02:00:24,066 --> 02:00:25,399 我课本里吐珍珠 2233 02:00:25,400 --> 02:00:26,500 你好恶心 2234 02:00:27,333 --> 02:00:27,999 你这都知道 2235 02:00:28,000 --> 02:00:30,333 做不做的事你倒打一耙是吧 2236 02:00:31,700 --> 02:00:33,266 怎么有人倒打一耙呀 2237 02:00:33,266 --> 02:00:34,666 我真的不好说了 2238 02:00:34,900 --> 02:00:36,333 谢谢MH这样的牛蛙 2239 02:00:36,333 --> 02:00:37,733 谢谢圣光的爱了爱了 2240 02:00:37,733 --> 02:00:39,533 阿里盖到晚上好 2241 02:00:50,666 --> 02:00:52,966 有些人自己是坏人 2242 02:00:53,366 --> 02:00:55,133 还要污蔑主播 2243 02:00:56,000 --> 02:00:58,533 真的让我非常的伤心 2244 02:00:59,300 --> 02:01:02,933 我从来都没有伤害过任何人 2245 02:01:03,100 --> 02:01:06,866 为什么我要被大家这样的伤害 2246 02:01:10,300 --> 02:01:11,100 啊 2247 02:01:13,500 --> 02:01:13,700 完了 2248 02:01:13,700 --> 02:01:16,466 这个红包就俩主播的贡品是偷买了 2249 02:01:16,466 --> 02:01:19,299 你们能不能别偷吃我的贡品啊 2250 02:01:21,000 --> 02:01:23,900 我今天的收益还是电费水平了 2251 02:01:23,900 --> 02:01:25,500 能不能别偷贡品了 2252 02:01:25,500 --> 02:01:29,133 家人们给我吃一口吧谢谢大伙 2253 02:01:29,966 --> 02:01:31,599 谢谢永出清晨的打call 2254 02:01:31,600 --> 02:01:33,333 谢谢大树林里的牛蛙 2255 02:01:33,333 --> 02:01:36,099 牛蛙饭感谢我流了我流了 2256 02:01:36,100 --> 02:01:38,466 谁说我没流眼泪的啊 2257 02:01:39,666 --> 02:01:40,966 你仔细看 2258 02:01:41,600 --> 02:01:43,466 啊你仔细看 2259 02:01:47,766 --> 02:01:48,866 你仔细看 2260 02:01:49,866 --> 02:01:50,666 嗯 2261 02:02:00,266 --> 02:02:02,999 谁是眼屎啊变态 2262 02:02:05,666 --> 02:02:07,133 欢迎尤文奥特曼 2263 02:02:11,533 --> 02:02:13,366 谢谢少女的红包房 2264 02:02:13,366 --> 02:02:16,099 感谢阿狸来到谢谢谢谢 2265 02:02:16,800 --> 02:02:18,500 真可爱再留点 2266 02:02:22,500 --> 02:02:26,133 欢迎香草两个眼珠挤不出一个水分 2267 02:02:26,666 --> 02:02:27,766 你们真是 2268 02:02:27,766 --> 02:02:29,533 你们攻击人的这个方法 2269 02:02:29,533 --> 02:02:31,899 真是让我啼笑皆非啊 2270 02:02:48,100 --> 02:02:58,366 oh she moan like a e e do to the girl 2271 02:03:02,933 --> 02:03:03,966 今天我们过去的 2272 02:03:03,966 --> 02:03:08,099 东方正的反应反馈金不易2019价格价格 2273 02:03:11,333 --> 02:03:13,133 川剧变脸是吧 2274 02:03:13,366 --> 02:03:15,733 主播吃不到米就傻脾气 2275 02:03:15,733 --> 02:03:16,866 哈哈哈 2276 02:03:16,866 --> 02:03:19,199 你们不是说想看我哭吗 2277 02:03:19,200 --> 02:03:20,700 哈哈哈 2278 02:03:20,866 --> 02:03:21,966 什么哈 2279 02:03:22,200 --> 02:03:23,200 哈哈 2280 02:03:24,066 --> 02:03:24,866 哎 2281 02:03:25,533 --> 02:03:28,366 谢谢诺海的崽崽的打call阿力哥哥 2282 02:03:28,400 --> 02:03:29,766 谢谢谢谢 2283 02:03:30,300 --> 02:03:32,066 燕子咱没有米了哎 2284 02:03:32,066 --> 02:03:32,766 我也没有 2285 02:03:32,766 --> 02:03:33,566 正好 2286 02:03:34,266 --> 02:03:35,599 能处双向奔赴 2287 02:03:41,700 --> 02:03:43,000 我还说过年耶的 2288 02:03:43,000 --> 02:03:44,400 直播的话给个惊喜 2289 02:03:44,400 --> 02:03:45,333 我播了呀 2290 02:03:45,733 --> 02:03:47,066 31号没考试 2291 02:03:47,066 --> 02:03:48,866 只要我今天把作业写完 2292 02:03:49,100 --> 02:03:50,900 我31号就没考试了 2293 02:03:51,200 --> 02:03:53,066 boy to Gucci 2294 02:04:08,100 --> 02:04:09,300 有人给我发了 2295 02:04:09,333 --> 02:04:12,366 他要了起床医生大叔林迪 2296 02:04:12,366 --> 02:04:13,533 哈哈哈 2297 02:04:14,166 --> 02:04:15,799 我下播之后录一下 2298 02:04:15,800 --> 02:04:18,000 或者你们想听我现在录也可以 2299 02:04:18,166 --> 02:04:20,866 谢谢搜搜人的牛蛙谢谢灰色社会人 2300 02:04:20,866 --> 02:04:21,566 我们也没有名 2301 02:04:21,566 --> 02:04:23,466 你也没有名那你们去了哪里 2302 02:04:23,466 --> 02:04:24,799 不知道哎谢谢搜搜人的 2303 02:04:24,800 --> 02:04:25,600 这个好哎 2304 02:04:25,600 --> 02:04:26,466 阿力来照 2305 02:04:27,166 --> 02:04:28,933 你被燕子吃掉了 2306 02:04:30,000 --> 02:04:32,000 别干主播现在 2307 02:04:32,000 --> 02:04:34,933 我今天早上做了个手抓饼 2308 02:04:36,566 --> 02:04:39,499 我自从来到这边就点过一次外卖 2309 02:04:39,500 --> 02:04:42,733 我已经是非常非常省心的留学生了 2310 02:04:46,366 --> 02:04:47,899 我今天发现一件事啊 2311 02:04:47,900 --> 02:04:50,933 我在那个西人超市里面买的那个 2312 02:04:51,766 --> 02:04:54,399 就类似于塔可外边的那个饼 2313 02:04:54,400 --> 02:04:56,800 只要两张叠在一起 2314 02:04:56,800 --> 02:04:58,700 中间呢再加个鸡蛋 2315 02:04:58,700 --> 02:04:59,933 看起来就像 2316 02:05:00,000 --> 02:05:03,133 像国内的那个鸡蛋灌饼跟手抓饼一样 2317 02:05:03,133 --> 02:05:04,733 他好像有点起诉 2318 02:05:06,000 --> 02:05:08,266 我今天这么做了一次我觉得挺好吃的 2319 02:05:08,266 --> 02:05:09,366 给你们看一眼 2320 02:05:09,533 --> 02:05:11,566 虽然看起来可能没什么食欲 2321 02:05:11,566 --> 02:05:12,799 但我很喜欢 2322 02:05:13,500 --> 02:05:15,200 一袋米要扛起了 2323 02:05:15,900 --> 02:05:17,766 我只想听到无敌纯粮 2324 02:05:17,766 --> 02:05:18,933 郑老爷 2325 02:05:19,466 --> 02:05:21,899 你非要我说一些违心的话干什么 2326 02:05:22,400 --> 02:05:23,800 你赶紧开录播机 2327 02:05:23,800 --> 02:05:24,733 那可以呀 2328 02:05:25,066 --> 02:05:26,899 谢谢MV吃相的打call 2329 02:05:26,900 --> 02:05:29,166 谢谢香草加橙子的爱来了谢谢龙腾 2330 02:05:29,166 --> 02:05:29,699 真的爱来 2331 02:05:29,700 --> 02:05:30,500 爱了爱了 2332 02:05:30,500 --> 02:05:32,733 爱的不需要在额外发挥吗 2333 02:05:32,733 --> 02:05:34,133 只需要那几个字吗 2334 02:05:34,333 --> 02:05:35,899 就不需要别的了吗 2335 02:05:36,666 --> 02:05:39,766 谢谢大树林里的爱来了爱的爱的 2336 02:05:40,366 --> 02:05:42,166 谢谢毛毛虫吃的挨打挨的 2337 02:05:43,266 --> 02:05:44,899 就不需要别的了吗 2338 02:05:45,000 --> 02:05:46,466 只需要那几个字吗 2339 02:05:49,300 --> 02:05:50,533 我今天其实 2340 02:05:50,533 --> 02:05:53,133 本来之前不是有挺多那个什么的吗 2341 02:05:55,166 --> 02:05:56,799 好好挺简单两木了 2342 02:05:56,800 --> 02:05:58,200 那你随便念吧 2343 02:06:06,000 --> 02:06:07,966 已经没有更多的想法了 2344 02:06:08,666 --> 02:06:09,733 行行行 2345 02:06:09,733 --> 02:06:11,966 那你们不要什么什么无敌纯良 2346 02:06:11,966 --> 02:06:14,199 郑老爷起床了之类的 2347 02:06:14,200 --> 02:06:15,133 这种这种 2348 02:06:15,200 --> 02:06:16,966 你要什么样的语气啊林 2349 02:06:16,966 --> 02:06:19,399 迪你要那种可爱的 2350 02:06:19,900 --> 02:06:21,600 起床啦林迪 2351 02:06:22,466 --> 02:06:25,333 笨蛋傻瓜踹出去 2352 02:06:26,400 --> 02:06:29,200 你喜欢这种比较可爱的还是那种 2353 02:06:29,800 --> 02:06:31,666 起床啦林迪 2354 02:06:31,966 --> 02:06:35,099 笨蛋傻瓜拆出去 2355 02:06:35,200 --> 02:06:36,000 嗯 2356 02:06:36,200 --> 02:06:38,200 你还喜欢这种比较凶一点的 2357 02:06:38,200 --> 02:06:39,900 哈哈哈 2358 02:06:39,900 --> 02:06:41,300 郑老爷也是 2359 02:06:41,366 --> 02:06:43,099 你们你们喜欢哪种 2360 02:06:44,066 --> 02:06:46,133 无敌乘凉正熬夜 2361 02:06:48,600 --> 02:06:51,100 哈呀苦给老子起床听到没有 2362 02:06:51,100 --> 02:06:52,666 哈哈哈 2363 02:06:52,666 --> 02:06:55,699 像什么样都有啊你们喜欢什么样啊 2364 02:06:57,900 --> 02:07:01,933 谢谢香草的60元SCID钙豆 2365 02:07:02,266 --> 02:07:03,766 为什么是60元 2366 02:07:13,366 --> 02:07:14,166 谢谢 2367 02:07:14,566 --> 02:07:17,766 香草的空格爱心芳芳感谢爱丽爱豆 2368 02:07:17,766 --> 02:07:19,099 谢谢谢谢 2369 02:07:19,700 --> 02:07:21,166 啊啊啊 2370 02:07:21,166 --> 02:07:24,399 单卖一份给哥们哥们一下呀想要什么 2371 02:07:24,800 --> 02:07:27,266 带着黑天还能中奖嘿嘿 2372 02:07:27,766 --> 02:07:29,866 为什么是空白的呀 2373 02:07:30,600 --> 02:07:31,800 小草为什么谢谢 2374 02:07:31,866 --> 02:07:33,466 不会打字对不起 2375 02:07:34,900 --> 02:07:36,700 我现在整无语了 2376 02:07:36,900 --> 02:07:39,566 这啥阴间颜色呀啊 2377 02:07:42,300 --> 02:07:44,500 两个地方 2378 02:07:46,733 --> 02:07:47,933 六六大顺 2379 02:07:54,466 --> 02:07:56,299 陈宝春这是爱心 2380 02:07:56,300 --> 02:07:57,600 哈哈哈 2381 02:07:57,600 --> 02:08:00,900 哭了谢谢香草的爱心爱的一个爱豆 2382 02:08:01,100 --> 02:08:02,666 香草冲晕过去了 2383 02:08:02,666 --> 02:08:04,766 我知道香草冲晕过去了 2384 02:08:11,900 --> 02:08:15,266 喂喂喂喂听得到吗 2385 02:08:15,266 --> 02:08:21,866 1234 45678 喂喂莫西莫西嗯嗯 2386 02:08:23,200 --> 02:08:25,100 起床啦林迪 2387 02:08:26,066 --> 02:08:28,299 笨蛋傻瓜 2388 02:08:29,000 --> 02:08:30,066 开出去 2389 02:08:30,566 --> 02:08:31,366 哼 2390 02:08:34,700 --> 02:08:36,366 刚才那个可以吗 2391 02:08:37,100 --> 02:08:39,000 刚才那可以吗家人们 2392 02:08:40,600 --> 02:08:41,933 刚才那可以吗 2393 02:08:42,133 --> 02:08:44,999 喂在吗我的评价就不如饱和 2394 02:08:45,000 --> 02:08:46,866 开这个可乐送给燕子 2395 02:08:47,066 --> 02:08:48,533 哈哈哈 2396 02:08:48,533 --> 02:08:51,733 你们抽到了这个的话就就可以 2397 02:08:51,766 --> 02:08:52,566 这可以吗 2398 02:08:52,566 --> 02:08:55,266 这行吗你可以哎 2399 02:08:56,533 --> 02:08:58,733 饱和开瓶可乐给我狠狠的减半 2400 02:08:58,733 --> 02:08:59,699 不够自然 2401 02:09:03,866 --> 02:09:05,866 123撒呀 2402 02:09:07,400 --> 02:09:10,566 听不见根本听不见嗯不够s 2403 02:09:13,866 --> 02:09:15,866 起床了林迪 2404 02:09:16,000 --> 02:09:20,400 哼笨蛋傻瓜怎么有你这么笨的人啊 2405 02:09:21,000 --> 02:09:22,300 插出去 2406 02:09:22,666 --> 02:09:23,999 哈哈哈 2407 02:09:24,000 --> 02:09:24,733 好傻呀 2408 02:09:24,733 --> 02:09:27,699 不行你别让我IPS了我干不了这个事 2409 02:09:27,700 --> 02:09:28,733 干不了干不了 2410 02:09:28,733 --> 02:09:30,466 主播没有这个这个想法 2411 02:09:30,466 --> 02:09:32,999 啊主播主播没有这个功能啊 2412 02:09:33,000 --> 02:09:33,900 哈哈哈 2413 02:09:34,866 --> 02:09:36,499 我唱哎了哎了 2414 02:09:37,966 --> 02:09:40,266 瑞了这样的主播嗨人要滑 2415 02:09:40,500 --> 02:09:41,300 了哈 2416 02:09:42,933 --> 02:09:43,733 哈哈 2417 02:09:45,533 --> 02:09:47,733 叉子拉长点啊 2418 02:09:48,266 --> 02:09:55,733 1234567 八一二三31号能正常直播 2419 02:09:55,800 --> 02:09:58,166 可以吧应该没问题 2420 02:09:59,800 --> 02:10:04,966 喂喂喂喂喂12345678 啊 2421 02:10:05,266 --> 02:10:09,399 咕噜咕噜欢迎芝士之螃蟹好久不见 2422 02:10:11,700 --> 02:10:13,800 晚安花生吆嘿听 2423 02:10:17,800 --> 02:10:19,200 喂在吗 2424 02:10:19,200 --> 02:10:20,766 哈哈哈 2425 02:10:21,566 --> 02:10:22,366 啊 2426 02:10:24,000 --> 02:10:26,000 起床啦蹦迪 2427 02:10:27,100 --> 02:10:29,600 笨蛋傻瓜 2428 02:10:30,300 --> 02:10:32,333 插出去 2429 02:10:33,800 --> 02:10:34,600 哼 2430 02:10:35,300 --> 02:10:37,500 不行啊我没有这个感觉 2431 02:10:37,500 --> 02:10:38,966 我感觉我说的不好 2432 02:10:39,933 --> 02:10:42,166 不太行昨天不是不会踢吗 2433 02:10:42,166 --> 02:10:43,699 今天找谁说借人枪 2434 02:10:43,700 --> 02:10:44,500 怎么没有 2435 02:10:44,866 --> 02:10:45,799 大咕大咕 2436 02:10:46,466 --> 02:10:49,999 烟我的烟对不起嗯怎么了 2437 02:10:52,533 --> 02:10:56,066 我和小熊饼干一定很难选吧 2438 02:10:56,066 --> 02:10:59,133 夹心糖怒畅夹心饼干 2439 02:11:02,100 --> 02:11:04,866 为了你我要吃小熊饼干 2440 02:11:05,666 --> 02:11:07,966 妖精家人的敌人 2441 02:11:10,800 --> 02:11:11,600 哦 2442 02:11:15,300 --> 02:11:16,733 哦哦 2443 02:11:28,733 --> 02:11:30,499 行啊这标题太吸引我了 2444 02:11:30,500 --> 02:11:33,300 我一定要点进去让我听一听 2445 02:11:45,533 --> 02:11:49,066 睫毛被照亮了撒浪嘿呦哦 2446 02:11:49,066 --> 02:11:51,333 我的心怦怦乱跳 2447 02:11:51,366 --> 02:11:54,766 oh my girl beautiful so beautiful oh偏偏最爱 2448 02:11:54,766 --> 02:11:58,266 等我下播自己慢慢溜反正自由人逆天 2449 02:11:59,066 --> 02:12:01,999 11点能直播的话我觉得给个大惊喜 2450 02:12:02,000 --> 02:12:04,466 11点吗你让我看看啊 2451 02:12:06,133 --> 02:12:09,333 什么RPS还有点感觉 2452 02:12:10,000 --> 02:12:12,600 有没有可能s才是我的本性啊 2453 02:12:12,600 --> 02:12:15,266 我我其实萌妹都是RP的 2454 02:12:18,066 --> 02:12:21,299 有没有一种可能性就是萌妹都是RP的 2455 02:12:21,300 --> 02:12:22,933 其实我就是s呢 2456 02:12:26,766 --> 02:12:28,966 我9点半下课回来 2457 02:12:30,333 --> 02:12:32,499 嗯应该可以吧 2458 02:12:32,533 --> 02:12:34,099 我11点应该能播 2459 02:12:34,100 --> 02:12:36,000 我9点半回到家里 2460 02:12:36,166 --> 02:12:40,066 9点半走回来的话10点左右差不多 2461 02:12:40,166 --> 02:12:41,799 嗯差不多 2462 02:12:42,100 --> 02:12:43,366 我是小布丁 2463 02:12:44,333 --> 02:12:46,299 我觉得念的很好 2464 02:12:48,166 --> 02:12:50,166 怎么了前皇冰凌 2465 02:12:50,266 --> 02:12:51,566 那太好了 2466 02:12:51,700 --> 02:12:53,366 这31号 嗯 2467 02:12:53,566 --> 02:12:56,699 可以吧我9点半下播 2468 02:13:02,000 --> 02:13:04,000 大家知道主播能用s 2469 02:13:04,000 --> 02:13:06,100 的声线播个几分钟吗 2470 02:13:06,100 --> 02:13:08,666 我不知道什么是s的声线啊 2471 02:13:09,800 --> 02:13:12,400 对你们你们给我投那种 2472 02:13:12,400 --> 02:13:15,466 就能念出那个味的那个文字 2473 02:13:15,466 --> 02:13:18,899 然后我才能搞明白什么是s的声线 2474 02:13:18,900 --> 02:13:20,666 什么是s的声线哈 2475 02:13:20,733 --> 02:13:21,533 哈哈 2476 02:13:22,100 --> 02:13:23,700 喜欢当萌妹 2477 02:13:24,000 --> 02:13:24,533 嘿 2478 02:13:24,533 --> 02:13:28,266 嘿嘿啊爸爸像个傻瓜 2479 02:13:32,166 --> 02:13:34,733 夹一夹什么叫夹一夹啊 2480 02:13:37,200 --> 02:13:38,500 什么叫讲一讲 2481 02:13:39,166 --> 02:13:44,166 你在骂张飞贺退百万大军就很s 2482 02:13:46,866 --> 02:13:48,499 什么叫张飞鹤退百万 2483 02:13:48,500 --> 02:13:49,300 大清 2484 02:13:50,333 --> 02:13:54,066 哥哥我们三人今日在此结拜 2485 02:13:54,533 --> 02:13:55,933 俺也一样 2486 02:13:56,566 --> 02:13:58,133 你说是这个吗 2487 02:13:59,666 --> 02:14:02,533 我不会不行我不会 2488 02:14:06,000 --> 02:14:09,700 你的那个尾音很适合s 2489 02:14:10,100 --> 02:14:14,133 什么拿小皮鞭狠狠的抽你是吗 2490 02:14:15,400 --> 02:14:17,666 大威天龙都来了 2491 02:14:28,133 --> 02:14:30,866 啊呀呀呀 2492 02:14:30,866 --> 02:14:33,933 咕嘟咕嘟咕嘟咕嘟咕嘟 2493 02:14:41,500 --> 02:14:43,733 燕人张翼德在此 2494 02:14:44,466 --> 02:14:45,966 哈哈哈 2495 02:14:47,066 --> 02:14:48,066 干嘛 2496 02:14:53,500 --> 02:14:55,300 躺会歇会 2497 02:14:55,500 --> 02:14:56,866 累了歇会 2498 02:15:02,466 --> 02:15:04,566 看看猫猫汉堡这呢 2499 02:15:34,300 --> 02:15:35,366 没年纪了 2500 02:15:35,366 --> 02:15:38,066 那就开版正确的 2501 02:15:55,600 --> 02:15:59,300 燕子今天啥也没干但还是辛苦你 2502 02:16:00,300 --> 02:16:03,933 you are the best mom in the world 2503 02:16:05,000 --> 02:16:06,400 这什么呀 2504 02:16:07,466 --> 02:16:08,266 啊 2505 02:16:09,866 --> 02:16:13,266 我今天2月礼物呀猫猫汉堡被人退钱 2506 02:16:13,266 --> 02:16:15,666 猫猫汉堡是提督礼物啊 2507 02:16:15,666 --> 02:16:17,933 你们要想猫猫汉堡的话可以 2508 02:16:17,933 --> 02:16:19,366 我去定个猫猫汉堡的 2509 02:16:19,366 --> 02:16:20,166 帽帽 2510 02:16:20,933 --> 02:16:22,866 我怎么穿鞋上床啊 2511 02:16:22,866 --> 02:16:26,166 就骗主播脱脱鞋脱裤子是吧 2512 02:16:26,600 --> 02:16:27,933 我真的很无语 2513 02:16:28,566 --> 02:16:32,166 哎直男的小把戏罢了 2514 02:16:32,500 --> 02:16:33,300 哈哈哈 2515 02:16:33,933 --> 02:16:36,066 哎呀 2516 02:16:36,100 --> 02:16:38,533 你们的小把戏罢了 2517 02:17:00,466 --> 02:17:03,166 穿鞋上床被我看见我就把他打死 2518 02:17:03,900 --> 02:17:05,366 又不是我家的床便宜 2519 02:17:05,366 --> 02:17:06,599 直播间就摁到 2520 02:17:15,333 --> 02:17:18,933 开始准备学习了家人们嘿嘿 2521 02:17:20,800 --> 02:17:23,733 好麻烦呐不想学习 2522 02:17:36,566 --> 02:17:39,166 当爷爷嫌弃 2523 02:17:44,566 --> 02:17:45,966 脱衣服是你的吗 2524 02:17:45,966 --> 02:17:47,599 免费能看的吗 2525 02:17:47,600 --> 02:17:49,000 不可以嫌弃我 2526 02:17:50,466 --> 02:17:53,533 不可以嫌弃我我会生气的 2527 02:17:56,000 --> 02:17:57,333 你就是臭宝了 2528 02:17:57,333 --> 02:18:01,066 我真的不喜欢这个称呼我觉得很尴尬 2529 02:18:02,066 --> 02:18:03,799 吃饭不张嘴 2530 02:18:05,400 --> 02:18:07,466 越来越恶心了这么熬夜 2531 02:18:24,533 --> 02:18:28,533 香宝香草香香草的宝那还不如臭宝 2532 02:18:30,533 --> 02:18:31,999 啊我真觉得挺尬的 2533 02:18:32,000 --> 02:18:35,000 你们不觉得就就现在厉害了就可多说 2534 02:18:35,000 --> 02:18:36,200 哎臭宝 2535 02:18:36,200 --> 02:18:40,133 我觉得这个这个这个称呼好尴尬呀 2536 02:18:40,133 --> 02:18:41,699 你们喜欢吗 2537 02:18:42,166 --> 02:18:44,366 就听着就可尴尬了 2538 02:18:45,466 --> 02:18:47,066 正了好一个吧 2539 02:18:49,333 --> 02:18:52,099 一个月不洗澡他他活的这么胖 2540 02:18:52,733 --> 02:18:53,533 因为 2541 02:19:02,200 --> 02:19:03,000 着 2542 02:19:17,733 --> 02:19:19,266 确实有点小感 2543 02:19:19,266 --> 02:19:22,166 我也觉得还得是燕子顺口 2544 02:19:22,700 --> 02:19:25,500 以前大伙都叫我燕宝的 2545 02:19:25,866 --> 02:19:28,133 现在你们都叫我燕子 2546 02:19:28,666 --> 02:19:30,966 这这体会了什么呢 2547 02:19:33,200 --> 02:19:35,600 以前你们都会叫我燕宝的 2548 02:19:35,600 --> 02:19:37,766 现在只会叫我燕子 2549 02:19:39,866 --> 02:19:41,566 跟以前不一样了 2550 02:19:41,933 --> 02:19:43,333 你们变了 2551 02:19:45,766 --> 02:19:48,966 主播这个衣服从生日会之后都没换 2552 02:19:49,066 --> 02:19:51,266 我哪有钱天天换衣服呀 2553 02:19:51,500 --> 02:19:54,266 我和彩姐都发了烟包你看不见是吧 2554 02:19:54,266 --> 02:19:56,599 然后在这黯然神鸟在低头呢 2555 02:19:57,500 --> 02:19:59,700 对我不想学习我不想挂科 2556 02:19:59,700 --> 02:20:01,866 我等下就挂我等下就学习 2557 02:20:02,366 --> 02:20:05,133 睡觉不换睡衣不脱裤不穿鞋 2558 02:20:05,133 --> 02:20:07,099 谁呀我再叫你燕宝 2559 02:20:07,100 --> 02:20:09,733 也只有我的小女朋友在寒风中 2560 02:20:09,866 --> 02:20:11,199 给我一丝安慰 2561 02:20:12,300 --> 02:20:14,366 剩下的都是臭男人 2562 02:20:14,400 --> 02:20:15,200 嗯 2563 02:20:16,266 --> 02:20:17,599 养咖吃失败 2564 02:20:17,600 --> 02:20:19,933 是这样的我这辈子不想养咖吃 2565 02:20:19,933 --> 02:20:21,333 我上辈子也不想养 2566 02:20:21,333 --> 02:20:23,133 只不过我吃着我现在 2567 02:20:23,133 --> 02:20:25,266 我现在有一些就攻击性啊 2568 02:20:25,266 --> 02:20:26,466 都是装出来的 2569 02:20:26,466 --> 02:20:28,266 我只是装出来攻击你们 2570 02:20:28,266 --> 02:20:29,666 因为我上辈子太 2571 02:20:30,200 --> 02:20:31,500 性格太好了 2572 02:20:31,500 --> 02:20:33,666 然后我我其实不想养钙吃 2573 02:20:33,666 --> 02:20:36,866 但是就莫名其妙就就有钙吃 2574 02:20:36,866 --> 02:20:39,866 然后一有钙吃我就压力可大了 2575 02:20:39,966 --> 02:20:43,266 所以我我不喜欢我不想养钙吃 2576 02:20:45,966 --> 02:20:47,133 我害怕 2577 02:20:48,066 --> 02:20:51,366 其实我我也想就跟你们撒撒娇啊 2578 02:20:51,366 --> 02:20:53,466 就卖卖萌啊可爱爱呀 2579 02:20:53,466 --> 02:20:54,933 异地恋之类的 2580 02:20:54,966 --> 02:20:56,866 这以前我可纯良了 2581 02:20:59,100 --> 02:21:02,333 燕子是因为燕子大碴子味口音啊 2582 02:21:03,366 --> 02:21:05,733 我没有大碴子味口音 2583 02:21:06,800 --> 02:21:08,900 谢谢小燕宝谢谢燕爹 2584 02:21:09,466 --> 02:21:11,266 以前是路人现在是父子 2585 02:21:11,266 --> 02:21:12,699 对呀我是你爹啊 2586 02:21:12,700 --> 02:21:14,333 对啊大家都麦克哥们 2587 02:21:14,333 --> 02:21:15,133 是啊 2588 02:21:15,900 --> 02:21:17,333 等会我就学习 2589 02:21:17,333 --> 02:21:18,066 马上我就去 2590 02:21:18,066 --> 02:21:20,466 太好了其实我是按揭 2591 02:21:20,566 --> 02:21:21,899 不可以拆揭他 2592 02:21:21,900 --> 02:21:23,000 可不可以这样按 2593 02:21:24,933 --> 02:21:26,133 主播差不多的 2594 02:21:26,133 --> 02:21:28,899 真的吗哎呀你怎么不相信呢 2595 02:21:31,000 --> 02:21:33,166 你为什么不相信呀 2596 02:21:35,400 --> 02:21:36,866 哈哈傻逼 2597 02:21:38,966 --> 02:21:40,399 我好悲伤 2598 02:21:40,666 --> 02:21:41,333 你现在都 2599 02:21:41,333 --> 02:21:42,733 会叫我傻逼了 2600 02:21:45,066 --> 02:21:45,866 please 2601 02:21:46,800 --> 02:21:47,666 什么 2602 02:21:49,000 --> 02:21:51,533 选择语言还能选中文 2603 02:21:51,533 --> 02:21:54,199 这么好狠狠的选择一个中文啊 2604 02:22:01,733 --> 02:22:04,066 用啊我没有这个这个 2605 02:22:06,966 --> 02:22:09,566 下载到桌面确定 2606 02:22:10,800 --> 02:22:11,800 安装 2607 02:22:13,466 --> 02:22:19,199 爱玛电动车抽奖送周杰伦签名照一张 2608 02:22:20,766 --> 02:22:22,666 只有300转发 2609 02:22:24,000 --> 02:22:25,933 我发现现在颜值好高呀 2610 02:22:25,933 --> 02:22:28,166 你们感没感觉到颜值很高 2611 02:22:29,533 --> 02:22:31,699 主播现在是不是越来越顺口了 2612 02:22:31,700 --> 02:22:33,400 坏东西我没有 2613 02:22:34,466 --> 02:22:35,799 我没有 2614 02:22:36,600 --> 02:22:37,400 王亮 2615 02:22:40,066 --> 02:22:43,133 对啊电脑要系了狠狠的吊针了 2616 02:22:44,000 --> 02:22:47,333 真的我说明我还没办法用这个电脑 2617 02:22:47,333 --> 02:22:48,466 真要系了 2618 02:22:48,700 --> 02:22:51,133 等会他他已经马上要下完了 2619 02:22:52,333 --> 02:22:53,466 等我下完啊 2620 02:22:53,466 --> 02:22:54,533 马上马上 2621 02:22:54,666 --> 02:22:57,366 两秒钟你们你们忍耐一下 2622 02:22:57,933 --> 02:22:59,366 你们忍耐一下 2623 02:23:06,300 --> 02:23:09,800 因为我看到你们有点流汗 2624 02:23:11,300 --> 02:23:13,600 哥们信号一直很差不知道延迟高不高 2625 02:23:13,600 --> 02:23:15,166 应该是我的问题啊 2626 02:23:15,166 --> 02:23:17,599 家人们延迟高 2627 02:23:17,800 --> 02:23:20,100 oh so don't i kiss you 2628 02:23:24,933 --> 02:23:27,199 anymore 2629 02:23:30,166 --> 02:23:35,133 这CPU占用率100% 为什么 2630 02:23:36,733 --> 02:23:40,499 吃个波CPU占了100%我真不好说 2631 02:23:41,600 --> 02:23:43,600 太热把衣服脱掉好不好 2632 02:23:43,600 --> 02:23:45,400 我已经脱掉了 2633 02:23:45,566 --> 02:23:48,799 这已经脱了不少了你还要继续脱呀 2634 02:23:49,000 --> 02:23:50,800 你是不是臭禁烟啊 2635 02:23:51,100 --> 02:23:53,000 主播你能不能不要这么清楚可爱 2636 02:23:53,000 --> 02:23:55,666 好陌生我一直都很清楚可爱呀 2637 02:23:57,333 --> 02:23:59,599 我一直都很啊 2638 02:24:00,500 --> 02:24:01,800 怎么是这首歌 2639 02:24:07,866 --> 02:24:09,866 你在后台干什么我不敢想 2640 02:24:09,866 --> 02:24:10,899 我在后台挖矿 2641 02:24:12,000 --> 02:24:12,733 哈哈哈 2642 02:24:12,733 --> 02:24:14,199 被直播员挖矿 2643 02:24:25,166 --> 02:24:28,299 某一天某一天某一天要跟你过 2644 02:24:53,700 --> 02:24:55,800 主播开播的时候不要提示清楚 2645 02:24:55,800 --> 02:24:57,366 型猫咪也谈现在改了 2646 02:24:57,366 --> 02:24:58,766 请分析其中的用意 2647 02:24:58,766 --> 02:25:00,166 因为因为 2648 02:25:02,500 --> 02:25:04,166 没有米了很焦灼 2649 02:25:05,600 --> 02:25:07,133 没有米了很焦灼 2650 02:25:07,733 --> 02:25:09,899 本来就不是人唱的呀这 2651 02:25:18,400 --> 02:25:20,333 你的电脑挖矿能挣回电费吗 2652 02:25:20,333 --> 02:25:22,166 还还真有可能挣不回来 2653 02:25:22,166 --> 02:25:23,766 我们上个月那电费 2654 02:25:24,000 --> 02:25:25,900 水电费加起来一个人 2655 02:25:26,933 --> 02:25:28,266 好几百人民币 2656 02:25:31,066 --> 02:25:33,366 你的电脑性能挖一半年都挖不到 2657 02:25:33,366 --> 02:25:34,366 真的假的 2658 02:25:36,566 --> 02:25:39,099 我这电脑后台也一啊 2659 02:25:39,566 --> 02:25:40,366 啊啊 2660 02:25:41,300 --> 02:25:43,100 这啥呀咋这烫呢 2661 02:25:43,866 --> 02:25:44,666 我操 2662 02:25:45,300 --> 02:25:46,300 真能打蛋了 2663 02:25:46,300 --> 02:25:47,800 家人们家人朋友们 2664 02:25:47,800 --> 02:25:49,500 我刚摸了一下这这主板 2665 02:25:49,766 --> 02:25:51,466 烫的我受不了 2666 02:25:54,800 --> 02:25:55,933 哈哈哈 2667 02:25:58,700 --> 02:26:01,733 那我把它抬起来了烧起来了我操 2668 02:26:02,100 --> 02:26:03,700 这电脑要烧起来 2669 02:26:08,766 --> 02:26:10,266 曾老爷你在干嘛呢 2670 02:26:13,533 --> 02:26:14,799 这主板太骚了 2671 02:26:14,800 --> 02:26:17,400 家人们这是数一数二的主板了今天 2672 02:26:22,533 --> 02:26:24,366 我把它支起来了一下 2673 02:26:24,366 --> 02:26:27,399 不让他那个出风的那个风扇接触到 2674 02:26:27,566 --> 02:26:29,166 接触到这个这个桌子 2675 02:26:29,166 --> 02:26:30,766 他会不会好一些呢 2676 02:26:33,766 --> 02:26:36,599 复数我你没有你没有 2677 02:26:37,600 --> 02:26:38,900 我早上刚吃完煎蛋 2678 02:26:38,900 --> 02:26:41,500 我现在不想煎蛋了我这这桌子烫的 2679 02:26:48,066 --> 02:26:50,366 我的机箱不会是个鞋盒吧 2680 02:26:51,000 --> 02:26:52,200 我没有吉祥啊 2681 02:27:02,333 --> 02:27:03,366 晚上好呀 2682 02:27:04,300 --> 02:27:05,600 哎我发现每一天 2683 02:27:05,600 --> 02:27:07,933 你都会来跟我说一句晚上好哎 2684 02:27:07,933 --> 02:27:09,299 最后的龙骑兵 2685 02:27:13,133 --> 02:27:15,666 我小的时候玩电脑我一直以为 2686 02:27:16,800 --> 02:27:18,066 一直以为 2687 02:27:19,533 --> 02:27:21,766 显示器是最重要的 2688 02:27:22,466 --> 02:27:25,799 我以为把显示器搬走然后就有了一切 2689 02:27:25,800 --> 02:27:28,600 结果我发现单独的显示器根本 2690 02:27:28,900 --> 02:27:30,166 毛用没有 2691 02:27:30,966 --> 02:27:32,599 真神还是机香 2692 02:27:40,166 --> 02:27:41,933 女人是这样的 2693 02:27:42,100 --> 02:27:44,700 小女孩我当时刚上小学 2694 02:27:44,800 --> 02:27:47,200 你怎么能碰见一个小学生呢 2695 02:27:49,666 --> 02:27:52,933 我以为就只要有了显示器就有了全部 2696 02:27:53,500 --> 02:27:54,733 然后结果 2697 02:27:55,400 --> 02:27:56,266 哎 2698 02:27:56,800 --> 02:27:58,500 我发现我错了 2699 02:27:58,666 --> 02:28:00,599 这是我8岁时候的事 2700 02:28:00,966 --> 02:28:03,299 我18岁的时候因为 2701 02:28:03,766 --> 02:28:06,766 米燕米亚有了前燕燕人就是全部 2702 02:28:06,766 --> 02:28:09,166 结果我发现我还是错了 2703 02:28:09,600 --> 02:28:12,200 我发现这十年我毫无长进 2704 02:28:13,733 --> 02:28:16,299 要不然都是把这个这个 2705 02:28:16,300 --> 02:28:19,200 事物的一部分当成事物的全部 2706 02:28:19,933 --> 02:28:20,733 哎 2707 02:28:22,300 --> 02:28:23,700 只要你手速够快 2708 02:28:23,700 --> 02:28:25,400 你可以用纸币印在这画面 2709 02:28:25,400 --> 02:28:26,700 真的假的 2710 02:28:29,466 --> 02:28:33,366 主播如何评价我的新头像像个脑瘫儿 2711 02:28:35,600 --> 02:28:38,166 你的新头像像个脑瘫儿 2712 02:28:40,500 --> 02:28:43,000 你们觉不觉得我骂人也很可爱呀 2713 02:28:43,000 --> 02:28:45,166 其实我觉得我骂人也挺可爱的 2714 02:28:45,166 --> 02:28:46,599 没有什么攻击性 2715 02:28:46,666 --> 02:28:48,966 非常的温柔非常的小艺 2716 02:28:49,000 --> 02:28:50,933 非常的可爱非常的 2717 02:28:51,966 --> 02:28:54,666 总之就是哎我怎么这么棒 2718 02:29:00,966 --> 02:29:02,799 自我意识过上 2719 02:29:03,533 --> 02:29:05,699 没觉得你可爱过 2720 02:29:05,700 --> 02:29:08,133 那你们一直都觉得我是什么样的 2721 02:29:09,200 --> 02:29:12,500 谢谢主播大家看清主播的真面目了吗 2722 02:29:13,266 --> 02:29:15,066 舍身私护是不是啊 2723 02:29:15,066 --> 02:29:17,099 你在我那个心切片里面 2724 02:29:17,200 --> 02:29:19,700 你你你你你发的那个言 2725 02:29:19,700 --> 02:29:21,266 就你说的那个话 2726 02:29:22,166 --> 02:29:24,466 你说原来主播也有也有 2727 02:29:24,466 --> 02:29:25,699 也有那个什么呀 2728 02:29:25,700 --> 02:29:29,933 然后被被举办了没了 2729 02:29:31,166 --> 02:29:32,199 肯定是假的 2730 02:29:32,200 --> 02:29:34,300 你为什么觉得有10年可能是真的呀 2731 02:29:34,300 --> 02:29:35,533 我一直都很可爱呀 2732 02:29:35,533 --> 02:29:37,133 因为人一直都不自恋啊 2733 02:29:37,133 --> 02:29:39,199 我我我很可爱的 2734 02:29:39,200 --> 02:29:39,900 家人们 2735 02:29:39,900 --> 02:29:43,200 你们你们第一次这个来到这个卢浮宫 2736 02:29:43,266 --> 02:29:45,933 有没有觉得其实看到的其实是米 2737 02:29:45,933 --> 02:29:46,899 呀米呀 2738 02:29:52,766 --> 02:29:53,899 谁空瓶啊 2739 02:29:54,200 --> 02:29:55,466 谁说我空瓶的 2740 02:29:56,100 --> 02:29:58,300 好几个OP上来对我吃尸体 2741 02:30:00,000 --> 02:30:01,100 为什么有OP 2742 02:30:01,100 --> 02:30:01,866 对你指指点点 2743 02:30:01,866 --> 02:30:03,266 你去开团了吗 2744 02:30:04,700 --> 02:30:05,700 你们你们你们 2745 02:30:05,700 --> 02:30:06,133 知不知道 2746 02:30:06,133 --> 02:30:08,366 天顶之前量子少年首播的时候 2747 02:30:08,366 --> 02:30:11,199 顶着我那个艳艳人30级的牌子去下面 2748 02:30:11,500 --> 02:30:13,966 去去他那个弹幕区狠狠的臊皮 2749 02:30:13,966 --> 02:30:15,899 然后被哎呦团建了 2750 02:30:15,966 --> 02:30:17,199 他那个动态 2751 02:30:17,333 --> 02:30:18,666 穿总督头像框 2752 02:30:18,666 --> 02:30:21,466 那个动态下面全是什么富哥逼我50 2753 02:30:21,466 --> 02:30:22,999 逼我50让你姐 2754 02:30:23,200 --> 02:30:26,700 富哥逼我138给拉姐上个剑之类的 2755 02:30:26,766 --> 02:30:27,933 爱过多 2756 02:30:32,100 --> 02:30:33,400 我也很喜欢这首歌 2757 02:30:33,400 --> 02:30:36,733 晚安主播除外晚安匣子就527 2758 02:30:36,933 --> 02:30:38,533 虽然你把主播除外了 2759 02:30:38,533 --> 02:30:40,599 但是我还是要跟你说晚安 2760 02:30:40,600 --> 02:30:42,533 这就是妈妈的温柔啊 2761 02:30:42,533 --> 02:30:45,299 就是即使是对初生也是很温柔的 2762 02:30:45,733 --> 02:30:48,399 i ain't 2763 02:30:49,900 --> 02:30:55,166 got the manga 2764 02:31:02,100 --> 02:31:08,533 oh can you give me one last kiss more 2765 02:31:08,600 --> 02:31:10,733 and do you like it's all she know 2766 02:31:12,533 --> 02:31:14,466 我是你的孤单 2767 02:31:25,100 --> 02:31:28,133 有声之前可以听到主播唱YSK 2768 02:31:28,166 --> 02:31:29,099 什么不可能 2769 02:31:29,366 --> 02:31:31,099 不可能主播唱不了 2770 02:31:31,733 --> 02:31:33,333 我肯定唱不了这个的 2771 02:31:34,266 --> 02:31:37,566 晚安匣子4,763.5 2772 02:31:37,566 --> 02:31:38,866 你说他这个 2773 02:31:39,733 --> 02:31:41,799 他他他裂开了 2774 02:31:43,366 --> 02:31:44,933 对出生也很温柔 2775 02:31:44,933 --> 02:31:46,366 我本来就是这样的呀 2776 02:31:46,366 --> 02:31:48,899 我捏妈妈的温柔一直陪伴着你们 2777 02:31:49,200 --> 02:31:50,366 没啥好戏说的 2778 02:31:50,366 --> 02:31:52,299 那种话说出来就叫不是正常人 2779 02:31:52,300 --> 02:31:54,566 结果这个头像是可丽 2780 02:31:54,700 --> 02:31:58,700 然后那个ID是这个这个这个神女披冠 2781 02:31:58,700 --> 02:32:02,100 一点开主页转发了卡特亚的抽奖 2782 02:32:02,866 --> 02:32:04,133 是这样的人吗 2783 02:32:14,700 --> 02:32:17,100 原优第一定律差不多了 2784 02:32:17,100 --> 02:32:17,900 哈哈哈 2785 02:32:20,400 --> 02:32:22,500 你们没看我原来的那什么吗 2786 02:32:22,500 --> 02:32:24,333 你们看没看我原来的那个 2787 02:32:25,766 --> 02:32:26,699 原来那个号 2788 02:32:26,700 --> 02:32:29,100 我原来那个号才是纯纯的圆优呢 2789 02:32:30,166 --> 02:32:33,199 我老圆优了而且我还靠圆吃饭呢 2790 02:32:33,266 --> 02:32:34,099 家人们 2791 02:32:36,066 --> 02:32:37,266 你还知道卡特亚 2792 02:32:37,266 --> 02:32:38,466 我为啥不知道卡特亚 2793 02:32:38,466 --> 02:32:40,999 不知道是我上辈子是干啥的你忘了 2794 02:32:41,666 --> 02:32:42,766 不是卡特亚 2795 02:32:42,766 --> 02:32:45,799 棉花大翔哥这些自家欧的百万 2796 02:32:45,800 --> 02:32:48,600 这些天天没事抽个奖的原生区 2797 02:32:49,466 --> 02:32:51,333 主播谁不认识他们呢 2798 02:32:51,766 --> 02:32:54,366 我好歹也是原生区的主播呀 2799 02:32:54,866 --> 02:32:55,999 不是要学习吗 2800 02:32:56,000 --> 02:32:57,300 卡特亚咋了 2801 02:32:57,933 --> 02:32:59,533 主播现在还关注远吗 2802 02:32:59,533 --> 02:33:01,699 关注啊可看 2803 02:33:01,766 --> 02:33:03,066 哈哈哈 2804 02:33:03,700 --> 02:33:06,166 来给我们来一首神女披挂来来来 2805 02:33:08,466 --> 02:33:11,466 那什么什么什么什么什么影父单双 2806 02:33:12,066 --> 02:33:13,766 我不玩了已经 2807 02:33:14,566 --> 02:33:17,566 但是毕竟是自己以前的工作吗对吧 2808 02:33:18,466 --> 02:33:21,199 自己以前的工作不得不得看看吗 2809 02:33:26,200 --> 02:33:28,166 别神女皮管我都不喜欢 2810 02:33:28,166 --> 02:33:29,199 神女皮管 2811 02:33:30,500 --> 02:33:32,200 我就不喜欢仙女屁话 2812 02:33:33,333 --> 02:33:36,266 我真不喜欢家人们我也不怕人宠 2813 02:33:36,300 --> 02:33:37,366 真不喜欢 2814 02:33:39,066 --> 02:33:40,533 不是说不喜欢他 2815 02:33:41,100 --> 02:33:41,900 他那个啥 2816 02:33:41,900 --> 02:33:42,766 是不喜欢 2817 02:33:42,766 --> 02:33:45,366 一首简单普通的角色歌 2818 02:33:45,366 --> 02:33:47,199 被人拿来打擂台 2819 02:33:47,200 --> 02:33:49,300 炒作文化输出 2820 02:33:49,300 --> 02:33:50,600 当文殊菩萨 2821 02:33:50,700 --> 02:33:51,600 我不喜欢 2822 02:33:52,333 --> 02:33:53,699 我我觉得歌没 2823 02:33:53,700 --> 02:33:54,200 啥问题 2824 02:33:54,200 --> 02:33:56,466 但你不要给他赋予那么多他承载不了 2825 02:33:56,466 --> 02:33:57,266 的意义 2826 02:33:57,866 --> 02:33:59,399 欲望加速听过了呀 2827 02:33:59,400 --> 02:34:01,000 本来就是嘛你这 2828 02:34:02,600 --> 02:34:05,700 那个门的另一端还挺好听的 2829 02:34:05,800 --> 02:34:06,933 我还觉得那个 2830 02:34:07,066 --> 02:34:11,966 当你的天空突然下起了大雨 2831 02:34:12,333 --> 02:34:14,333 这歌我还觉得挺好听的呢 2832 02:34:18,166 --> 02:34:19,933 想点歌可以呀 2833 02:34:34,666 --> 02:34:35,466 全是原声 2834 02:34:35,466 --> 02:34:37,866 主播以前有没有认识我的呀 2835 02:34:39,700 --> 02:34:40,566 还愣着干嘛 2836 02:34:40,566 --> 02:34:41,599 可以台语切歌 2837 02:34:41,600 --> 02:34:43,166 你传话太监是吧 2838 02:34:44,100 --> 02:34:46,533 你是不是传话太监啊周老爷 2839 02:34:47,966 --> 02:34:48,699 啊不是 2840 02:34:48,700 --> 02:34:50,766 你这话说的也太像那个 2841 02:34:51,000 --> 02:34:52,566 我不会理解什么叫 2842 02:34:54,366 --> 02:34:55,166 哈哈哈 2843 02:35:00,466 --> 02:35:01,366 哇哦 2844 02:35:01,666 --> 02:35:02,466 啊呜 2845 02:35:04,166 --> 02:35:06,499 我还有20分钟就可以结束我的这个 2846 02:35:06,500 --> 02:35:07,300 坐牢砸场 2847 02:35:07,300 --> 02:35:08,200 就可以开始学习了 2848 02:35:08,200 --> 02:35:09,066 米亚在国内吗 2849 02:35:09,066 --> 02:35:10,099 米亚出国了 2850 02:35:12,000 --> 02:35:15,100 i know love it is such a funny thing 2851 02:35:15,100 --> 02:35:17,000 a mystery alone 2852 02:35:17,066 --> 02:35:18,999 can i get to know you more 2853 02:35:19,000 --> 02:35:21,600 cause i act up in the real connection 2854 02:35:22,200 --> 02:35:24,900 爱少女哦yes me拜拜 2855 02:35:24,900 --> 02:35:25,700 拜拜 2856 02:35:27,966 --> 02:35:30,066 这就是他点的歌呀 2857 02:35:30,566 --> 02:35:31,966 这首歌就是残忍 2858 02:35:31,966 --> 02:35:34,666 这首歌呀不是跟恋人说话是坐牢呀 2859 02:35:34,733 --> 02:35:36,533 是咱谈谈太久了 2860 02:35:36,666 --> 02:35:38,566 我怕你们你们坐牢 2861 02:35:38,566 --> 02:35:39,599 我自己倒不坐牢 2862 02:35:39,600 --> 02:35:41,133 我自己一直都挺开心的 2863 02:35:41,133 --> 02:35:42,499 我自己一直都傻乐 2864 02:35:42,500 --> 02:35:44,666 但又怕你们下播之后寻思哎 2865 02:35:44,700 --> 02:35:45,800 主播又混一天 2866 02:35:45,800 --> 02:35:47,266 他播了些啥呢 2867 02:35:47,366 --> 02:35:49,299 你真是浪费生命啊 2868 02:35:49,700 --> 02:35:51,166 我怕你们这么想 2869 02:35:51,333 --> 02:35:52,699 我跟你们打算不坐牢 2870 02:35:52,700 --> 02:35:55,100 我说说说话而已有啥坐牢的 2871 02:35:55,366 --> 02:35:56,733 一直都很开心 2872 02:35:58,000 --> 02:35:59,933 给你们逢场作戏 2873 02:36:00,733 --> 02:36:02,299 我也要给你们逢场作戏 2874 02:36:08,700 --> 02:36:10,100 这是他点点的歌吗 2875 02:36:10,166 --> 02:36:11,733 我说出来就是这首哎 2876 02:36:12,900 --> 02:36:15,400 主播诱惑你一天这都播了个啥呀 2877 02:36:15,400 --> 02:36:18,000 两眼一黑我这是个宝贵的三个小时 2878 02:36:18,000 --> 02:36:20,000 被主播狠狠的琢磨哎 2879 02:36:20,333 --> 02:36:21,966 进狠狠的进 2880 02:36:22,166 --> 02:36:24,333 yeah yeah yeah you have 2881 02:36:24,366 --> 02:36:25,933 passed够接力3段 2882 02:36:25,933 --> 02:36:28,333 你能不能跟我说说书啊亲人们 2883 02:36:31,800 --> 02:36:34,866 life may straight to my heart oh yeah 2884 02:36:35,266 --> 02:36:39,299 i got all the fuse for sure yeah i got all the fuse for you 2885 02:36:40,333 --> 02:36:42,766 家人们有没有会切片的 2886 02:36:43,100 --> 02:36:44,866 不要不要不要弄 2887 02:36:46,333 --> 02:36:47,666 是这首呀 2888 02:36:48,066 --> 02:36:48,966 好可爱 2889 02:36:49,933 --> 02:36:51,399 不要不要不要闹 2890 02:36:57,866 --> 02:36:59,366 他姐也喜欢听这种歌呀 2891 02:36:59,366 --> 02:37:02,666 我以为他姐就比较喜欢纯音乐呀 2892 02:37:02,666 --> 02:37:04,066 那种那什么的 2893 02:37:06,733 --> 02:37:10,666 望着侧摩石碑上隐隐浮现的五个大字 2894 02:37:11,300 --> 02:37:13,333 少年紧握了双拳 2895 02:37:13,900 --> 02:37:16,466 然后感觉就在9名大厅问我了 2896 02:37:17,100 --> 02:37:19,466 没有呀我问你怎么了 2897 02:37:22,900 --> 02:37:25,400 我春节速成必减可以吗 2898 02:37:25,400 --> 02:37:28,166 没有没有我就我就单纯的问一句 2899 02:37:29,700 --> 02:37:31,533 他也什么时候跳舞视频 2900 02:37:31,666 --> 02:37:34,066 那当然我的小女友只能看我 2901 02:37:34,500 --> 02:37:35,800 只能只能让我看 2902 02:37:48,300 --> 02:37:51,466 怎么让我成为大中原三段呢 2903 02:37:55,300 --> 02:37:57,066 我的视频没人看了 2904 02:37:57,066 --> 02:37:59,699 家人们我的视频又凉了 2905 02:37:59,700 --> 02:38:01,333 新的视频又进了 2906 02:38:08,300 --> 02:38:10,000 新视频又又记了 2907 02:38:10,166 --> 02:38:11,899 马上再剪一个新的 2908 02:38:12,200 --> 02:38:12,966 给我 2909 02:38:12,966 --> 02:38:15,666 提供一下下一个切片的那个什么吧 2910 02:38:17,366 --> 02:38:20,699 提供一下下一个切片的这个内容吧 2911 02:38:21,000 --> 02:38:23,366 对既是长谈或是短谈 2912 02:38:23,700 --> 02:38:26,100 要学会接受一次次的失败 2913 02:38:30,200 --> 02:38:31,000 也不好跳 2914 02:38:31,666 --> 02:38:34,499 啊我什么时候攒够3D花的钱 2915 02:38:34,500 --> 02:38:36,466 可以给你们练练舞什么的 2916 02:38:40,200 --> 02:38:44,866 it took a t t y 2917 02:38:48,733 --> 02:38:58,333 i can't cheat 2918 02:39:06,066 --> 02:39:07,533 我没有在写作业 2919 02:39:07,533 --> 02:39:09,866 我在看在看这个东西 2920 02:39:09,866 --> 02:39:10,899 这啥歌呀 2921 02:39:15,800 --> 02:39:17,966 这个歌能能跳 2922 02:39:19,500 --> 02:39:21,800 哎我我的弹幕 2923 02:39:24,766 --> 02:39:25,799 违规了吗 2924 02:39:25,800 --> 02:39:27,500 他这是一首歌呀 2925 02:39:30,266 --> 02:39:31,666 为啥我弹幕违规了 2926 02:39:31,666 --> 02:39:33,366 他跟我说我弹幕违规了 2927 02:39:34,200 --> 02:39:35,533 这是歌名啊 2928 02:39:39,666 --> 02:39:41,133 黑色哈哈哈 2929 02:39:53,266 --> 02:39:58,099 we were told i should let it go 2930 02:39:58,266 --> 02:40:03,366 to a born dashing north pogo shitty i'm 2931 02:40:03,366 --> 02:40:07,899 那XO盘出格斯苏的安吉马 2932 02:40:08,266 --> 02:40:11,166 内盘出一山内烤鸭 2933 02:40:11,500 --> 02:40:16,166 那本牛的弹古安吉马那本狂龙 2934 02:40:16,166 --> 02:40:18,599 家人们上场 2935 02:40:19,266 --> 02:40:20,199 上场 2936 02:40:21,200 --> 02:40:22,000 呃 2937 02:40:22,766 --> 02:40:23,566 呃 2938 02:40:24,100 --> 02:40:29,266 你你知不知道那个DIA是什么东西啊 2939 02:40:34,000 --> 02:40:36,333 为啥我把这个东西下载下来 2940 02:40:36,333 --> 02:40:38,266 不是一个软件呀 2941 02:40:39,500 --> 02:40:41,800 啊你就是想让我 2942 02:40:42,166 --> 02:40:45,466 or not just because 2943 02:40:45,466 --> 02:40:51,199 burn it burn it burn it 2944 02:40:53,800 --> 02:40:54,766 就是 2945 02:40:55,900 --> 02:41:00,266 谢谢274的牛蛙粉感谢202的对DNA 2946 02:41:00,500 --> 02:41:01,933 谢谢74的打卡 2947 02:41:01,933 --> 02:41:03,199 晚上好呀 2948 02:41:05,400 --> 02:41:08,366 我知道开始卡因为我在看东西 2949 02:41:08,900 --> 02:41:10,366 为什么呢 2950 02:41:17,066 --> 02:41:19,899 我我我给你们画一只小猫猫上来吧 2951 02:41:19,900 --> 02:41:21,133 小猫不卡 2952 02:41:21,566 --> 02:41:23,266 别叫小猫不卡 2953 02:41:42,966 --> 02:41:45,566 你看钱包不卡吧我说的对吧 2954 02:42:11,766 --> 02:42:13,533 谢谢东方哥的金币团 2955 02:42:13,533 --> 02:42:16,266 感谢阿力来到谢谢谢谢 2956 02:42:18,100 --> 02:42:20,666 不行不行我不能再听我喜欢的歌 2957 02:42:20,666 --> 02:42:21,933 再听我喜欢的歌 2958 02:42:21,933 --> 02:42:24,566 哥哥他们都走了 2959 02:42:42,900 --> 02:42:45,300 还有SQL 2960 02:42:47,700 --> 02:42:50,133 哦我看到他好像有一个 2961 02:42:53,166 --> 02:42:54,933 有一个视频 2962 02:42:56,866 --> 02:42:58,533 让我看看哦 2963 02:43:01,566 --> 02:43:05,366 嘿到学习时间了我该学习啦 2964 02:43:08,266 --> 02:43:10,099 要不然呢赵老爷 2965 02:43:10,300 --> 02:43:11,466 要不然呢 2966 02:43:12,766 --> 02:43:15,399 晚安老燕子你要睡觉了吗 2967 02:43:15,400 --> 02:43:16,200 嗯 2968 02:43:16,400 --> 02:43:17,600 晚安哦 2969 02:43:20,800 --> 02:43:22,466 this is going to be a tutorial 2970 02:43:22,700 --> 02:43:26,200 on how to use the e r diagram tool of dia 2971 02:43:26,933 --> 02:43:29,999 对这个122 digram to DIA 2972 02:43:30,333 --> 02:43:31,499 就这个东西 2973 02:43:32,100 --> 02:43:36,500 running it on your Mac through the VM portal through my v lap 2974 02:43:37,400 --> 02:43:39,600 是不是只有麦克版的呀 2975 02:43:41,066 --> 02:43:43,499 这这我不是麦克怎么办啊 2976 02:43:54,266 --> 02:43:55,066 我 2977 02:43:55,566 --> 02:43:58,266 我不是麦克我怎么办 2978 02:43:58,766 --> 02:44:00,366 坏了家人们 2979 02:44:09,533 --> 02:44:10,699 lectures is going to 2980 02:44:10,800 --> 02:44:11,900 啊这呢 2981 02:44:12,166 --> 02:44:13,533 后面will come up 2982 02:44:13,866 --> 02:44:15,466 that will connect you too 2983 02:44:15,666 --> 02:44:16,899 and again remember now 2984 02:44:16,900 --> 02:44:18,733 you're not running windows on your computer 2985 02:44:18,733 --> 02:44:20,599 which you've done now as you open a portal 2986 02:44:20,766 --> 02:44:22,999 you're running a remote copy of this 2987 02:44:23,566 --> 02:44:24,966 so you run around dia 2988 02:44:25,200 --> 02:44:27,266 where is it at the moment 2989 02:44:27,266 --> 02:44:29,666 the icon is not there we may work on this 2990 02:44:29,666 --> 02:44:31,199 i'm gonna try to see things with it in 2991 02:44:31,333 --> 02:44:34,099 so you'll go down to the search click on that 2992 02:44:34,133 --> 02:44:37,166 and the little bar will come up and you type in dia 2993 02:44:37,166 --> 02:44:40,966 dia and there it's gonna be showing you that the 2994 02:44:41,200 --> 02:44:42,733 program is installed 2995 02:44:43,000 --> 02:44:44,800 you'll click and select that 2996 02:44:45,166 --> 02:44:47,866 once you do now dia has started 2997 02:44:48,100 --> 02:44:51,266 and again this works exactly like a dozen of pc 2998 02:44:51,500 --> 02:44:54,000 the first thing you must do and you must do this 2999 02:44:54,066 --> 02:44:56,599 every time and this is very important 3000 02:44:56,866 --> 02:45:00,099 you must change your environment to database 3001 02:45:00,466 --> 02:45:01,266 it'll start to 3002 02:45:01,400 --> 02:45:03,700 environmental database 3003 02:45:06,100 --> 02:45:08,400 你们要看我的桌面吗 3004 02:45:08,500 --> 02:45:10,333 好像不是很适合让你们看 3005 02:45:10,333 --> 02:45:12,733 我先把它把它弄开看看能不能 3006 02:45:12,933 --> 02:45:16,099 我学过三次手机我换给老师三次 3007 02:45:20,900 --> 02:45:21,700 嗯 3008 02:45:22,600 --> 02:45:24,000 展开 3009 02:45:25,900 --> 02:45:27,566 怎么搜索来着 3010 02:45:29,600 --> 02:45:32,000 呃快速访问点亮 3011 02:45:41,900 --> 02:45:44,333 956代我能听吗 3012 02:45:45,300 --> 02:45:48,800 每天涂地抹那颗牙 3013 02:45:49,666 --> 02:45:53,699 画着轰轰烈烈哼起来 3014 02:45:54,133 --> 02:46:00,499 我想说的我哪去了i so i so 3015 02:46:00,900 --> 02:46:03,066 刚才那只灰色尾巴的猫猫因为 3016 02:46:03,200 --> 02:46:05,666 太占电脑内存啦 3017 02:46:05,666 --> 02:46:06,899 所以说我 3018 02:46:06,933 --> 02:46:09,066 我换了一只小一点的 3019 02:46:09,900 --> 02:46:11,866 这个是我的幼年期形态 3020 02:46:11,866 --> 02:46:16,466 因为能量不够的时候就会啊打开了点 3021 02:46:16,466 --> 02:46:18,133 然后再 3022 02:46:24,266 --> 02:46:26,766 在什么东西里面选择坏了 3023 02:46:26,766 --> 02:46:29,199 这教程是英文的我下了个中文版的 3024 02:46:29,200 --> 02:46:31,066 第二这怎么办 3025 02:46:31,166 --> 02:46:34,499 晚上好新年快乐晚上好 3026 02:46:36,200 --> 02:46:37,733 我没有这东西啊 3027 02:46:37,800 --> 02:46:39,400 坏事了家人们 3028 02:46:39,800 --> 02:46:42,666 you go to database but you absolutely must 3029 02:46:43,366 --> 02:46:44,466 对他背 3030 02:46:48,800 --> 02:46:51,966 看看电脑有没有叫桌面窗口管理器 3031 02:46:51,966 --> 02:46:53,533 我先把它弄出来吧 3032 02:47:04,666 --> 02:47:06,666 这玩意有可能内存泄露 3033 02:47:06,666 --> 02:47:08,899 什么叫内存泄露呀 3034 02:47:11,600 --> 02:47:14,300 能量不足的时候就是想想捏捏你 3035 02:47:15,700 --> 02:47:17,866 我应该弄个帮助 3036 02:47:18,600 --> 02:47:22,366 我我怎么把它调回英文版呀 3037 02:47:33,466 --> 02:47:36,099 呀不是数据库软件是绘图软件吧 3038 02:47:36,100 --> 02:47:39,066 对我们我们不缺那么困难的 3039 02:47:39,333 --> 02:47:42,466 这门课应该就是 3040 02:47:44,600 --> 02:47:45,200 拿来画流 3041 02:47:45,200 --> 02:47:46,600 对对对就是这个 3042 02:47:46,766 --> 02:47:49,899 内存泄露就是使用内存没有正确回收 3043 02:47:49,900 --> 02:47:53,800 导致没有回收的内存无法再次被使用 3044 02:47:56,466 --> 02:47:57,566 这样子吗 3045 02:47:58,766 --> 02:48:03,399 我不太清楚哎不是很懂相关的东西 3046 02:48:04,533 --> 02:48:07,066 他这个在哪里我先看一下 3047 02:48:07,566 --> 02:48:12,166 idea has started and again this works exactly like a dozen a pc 3048 02:48:12,500 --> 02:48:14,966 the first thing you must do and you must do this 3049 02:48:15,066 --> 02:48:17,566 every time and this is very important 3050 02:48:17,800 --> 02:48:20,100 you must change your environment to 3051 02:48:26,566 --> 02:48:30,166 如果他战术就过多就把他杀了 3052 02:48:30,333 --> 02:48:34,166 我现在战术就是内存最多的就是这个 3053 02:48:34,500 --> 02:48:38,800 这个这个面部软件跟直播机 3054 02:48:40,100 --> 02:48:43,133 我就只有这两个东西占的 3055 02:48:43,200 --> 02:48:45,266 占的比例最多 3056 02:48:46,366 --> 02:48:48,566 别的都还好啦 3057 02:48:51,300 --> 02:48:54,466 秋裤木条难骑马 3058 02:48:55,066 --> 02:48:58,999 白天不见我的烤鸭 3059 02:49:12,466 --> 02:49:15,866 这个对他本身就是数据库吧 3060 02:49:20,333 --> 02:49:21,199 就是数据口 3061 02:49:21,200 --> 02:49:22,300 那没事了 3062 02:49:22,866 --> 02:49:24,933 我知道英文不知道中文 3063 02:49:25,366 --> 02:49:27,333 怎么会有这样的人呢 3064 02:49:27,666 --> 02:49:29,333 继续看啊继续看 3065 02:49:30,800 --> 02:49:34,800 DATABASE it'll start at flow chart you go to other sheets 3066 02:49:34,800 --> 02:49:36,266 you go to database 3067 02:49:36,300 --> 02:49:39,466 but you absolutely must do this each and every time 3068 02:49:39,566 --> 02:49:41,899 this way you're going to have the entity 3069 02:49:42,166 --> 02:49:43,666 the box is going to be there 3070 02:49:43,733 --> 02:49:44,999 and we're going to be using the 3071 02:49:45,000 --> 02:49:48,500 line tool we're not going to be using these two tools 3072 02:49:48,566 --> 02:49:50,466 we'll use the line tool to make sure 3073 02:49:50,500 --> 02:49:51,300 we use 3074 02:49:52,000 --> 02:49:53,933 the line tool to create it 3075 02:49:54,166 --> 02:49:57,666 once it goes in and we double click we can edit it so 3076 02:49:57,666 --> 02:49:59,499 first thing we'll do is we'll change the name of that 3077 02:49:59,500 --> 02:50:00,933 entity and we'll call it something 3078 02:50:00,933 --> 02:50:03,399 like an entity and create 3079 02:50:03,666 --> 02:50:07,399 the line tool we're not going to be using these two tools 3080 02:50:07,500 --> 02:50:10,133 we'll use the line tool to make the connection 3081 02:50:10,600 --> 02:50:14,266 so we click on an entity and create it once it goes in 3082 02:50:15,666 --> 02:50:19,866 creative and have a table name 3083 02:50:22,333 --> 02:50:24,466 then we double click we can edit it 3084 02:50:29,100 --> 02:50:31,333 我好像一个在那个 3085 02:50:31,933 --> 02:50:32,966 那个什么 3086 02:50:33,566 --> 02:50:37,899 教程的帮助下面玩电脑的小小仙女生 3087 02:50:44,166 --> 02:50:45,399 so in 3088 02:50:46,000 --> 02:50:46,533 so first thing 3089 02:50:46,533 --> 02:50:48,066 we'll do is we'll change the name of that 3090 02:50:48,066 --> 02:50:49,466 entity and we'll call it something 3091 02:50:49,466 --> 02:50:50,666 like entity one 3092 02:50:50,866 --> 02:50:51,999 you'll call it whatever 3093 02:50:52,000 --> 02:50:54,166 you're going to want your table name to be 3094 02:50:54,500 --> 02:50:56,266 eventually in access because as well 3095 02:51:02,200 --> 02:51:04,500 我是不是有点笨啊 3096 02:51:04,500 --> 02:51:05,466 家人们 3097 02:51:06,366 --> 02:51:08,566 你们想看这个这 3098 02:51:08,566 --> 02:51:09,366 个 3099 02:51:10,200 --> 02:51:11,600 这个店吗 3100 02:51:11,966 --> 02:51:13,899 我看一下能不能把这个店给你们 3101 02:51:13,900 --> 02:51:15,066 放在上面 3102 02:51:18,766 --> 02:51:20,699 不是38而已啦 3103 02:51:47,000 --> 02:51:47,800 呜呜 3104 02:51:55,566 --> 02:51:56,366 呜 3105 02:52:28,800 --> 02:52:29,733 学习 3106 02:52:30,466 --> 02:52:34,099 从零开始学习搞这个东西 3107 02:52:34,166 --> 02:52:34,966 嗯 3108 02:52:35,766 --> 02:52:37,599 你可以去洗澡呀 3109 02:52:37,866 --> 02:52:40,899 我我会连洗澡都不让你洗吗 3110 02:52:40,900 --> 02:52:43,966 我有这么不尽人意吗 3111 02:52:45,533 --> 02:52:47,533 我看起来有这么凶吗 3112 02:52:52,000 --> 02:52:54,933 我都是在一个网页或者比较傻瓜 3113 02:52:54,933 --> 02:52:57,566 我们这个就是作业吗 3114 02:52:57,566 --> 02:52:59,999 然后他他让我改一个名字 3115 02:53:00,000 --> 02:53:02,700 我看一下要求要改什么样的名字 3116 02:53:12,866 --> 02:53:16,066 燕燕姐姐熬不住了睡觉去了晚安呐 3117 02:53:31,366 --> 02:53:32,166 哈 3118 02:53:34,800 --> 02:53:43,400 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 3119 02:53:45,366 --> 02:53:50,099 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 3120 02:54:26,866 --> 02:54:27,166 啊 3121 02:54:27,166 --> 02:54:30,333 先把这几个先把这几个隐藏一下吧 3122 02:54:30,333 --> 02:54:31,933 我们先看课件吧 3123 02:55:26,766 --> 02:55:28,666 这肯定有120 3124 02:55:54,300 --> 02:55:55,700 有点逆天了 3125 02:56:05,533 --> 02:56:06,999 这我就不那什么 3126 02:56:07,600 --> 02:56:08,466 我就我就不 3127 02:56:08,466 --> 02:56:11,299 自己看翻译起来好像还快一点 3128 02:56:12,133 --> 02:56:15,266 找个翻译直接疯狂的复制粘贴 3129 02:56:38,533 --> 02:56:40,766 踏破小插针 3130 02:56:43,933 --> 02:56:45,733 她曾经牵着我的手 3131 02:56:49,066 --> 02:56:49,566 像 3132 02:56:49,566 --> 02:56:50,866 互关以后 3133 02:56:50,933 --> 02:56:52,099 包含了属 3134 02:56:52,166 --> 02:56:52,966 性 3135 02:57:23,733 --> 02:57:27,366 表面课件其实是200多页的操作手册 3136 02:57:27,366 --> 02:57:28,899 我怀疑这个有点 3137 02:57:31,100 --> 02:57:32,100 看PPT吧 3138 02:57:32,100 --> 02:57:33,400 这个我就不听课了 3139 02:57:33,400 --> 02:57:35,700 这个看看PPT看能不能搞明白 3140 02:59:12,866 --> 02:59:16,166 对象的名称大写 3141 02:59:17,900 --> 02:59:20,400 这个的关系小 3142 02:59:20,500 --> 02:59:21,300 写 3143 02:59:24,166 --> 02:59:25,599 更现实 3144 03:00:28,800 --> 03:00:32,366 我把音乐到直播间说着谢谢呀 3145 03:00:33,500 --> 03:00:34,900 我想截个图 3146 03:00:34,900 --> 03:00:37,000 我用啥东西能截图吗 3147 03:00:46,133 --> 03:00:47,499 强自己呀 3148 03:00:47,600 --> 03:00:49,966 要要记得 3149 03:00:50,533 --> 03:00:52,099 好好休息 3150 03:00:57,666 --> 03:00:59,533 怎么啦波波老师 3151 03:01:20,933 --> 03:01:24,099 我们数据集团是把群结下了 3152 03:01:24,700 --> 03:01:25,966 为什么呀 3153 03:01:37,366 --> 03:01:38,933 3个都没了 3154 03:01:40,100 --> 03:01:43,366 你们上过课之后那个群就会解散吗 3155 03:02:41,800 --> 03:02:44,700 今天我在头发那里薅了好多羊毛 3156 03:02:44,966 --> 03:02:46,666 你要送给我吗 3157 03:02:52,166 --> 03:02:55,199 谢谢哈尔的爱了爱了 3158 03:02:55,466 --> 03:02:57,466 谢谢哈尔的打卡 3159 03:03:00,400 --> 03:03:02,266 谢谢谢谢奥利给 3160 03:03:05,300 --> 03:03:08,300 所以为什么学了3次数据库呀 3161 03:03:13,100 --> 03:03:15,900 哇好多真的好多哎 3162 03:03:37,933 --> 03:03:39,933 千万不要让妈妈知道 3163 03:04:28,133 --> 03:04:29,333 燕燕在做题 3164 03:04:29,333 --> 03:04:31,666 我没有在做题啦我在学 3165 03:04:31,666 --> 03:04:33,966 我还没有学过这个东西呢 3166 03:04:44,500 --> 03:04:46,333 有没有备战的网课呀 3167 03:04:46,333 --> 03:04:48,466 可能他这个PPT有点 3168 03:04:49,166 --> 03:04:50,499 不太舒服 3169 03:04:50,533 --> 03:04:52,166 我爸还能转呢 3170 03:04:52,333 --> 03:04:53,566 可以的呦 3171 03:05:19,800 --> 03:05:21,533 烟为什么忽然那么严 3172 03:05:21,533 --> 03:05:23,166 散吸了没有呀 3173 03:05:23,333 --> 03:05:27,999 如何6分钟快速学会数据图 3174 03:05:28,000 --> 03:05:28,800 一啊哦一啊 3175 03:05:29,666 --> 03:05:30,733 d绘制 3176 03:05:32,100 --> 03:05:32,700 没有呀 3177 03:05:32,700 --> 03:05:36,366 因为我平常比较安静的时候就这样的 3178 03:05:38,200 --> 03:05:40,300 没卡呀卡了吗 3179 03:05:41,700 --> 03:05:44,366 卡了吗我没困 3180 03:05:48,200 --> 03:05:51,466 就比较安静的就就就是那样了 3181 03:05:52,266 --> 03:05:53,366 这怎么还有 3182 03:05:53,366 --> 03:05:55,866 如何画呀地图 3183 03:05:55,866 --> 03:05:57,399 从分手的那天开始 3184 03:05:57,966 --> 03:05:59,999 我每天都买一块5月1号到期的 3185 03:06:00,066 --> 03:06:02,566 这怎么就6分钟就能学会呀 3186 03:06:02,900 --> 03:06:04,266 这么厉害吗 3187 03:07:22,933 --> 03:07:25,266 hi my name is Taylor and i'm from Lucid chart 3188 03:07:25,366 --> 03:07:28,499 today you'll be learning all about entity relationship diagrams 3189 03:07:28,500 --> 03:07:31,800 or e r ds we're going to start off by discussing a high level 3190 03:07:31,800 --> 03:07:32,166 overview 3191 03:07:32,166 --> 03:07:34,899 and then together we'll dive in and build an example together 3192 03:07:35,000 --> 03:07:37,066 complete with entities attributes 3193 03:07:37,066 --> 03:07:40,366 relationships and cardinality刚刚喝完一场 3194 03:07:40,366 --> 03:07:42,166 主播在干什么 3195 03:07:42,666 --> 03:07:43,466 嗯 3196 03:07:44,133 --> 03:07:46,733 房窗 2点还没睡觉呀 3197 03:07:47,066 --> 03:07:50,533 我在学那个咿呀图怎么画 3198 03:07:50,733 --> 03:07:53,666 咿呀底这个图在上课呢 3199 03:07:54,400 --> 03:07:55,366 怎么啦 3200 03:08:03,133 --> 03:08:03,766 不行啊 3201 03:08:03,766 --> 03:08:07,133 他这个连个字母都没有还不如我去 3202 03:08:07,566 --> 03:08:09,899 还不如我去那个什么呢 3203 03:08:10,066 --> 03:08:12,099 有没有CC字幕呀 3204 03:08:18,500 --> 03:08:20,733 直播学习嗯是呀 3205 03:08:23,400 --> 03:08:25,866 都没有CC字母不如有寡 3206 03:08:28,333 --> 03:08:29,133 end of this video 3207 03:08:29,133 --> 03:08:31,333 you'll be able to build an entire entity relationship 3208 03:08:31,333 --> 03:08:32,766 diagram from scratch 3209 03:08:33,333 --> 03:08:34,099 have you ever wondered 3210 03:08:34,100 --> 03:08:36,266 why you get an error message telling you that your ideal 3211 03:08:36,266 --> 03:08:37,966 Twitter handle is already taken 3212 03:08:38,500 --> 03:08:40,900 or how Amazon can keep track of so many 3213 03:08:40,900 --> 03:08:43,366 different orders and customers and products 3214 03:08:43,766 --> 03:08:45,333 the answers to these questions 3215 03:08:45,333 --> 03:08:46,699 lies within the creation of a danger 3216 03:08:46,700 --> 03:08:48,333 就搜数据库吧 3217 03:08:48,333 --> 03:08:51,566 都有中文教程应该会有 3218 03:08:51,566 --> 03:08:54,166 那个我就直接搜的那个一2D 3219 03:08:54,266 --> 03:08:55,733 没搜别的东西啊 3220 03:09:13,566 --> 03:09:15,733 我们可能用的不一样啊 3221 03:09:19,300 --> 03:09:19,866 软件不一样 3222 03:09:19,866 --> 03:09:21,966 我们来看一下那个软件 3223 03:09:21,966 --> 03:09:24,266 数据库里面的这个快啊 3224 03:09:24,266 --> 03:09:26,366 把它拖出来我们来 3225 03:09:26,366 --> 03:09:29,299 看一下那个软件数据库里面 3226 03:09:29,366 --> 03:09:30,166 的那个 3227 03:09:30,266 --> 03:09:31,899 VR地图啊 3228 03:09:32,533 --> 03:09:34,199 那里有两个离线的 3229 03:09:34,200 --> 03:09:37,266 这个模板啊我们可以点击进去看 3230 03:09:37,266 --> 03:09:39,333 那就直接用模板上了 3231 03:09:39,333 --> 03:09:41,533 然后怎么我不行啊 3232 03:09:52,133 --> 03:09:52,399 不行 3233 03:09:52,400 --> 03:09:55,766 我楼上有罐上面是这怎么都是跳舞呀 3234 03:10:01,733 --> 03:10:03,366 没有我上油管吧 3235 03:10:03,566 --> 03:10:06,366 没救了我要我要上油管 3236 03:10:07,400 --> 03:10:11,533 都找那个你看这找的这个第二的教程 3237 03:10:11,600 --> 03:10:14,100 你看第二教程出来都是跳舞 3238 03:10:24,000 --> 03:10:25,133 没有芝士区的 3239 03:10:25,133 --> 03:10:27,266 对对对芝士区的 3240 03:10:28,900 --> 03:10:30,466 芝士区也没有呀 3241 03:11:11,300 --> 03:11:14,733 我去那个有关上面看一下吧 3242 03:11:57,266 --> 03:11:58,533 hi my name is Taylor 3243 03:11:58,566 --> 03:12:01,533 哇好吵呀 3244 03:12:02,700 --> 03:12:04,266 打卡打卡 3245 03:12:06,466 --> 03:12:08,299 这CC字幕自动给我 3246 03:12:08,300 --> 03:12:11,066 给我弄一阿拉伯语是什么意思啊 3247 03:12:22,266 --> 03:12:24,499 坚持要去没要去 3248 03:12:25,066 --> 03:12:26,199 and i'm from Lucid chart 3249 03:12:26,366 --> 03:12:29,499 today you'll be learning all about entity relationship diagrams 3250 03:12:37,966 --> 03:12:39,966 铸币主播还在卷 3251 03:12:40,333 --> 03:12:40,766 hi 3252 03:12:40,766 --> 03:12:42,599 my name is Taylor and i'm from Lucy chart 3253 03:12:42,733 --> 03:12:45,499 没有呀我没有再给你们卷 3254 03:12:54,400 --> 03:12:56,366 进行一个自动的翻译 3255 03:12:56,500 --> 03:12:59,133 嘿嘿开心 3256 03:13:17,600 --> 03:13:19,166 让他自动翻译成中文 3257 03:13:19,166 --> 03:13:21,466 他为什么不让我翻译呢 3258 03:13:23,733 --> 03:13:26,133 爱莎尼亚语是个什么鬼啊 3259 03:13:35,533 --> 03:13:37,766 today you'll be learning all about entity relationship 3260 03:13:37,766 --> 03:13:39,666 diagrams or erds 3261 03:13:39,666 --> 03:13:42,299 we're going to start off by discussing a high level overview 3262 03:13:42,300 --> 03:13:45,000 and then together we'll dive in and build an example together 3263 03:13:45,133 --> 03:13:47,133 complete with entities attributes 3264 03:13:47,133 --> 03:13:48,766 relationships and call it 3265 03:13:49,066 --> 03:13:51,766 out by the end of this video you'll be able to build an entire 3266 03:13:52,400 --> 03:13:55,166 不是我在用是我室友在用 3267 03:13:55,666 --> 03:13:58,333 a high level overview and then together we'll dive in and 3268 03:13:58,333 --> 03:13:59,666 build an example together 3269 03:13:59,733 --> 03:14:01,766 complete with entities attributes 3270 03:14:01,766 --> 03:14:02,733 relationships 3271 03:14:02,733 --> 03:14:04,899 and cardinality by the end of this video 3272 03:14:04,900 --> 03:14:06,566 you'll be able to build an entire entity 3273 03:14:06,566 --> 03:14:08,399 relationship diagram from Scratch 3274 03:14:09,100 --> 03:14:09,866 have you ever wondered 3275 03:14:09,866 --> 03:14:11,999 why you get an error message telling you that your ideal 3276 03:14:12,000 --> 03:14:13,766 twitter handle is already taken 3277 03:14:14,200 --> 03:14:16,666 or how Amazon can keep track of so many 3278 03:14:16,666 --> 03:14:19,133 different orders and customers and products 3279 03:14:19,600 --> 03:14:21,100 the answers to these questions 3280 03:14:21,100 --> 03:14:22,766 lies within the creation of a database 3281 03:14:22,766 --> 03:14:24,166 which in other words 3282 03:14:24,166 --> 03:14:27,133 is a collection of information that is organized 3283 03:14:27,166 --> 03:14:30,899 so data can be easily stored managed updated 3284 03:14:31,266 --> 03:14:32,699 我要学会了这玩意 3285 03:14:32,700 --> 03:14:35,100 可不可以自己给自己创建一个见 3286 03:14:35,100 --> 03:14:37,066 长礼物的收集地址呀 3287 03:14:37,566 --> 03:14:40,166 我是不是就可以自己给自己创建一个 3288 03:14:40,166 --> 03:14:40,966 这个了 3289 03:14:43,500 --> 03:14:46,266 now there's a lot of moving information into database 3290 03:14:46,266 --> 03:14:46,999 and understanding 3291 03:14:47,000 --> 03:14:50,066 how the many elements of a database interact with each other 3292 03:14:50,133 --> 03:14:51,666 can be difficult to grasp 3293 03:14:52,166 --> 03:14:54,133 engineers need a visual way to 3294 03:14:54,133 --> 03:14:55,533 understand how all these separate 3295 03:14:55,533 --> 03:14:57,533 elements are related to each other 3296 03:14:57,533 --> 03:14:59,333 and how they're working together 3297 03:14:59,566 --> 03:15:03,266 to show this they build entity relationship diagrams 3298 03:15:03,766 --> 03:15:06,599 so let's talk about how you're going to make these e r diagrams 3299 03:15:06,600 --> 03:15:08,200 you can draw them out with pen and paper 3300 03:15:08,200 --> 03:15:09,133 but it's going to be way 3301 03:15:09,133 --> 03:15:11,533 easier for you to use a diagramming tool 3302 03:15:11,800 --> 03:15:15,100 today i'm going to use an easy to use tool called lucid sharp 3303 03:15:15,100 --> 03:15:17,200 and you can too for free actually 3304 03:15:17,366 --> 03:15:19,366 by clicking on the top right corner here 3305 03:15:19,400 --> 03:15:21,866 you can access lucid charts website enter 3306 03:15:21,866 --> 03:15:23,566 your email address and have a free account 3307 03:15:23,566 --> 03:15:25,399 你怎么还打广that way 3308 03:15:25,400 --> 03:15:27,866 you can follow along with me and continue building your own 3309 03:15:27,866 --> 03:15:29,299 e r diagrams as well 3310 03:15:29,600 --> 03:15:31,466 before we can create an actual erd 3311 03:15:31,466 --> 03:15:32,399 we need to better 3312 03:15:32,466 --> 03:15:35,066 understand the individual components of the entity 3313 03:15:35,066 --> 03:15:36,466 relationship diagram 3314 03:15:36,600 --> 03:15:38,700 and this is going to start with entities 3315 03:15:38,766 --> 03:15:40,133 which are an object 3316 03:15:40,266 --> 03:15:44,599 such as a person place or thing to be tracked in the database 3317 03:15:44,900 --> 03:15:47,466 for example in the case of buying something on Amazon 3318 03:15:47,466 --> 03:15:48,733 let's say a snuggie 3319 03:15:49,133 --> 03:15:51,166 finettity could be a customer 3320 03:15:52,100 --> 03:15:57,066 in order and lastly we can't forget our snuggies the product now 3321 03:15:57,066 --> 03:15:58,466 each one of these所以说 3322 03:15:58,466 --> 03:16:04,666 这个跟那个PPT里面的相似点就在于 3323 03:16:06,400 --> 03:16:09,700 他的这些信息应该是 3324 03:16:48,400 --> 03:16:50,600 is going to have what we call attributes 3325 03:16:50,600 --> 03:16:53,200 which are various properties or traits 3326 03:16:53,400 --> 03:16:54,266 in this case 3327 03:16:54,333 --> 03:16:55,599 under the customer entity 3328 03:16:55,600 --> 03:17:00,000 we have a customer id first name last name street city 3329 03:17:00,166 --> 03:17:01,566 zip and phone 3330 03:17:01,966 --> 03:17:03,366 it's important to remember that 3331 03:17:03,400 --> 03:17:06,000 the entities in your database will be the rose 3332 03:17:06,000 --> 03:17:06,533 and that the 3333 03:17:06,533 --> 03:17:09,266 attributes in your database will be depicted每个方 3334 03:17:09,333 --> 03:17:10,699 框是一个实体 3335 03:17:10,700 --> 03:17:13,566 里面描述了他的属性跟方法 3336 03:17:13,733 --> 03:17:17,666 用符号描述了实体之间的关系 3337 03:17:17,800 --> 03:17:20,933 now we have the different entities and the different attributes 3338 03:17:21,100 --> 03:17:22,066 on the screen here 3339 03:17:22,066 --> 03:17:24,999 but now let's talk about the relationships that exist 3340 03:17:25,000 --> 03:17:26,700 between these different entities 3341 03:17:27,200 --> 03:17:30,366 the relationships describe how these entities will interact with 3342 03:17:30,366 --> 03:17:31,899 each other if at all 3343 03:17:31,933 --> 03:17:32,566 and you do that 3344 03:17:32,566 --> 03:17:34,599 by drawing a line in between them 3345 03:17:35,100 --> 03:17:37,900 so when i draw a line in between these particular elements 3346 03:17:37,900 --> 03:17:38,966 i'm showing 3347 03:17:39,000 --> 03:17:42,166 that there is some sort of interaction or connection in 3348 03:17:42,166 --> 03:17:42,999 some way 3349 03:17:44,166 --> 03:17:46,199 now that we have our relationships in place 3350 03:17:46,200 --> 03:17:49,200 you'll see some funky notation attached to these lines 3351 03:17:49,300 --> 03:17:52,100 this in fact is called the cardinality 3352 03:17:52,333 --> 03:17:55,966 which further defines the relationship in a numerical context 3353 03:17:56,166 --> 03:17:58,799 particularly within minimums and 3354 03:17:59,166 --> 03:18:01,366 这些东西有啥差别啊 3355 03:18:01,366 --> 03:18:02,333 这一下 3356 03:18:03,200 --> 03:18:04,400 一对一吗 3357 03:18:04,400 --> 03:18:05,700 然后一对多 3358 03:18:06,133 --> 03:18:09,133 什么叫YOV 3359 03:18:16,366 --> 03:18:17,499 maximums 3360 03:18:18,133 --> 03:18:18,866 so for example 3361 03:18:18,866 --> 03:18:19,766 here on this right side 3362 03:18:19,766 --> 03:18:22,399 you can see some different types of cardinality we have 3363 03:18:22,400 --> 03:18:23,600 any r diagrams 3364 03:18:23,600 --> 03:18:27,966 we have one many one and only one 001 one 3365 03:18:28,300 --> 03:18:30,066 or many 00 many 3366 03:18:30,333 --> 03:18:32,666 now don't be afraid if this isn't making sense quite yet 3367 03:18:32,666 --> 03:18:34,933 we're going to walk through some examples that'll help you 3368 03:18:34,933 --> 03:18:35,999 understand this perfectly 3369 03:18:37,133 --> 03:18:37,766 so 3370 03:18:37,766 --> 03:18:41,099 let's talk about the relationship and the cardinality that exist 3371 03:18:41,100 --> 03:18:42,533 between a customer 3372 03:18:42,733 --> 03:18:43,899 and the order 3373 03:18:44,333 --> 03:18:47,266 now the best way to do this is to think about it logically 3374 03:18:47,300 --> 03:18:50,700 we have to think about what is the minimum number of orders 3375 03:18:50,700 --> 03:18:52,133 that a customer could have 3376 03:18:52,200 --> 03:18:54,700 and what's the maximum number of orders 3377 03:18:54,800 --> 03:18:57,966 that a customer could have so let's start with minimums 3378 03:18:58,133 --> 03:18:59,999 what is the minimum number of orders 3379 03:19:00,000 --> 03:19:02,266 这小叮当数量是0吧 3380 03:19:02,266 --> 03:19:03,499 a customer could exist 3381 03:19:03,933 --> 03:19:06,466 but here she could have zero orders 3382 03:19:06,800 --> 03:19:09,933 so to show that over here we'll have that zero sign 3383 03:19:10,300 --> 03:19:12,266 now we have to think about the maximum 3384 03:19:12,333 --> 03:19:14,266 what are the maximum number of 3385 03:19:14,266 --> 03:19:16,166 orders that a customer could have 3386 03:19:16,800 --> 03:19:19,000 well as you probably already know 3387 03:19:19,000 --> 03:19:20,133 a customer can have 3388 03:19:20,133 --> 03:19:22,599 infinite orders in the case of snuggies you can 3389 03:19:22,600 --> 03:19:23,666 never just have 3390 03:19:23,666 --> 03:19:26,499 one snuggy so to show that we'll use this 3391 03:19:26,766 --> 03:19:29,733 0 or many crows foot notation 3392 03:19:32,666 --> 03:19:33,933 now let's talk about 3393 03:19:33,933 --> 03:19:36,933 the minimum and maximum relationship between or 3394 03:19:37,500 --> 03:19:42,000 这个所以这个意思就是0到无限 3395 03:19:44,366 --> 03:19:46,499 这个2的话就是啊 3396 03:19:54,466 --> 03:19:58,133 一下我我看一下我这个工具啊家人们 3397 03:20:09,733 --> 03:20:13,766 我这个工具怎么能把它编辑一下 3398 03:21:21,000 --> 03:21:22,366 我怎么觉得我 3399 03:21:22,366 --> 03:21:24,799 这个工具比起他们的那个 3400 03:21:25,000 --> 03:21:26,800 不太好使呀 3401 03:21:27,766 --> 03:21:31,533 这打字都看不到自己打了些啥东西 3402 03:21:32,266 --> 03:21:34,499 这玩意好像有点傻 3403 03:21:45,900 --> 03:21:49,066 and customers so we ask ourselves the same questions 3404 03:21:49,166 --> 03:21:51,266 what is the minimum amount 3405 03:21:51,566 --> 03:21:54,333 of customers that in order may have 3406 03:21:54,333 --> 03:21:57,166 and what's the maximum number of customers 3407 03:21:57,200 --> 03:21:58,500 that in order may have 3408 03:21:58,866 --> 03:22:01,466 now a specific order can only have one 3409 03:22:01,566 --> 03:22:02,599 and only one 3410 03:22:03,200 --> 03:22:05,133 you can imagine the confusion that could come 3411 03:22:05,333 --> 03:22:08,133 if the same specific order had lots of customers 3412 03:22:08,200 --> 03:22:09,333 so in this case 3413 03:22:09,466 --> 03:22:13,666 there can be only one and only one number 3414 03:22:14,100 --> 03:22:16,333 of customers to an order啊 3415 03:22:16,333 --> 03:22:18,899 所以他这个符号就是 3416 03:22:22,200 --> 03:22:23,900 这边对这边的关系 3417 03:22:23,900 --> 03:22:25,600 然后在这边表示一下 3418 03:22:25,600 --> 03:22:27,133 然后这边对这边的关系 3419 03:22:27,133 --> 03:22:29,099 在这边用这个符号表示 3420 03:22:31,133 --> 03:22:33,766 using this sign here so now 3421 03:22:33,766 --> 03:22:37,333 let's talk about the relationship or cardinality between orders 3422 03:22:37,366 --> 03:22:40,699 and products so we'll ask ourselves the same question 3423 03:22:40,900 --> 03:22:43,133 a certain order can have how 3424 03:22:43,133 --> 03:22:44,499 many products 3425 03:22:46,100 --> 03:22:50,266 一个订单可以有很多个商品吧well 3426 03:22:50,766 --> 03:22:52,933 for in order to exist that has to have one product 3427 03:22:52,933 --> 03:22:53,933 他必须有大于一个 3428 03:22:53,933 --> 03:22:56,599 a lot of different products can be comprised 3429 03:22:56,766 --> 03:22:59,899 on that所以这个就是那个呃 3430 03:23:00,700 --> 03:23:04,500 哇哦买你用用那个那个杠 3431 03:23:04,600 --> 03:23:07,766 然后一个一个尖尖 3432 03:23:07,933 --> 03:23:11,599 so to show that on our diagram will change this notation 3433 03:23:13,200 --> 03:23:15,800 但是我的这个没有他的好用 3434 03:23:15,800 --> 03:23:17,466 为什么我的这个这么不好用 3435 03:23:17,466 --> 03:23:20,566 products can be a part of how many orders 3436 03:23:20,900 --> 03:23:21,800 well a product 3437 03:23:21,800 --> 03:23:25,366 一个产品可以是多少订单的一部分 3438 03:23:25,566 --> 03:23:27,466 可以是很多订单 3439 03:23:27,466 --> 03:23:28,966 could be a part of no orders 3440 03:23:28,966 --> 03:23:31,899 but it also could be a product of many orders 3441 03:23:32,133 --> 03:23:36,199 so we're going to use this zero or many notation on our diagram 3442 03:23:37,366 --> 03:23:38,766 对对这个 3443 03:23:38,966 --> 03:23:41,666 so now you've built他这个好好用呀 3444 03:23:41,666 --> 03:23:42,999 and we've built something small here 3445 03:23:43,000 --> 03:23:45,966 but now you have the foundation and framework that you need 3446 03:23:46,100 --> 03:23:48,533 to build他已经用的就不是DI DI 3447 03:23:48,866 --> 03:23:50,799 那个DI特别难用 3448 03:23:50,800 --> 03:23:52,800 我都看不懂这个DI是个啥 3449 03:23:52,800 --> 03:23:54,900 没事我先搞明白这是个啥 3450 03:23:54,900 --> 03:23:57,733 然后再去我们学校的那个视频去学DI 3451 03:23:57,733 --> 03:24:01,133 就行了先先明白这是个啥原理 3452 03:24:03,733 --> 03:24:07,299 构建完整的关于地图城区的基础和 3453 03:24:07,300 --> 03:24:09,966 although this can't seem a little bit overwhelming at first 3454 03:24:09,966 --> 03:24:12,266 just be sure to walk yourself through that logic 3455 03:24:12,333 --> 03:24:16,199 and you'll be able to build entire complex erds 3456 03:24:16,600 --> 03:24:17,000 you'll 3457 03:24:17,000 --> 03:24:19,933 also see on this diagram that there are some unfamiliar objects 3458 03:24:19,933 --> 03:24:21,466 such as PK and fk 3459 03:24:21,466 --> 03:24:24,099 which referred to primary keys and foreign keys 3460 03:24:24,266 --> 03:24:27,199 something that we're going to be covering and a video coming 3461 03:24:27,200 --> 03:24:30,366 soon so stay tuned additionally 3462 03:24:30,366 --> 03:24:34,266 if you need to actually have this diagram to be database ready 3463 03:24:34,266 --> 03:24:37,499 you can use the import and export features of lucid chart 3464 03:24:37,500 --> 03:24:40,166 to have all of that done automatically for you 3465 03:24:40,466 --> 03:24:41,933 using the export feature 3466 03:24:41,933 --> 03:24:44,933 you'll have that code automatically generated for you 3467 03:24:45,000 --> 03:24:48,933 and exported to the database management system you're using 3468 03:24:49,700 --> 03:24:52,200 thanks for watching this tutorial on er diagrams 3469 03:24:52,300 --> 03:24:53,266 subscribe to our channel 3470 03:24:53,266 --> 03:24:56,299 below to get access to more helpful videos and tutorials 3471 03:25:02,366 --> 03:25:03,666 hi my name's Taylor 3472 03:25:03,666 --> 03:25:05,733 and i'm going to walk you through some advanced ELV 3473 03:25:05,733 --> 03:25:09,599 能不能自动给我搞英语的字幕呀 3474 03:25:19,366 --> 03:25:20,166 好讨厌 3475 03:25:20,166 --> 03:25:23,066 concepts today we're going to be going over primary keys 3476 03:25:23,066 --> 03:25:24,999 foreign keys bridge tables 3477 03:25:25,000 --> 03:25:27,733 and then really understanding how e r diagrams help you see 3478 03:25:27,733 --> 03:25:30,166 exactly what's going on in your database 3479 03:25:30,366 --> 03:25:32,066 so let's start where we left off 3480 03:25:32,066 --> 03:25:34,933 with our very simple diagram from the previous tutorial 3481 03:25:35,000 --> 03:25:38,133 so we've got entities for customer order and product 3482 03:25:38,133 --> 03:25:40,066 and the correct cardinality between 3483 03:25:40,266 --> 03:25:41,066 you'll notice 3484 03:25:42,733 --> 03:25:43,766 他说什么 3485 03:25:44,800 --> 03:25:45,900 in your database 3486 03:25:46,166 --> 03:25:47,866 so let's start where we left off 3487 03:25:47,866 --> 03:25:50,733 with our very simple diagram from the previous tutorial 3488 03:25:50,800 --> 03:25:53,933 so we've got entities for customer order and product 3489 03:25:53,933 --> 03:25:55,866 and the correct cardinality between 3490 03:25:56,066 --> 03:25:59,366 you'll notice that next to each attribute is the word key 3491 03:25:59,533 --> 03:26:00,466 this column is here 3492 03:26:00,466 --> 03:26:03,699 so we can distinguish certain attributes as either primary keys 3493 03:26:03,700 --> 03:26:04,866 or foreign keys 3494 03:26:05,066 --> 03:26:10,333 这个primary keys of foreign keys它的差别在 3495 03:26:11,966 --> 03:26:13,599 let's start with primary keys 3496 03:26:13,666 --> 03:26:15,199 this is probably easiest to 3497 03:26:15,200 --> 03:26:16,733 understand if we step out of the diet 3498 03:26:18,766 --> 03:26:22,866 我想写个笔记了但是也没有啥用啊 3499 03:26:46,700 --> 03:26:49,100 SQL是什么东西啊 3500 03:26:54,566 --> 03:26:57,666 可以去任意论坛找文章 3501 03:27:15,966 --> 03:27:18,799 空的和空的然后连在一起 3502 03:27:19,800 --> 03:27:21,700 啊效率会高很多 3503 03:27:21,700 --> 03:27:24,100 我我没有没有基础的 3504 03:27:24,566 --> 03:27:27,266 我在此之前从来没有 3505 03:27:27,266 --> 03:27:31,266 接触过这个计算机相关的东西 3506 03:27:31,500 --> 03:27:34,100 就从来都没搞过这些 3507 03:27:35,200 --> 03:27:36,400 完全不懂 3508 03:27:36,400 --> 03:27:37,533 就是说 3509 03:27:38,366 --> 03:27:39,466 比较笨 3510 03:28:00,500 --> 03:28:06,366 student takes cause and cause offers department 3511 03:28:14,500 --> 03:28:16,933 结构化查询语言 3512 03:28:17,000 --> 03:28:18,266 这样子吗 3513 03:28:19,566 --> 03:28:22,499 那我狠狠的进行一个复制的粘贴 3514 03:28:40,800 --> 03:28:46,466 所有的他用线把每一个实体联系起来 3515 03:28:46,466 --> 03:28:48,266 然后这个 3516 03:28:56,966 --> 03:28:58,166 这是什么意思啊 3517 03:28:58,533 --> 03:29:01,766 should only have one courses 3518 03:29:08,500 --> 03:29:11,500 应该在这个流程中只有一个 3519 03:29:11,500 --> 03:29:14,900 所以把他们他们联系在一起 3520 03:29:14,900 --> 03:29:16,500 这样连在一起 3521 03:29:20,466 --> 03:29:24,366 啊他这个讲的更从更基础开始讲了 3522 03:29:24,366 --> 03:29:26,133 但是他从更基础开始讲 3523 03:29:26,133 --> 03:29:27,133 反而不如 3524 03:29:27,166 --> 03:29:29,966 直接告诉我那些符号是啥东西讲 3525 03:29:33,300 --> 03:29:36,100 take him by student and 3526 03:29:39,533 --> 03:29:43,366 然后这些就是student里面要填的 3527 03:29:43,366 --> 03:29:45,299 跟这个下面要填的 3528 03:29:45,300 --> 03:29:47,200 把这个东西填进去 3529 03:29:59,900 --> 03:30:01,766 里面要添一些 3530 03:30:02,333 --> 03:30:05,199 能够准确的分辨出 3531 03:30:05,800 --> 03:30:07,866 它的特质的信息 3532 03:30:07,866 --> 03:30:11,733 比如说sign number student number and employee number 3533 03:30:11,733 --> 03:30:12,566 and bars 3534 03:30:14,800 --> 03:30:17,400 关系也可以 3535 03:30:18,266 --> 03:30:22,999 呃拥有属性但就是刚才的那个符号 3536 03:30:26,166 --> 03:30:28,199 所以就可以描述 3537 03:30:28,533 --> 03:30:31,533 practice of the relationship 3538 03:30:33,400 --> 03:30:34,200 嗯 3539 03:30:37,333 --> 03:30:38,566 属性 3540 03:30:39,366 --> 03:30:40,166 跟 3541 03:30:41,500 --> 03:30:44,333 每一个实体没有关联 3542 03:30:44,333 --> 03:30:45,766 这句话是什么意思呢 3543 03:30:52,066 --> 03:30:55,133 学生上课然后 3544 03:30:57,500 --> 03:31:00,666 这个注册的日期对于 3545 03:31:01,133 --> 03:31:05,133 一个人是一个信息描述了这个关系 3546 03:31:05,566 --> 03:31:06,366 他 3547 03:31:07,266 --> 03:31:09,933 他只是描述了信息 3548 03:31:10,100 --> 03:31:14,300 但并不描述学生或者这个课程 3549 03:31:20,066 --> 03:31:23,666 就要在这个外面额外添出来一个圈 3550 03:31:23,666 --> 03:31:24,566 然后来 3551 03:31:27,900 --> 03:31:31,166 如果说在学生上课的这个过程中 3552 03:31:31,266 --> 03:31:33,133 中间也有一个属性的话 3553 03:31:33,133 --> 03:31:35,466 就要在这条线上面连出来东西 3554 03:31:35,466 --> 03:31:39,166 而不是把它贴在左边或者右边 3555 03:31:39,166 --> 03:31:41,499 因为他既不是学生的信息 3556 03:31:41,500 --> 03:31:42,800 也不是课程的信息 3557 03:31:42,800 --> 03:31:45,700 而是需要贴在这个下面的对吗 3558 03:31:56,900 --> 03:31:59,100 那它这个地方有一条横线 3559 03:31:59,100 --> 03:32:02,066 为什么这个student number要写在上面 3560 03:32:02,066 --> 03:32:05,966 然后这个名字跟出生日期写在下面呢 3561 03:32:05,966 --> 03:32:09,366 是因为这个具有唯一的辨识度嘛 3562 03:32:10,533 --> 03:32:14,133 然后这个这个course ID也是一样的 3563 03:32:14,566 --> 03:32:17,666 其他的是就比较不那么重要的 3564 03:32:17,733 --> 03:32:18,766 啊啊这 3565 03:32:26,333 --> 03:32:27,133 里 3566 03:32:39,200 --> 03:32:41,800 开始上课是啊 3567 03:32:42,800 --> 03:32:44,100 哎呀 3568 03:32:44,866 --> 03:32:46,099 笨笨蛋蛋 3569 03:32:46,266 --> 03:32:48,333 咿呀咪呀是笨蛋 3570 03:32:51,066 --> 03:32:53,733 强调表示初级属性 3571 03:32:53,733 --> 03:32:55,299 因为学生 3572 03:32:55,300 --> 03:32:58,466 这是唯一件不能重复的写在上面 3573 03:32:58,533 --> 03:33:00,733 能重复的写在下面是吗 3574 03:33:03,366 --> 03:33:06,366 就是名字跟生日可能都会有一样的 3575 03:33:06,366 --> 03:33:09,066 但是这个student number不会一样 3576 03:33:10,100 --> 03:33:12,266 主见你主见啊 3577 03:33:12,266 --> 03:33:15,533 所以说这个就是刚才要讲的这个 3578 03:33:15,533 --> 03:33:18,533 这个primary case diagram and into the table 3579 03:33:18,533 --> 03:33:21,499 it represents remember each entity in your diagram 3580 03:33:21,500 --> 03:33:23,500 represents a table within your database 3581 03:33:23,733 --> 03:33:27,133 so let's look at the customer entity as a table with rows 3582 03:33:27,133 --> 03:33:28,199 and columns 3583 03:33:30,166 --> 03:33:31,066 但是 3584 03:33:32,133 --> 03:33:35,466 哦这个还没有讲到前面的嘛 3585 03:33:39,700 --> 03:33:41,766 这这30多页刚讲到 3586 03:33:41,766 --> 03:33:43,766 刚才6分钟讲的东西啊 3587 03:33:44,266 --> 03:33:45,799 这这课叫好墨迹啊 3588 03:33:45,800 --> 03:33:46,666 家人们 3589 03:33:47,466 --> 03:33:49,533 我会不会这课叫好墨迹啊 3590 03:33:49,533 --> 03:33:50,599 为什么为什么 3591 03:33:50,600 --> 03:33:51,666 会这样呢 3592 03:33:57,500 --> 03:33:59,066 叽里呱啦叽里呱啦 3593 03:33:59,066 --> 03:34:02,333 为什么这个课件这么磨磨唧唧呢 3594 03:34:09,666 --> 03:34:10,766 这个小王 3595 03:34:15,866 --> 03:34:16,933 好麻烦呐 3596 03:34:22,266 --> 03:34:25,566 表示一个首要的关键的 3597 03:34:25,566 --> 03:34:27,599 然后必须的属性 3598 03:34:27,600 --> 03:34:31,400 是每一个实体的每一个实力 3599 03:34:31,800 --> 03:34:33,466 都一定要有 3600 03:34:33,500 --> 03:34:35,300 这个指就是说 3601 03:34:35,533 --> 03:34:38,799 所有的学生一定要有一个名字 3602 03:34:38,933 --> 03:34:41,266 然后呃 3603 03:34:41,366 --> 03:34:42,266 这个 3604 03:34:43,166 --> 03:34:44,766 黄色的圆圈是什么 3605 03:34:44,800 --> 03:34:46,800 这个这个红色好大害呀 3606 03:34:46,800 --> 03:34:47,766 可不可以把它移掉 3607 03:34:47,766 --> 03:34:48,899 我看不到了 3608 03:34:49,666 --> 03:34:52,399 写多写我这写的少看不懂符号 3609 03:34:52,400 --> 03:34:54,133 上课就别安提了 3610 03:34:54,466 --> 03:34:56,266 上课就别安提了 3611 03:35:03,766 --> 03:35:05,133 可以空着的 3612 03:35:05,366 --> 03:35:07,999 如果说啊我们我们 3613 03:35:08,466 --> 03:35:10,499 那怎么来能判断他 3614 03:35:10,666 --> 03:35:12,499 什么东西他一定要有 3615 03:35:12,500 --> 03:35:13,733 什么东西一定不要 3616 03:35:13,733 --> 03:35:16,499 就按正常生活的逻辑来判断吗 3617 03:35:18,000 --> 03:35:21,066 就比如说我觉得学生的这个 3618 03:35:21,166 --> 03:35:23,133 你们看的不完整是吧 3619 03:35:23,766 --> 03:35:24,966 go many go many 3620 03:35:26,566 --> 03:35:27,733 go many night side 3621 03:35:32,100 --> 03:35:34,400 就比如说我觉得这个 3622 03:35:38,133 --> 03:35:40,266 我觉得这个学生他他 3623 03:35:40,333 --> 03:35:42,333 他不一定要有那个 3624 03:35:43,300 --> 03:35:46,600 那什么我觉得他一定要有生日的话 3625 03:35:46,600 --> 03:35:48,933 生日在我这是不是就变成了这个 3626 03:35:48,933 --> 03:35:51,399 这个recredit这个 3627 03:35:54,966 --> 03:35:57,666 你要做的就是找表之间的关系 3628 03:35:57,666 --> 03:35:58,499 这个是预设的 3629 03:35:58,500 --> 03:36:00,666 我自己会涂的话就凭常识 3630 03:36:03,533 --> 03:36:05,966 属性都是自己来设置的 3631 03:36:16,066 --> 03:36:17,166 这个这个 3632 03:36:17,200 --> 03:36:19,766 这个example里面给出的东西 3633 03:36:19,766 --> 03:36:21,133 大家不要当真啊 3634 03:36:21,366 --> 03:36:22,966 大家不要当真啊啊 3635 03:36:33,200 --> 03:36:35,966 它是一个包含实体的实力 3636 03:36:37,100 --> 03:36:40,566 实体就是这些这些框这些有名字的框 3637 03:36:40,566 --> 03:36:43,166 实力就是我输进去的各项数据 3638 03:36:52,766 --> 03:36:54,466 他的地址好像是真的 3639 03:36:54,466 --> 03:36:55,933 怎么办啊家人们 3640 03:36:56,366 --> 03:36:58,966 我一看就觉得这像个真人地址 3641 03:36:59,866 --> 03:37:01,799 什么核武器啊 3642 03:37:03,533 --> 03:37:04,466 哈人 3643 03:37:07,900 --> 03:37:09,666 谈笑话到 3644 03:37:11,566 --> 03:37:17,066 现在仍然是期望终年也都彼此那预定 3645 03:37:17,866 --> 03:37:22,099 好好体温这里的事情 3646 03:37:23,866 --> 03:37:26,166 这不就他刚才的那个吗 3647 03:37:26,200 --> 03:37:27,766 我把这个记一下 3648 03:37:30,733 --> 03:37:34,333 我觉得他写的这个哈哈不如那个 3649 03:37:34,466 --> 03:37:35,466 那个什么 3650 03:37:47,466 --> 03:37:49,533 虚拟主播是一个实体 3651 03:37:49,533 --> 03:37:51,733 迷烟就是实体的实力 3652 03:37:51,766 --> 03:37:54,666 那迷烟的核心系往什么地方添呢 3653 03:37:55,100 --> 03:37:56,200 sir this way 3654 03:37:59,000 --> 03:38:02,533 告诉我米亚任何信息往什么地方填 3655 03:38:09,000 --> 03:38:12,566 2289962是主键啊 3656 03:38:12,966 --> 03:38:17,299 那个我的ID米燕米啊就是附件是吗 3657 03:38:18,133 --> 03:38:20,933 然后我我的我的生日 3658 03:38:21,000 --> 03:38:24,600 然后我的直播间名字这些就是附件 3659 03:38:46,533 --> 03:38:48,699 个人的UID也是唯一的 3660 03:38:48,700 --> 03:38:49,966 所以也可以是主见 3661 03:38:49,966 --> 03:38:51,933 那可以有两个主见吗 3662 03:39:21,000 --> 03:39:22,733 选择了一个组建之后 3663 03:39:22,733 --> 03:39:25,899 其他的信息就只能是复建了对吗 3664 03:39:46,600 --> 03:39:48,200 他们有别的名字 3665 03:39:48,200 --> 03:39:49,466 那是什么呀 3666 03:39:50,300 --> 03:39:51,700 必须的 3667 03:40:15,900 --> 03:40:18,933 感觉好久都没有手写过字啦 3668 03:40:21,766 --> 03:40:25,599 自己写的字还是像以前一样不好看 3669 03:40:28,066 --> 03:40:31,133 甚至他们为y减或者其他 3670 03:40:32,300 --> 03:40:35,666 跟主见相对的那个名字是什么呀 3671 03:41:02,866 --> 03:41:06,199 没有相对的哦这样走 3672 03:41:09,400 --> 03:41:11,100 妍妍是笨蛋你 3673 03:41:15,900 --> 03:41:18,866 感觉这玩意比昨天那个好学多了 3674 03:41:36,733 --> 03:41:38,166 楼上好吵呀 3675 03:41:38,166 --> 03:41:41,966 他们洗衣服的时候总不喜欢关门 3676 03:41:41,966 --> 03:41:44,099 主播没有在刷时长 3677 03:41:44,266 --> 03:41:46,566 主播在监督自己写作业呢 3678 03:41:46,566 --> 03:41:48,499 快点睡觉吧芳川 3679 03:41:49,600 --> 03:41:52,266 到过年的好好休息呀 3680 03:41:52,366 --> 03:41:53,533 过年假了 3681 03:42:05,166 --> 03:42:06,733 主播没有在骗弹幕 3682 03:42:06,766 --> 03:42:08,099 主播是真的笨 3683 03:42:22,166 --> 03:42:23,933 偷偷卷死你们呀 3684 03:42:24,800 --> 03:42:28,800 上个学学习不是正常的事情吗 3685 03:42:30,566 --> 03:42:32,333 在虚拟主播的直播间 3686 03:42:32,333 --> 03:42:33,766 你甚至可以学英语 3687 03:42:33,766 --> 03:42:35,099 我昨天还学了 3688 03:42:35,100 --> 03:42:37,766 我昨天还学了那个金融呢 3689 03:42:37,800 --> 03:42:39,200 今天学 3690 03:42:40,200 --> 03:42:41,666 今天学那个 3691 03:42:41,666 --> 03:42:44,499 呃computer sense的入门 3692 03:42:45,966 --> 03:42:47,399 这是在直播什么 3693 03:42:47,400 --> 03:42:51,133 在上课为了完成小组作业啊 3694 03:42:51,133 --> 03:42:53,733 不对完成我自己的作业而奋斗 3695 03:42:55,733 --> 03:42:56,399 在主播这 3696 03:42:56,400 --> 03:42:57,933 一起复习数据库了 3697 03:42:57,933 --> 03:42:59,699 这太基础了吧 3698 03:42:59,866 --> 03:43:01,666 会对你有帮助吗 3699 03:43:02,000 --> 03:43:03,500 这很基础吧 3700 03:43:03,800 --> 03:43:07,366 这是这刚入门的笨蛋鞋的东西 3701 03:43:07,600 --> 03:43:09,166 好多年没有了 3702 03:43:47,766 --> 03:43:51,266 如何评价关注你两三个月从没送礼物 3703 03:43:51,300 --> 03:43:53,200 你挺理性消费的呀 3704 03:43:58,666 --> 03:44:00,099 时刻发言升到5级 3705 03:44:00,100 --> 03:44:02,333 说明你发言发的太少了 3706 03:44:02,500 --> 03:44:04,900 你看香草关注我两三个月 3707 03:44:04,933 --> 03:44:07,066 关注米烟两三个月 3708 03:44:07,266 --> 03:44:10,799 他没送礼物他都15级了你还得加把劲 3709 03:44:13,066 --> 03:44:15,733 说明你啊你发言发的太少 3710 03:44:18,566 --> 03:44:19,899 怎么有点喜感 3711 03:44:19,900 --> 03:44:20,900 喜感什么 3712 03:44:20,966 --> 03:44:22,399 一听理性消费的呀 3713 03:44:22,400 --> 03:44:23,500 那不是吗 3714 03:44:24,100 --> 03:44:26,200 关注这么可爱的米安咪啊 3715 03:44:26,200 --> 03:44:29,500 两个月还能忍住一分钱不花 3716 03:44:29,933 --> 03:44:31,999 这不是很理性消费吗 3717 03:44:32,300 --> 03:44:33,300 欢迎房产 3718 03:44:35,500 --> 03:44:36,700 送小心心啊 3719 03:44:36,700 --> 03:44:38,333 你连小心心都不送 3720 03:44:40,100 --> 03:44:42,133 你不带理性敲门你还抠 3721 03:44:42,700 --> 03:44:44,500 你还有点抠门的离谱 3722 03:44:44,500 --> 03:44:46,566 你连小心心都不送给我 3723 03:44:49,966 --> 03:44:50,866 你这 3724 03:45:05,733 --> 03:45:06,533 哎 3725 03:45:07,666 --> 03:45:09,666 我就这么没有魅力吗 3726 03:45:09,666 --> 03:45:12,199 你连小心心都不愿意送给我 3727 03:45:13,333 --> 03:45:17,099 我我知道白嫖很多白嫖啊 3728 03:45:17,766 --> 03:45:19,066 白天没关系啊 3729 03:45:19,066 --> 03:45:20,199 但是你连你说 3730 03:45:20,200 --> 03:45:22,266 你说你只发言你就只打字 3731 03:45:22,266 --> 03:45:23,866 你连小心心都不送给我 3732 03:45:23,866 --> 03:45:26,099 你觉得你是不是有点过分啊 3733 03:45:27,500 --> 03:45:29,466 因为我也觉得你有点过分哎 3734 03:45:31,466 --> 03:45:33,066 哎谢谢你的小心心哎 3735 03:45:33,066 --> 03:45:35,166 我收到了我收到了很感动 3736 03:45:35,166 --> 03:45:36,366 孩子很喜欢 3737 03:45:51,900 --> 03:45:52,266 天下 3738 03:45:52,266 --> 03:45:54,966 两天就被骗上天那怎么能叫骗呢 3739 03:45:54,966 --> 03:45:58,466 就是啊你被我的魅力吸引 3740 03:45:58,466 --> 03:46:00,499 然后我被你的帅气征服 3741 03:46:00,500 --> 03:46:02,300 然后你给我我上了一个舰长 3742 03:46:02,300 --> 03:46:04,466 我们完成了魔法少女的契约 3743 03:46:04,933 --> 03:46:05,766 哈哈哈 3744 03:46:08,500 --> 03:46:10,400 这怎么能叫骗呢 3745 03:46:10,400 --> 03:46:11,933 这可不是骗呢 3746 03:46:20,400 --> 03:46:22,333 我咋看不懂他在说啥呢 3747 03:46:26,066 --> 03:46:28,733 我有点看不懂他说啥了 3748 03:46:29,266 --> 03:46:31,933 就擅长简单问题复杂化是吧 3749 03:46:41,100 --> 03:46:42,800 这是一对一的 3750 03:46:42,933 --> 03:46:45,099 然后这什么呢 3751 03:46:52,066 --> 03:46:53,533 如果说 3752 03:46:54,200 --> 03:46:57,200 嗯学生只能拥有一个 3753 03:46:57,666 --> 03:46:58,599 那什么 3754 03:46:58,800 --> 03:47:02,766 但是这个专业可以有很多个学生所以 3755 03:47:03,566 --> 03:47:07,666 他对于这个专业来说就是一对一的 3756 03:47:07,733 --> 03:47:08,366 然后 3757 03:47:08,366 --> 03:47:11,199 这个专业对于学员来说是一对多的 3758 03:47:23,166 --> 03:47:25,899 可以说很多学生对应一个专业 3759 03:47:34,300 --> 03:47:38,266 然后这边是一个专业就 3760 03:47:39,366 --> 03:47:40,933 对一个学生 3761 03:47:53,866 --> 03:47:56,066 一个学生能上很多门课 3762 03:47:56,066 --> 03:47:59,466 然后一门课也可以有很多个学生 3763 03:48:01,133 --> 03:48:02,566 it's on什么 3764 03:48:14,066 --> 03:48:17,266 上一个额外的关心实体 3765 03:48:19,866 --> 03:48:23,966 啊大大大咕咕咕咕大咕大咕 3766 03:48:24,100 --> 03:48:29,500 大大咕咕大咕大咕大咕大咕大咕大咕 3767 03:48:34,000 --> 03:48:38,000 捡上次那个红包回有人想看吗 3768 03:48:39,366 --> 03:48:40,933 都可以呀 3769 03:48:43,066 --> 03:48:46,599 如果大家有多余的铲刀的话可以 3770 03:48:46,600 --> 03:48:49,400 我给你们提供那个想 3771 03:48:49,766 --> 03:48:51,333 能捡的那个段落 3772 03:48:51,333 --> 03:48:54,533 你们帮我捡出来我拖到我的号上吗 3773 03:49:05,266 --> 03:49:10,466 好吗呀明星弹碎木吉他 3774 03:49:11,300 --> 03:49:14,300 曾经偶尔落在了台上 3775 03:49:14,666 --> 03:49:15,466 哦哦哦哦 3776 03:49:27,700 --> 03:49:29,966 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 3777 03:49:39,066 --> 03:49:40,466 什么打鼓打鼓 3778 03:49:41,366 --> 03:49:45,133 明天就回家了想试试能不能出一个 3779 03:49:45,133 --> 03:49:46,533 你可以试试看呢 3780 03:49:50,600 --> 03:49:53,200 我发现学这个东西没有没有 3781 03:49:53,200 --> 03:49:55,933 没有学经济同阶多 3782 03:49:56,700 --> 03:49:59,000 说明大伙还是学经济的多 3783 03:50:08,000 --> 03:50:09,866 哎呀 3784 03:50:12,400 --> 03:50:13,766 放点小歌 3785 03:50:14,166 --> 03:50:16,299 我不是超级省电模式 3786 03:50:16,466 --> 03:50:18,999 超级变换形态 3787 03:50:19,100 --> 03:50:20,966 不是超级省电模式 3788 03:50:22,566 --> 03:50:24,333 没有那么省电 3789 03:50:27,133 --> 03:50:29,766 比较像我平常的时候啊 3790 03:50:33,000 --> 03:50:36,300 这个直播的时候跟平常的时候 3791 03:50:36,300 --> 03:50:38,333 会有会有差别啊 3792 03:50:43,100 --> 03:50:45,733 we've got all these different instances of the customer here 3793 03:50:45,733 --> 03:50:47,299 and if you're Amazon or something 3794 03:50:47,300 --> 03:50:50,100 you've got millions of customers all within this table 3795 03:50:50,366 --> 03:50:52,333 wouldn't it be nice if you could use a single 3796 03:51:16,566 --> 03:51:19,299 trigger to quickly and accurately distinguish who's who 3797 03:51:19,300 --> 03:51:20,733 in this massive list 3798 03:51:21,066 --> 03:51:23,399 that's where a primary key comes in 3799 03:51:23,500 --> 03:51:26,000 a primary key is an attribute or feature 3800 03:51:31,933 --> 03:51:34,099 primary key 3801 03:51:36,733 --> 03:51:37,533 an 3802 03:51:39,300 --> 03:51:40,933 attribute 3803 03:51:42,600 --> 03:51:44,866 or failed 3804 03:51:48,200 --> 03:51:51,900 field that uniquely identifies every record in a certain 3805 03:52:08,733 --> 03:52:10,366 i will record 3806 03:52:11,066 --> 03:52:12,499 in a 3807 03:52:14,700 --> 03:52:16,466 certain table 3808 03:52:20,000 --> 03:52:24,000 table and since a single attribute can accomplish all that 3809 03:52:24,000 --> 03:52:27,500 it makes sense that you'll just need one primary key parentity 3810 03:52:28,933 --> 03:52:30,699 so for this customer table 3811 03:52:30,766 --> 03:52:33,366 the primary key is going to be a value that makes it 3812 03:52:33,366 --> 03:52:34,799 so that this customer 3813 03:52:34,800 --> 03:52:37,333 is unlike any other customer in our table 3814 03:52:37,500 --> 03:52:41,100 for one of these attributes to qualify there are a few rules 3815 03:52:41,466 --> 03:52:44,166 first a primary key has to be unique 3816 03:52:44,166 --> 03:52:48,166 so that it identifies only one record in your table second 3817 03:52:48,166 --> 03:52:51,366 it needs to be never changing it'd be pretty difficult to keep 3818 03:52:51,366 --> 03:52:53,199 an accurate record of your customers 3819 03:52:53,200 --> 03:52:55,000 if you're using an attribute that might 3820 03:52:55,000 --> 03:52:57,166 not stay consistent and finally 3821 03:52:57,166 --> 03:53:00,166 a primary key needs to be never null 3822 03:53:00,200 --> 03:53:00,866 that just means 3823 03:53:00,866 --> 03:53:03,133 there wouldn't be an occasion where the value could be left 3824 03:53:03,133 --> 03:53:06,699 blank so let's look at a specific customer like John he 3825 03:53:06,900 --> 03:53:08,200 has to try and what data 3826 03:53:08,366 --> 03:53:09,666 uniquely identify him 3827 03:53:09,666 --> 03:53:11,199 这老天爷 3828 03:53:12,466 --> 03:53:14,999 him well you can't rely on name because 3829 03:53:15,100 --> 03:53:16,400 two totally different customers 3830 03:53:16,466 --> 03:53:19,366 can very easily share the same first and last name 3831 03:53:19,700 --> 03:53:22,166 there's a John Smith here and a John Smith here 3832 03:53:22,400 --> 03:53:24,666 but there are two completely different customers 3833 03:53:24,766 --> 03:53:26,933 so it's not a unique record in this table 3834 03:53:27,333 --> 03:53:29,299 you can't even rely on an address 3835 03:53:29,300 --> 03:53:29,900 because you could have 3836 03:53:29,900 --> 03:53:32,400 two separate customers living at the same place 3837 03:53:32,700 --> 03:53:35,733 or a customer could move and then their address changes 3838 03:53:36,066 --> 03:53:37,566 so an address isn't unique 3839 03:53:37,566 --> 03:53:39,799 and breaks the rule of never changing 3840 03:53:39,900 --> 03:53:41,200 same thing for a phone number 3841 03:53:41,733 --> 03:53:44,099 so that leaves us with customer id 3842 03:53:44,600 --> 03:53:47,933 by design any sort of ID is typically programmed to increment 3843 03:53:47,933 --> 03:53:49,399 for each addition to the table 3844 03:53:49,600 --> 03:53:52,400 this customer signs up and is assigned customer ID three Zero 3845 03:53:52,400 --> 03:53:52,700 Zero 3846 03:53:52,700 --> 03:53:55,666 one six then this customer signs up and is assigned three zero 3847 03:53:55,666 --> 03:53:56,466 zero one seven 3848 03:53:56,466 --> 03:53:57,399 and so on所以 3849 03:53:57,400 --> 03:54:00,666 要定义出来一个具有唯一性的主见 3850 03:54:00,666 --> 03:54:05,066 然后其他的信息都是用这个组件的ID 3851 03:54:05,066 --> 03:54:09,366 来来来分别see how customer ID passes all our rules 3852 03:54:09,533 --> 03:54:12,166 John's customer ID will completely identify him as a 3853 03:54:12,166 --> 03:54:14,166 particular instance in our database 3854 03:54:14,266 --> 03:54:16,966 and that value won't ever be repeated in this table 3855 03:54:17,266 --> 03:54:19,566 so we're going to make that our primary key 3856 03:54:20,100 --> 03:54:21,400 here's something interesting to think about 3857 03:54:21,400 --> 03:54:22,533 while we're on this topic 3858 03:54:22,533 --> 03:54:24,799 have you ever tried to create a username for an account 3859 03:54:24,800 --> 03:54:27,533 and then later wanted to change your username to something else 3860 03:54:27,533 --> 03:54:29,733 because it was hard to remember or stupid or something 3861 03:54:29,900 --> 03:54:32,366 but then you can't because the site won't let you well 3862 03:54:32,366 --> 03:54:33,166 that's probably 3863 03:54:33,200 --> 03:54:35,666 because your username is being used as a primary key 3864 03:54:35,666 --> 03:54:39,199 and that site's database and primary keys can never change 3865 03:54:39,366 --> 03:54:42,899 that's how the site is linking you the customer to your account 3866 03:54:43,166 --> 03:54:44,966 they don't let you change that primary key 3867 03:54:44,966 --> 03:54:47,733 because their system relies on it for accurate records 3868 03:54:48,100 --> 03:54:49,966 or how about when you're setting up a new account 3869 03:54:49,966 --> 03:54:51,566 and you try to create a username 3870 03:54:51,566 --> 03:54:54,899 but get an error message saying that it's already taken again 3871 03:54:55,133 --> 03:54:58,399 this could be happening to be used as a user 3872 03:54:58,866 --> 03:55:00,966 and a primary key can't be repeated 3873 03:55:01,400 --> 03:55:02,133 in our example 3874 03:55:02,133 --> 03:55:05,099 though we're just using a randomly assigned customer id number 3875 03:55:05,100 --> 03:55:06,366 as our primary key 3876 03:55:06,400 --> 03:55:09,266 we know this will always be unique and never repeated 3877 03:55:09,666 --> 03:55:12,599 so let's jump back to our diagram and note this by putting PK 3878 03:55:12,666 --> 03:55:13,466 因为 3879 03:55:13,566 --> 03:55:14,699 倒卖ID 3880 03:55:14,933 --> 03:55:15,666 哈哈哈 3881 03:55:15,666 --> 03:55:19,333 什么什么数据组建倒卖ID的机会 3882 03:55:22,366 --> 03:55:26,066 所以这个primary key PK就是primary 3883 03:55:26,266 --> 03:55:26,966 key 3884 03:55:26,966 --> 03:55:29,266 and i'll go ahead and quickly clear out all this other text to 3885 03:55:29,266 --> 03:55:30,999 make things clear now 3886 03:55:31,000 --> 03:55:33,766 let's apply those same rules to find primary key for our 3887 03:55:33,766 --> 03:55:34,699 other entities 3888 03:55:35,100 --> 03:55:38,933 其他的话这个呃 3889 03:55:40,266 --> 03:55:45,466 customer是priorities是这个ID然后 3890 03:55:46,866 --> 03:55:48,766 这不都是第一个吗 3891 03:55:48,766 --> 03:55:52,999 这个是elder number这个是这个product ID 3892 03:55:54,200 --> 03:55:54,933 你认命啊 3893 03:55:54,933 --> 03:55:57,266 ID出吗半万收了半万 3894 03:55:57,266 --> 03:55:58,533 半万号不能卖你 3895 03:55:58,533 --> 03:56:01,466 我这号里还有还有5位数的收益呢 3896 03:56:01,900 --> 03:56:06,066 你花5,000买价值1万的100张人民币是吧 3897 03:56:10,400 --> 03:56:12,466 let's quickly jump into the order table 3898 03:56:12,466 --> 03:56:14,533 that this order entity represents 3899 03:56:14,566 --> 03:56:16,733 and zero in on a specific instance 3900 03:56:17,100 --> 03:56:19,266 here it looks like our customer John 3901 03:56:19,366 --> 03:56:21,666 placed in order to go to this address我出10万 3902 03:56:21,666 --> 03:56:22,466 我卖给你 3903 03:56:23,666 --> 03:56:24,766 looking at the data 3904 03:56:24,933 --> 03:56:26,333 what could be our primary key 3905 03:56:26,900 --> 03:56:30,133 we already know names and addresses are no good and shipped 3906 03:56:30,133 --> 03:56:30,866 aid isn't going to work 3907 03:56:30,866 --> 03:56:33,933 either two orders could be shipped at the exact same time 3908 03:56:33,933 --> 03:56:35,533 so that's not a unique attribute 3909 03:56:35,933 --> 03:56:38,466 it's pretty clear that order number is the primary heat 3910 03:56:38,866 --> 03:56:41,733 so we put pk next to that attribute in our diagram 3911 03:56:42,166 --> 03:56:42,766 and finally 3912 03:56:42,766 --> 03:56:45,666 we can look at the table that this product entity represents 3913 03:56:46,000 --> 03:56:48,933 let's say our customer John purchased this product here 3914 03:56:48,933 --> 03:56:50,366 a beautiful snuggy 3915 03:56:50,600 --> 03:56:51,400 you know by now 3916 03:56:51,400 --> 03:56:54,200 the product idea is going to be the primary key in this table 3917 03:56:54,266 --> 03:56:54,899 这样做好一点 3918 03:56:54,900 --> 03:56:56,133 we need that in our diagram too 3919 03:56:56,800 --> 03:56:58,600 each of these primary keys is unique 3920 03:56:58,666 --> 03:57:00,399 never changing and never null 3921 03:57:00,733 --> 03:57:01,499 so you probably 3922 03:57:01,500 --> 03:57:04,533 noticed that i'm using a diagramming software to modify these 3923 03:57:04,533 --> 03:57:06,999 erds but just know that the same concepts apply 3924 03:57:07,000 --> 03:57:08,800 if you're drawing them out on pen and paper 3925 03:57:09,200 --> 03:57:11,333 but if you want to make things easier on yourself 3926 03:57:11,366 --> 03:57:13,999 you can sign up for the diagramming software that i'm using 3927 03:57:14,000 --> 03:57:14,933 for free actually 3928 03:57:14,933 --> 03:57:15,499 it's called 3929 03:57:15,500 --> 03:57:19,000 他是不是这个软件派来做广告的呀 3930 03:57:19,000 --> 03:57:22,066 他怎么天天在这宣传他这个软件呢 3931 03:57:23,966 --> 03:57:26,666 是不是他他他是不是派来做广告了呀 3932 03:57:29,900 --> 03:57:32,200 charged all you have to do is pause a video 3933 03:57:32,266 --> 03:57:33,466 click on the card in the top 3934 03:57:33,466 --> 03:57:35,566 right corner and sign up for an account 3935 03:57:35,866 --> 03:57:37,333 all it takes is an email address 3936 03:57:37,333 --> 03:57:38,799 and you can follow along with me 3937 03:57:39,400 --> 03:57:41,566 so now that we have our primary keys nailed down 3938 03:57:41,566 --> 03:57:43,399 let's talk about foreign keys 3939 03:57:43,533 --> 03:57:45,966 a foreign key is the same as a primary key 3940 03:57:46,000 --> 03:57:47,966 but just located in a foreign place 3941 03:57:48,366 --> 03:57:50,733 maybe you have a primary key in one entity 3942 03:57:50,733 --> 03:57:52,099 but it'd be really helpful to对 3943 03:57:52,100 --> 03:57:54,866 他的软件看起来比我这个DIY好用多 3944 03:57:54,900 --> 03:57:54,966 了 3945 03:57:54,966 --> 03:57:56,199 that's where you get a foreign key 3946 03:57:56,600 --> 03:57:59,333 and we want to make note of these foreign keys so we can better 3947 03:57:59,533 --> 03:58:02,199 understand how our entities relate to one another 3948 03:58:02,733 --> 03:58:03,966 let's see how气势 3949 03:58:10,533 --> 03:58:13,399 你们可以去下一个我那个弟啊 3950 03:58:13,433 --> 03:58:16,966 那弟啊看着长得像个呃 3951 03:58:18,100 --> 03:58:18,966 像个 3952 03:58:21,300 --> 03:58:22,833 傻逼一样 3953 03:58:29,566 --> 03:58:31,133 this plays out in our diagram 3954 03:58:31,733 --> 03:58:33,566 we've already established customer 3955 03:58:33,566 --> 03:58:36,099 ideas the primary key for the customer entity 3956 03:58:36,200 --> 03:58:40,166 but that same attribute is also over here in the order entity 3957 03:58:40,233 --> 03:58:44,399 why because for each order we record we want to know exactly 3958 03:58:44,400 --> 03:58:46,166 which customer place that order 3959 03:58:46,333 --> 03:58:49,766 the order entity is simply referencing the customer id 3960 03:58:49,800 --> 03:58:51,400 from the customer entity 3961 03:58:51,566 --> 03:58:54,566 that makes it a foreign key here so we'll mark it as such 3962 03:58:54,900 --> 03:58:55,366 and we can 3963 03:58:55,366 --> 03:58:57,933 further show this relationship on our diagram by adjusting 3964 03:58:57,933 --> 03:59:00,999 this relationship to line up with a primary and foreign keys 3965 03:59:01,233 --> 03:59:03,566 just move these crow's feet to line up with the PK 3966 03:59:03,566 --> 03:59:04,999 and FK attributes 3967 03:59:05,233 --> 03:59:07,733 it reinforces the fact that this foreign我为 3968 03:59:07,733 --> 03:59:09,399 啥这块有点没抖音 3969 03:59:09,400 --> 03:59:10,200 这会 3970 03:59:10,366 --> 03:59:11,333 听一遍 3971 03:59:12,033 --> 03:59:13,366 重听一遍 3972 03:59:13,933 --> 03:59:14,366 and we can 3973 03:59:14,366 --> 03:59:17,099 further show this relationship on our diagram by adjusting this 3974 03:59:17,100 --> 03:59:20,000 relationship to line up with the primary and foreign keys 3975 03:59:20,166 --> 03:59:22,533 just move these crows feet to line up with the PK 3976 03:59:22,533 --> 03:59:24,033 and FK attributes 3977 03:59:24,200 --> 03:59:26,133 it reinforces the fact that this 3978 03:59:26,133 --> 03:59:28,099 foreign key in the order entity 3979 03:59:28,100 --> 03:59:29,933 is referencing the primary key 3980 03:59:29,933 --> 03:59:31,566 of the customer entity 3981 03:59:31,933 --> 03:59:33,199 let's review how this foreign key 3982 03:59:33,200 --> 03:59:35,300 works by looking at it in the order table 3983 03:59:35,700 --> 03:59:38,800 so here are all our orders if we look at a specific order 3984 03:59:38,800 --> 03:59:41,200 it has a customer id of 30016 3985 03:59:41,966 --> 03:59:45,366 this is a foreign key because it references the primary key 3986 03:59:45,433 --> 03:59:46,699 in the customer table 3987 03:59:46,833 --> 03:59:48,533 now we know exactly 3988 03:59:48,533 --> 03:59:50,166 which customer we're dealing with 3989 03:59:50,166 --> 03:59:52,033 when we look at this specific order 3990 03:59:52,433 --> 03:59:55,233 so John made this order here but look farther down 3991 03:59:55,500 --> 03:59:58,533 the same customer id is repeated because John placed 3992 03:59:58,633 --> 03:59:59,633 another order 3993 03:59:59,966 --> 04:00:03,366 unlike a primary key foreign keys don't have to be unique 3994 04:00:03,400 --> 04:00:05,400 they can be repeated in the table 3995 04:00:05,833 --> 04:00:07,533 if John's an avid shopper 3996 04:00:07,566 --> 04:00:10,299 his customer id is going to be repeated a lot 3997 04:00:10,600 --> 04:00:13,000 another difference between primary and foreign keys 3998 04:00:13,000 --> 04:00:16,133 is that there can be multiple foreign keys in one entity 3999 04:00:16,533 --> 04:00:19,966 let's say for each order we also want to know foreign keys 4000 04:00:19,966 --> 04:00:21,499 is that there can be multiple 4001 04:00:39,966 --> 04:00:41,366 太难了你慢慢聊 4002 04:00:41,700 --> 04:00:43,233 天就差不多了 4003 04:00:43,333 --> 04:00:46,099 let's say for each order we also want to know 4004 04:00:46,133 --> 04:00:47,733 what product has been sold 4005 04:00:47,933 --> 04:00:50,133 we'd add product id to our table 4006 04:00:50,533 --> 04:00:52,499 and this is what it would look like in our diagram 4007 04:00:52,933 --> 04:00:54,566 we just add another field 4008 04:00:54,833 --> 04:00:56,133 type in product id 4009 04:00:56,200 --> 04:00:59,333 and since product id is a primary key over here 4010 04:00:59,766 --> 04:01:02,433 that makes it a foreign key in this entity 4011 04:01:02,600 --> 04:01:05,200 now we have two foreign keys in our order table 4012 04:01:06,233 --> 04:01:08,733 there's also something called a composite primary key 4013 04:01:08,933 --> 04:01:11,333 composite primary keys are used when two or more 4014 04:01:11,333 --> 04:01:13,699 attributes are necessary to uniquely identify 4015 04:01:13,700 --> 04:01:15,000 every record in a table 4016 04:01:15,300 --> 04:01:17,566 so let's say we created a shipment entity 4017 04:01:17,566 --> 04:01:19,333 and it's got these attributes here 4018 04:01:19,766 --> 04:01:22,366 and then let's take a look at what the corresponding table might 4019 04:01:22,366 --> 04:01:24,433 look like in order to explain this better 4020 04:01:25,133 --> 04:01:25,566 let's say 4021 04:01:25,566 --> 04:01:28,799 John ordered a regular snuggy and then a zebra pattern snuggy 4022 04:01:29,100 --> 04:01:30,366 it's all one order 4023 04:01:30,500 --> 04:01:33,100 but they're getting sent in two different shipments 4024 04:01:33,366 --> 04:01:36,366 when we look at these two rows in each of these attributes 4025 04:01:36,566 --> 04:01:37,966 we wouldn't be able to rely on 4026 04:01:38,100 --> 04:01:40,533 any single one to give us a unique record 4027 04:01:40,733 --> 04:01:41,733 the product number 4028 04:01:41,733 --> 04:01:44,099 is duplicated when someone else buys that same 4029 04:01:44,100 --> 04:01:45,366 zebra pattern snuggy 4030 04:01:45,566 --> 04:01:47,766 so it's not a unique record in this table 4031 04:01:48,166 --> 04:01:50,566 an order could be parsed into a couple different things 4032 04:01:50,933 --> 04:01:51,933 like John's worse 4033 04:01:51,933 --> 04:01:54,999 so order number is also not unique charge 4034 04:01:55,000 --> 04:01:57,100 card time would be duplicated if someone else pays 4035 04:01:57,100 --> 04:01:57,700 for their shipment 4036 04:01:57,700 --> 04:01:59,100 at the exact same time 4037 04:01:59,300 --> 04:02:01,633 and same for packing time and ship date 4038 04:02:01,833 --> 04:02:03,333 all not unique 4039 04:02:03,733 --> 04:02:04,633 so it doesn't look like 4040 04:02:04,633 --> 04:02:06,733 any of these attributes will give us the primary key 4041 04:02:06,733 --> 04:02:07,599 we're looking for 4042 04:02:07,800 --> 04:02:08,933 but what if we took 4043 04:02:08,933 --> 04:02:12,199 two of these attributes and combine them to create a new 4044 04:02:12,200 --> 04:02:15,733 unique value like product id and order number 4045 04:02:16,133 --> 04:02:18,399 take those two values for any instance 4046 04:02:18,400 --> 04:02:19,633 combine them together 4047 04:02:19,633 --> 04:02:22,099 and you've got a value that won't be repeated 4048 04:02:22,366 --> 04:02:24,433 that's a composite primary key 4049 04:02:24,800 --> 04:02:26,366 now the primary key for this 4050 04:02:26,366 --> 04:02:28,533 shipment is different than the primary key 4051 04:02:28,533 --> 04:02:29,899 for this shipment 4052 04:02:30,233 --> 04:02:32,199 you could technically call this a compound key 4053 04:02:32,200 --> 04:02:33,566 because we're using two foreign keys 4054 04:02:33,566 --> 04:02:36,433 but usually people just say composite key is an umbrella term 4055 04:02:36,833 --> 04:02:39,099 anyway jumping back over to our diagram 4056 04:02:39,100 --> 04:02:42,433 you note a composite primary key with multiple PK marks 4057 04:02:42,700 --> 04:02:43,366 that doesn't mean 4058 04:02:43,366 --> 04:02:44,999 there are two primary keys 4059 04:02:45,000 --> 04:02:46,033 that means that both of these 4060 04:02:46,033 --> 04:02:49,233 attributes are needed to create a composite primary key 4061 04:02:52,600 --> 04:02:56,000 所以刚才我们那个PPT里面 4062 04:02:56,100 --> 04:02:58,733 就如果说我要把那个 4063 04:02:58,900 --> 04:03:01,800 就是学生的那个student ID 4064 04:03:01,800 --> 04:03:03,033 跟他们的内 4065 04:03:03,300 --> 04:03:06,733 就是跟他们的那个内容跟他们的名字 4066 04:03:07,300 --> 04:03:09,500 就都作为主见的话 4067 04:03:09,500 --> 04:03:11,700 我也可以写两个PK吗 4068 04:03:12,500 --> 04:03:13,966 是这个意思吗 4069 04:03:22,166 --> 04:03:23,899 couple rules here when making these 4070 04:03:23,966 --> 04:03:27,966 one use the fewest number of attributes as possible two 4071 04:03:28,200 --> 04:03:30,300 don't use attributes that are app to change 4072 04:03:30,300 --> 04:03:31,966 because that can make things messy 4073 04:03:32,233 --> 04:03:34,766 and you might ask yourself why not just create a shipping 4074 04:03:37,933 --> 04:03:38,733 because that can 4075 04:03:39,500 --> 04:03:42,300 make things messy and you might ask yourself 4076 04:03:56,400 --> 04:03:57,700 是这个意思吗 4077 04:03:57,700 --> 04:03:59,200 没太懂耶 4078 04:04:26,133 --> 04:04:29,333 复合组建的两个复合应该不是唯一点 4079 04:04:29,333 --> 04:04:30,566 不太对你 4080 04:04:36,933 --> 04:04:39,199 什么叫不是闻一见呢 4081 04:04:43,900 --> 04:04:44,766 就是在 4082 04:04:44,766 --> 04:04:47,999 找不到一个可以当唯一健的时候 4083 04:04:48,000 --> 04:04:52,333 可以用两个不唯一的 4084 04:04:52,800 --> 04:04:56,333 键然后把它弄成一个复合的组件 4085 04:04:56,333 --> 04:04:57,499 但是如果 4086 04:04:57,766 --> 04:05:00,166 就是里面有唯一性的话 4087 04:05:00,166 --> 04:05:02,566 就就不可以这样用了对吗 4088 04:05:08,033 --> 04:05:10,033 don't use attributes that are app to change 4089 04:05:10,033 --> 04:05:11,633 because that can make things messy 4090 04:05:12,000 --> 04:05:13,033 and you might ask yourself 4091 04:05:13,033 --> 04:05:15,133 why not just create a shipping id attribute 4092 04:05:15,133 --> 04:05:17,199 so we don't have to deal with this scenario well 4093 04:05:17,200 --> 04:05:19,433 you certainly could and that's totally valid 4094 04:05:19,633 --> 04:05:20,166 it's actually 4095 04:05:20,166 --> 04:05:22,166 quite a debate among some people if you should even 4096 04:05:22,166 --> 04:05:24,033 bother with composite primary keys 4097 04:05:24,133 --> 04:05:26,233 but it all depends on the database you're freed 4098 04:05:26,233 --> 04:05:27,533 if there are certain scenarios where 4099 04:05:27,533 --> 04:05:29,533 a composite primary key makes sense 4100 04:05:30,000 --> 04:05:30,566 another thing 4101 04:05:30,566 --> 04:05:33,166 we can talk about here is something called a bridge table 4102 04:05:33,333 --> 04:05:34,299 when you're making your 4103 04:05:34,300 --> 04:05:37,166 er diagrams it's important to ask yourself is there 4104 04:05:37,333 --> 04:05:39,899 anything else i should be recording into the database 4105 04:05:40,333 --> 04:05:42,799 sometimes you'll have two entities connected to one another 4106 04:05:42,800 --> 04:05:44,433 but there's more going on between them 4107 04:05:44,433 --> 04:05:45,766 than you're accounting for 4108 04:05:46,100 --> 04:05:48,133 that's when you need to use a bridge table 4109 04:05:48,400 --> 04:05:49,500 to illustrate this point 4110 04:05:49,500 --> 04:05:50,366 i'm going to strip down 4111 04:06:00,833 --> 04:06:03,799 on our diagram to just customer and product now couldn't 4112 04:06:03,800 --> 04:06:06,800 we just create a direct relationship between these two entities 4113 04:06:06,933 --> 04:06:09,733 a customer can purchase zero or many products 4114 04:06:09,733 --> 04:06:12,799 and a certain product can be purchased by zero or many 4115 04:06:12,800 --> 04:06:14,333 customer sure 4116 04:06:14,400 --> 04:06:16,200 conceptually this works 4117 04:06:16,566 --> 04:06:17,966 but the way this is set up 4118 04:06:17,966 --> 04:06:21,299 you're not going to know when a customer purchased that product 4119 04:06:21,333 --> 04:06:24,099 you're not going to know if they bought all of them at once 4120 04:06:24,100 --> 04:06:26,800 or if they return to buy more at separate times 4121 04:06:27,033 --> 04:06:29,133 you're going to be in the dark on many details 4122 04:06:29,133 --> 04:06:30,533 regarding the interaction between 4123 04:06:31,800 --> 04:06:32,566 and this issue 4124 04:06:32,566 --> 04:06:35,566 often occurs when you've got a many to many relationship 4125 04:06:35,766 --> 04:06:37,633 that's where a bridge table comes in 4126 04:06:37,833 --> 04:06:38,766 a bridge table 4127 04:06:38,766 --> 04:06:42,333 allows for an intermediary one to many relationship 4128 04:06:42,333 --> 04:06:44,566 and gets you the information you're lacking 4129 04:06:44,933 --> 04:06:45,799 in this example 4130 04:06:45,800 --> 04:06:48,200 a bridge table would be the order entity 4131 04:06:48,400 --> 04:06:50,366 let's put that back into the diagram 4132 04:06:50,600 --> 04:06:53,200 you can see how it breaks up the many to many relationship 4133 04:06:53,200 --> 04:06:56,133 and now each time a customer purchases a product 4134 04:06:56,200 --> 04:06:57,800 we're going to have a record of that 4135 04:06:57,800 --> 04:06:59,600 interaction in our order table 4136 04:06:59,933 --> 04:07:02,533 so as you build or modify your er diagram 4137 04:07:02,533 --> 04:07:04,599 make sure you're asking yourself if you're getting 4138 04:07:04,600 --> 04:07:06,533 all necessary information 4139 04:07:06,566 --> 04:07:08,799 and use bridge tables to capture that data 4140 04:07:09,233 --> 04:07:10,533 if you want to start getting a bit 4141 04:07:10,533 --> 04:07:12,399 more specific with your er diagram 4142 04:07:12,400 --> 04:07:15,633 you can do so by adding data types for each attribute 4143 04:07:15,833 --> 04:07:17,233 this can be really helpful 4144 04:07:17,233 --> 04:07:19,533 especially if you'll be doing some programming out of this 4145 04:07:29,833 --> 04:07:33,433 diagram so we use an entity shape with three columns 4146 04:07:33,433 --> 04:07:35,899 and we'll specify the type of data we want on the 4147 04:07:35,900 --> 04:07:37,000 far right side 4148 04:07:37,200 --> 04:07:38,233 for customer id 4149 04:07:38,233 --> 04:07:39,699 we'll return an integer 4150 04:07:39,966 --> 04:07:41,999 that's going to give us a number like five zero 4151 04:07:42,000 --> 04:07:43,200 one four two two 4152 04:07:43,433 --> 04:07:46,233 and all these attributes here will be var char 4153 04:07:46,233 --> 04:07:48,633 meaning you can use various characters 4154 04:07:48,700 --> 04:07:50,633 and then set a character limit and parentheses 4155 04:07:50,733 --> 04:07:51,533 like this like this 4156 04:07:52,966 --> 04:07:56,366 坏了这这是啥呀 4157 04:07:59,533 --> 04:08:01,433 white是什么东西啊 4158 04:08:03,600 --> 04:08:05,100 so for phone number for example 4159 04:08:05,100 --> 04:08:07,000 it's going to have to be ten digits to fit 4160 04:08:07,000 --> 04:08:08,433 the standard phone format 4161 04:08:08,833 --> 04:08:09,499 there are several 4162 04:08:09,500 --> 04:08:11,433 different data types and things we won't get into 4163 04:08:11,533 --> 04:08:13,966 but just know that you can include these in your e r diagram 4164 04:08:13,966 --> 04:08:14,499 是i 4165 04:08:14,500 --> 04:08:16,633 n t又是啥东西啊 4166 04:08:20,833 --> 04:08:21,899 整数 4167 04:08:22,633 --> 04:08:23,766 want to get more technical 4168 04:08:23,766 --> 04:08:26,499 不超过50个字符的一串英文 4169 04:08:26,566 --> 04:08:28,733 你好棒谢谢你 4170 04:08:28,733 --> 04:08:31,966 哎呀我的我我现在知道这个 4171 04:08:31,966 --> 04:08:35,333 我们我们医院人都是超级超级 4172 04:08:35,333 --> 04:08:36,566 有用的人 4173 04:08:59,400 --> 04:09:01,533 now we've added a lot of detail to this erd 4174 04:09:01,533 --> 04:09:03,433 but what are we gonna actually do with it 4175 04:09:03,766 --> 04:09:06,766 building erds is a great way to conceptualize and visualize 4176 04:09:06,766 --> 04:09:08,533 before you've actually built your database 4177 04:09:08,566 --> 04:09:09,999 but once you've built the whole er 4178 04:09:10,000 --> 04:09:12,000 diagram you're going to need to translate it 4179 04:09:12,033 --> 04:09:15,033 into a database management system or dbms 4180 04:09:15,500 --> 04:09:16,966 还不是工具人呢 4181 04:09:17,033 --> 04:09:20,499 diagram and then manually enter code to create the database 4182 04:09:20,633 --> 04:09:21,999 that's a lot of work 4183 04:09:22,500 --> 04:09:25,333 but here lucichard allows you to export the diagram 4184 04:09:25,333 --> 04:09:27,299 and it will automatically他又开始 4185 04:09:27,366 --> 04:09:29,299 讲他这个多多多多多 4186 04:09:29,300 --> 04:09:32,166 好了table commands here with the entity its referencing 4187 04:09:32,400 --> 04:09:33,766 here are the attributes for this 4188 04:09:33,766 --> 04:09:35,499 entity with the data parameters 4189 04:09:36,366 --> 04:09:38,899 and it also notes our primary and foreign keys 4190 04:09:39,133 --> 04:09:41,499 then you just specify which database management system 4191 04:09:41,500 --> 04:09:43,166 you're using copy the code 4192 04:09:43,233 --> 04:09:44,099 and paste it in 4193 04:09:44,566 --> 04:09:45,933 when database ready to go 4194 04:09:45,933 --> 04:09:47,766 it's a total time saver 4195 04:09:47,766 --> 04:09:48,799 and if you're a student 4196 04:09:48,800 --> 04:09:51,033 with an assignment to make a diagram in a database 4197 04:09:51,033 --> 04:09:53,133 this is like cheating it's so easy 4198 04:09:53,800 --> 04:09:56,633 conversely let's see you've already got a database created 4199 04:09:56,766 --> 04:09:58,233 but you want to visualize it 4200 04:09:58,366 --> 04:10:00,433 anyone who's worked in a database management system 4201 04:10:00,433 --> 04:10:03,199 knows that it's not exactly easy to see what's going on 4202 04:10:03,333 --> 04:10:06,166 but an erd of that database gives you a visual layout 4203 04:10:06,333 --> 04:10:07,799 天天搞小广告 4204 04:10:07,833 --> 04:10:08,999 我又不能用 4205 04:10:09,100 --> 04:10:11,133 哎呀我好想用这个呀 4206 04:10:11,133 --> 04:10:11,966 all your tables 4207 04:10:12,366 --> 04:10:13,633 这感觉好简单呐 4208 04:10:13,633 --> 04:10:15,699 it automatically creates the entity with the 4209 04:10:15,700 --> 04:10:17,233 appropriate attributes primary 4210 04:10:17,233 --> 04:10:19,899 就是像同系文档里面那个模板一样 4211 04:10:19,900 --> 04:10:21,000 我就可以直接 4212 04:10:21,000 --> 04:10:22,766 the correct relationship with 4213 04:10:23,000 --> 04:10:23,800 the 4214 04:10:24,600 --> 04:10:26,766 variations this is another huge time saver 4215 04:10:26,933 --> 04:10:28,833 you can quickly visualize your database 4216 04:10:28,833 --> 04:10:30,533 make changes in diagram form 4217 04:10:30,566 --> 04:10:33,799 and then pass those changes back into your database viacode 4218 04:10:34,600 --> 04:10:37,366 thanks for watching this tutorial on e r diagram 4219 04:10:37,366 --> 04:10:37,999 please subscribe 4220 04:10:38,000 --> 04:10:38,233 to our 4221 04:10:38,233 --> 04:10:41,033 channel below to get more helpful tutorials heading your way 4222 04:10:42,900 --> 04:10:45,533 这一二就没啦 4223 04:10:45,933 --> 04:10:48,199 就就全交完啦 4224 04:10:48,200 --> 04:10:49,566 我就学会啦 4225 04:10:50,033 --> 04:10:51,499 我学会了吗 4226 04:10:52,200 --> 04:10:54,400 哎就这样呀 4227 04:10:55,700 --> 04:10:56,800 就结束啦 4228 04:11:51,400 --> 04:11:52,200 呀 4229 04:11:53,500 --> 04:11:55,166 让我先看看 4230 04:11:55,766 --> 04:11:59,599 他给的一些下个这个软件行不行 4231 04:11:59,600 --> 04:12:02,366 不行我只能用Dr来做作业 4232 04:12:02,700 --> 04:12:05,400 就我们学校要求只能用Dr 4233 04:12:05,500 --> 04:12:09,233 而且他还为了防止别人帮你代做 4234 04:12:09,233 --> 04:12:11,733 他自己会有一套自己的逻辑 4235 04:12:12,100 --> 04:12:14,233 不能完全按照这个东西形式 4236 04:12:14,433 --> 04:12:16,033 如果你完全按照这个东西形式 4237 04:12:16,033 --> 04:12:17,599 就会出问题 4238 04:12:19,500 --> 04:12:21,233 嗯哼 4239 04:12:32,033 --> 04:12:34,933 楼上的声音好吵呀我不像 4240 04:12:35,333 --> 04:12:38,933 我不像我想上楼把那个门关上 4241 04:12:39,900 --> 04:12:43,500 他们真的关门了吗嗯 4242 04:12:47,166 --> 04:12:49,366 欢迎平板喵的大爷 4243 04:12:49,366 --> 04:12:52,499 没查到复合组件的多个字段 4244 04:12:53,033 --> 04:12:56,699 要是不唯一的好像是不可以 4245 04:12:56,900 --> 04:12:58,700 应该是不可以 4246 04:12:59,566 --> 04:13:02,799 听一首歌放松一下嘿嘿 4247 04:13:12,600 --> 04:13:13,400 na 4248 04:13:21,000 --> 04:13:21,800 na na 4249 04:13:26,966 --> 04:13:27,766 na 4250 04:13:30,200 --> 04:13:31,000 na 4251 04:13:32,766 --> 04:13:33,566 你说 4252 04:13:34,000 --> 04:13:37,033 我们这边要求的是呃 4253 04:13:37,366 --> 04:13:42,099 这个ID加你ID是为我们这边的那个 4254 04:13:42,400 --> 04:13:44,733 如果要用复合组件的话 4255 04:13:44,733 --> 04:13:46,633 就要写前面一个PK 4256 04:13:46,633 --> 04:13:50,499 然后后面要写FK one跟PKFK two 4257 04:13:50,500 --> 04:13:51,333 这样才能 4258 04:13:51,333 --> 04:13:53,933 就是他的那个复合组件的写法 4259 04:13:54,433 --> 04:13:56,933 我在看那个他的他的这个 4260 04:13:58,400 --> 04:14:01,800 作业练习看练习跟答案 4261 04:14:02,900 --> 04:14:13,800 party thing 4262 04:14:17,533 --> 04:14:18,833 影响我做作业就行 4263 04:14:18,833 --> 04:14:21,033 应该是没关系的吧 4264 04:14:30,600 --> 04:14:31,400 na 4265 04:14:33,966 --> 04:14:36,233 na na 4266 04:14:38,433 --> 04:14:39,233 na 4267 04:14:40,766 --> 04:14:41,566 na 4268 04:14:43,133 --> 04:14:44,999 能有这么多复杂人 4269 04:14:45,000 --> 04:14:46,200 so i've got my essay rib 4270 04:14:46,400 --> 04:14:48,200 and i've been working on it for about a week 4271 04:14:48,500 --> 04:14:50,966 so now i'm going to show you how i use grammarly to edit 4272 04:15:01,733 --> 04:15:03,899 so we're going to jump ahead a little bit we're going to do 4273 04:15:03,900 --> 04:15:05,433 chapter 5 right now 4274 04:15:05,700 --> 04:15:09,100 what i want to do is introduce the concept of databases 4275 04:15:09,933 --> 04:15:10,899 in a reminder 4276 04:15:11,100 --> 04:15:14,233 these introductory videos are not complete 4277 04:15:14,233 --> 04:15:17,633 you're responsible for all the content of the textbook 4278 04:15:17,766 --> 04:15:20,733 not just what we cover in these intro videos 4279 04:15:21,300 --> 04:15:25,366 so looking at databases why do you need to know about a database 4280 04:15:25,366 --> 04:15:27,366 why is this important well 4281 04:15:27,366 --> 04:15:30,099 one of the first things you should know is that databases are 4282 04:15:30,233 --> 04:15:32,399 everywhere database or so 4283 04:15:32,500 --> 04:15:33,700 every time you go on the internet 4284 04:15:33,700 --> 04:15:34,400 when you make a cell phone 4285 04:15:34,400 --> 04:15:36,100 call you buy something online with a credit card 4286 04:15:36,100 --> 04:15:36,633 pretty much 4287 04:15:36,633 --> 04:15:38,299 anything that you do in an electronic formula这个 4288 04:15:38,300 --> 04:15:39,633 不能给大家看视频了 4289 04:15:39,633 --> 04:15:41,599 因为这个会有我们学校的括 4290 04:15:41,700 --> 04:15:44,000 号就就会把我开出来 4291 04:15:44,533 --> 04:15:47,966 所以所以那个就你们听一下声音吧 4292 04:15:47,966 --> 04:15:49,533 Facebook Twitter Lincoln LinkedIn 4293 04:15:49,733 --> 04:15:51,166 all of these use databases 4294 04:15:51,233 --> 04:15:52,399 when you go and you go on to Facebook 4295 04:15:52,400 --> 04:15:53,833 this is nothing more than a database 4296 04:15:54,200 --> 04:15:54,800 of 4297 04:15:54,800 --> 04:15:57,166 introduction it's asking the database we treat the information 4298 04:15:57,166 --> 04:15:59,199 on myself and then everything associated with it 4299 04:15:59,233 --> 04:16:01,433 likewise you pull up Amazon com what you're looking at there 4300 04:16:01,433 --> 04:16:01,599 then 4301 04:16:01,600 --> 04:16:03,566 is a list of a database of product that they have available 4302 04:16:03,966 --> 04:16:05,833 so the reason then for learning database technology well 4303 04:16:05,833 --> 04:16:07,699 database technology is going to facilitate your goals 4304 04:16:07,700 --> 04:16:10,133 looking at this is it's going to achieve what i wanted to do 4305 04:16:10,200 --> 04:16:11,300 so how do you turn data 4306 04:16:11,400 --> 04:16:13,700 into a format to provide you with useful information 4307 04:16:13,900 --> 04:16:14,200 because again 4308 04:16:14,200 --> 04:16:14,566 once again 4309 04:16:14,566 --> 04:16:16,933 i say what's the most important resource that the company has 4310 04:16:16,933 --> 04:16:18,399 and that most important resources information 4311 04:16:18,400 --> 04:16:20,300 and again what we're looking at is useful information 4312 04:16:20,300 --> 04:16:21,433 and where does this information come from it 4313 04:16:21,433 --> 04:16:22,966 comes from the data that we collect 4314 04:16:23,033 --> 04:16:24,099 remember we're tracking everything 4315 04:16:24,100 --> 04:16:25,833 and so this data is going to be transformed 4316 04:16:25,833 --> 04:16:27,966 using a database into useful information 4317 04:16:28,200 --> 04:16:29,633 so understand the structural changes are needed 4318 04:16:29,733 --> 04:16:30,833 or if structural changes are needed 4319 04:16:30,833 --> 04:16:33,033 or even a new database as your company broke 4320 04:16:33,033 --> 04:16:34,566 and you're going to have more things to track 4321 04:16:34,600 --> 04:16:36,933 is the database that you're using going to be sufficient 4322 04:16:36,933 --> 04:16:37,999 or are you going to turn around 4323 04:16:38,000 --> 04:16:39,966 and create another copy of the database and store 4324 04:16:40,033 --> 04:16:40,899 different data in it 4325 04:16:41,400 --> 04:16:41,800 going to access 4326 04:16:41,800 --> 04:16:43,900 if and when your company should build their own database 4327 04:16:44,033 --> 04:16:45,433 looking at your company and again as we're starting out 4328 04:16:45,433 --> 04:16:46,699 we're going to start out with you are going to be doing 4329 04:16:46,700 --> 04:16:47,933 exactly that as you see 4330 04:16:47,933 --> 04:16:48,999 you're going to be building your own database 4331 04:16:49,000 --> 04:16:49,733 starting with designing it 4332 04:16:49,733 --> 04:16:50,766 and then you're going to implement it 4333 04:16:50,833 --> 04:16:52,166 you're going to see as your company grows is 4334 04:16:52,166 --> 04:16:52,999 this going to meet your needs 4335 04:16:53,000 --> 04:16:54,400 or you're going to have to go beyond what you've 4336 04:16:54,400 --> 04:16:55,200 already created 4337 04:16:55,566 --> 04:16:56,933 so then what's the purpose of a database 4338 04:16:56,966 --> 04:16:58,999 the purpose is to organize it to keep track of things 4339 04:16:59,000 --> 04:17:00,166 and by things i mean data 4340 04:17:00,200 --> 04:17:01,833 it's got to keep track of multiple themes 4341 04:17:01,833 --> 04:17:03,499 when the cool things about a database is it can store 4342 04:17:03,500 --> 04:17:05,033 不是考研师了 4343 04:17:05,033 --> 04:17:09,899 这个是我我们大学本科的课程 4344 04:17:11,900 --> 04:17:13,166 general rule when you're looking at this 4345 04:17:13,166 --> 04:17:15,533 a single theme can store data and a spreadsheet 4346 04:17:15,533 --> 04:17:16,699 if you're looking at a single theme 4347 04:17:16,700 --> 04:17:18,533 that's what a spreadsheet is good for if it's got one idea 4348 04:17:18,533 --> 04:17:19,166 one concept 4349 04:17:19,166 --> 04:17:21,799 and you want to store data on one concept a spreadsheet might 4350 04:17:21,833 --> 04:17:22,633 suffice for that 4351 04:17:22,633 --> 04:17:23,599 if you have multiple themes 4352 04:17:23,600 --> 04:17:25,200 though it is going to require a database 4353 04:17:25,433 --> 04:17:26,999 so looking at this what we're talking about with a theme 4354 04:17:27,000 --> 04:17:28,366 for example students grades 4355 04:17:28,433 --> 04:17:29,699 student grades is a single theme 4356 04:17:29,700 --> 04:17:30,900 and i can turn around他就是说了 4357 04:17:30,900 --> 04:17:32,300 数据库的重要性 4358 04:17:32,300 --> 04:17:34,333 以及他在存储 4359 04:17:34,600 --> 04:17:38,400 多种多样的这个数据的时候相对于 4360 04:17:38,966 --> 04:17:40,833 正常表格的一个优势 4361 04:17:40,833 --> 04:17:42,699 students and spreadsheet use that to manipulate the data 4362 04:17:42,700 --> 04:17:43,600 come up with averages 4363 04:17:43,600 --> 04:17:44,566 and anything i may want 4364 04:17:44,600 --> 04:17:46,133 but if i want to go beyond that i want to store also 4365 04:17:46,133 --> 04:17:48,733 student emails and student office visits and other information 4366 04:17:48,733 --> 04:17:50,166 each of these is a separate theme 4367 04:17:50,500 --> 04:17:52,233 even though we're talking about students at the base of this 4368 04:17:52,233 --> 04:17:54,599 the idea is each of these as a different concept to them 4369 04:17:54,700 --> 04:17:55,766 emails are different from grades 4370 04:17:55,766 --> 04:17:56,833 different from office visits if i 4371 04:17:56,833 --> 04:17:58,099 wanted to store all of this information 4372 04:17:58,100 --> 04:17:59,333 a spreadsheet would not suffice 4373 04:17:59,333 --> 04:18:00,533 i will need a database to do this 4374 04:18:00,533 --> 04:18:01,966 because i'm storing multiple themes 4375 04:18:02,233 --> 04:18:03,899 so looking at this this is an idea of a single theme 4376 04:18:03,900 --> 04:18:05,500 here's a spreadsheet that has student grades 4377 04:18:26,200 --> 04:18:28,533 and again seeing people try to do this is going to 4378 04:18:29,100 --> 04:18:30,800 not work so looking at this what you want to do 4379 04:18:30,800 --> 04:18:31,700 is you want to expand that out 4380 04:18:31,700 --> 04:18:33,233 you want to go and take that from the single theme 4381 04:18:33,300 --> 04:18:35,700 over into a database that is built for multiple themes 4382 04:18:36,433 --> 04:18:37,633 looking at this that i can turn around 4383 04:18:37,633 --> 04:18:38,999 and i can store things like their student grades 4384 04:18:39,000 --> 04:18:40,500 and then their visits and their emails 4385 04:18:40,500 --> 04:18:42,166 this showing an example of multiple themes 4386 04:18:42,166 --> 04:18:43,299 i can have multiple concepts 4387 04:18:43,300 --> 04:18:44,200 put into the one unit 4388 04:18:44,200 --> 04:18:44,933 the one database 4389 04:18:44,933 --> 04:18:46,433 and then use them together so i 4390 04:18:47,200 --> 04:18:48,400 可以了 4391 04:18:48,933 --> 04:18:53,366 介绍内容关系数据库应用程序 4392 04:18:53,966 --> 04:18:55,399 如何创建 4393 04:18:55,400 --> 04:18:59,833 丫头重要的教程这不就是我的那个吗 4394 04:19:04,800 --> 04:19:14,800 natana cuton she may in my daymore homemade 4395 04:19:15,133 --> 04:19:17,966 et ce 4396 04:19:18,600 --> 04:19:21,033 cut it's damn 4397 04:19:22,633 --> 04:19:27,333 角落里那里也带眼泪有可能可口 4398 04:19:27,333 --> 04:19:31,033 那么爱那么一次的梦 4399 04:19:31,500 --> 04:19:35,533 你说你曾经是那样 4400 04:19:35,600 --> 04:19:39,300 so baby please don't hurry back home 4401 04:19:40,966 --> 04:19:43,166 为什么我的跟他的不一样呢 4402 04:19:55,333 --> 04:19:58,799 后来冬天的奶奶有颗糖 4403 04:20:00,400 --> 04:20:03,366 还有菜的baby爹妈 4404 04:20:19,200 --> 04:20:22,766 这是我刚才放的呀这个呀 4405 04:20:23,600 --> 04:20:25,900 oh god i know i got it right it's so damn 4406 04:20:25,900 --> 04:20:29,366 oh it's surely to get this a machine oh 4407 04:20:29,366 --> 04:20:32,033 so baby please turn the hurry back home 4408 04:20:32,033 --> 04:20:37,533 baby boy i guess you a go go need New York 4409 04:20:39,533 --> 04:20:42,433 you know that i love you that can i go so 4410 04:20:52,566 --> 04:20:53,633 就是那个 4411 04:20:54,333 --> 04:20:56,033 留在我身边 4412 04:20:56,200 --> 04:20:57,633 baby boy 4413 04:21:09,933 --> 04:21:13,799 我也不知道一箱头怎么24小时都在呢 4414 04:21:20,366 --> 04:21:22,566 and now i'm not that god i know 4415 04:21:35,333 --> 04:21:39,499 to get it so me to me i die i'm not down no so no he to me 4416 04:21:39,900 --> 04:21:42,833 and i got to the show i thought she might say 4417 04:21:43,000 --> 04:21:46,500 New York 4418 04:21:49,700 --> 04:21:50,933 我需要提交 4419 04:21:51,000 --> 04:21:53,833 指定作业说明中的两个文件 4420 04:21:54,933 --> 04:21:55,733 you 4421 04:21:55,966 --> 04:22:00,433 can't 4422 04:22:03,533 --> 04:22:04,499 you know that i 4423 04:22:05,300 --> 04:22:06,300 gotta go so 4424 04:22:20,566 --> 04:22:22,233 我很珍惜的 4425 04:22:22,333 --> 04:22:23,599 别拱我呀 4426 04:22:32,966 --> 04:22:35,299 我好像知道怎么搞了 4427 04:22:35,833 --> 04:22:43,899 emo 4428 04:22:46,133 --> 04:22:46,933 e 4429 04:22:52,533 --> 04:22:53,333 tu 4430 04:22:56,100 --> 04:22:58,900 哎我的天闪退了 4431 04:23:03,300 --> 04:23:05,533 粉丝红包作战60多名 4432 04:23:07,800 --> 04:23:11,733 大半夜60多名就不可能有排名的呀 4433 04:23:11,733 --> 04:23:13,499 这有什么厉害的 4434 04:23:16,766 --> 04:23:18,733 大半夜的不是天气 4435 04:23:21,200 --> 04:23:24,233 这个你半夜播你必须得是前期 4436 04:23:24,233 --> 04:23:26,166 然后才能有可能 4437 04:23:26,500 --> 04:23:29,633 就之后之后比较那什么吗 4438 04:23:29,733 --> 04:23:32,233 怎么把这两个东西合在一起啊 4439 04:23:47,566 --> 04:23:48,733 and if i'm on the sky hold up 4440 04:23:48,733 --> 04:23:51,199 cause he couldn't get stuck to stay there's grinding 4441 04:23:51,200 --> 04:23:52,766 and i'll be honesty now you're not 4442 04:23:52,766 --> 04:23:55,733 my man's son and the shorty choices for you must stay 4443 04:23:55,733 --> 04:23:57,333 when ninety hundred met the guy 4444 04:23:57,333 --> 04:23:58,366 she gets right 4445 04:23:58,533 --> 04:24:01,566 有对照的我们学校的这个看一下 4446 04:24:03,633 --> 04:24:07,033 表明我把这个表明修改一下 4447 04:24:07,766 --> 04:24:09,999 现在为什么会这样呢 4448 04:24:13,400 --> 04:24:15,233 现在有多少人在直播间 4449 04:24:15,233 --> 04:24:17,833 没有多少人了就20多个人 4450 04:24:22,233 --> 04:24:24,133 东营的也挺好听啊 4451 04:24:24,133 --> 04:24:25,033 哈哈哈 4452 04:24:26,133 --> 04:24:27,966 你还会听东营呀 4453 04:24:28,733 --> 04:24:30,133 现在没有多少人了 4454 04:24:30,133 --> 04:24:32,799 而且还有一些黑听挂着睡觉的 4455 04:24:33,300 --> 04:24:35,133 it's better till you're done 4456 04:24:35,133 --> 04:24:38,433 it's a good day good day when i feel alive yeah 4457 04:24:49,033 --> 04:24:50,899 i lost the control of control 4458 04:24:50,900 --> 04:24:52,966 fact is my monster 4459 04:25:09,733 --> 04:25:17,133 quan la la ya ya ya ya 4460 04:25:19,533 --> 04:25:20,333 ya 4461 04:25:25,800 --> 04:25:27,300 喜欢听的仅限音乐 4462 04:25:27,300 --> 04:25:29,766 我就很喜欢球球这个音 4463 04:25:41,400 --> 04:25:43,566 she don't think i'm Gonna eat on the night say 4464 04:25:43,566 --> 04:25:44,966 Kanye i'm with her 4465 04:25:45,633 --> 04:25:46,966 i'm a sipping night 4466 04:25:46,966 --> 04:25:50,533 you're so Nasty Kanye i'm in the dark rock i'm alone yeah 4467 04:25:50,533 --> 04:25:51,333 i can see the 4468 04:25:51,400 --> 04:25:53,633 others爆沙拉屎海鲜咸 4469 04:25:54,333 --> 04:25:55,766 我觉得你说的对 4470 04:25:55,900 --> 04:26:11,133 i'm all the kid there here i want to kick there 4471 04:26:18,633 --> 04:26:19,433 na 4472 04:26:24,000 --> 04:26:26,333 na na 4473 04:26:30,900 --> 04:26:31,700 na 4474 04:26:38,400 --> 04:26:43,433 no cheese and all you can get for freedom and they all forgotten 4475 04:26:49,166 --> 04:26:49,966 you are 4476 04:27:04,133 --> 04:27:04,933 啊 4477 04:27:13,100 --> 04:27:16,833 what happened to love was it ever enough 4478 04:27:17,533 --> 04:27:19,733 春春的通宵戏了 4479 04:27:24,000 --> 04:27:27,333 MH讲那个就是说 4480 04:27:28,533 --> 04:27:30,499 如果撑不住的话 4481 04:27:30,766 --> 04:27:34,766 希望你早点睡觉就不要为了通宵吗 4482 04:27:34,766 --> 04:27:36,199 然后就通宵 4483 04:27:37,100 --> 04:27:38,900 这样对身体不好 4484 04:27:39,166 --> 04:27:41,233 back to receive the sun 4485 04:27:43,400 --> 04:27:45,933 咱们这直播间是不是要通宵到2号 4486 04:27:45,933 --> 04:27:49,333 可能之后如果你们喜欢这种形式的话 4487 04:27:49,433 --> 04:27:53,166 我可能就会没事的时候就播播这种 4488 04:27:59,400 --> 04:28:01,500 今天可能会通宵吗 4489 04:28:02,100 --> 04:28:02,966 可能吧 4490 04:28:03,200 --> 04:28:06,166 看我自己的体能能不能坚持的住 4491 04:28:11,000 --> 04:28:17,366 what happened to love was it ever enough ooh ooh ooh 4492 04:28:20,900 --> 04:28:23,633 ooh ooh ooh ooh 4493 04:28:23,633 --> 04:28:28,433 what happened to love was it ever enough oh oh oh oh 4494 04:28:33,633 --> 04:28:36,499 oh oh oh oh oh 4495 04:28:36,500 --> 04:28:39,766 what happened to love was it ever enough 4496 04:28:39,966 --> 04:28:42,633 when the sun comes up i'll be all flexed up 4497 04:28:42,633 --> 04:28:46,533 got my drips on lock yeah my queen kicks ready to rock 4498 04:28:46,600 --> 04:28:48,200 tell me what does it mean 4499 04:28:48,200 --> 04:28:49,800 when you are all that i see 4500 04:28:50,000 --> 04:28:51,333 without you don't think i breathe 4501 04:28:51,400 --> 04:28:53,233 let's go back to you and me 4502 04:28:53,233 --> 04:28:57,099 i tried to tell myself that i can't turn back the moment 4503 04:28:57,100 --> 04:28:59,000 it's too drunk yeah 4504 04:28:59,733 --> 04:29:02,033 i tried to make you go and haze 4505 04:29:02,400 --> 04:29:03,800 明天起来数据库 4506 04:29:19,633 --> 04:29:22,899 因为是不是很热门的时间段嘛 4507 04:29:22,900 --> 04:29:23,700 然后 4508 04:29:24,100 --> 04:29:26,733 这个时间段正常来说我也没在直播 4509 04:29:26,733 --> 04:29:29,199 所以每天有节目的话就会放在 4510 04:29:29,300 --> 04:29:30,900 一开始的时候 4511 04:29:31,200 --> 04:29:34,966 然后后面就会学学习呀之类的 4512 04:29:35,133 --> 04:29:35,833 me 4513 04:29:35,833 --> 04:29:44,299 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 4514 04:29:44,566 --> 04:29:45,999 oh oh 4515 04:29:50,500 --> 04:29:53,500 oh oh 4516 04:30:05,900 --> 04:30:10,400 what happened to love was it ever enough啊 4517 04:30:18,700 --> 04:30:20,433 what happened to us 4518 04:30:20,733 --> 04:30:23,699 时间阴天了这都挺晚的了 4519 04:30:24,966 --> 04:30:29,366 31号有条件的话我上提督就当是新年 4520 04:30:30,233 --> 04:30:32,433 当然前提也肯定肯定 4521 04:30:32,433 --> 04:30:35,099 要不要为难自己啊 4522 04:30:35,833 --> 04:30:37,566 嗯就是说 4523 04:30:38,566 --> 04:30:43,933 在不影响正常生活的情况下来支持我 4524 04:30:43,933 --> 04:30:45,599 我会很开心的 4525 04:30:46,366 --> 04:30:47,199 谢谢你 4526 04:30:47,900 --> 04:30:51,366 i'm so silent baby i'm broken 4527 04:30:51,400 --> 04:30:53,566 i'm into my core 4528 04:30:53,600 --> 04:30:56,566 but we can never scare the words unfold 4529 04:30:56,566 --> 04:31:01,133 i'm free i can't take anymore 4530 04:31:01,233 --> 04:31:02,933 one by one it's over 4531 04:31:02,966 --> 04:31:04,799 please say i'm stupid lover 4532 04:31:04,800 --> 04:31:06,933 we'll push our shadows away 4533 04:31:15,900 --> 04:31:18,433 我一定不会忘了10年郑州的 4534 04:31:18,933 --> 04:31:22,733 我会监督你那个大乐透开奖 4535 04:31:22,733 --> 04:31:25,199 我会监督你对号码的 4536 04:31:26,033 --> 04:31:28,899 但是我觉得买彩票还是不好的 4537 04:31:28,900 --> 04:31:30,200 一个奇怪啊 4538 04:31:30,900 --> 04:31:32,366 中彩票的概率 4539 04:31:32,366 --> 04:31:35,633 甚至不如出超级战舰的概率大 4540 04:31:35,700 --> 04:31:38,600 of the night time will never be lonely 4541 04:31:39,000 --> 04:31:42,533 take me up where i can feel the sea around the day 4542 04:31:42,533 --> 04:31:44,366 come on come and be free 4543 04:31:44,366 --> 04:31:46,099 come on come and see 4544 04:32:01,200 --> 04:32:03,200 i was my heart and swear i'm never 4545 04:32:03,500 --> 04:32:08,566 i'll be like that we've got kiss keeping through the laughs 4546 04:32:08,566 --> 04:32:09,833 broke dripping dancers 4547 04:32:09,833 --> 04:32:15,999 pale and all fears come for me how long can i last 4548 04:32:16,333 --> 04:32:19,799 都说出来了你说的惊喜不是没了 4549 04:32:21,200 --> 04:32:22,800 也挺惊奇的呀 4550 04:32:22,800 --> 04:32:25,800 不能老是给你投两个硬币当我入股 4551 04:32:27,000 --> 04:32:30,833 你们俩何侃给米燕的十年等多了 4552 04:32:31,200 --> 04:32:36,433 i'm going up to up to up to nothing i've become 4553 04:32:36,433 --> 04:32:38,433 crashing crashing crashing art 4554 04:32:38,766 --> 04:32:41,366 make me feel panic panic panic 4555 04:32:41,600 --> 04:32:46,533 upon your set of rays and shine brighter than the stars 4556 04:32:46,533 --> 04:32:50,133 and if i receive ten thousand others just like me 4557 04:32:50,200 --> 04:32:53,633 filling up the night sky will never be lonely 4558 04:32:54,000 --> 04:32:57,533 take me up where i can feel the sea of gravity 4559 04:32:57,533 --> 04:32:59,399 come on come and feel free 4560 04:32:59,400 --> 04:33:00,933 come on come and see 4561 04:33:13,800 --> 04:33:17,300 从英文曲推荐合集里面薅来的 4562 04:33:17,300 --> 04:33:18,900 你都没听过吗 4563 04:33:20,400 --> 04:33:22,333 欢迎极北的公主 4564 04:33:23,400 --> 04:33:26,633 一刻也是那时候听的真的吗 4565 04:33:28,133 --> 04:33:31,133 这两首我感觉都挺有名的呀 4566 04:33:49,733 --> 04:33:52,933 是我娘嘿嘿怎么了 4567 04:34:02,633 --> 04:34:04,033 学完了这个之后 4568 04:34:04,033 --> 04:34:08,033 我应该先创建一个我的那个 4569 04:34:08,500 --> 04:34:12,000 我的那个图表创建一个我的 4570 04:34:12,766 --> 04:34:13,799 welcome to 4571 04:34:18,333 --> 04:34:19,633 但是他长得一样 4572 04:34:19,633 --> 04:34:21,533 就就能说明是一样的吗 4573 04:34:21,533 --> 04:34:22,733 这不行吧 4574 04:34:35,400 --> 04:34:37,900 不睡吗睡呀不睡呀 4575 04:34:49,900 --> 04:34:53,433 对我想起来他在这个里面还要求了要 4576 04:34:54,000 --> 04:34:54,833 要 4577 04:34:59,233 --> 04:35:01,599 要把这些东西大写 4578 04:35:03,533 --> 04:35:05,699 哦对要大写的 4579 04:35:15,200 --> 04:35:17,400 不睡吗睡呀不睡呀 4580 04:35:17,533 --> 04:35:18,699 那怎么了 4581 04:35:19,300 --> 04:35:20,100 哎 4582 04:35:20,933 --> 04:35:23,366 怎么点到你的空间里面去了 4583 04:35:32,200 --> 04:35:35,100 他要求全大写然后 4584 04:35:35,800 --> 04:35:37,700 英语哈哈哈 4585 04:35:37,966 --> 04:35:39,566 我也看不懂啊 4586 04:35:39,800 --> 04:35:43,133 我刚怎么点到人空间里面去 4587 04:35:47,366 --> 04:35:50,399 你们这个年纪是怎么睡得着觉的 4588 04:35:50,566 --> 04:35:51,366 come on 4589 04:35:53,033 --> 04:35:53,833 come 4590 04:35:57,000 --> 04:35:57,800 on 4591 04:36:00,566 --> 04:36:03,333 他要求全大写嗯对 4592 04:36:17,800 --> 04:36:19,800 唐家凤都来了 4593 04:36:51,200 --> 04:36:53,633 这广告好逆天呀 4594 04:36:54,633 --> 04:36:56,099 风好大呀 4595 04:36:56,900 --> 04:36:57,766 哎呀 4596 04:37:00,400 --> 04:37:01,900 狠狠的跳过 4597 04:37:12,766 --> 04:37:16,599 or data model what i'm talking about is 4598 04:37:17,366 --> 04:37:20,299 what data is going to be stored in each table 4599 04:37:20,600 --> 04:37:21,400 so 4600 04:37:21,566 --> 04:37:23,199 as one line of text 4601 04:37:23,433 --> 04:37:25,766 对啊这广告屏一天的 4602 04:37:26,133 --> 04:37:26,933 do it 4603 04:37:27,500 --> 04:37:30,833 at the table names are in all capitals 4604 04:37:31,400 --> 04:37:32,766 欢迎春晓花 4605 04:37:34,433 --> 04:37:37,199 how student and office visitors 4606 04:37:37,200 --> 04:37:39,033 嘿嘿干什么 4607 04:37:40,033 --> 04:37:44,533 and sort of getting use this as part of the development database 4608 04:37:47,000 --> 04:37:49,966 so the first thing and is what these diagrams are named after 4609 04:37:50,133 --> 04:37:51,233 are the entities 4610 04:37:52,100 --> 04:37:53,533 我现在知道怎么搞 4611 04:37:53,533 --> 04:37:55,566 但是我不会在软件里面操作 4612 04:37:55,566 --> 04:37:58,999 就不会不会创建这玩意为啥呢 4613 04:37:59,000 --> 04:37:59,966 office visit 4614 04:38:00,333 --> 04:38:01,566 我现在知道应该 4615 04:38:01,566 --> 04:38:03,433 把它弄成一个什么样了 4616 04:38:03,433 --> 04:38:04,833 我现在会手坏了 4617 04:38:04,833 --> 04:38:06,233 但是我不会用软件 4618 04:38:29,500 --> 04:38:31,300 不会用软件该怎么办呀 4619 04:38:31,300 --> 04:38:32,966 有没有我这么笨的人 4620 04:38:36,900 --> 04:38:39,400 我现在会手坏了但不会有人 4621 04:38:39,400 --> 04:38:40,166 你干什么 4622 04:38:40,166 --> 04:38:42,366 你偷我的字幕走是吧 4623 04:38:43,200 --> 04:38:44,500 晚安晚安 4624 04:38:45,133 --> 04:38:46,799 晚安晚安真是 4625 04:38:54,833 --> 04:38:55,633 让我 4626 04:39:28,100 --> 04:39:28,933 大哥 4627 04:39:30,133 --> 04:39:32,166 你们好逆天啊 4628 04:39:38,333 --> 04:39:41,833 我想知道他这个线是怎么创造的 4629 04:39:42,900 --> 04:39:44,333 就这个线 4630 04:39:45,800 --> 04:39:48,200 为啥我就没法画出来呢 4631 04:39:51,600 --> 04:39:53,033 好逆天啊 4632 04:39:53,300 --> 04:39:55,766 我在对着我们学校这玩意研究 4633 04:40:01,133 --> 04:40:03,366 这个矿没啥问题啊 4634 04:40:24,633 --> 04:40:26,833 把它改成k bobe 4635 04:40:27,500 --> 04:40:30,133 然后谢谢烤肉 4636 04:40:31,700 --> 04:40:32,500 谢谢 4637 04:40:33,033 --> 04:40:36,533 谢谢怎么怎么有人烤我的肉啊 4638 04:40:37,766 --> 04:40:38,733 哎呀 4639 04:40:40,933 --> 04:40:43,099 问我然后有点紧张 4640 04:40:43,733 --> 04:40:45,699 你咋还考我呢 4641 04:40:47,533 --> 04:40:50,966 我我有什么值得考的地方吗 4642 04:40:58,533 --> 04:41:02,733 谢谢我红颜的分享房感谢阿里盖赵 4643 04:41:13,433 --> 04:41:14,599 放在这里 4644 04:41:16,800 --> 04:41:17,966 然后呢 4645 04:41:32,800 --> 04:41:34,400 这是个箭头呀 4646 04:41:34,533 --> 04:41:37,966 这也不是个别的呀爱的人 4647 04:41:38,600 --> 04:41:40,400 不需要慷慨 4648 04:41:41,766 --> 04:41:43,799 若只想要被爱 4649 04:41:44,133 --> 04:41:47,599 最后没有了对白 4650 04:41:48,300 --> 04:41:50,833 挡在我前面最大的这个 4651 04:41:51,966 --> 04:41:52,766 这个 4652 04:41:53,533 --> 04:41:55,733 这个阻碍就是 4653 04:42:09,600 --> 04:42:11,166 经过了意外 4654 04:42:11,433 --> 04:42:15,099 才了解所谓的爱 4655 04:42:15,766 --> 04:42:18,299 今后的岁月 4656 04:42:18,300 --> 04:42:21,766 让我们一起了解 4657 04:42:21,800 --> 04:42:24,766 多少天长地久 4658 04:42:24,766 --> 04:42:28,199 有几回细水长流 4659 04:42:29,400 --> 04:42:35,400 我们是对方特别的人 4660 04:42:36,700 --> 04:42:40,200 奋不不顾身难舍难分 4661 04:42:40,200 --> 04:42:43,566 不是一般人的认真 4662 04:42:43,566 --> 04:42:49,133 若只有一天爱一个人 4663 04:42:50,800 --> 04:42:54,300 让那时间每一刻在倒退 4664 04:42:54,733 --> 04:42:59,166 生命中有万事的可能 4665 04:42:59,700 --> 04:43:05,700 你就是我要遇见的特别的人 4666 04:43:09,800 --> 04:43:13,200 谢谢SE少爷家的小花花榜 4667 04:43:13,200 --> 04:43:14,700 感谢阿力盖豆 4668 04:43:17,100 --> 04:43:18,800 我要先关了 4669 04:43:19,300 --> 04:43:22,000 我我不会怎么弄这个东西 4670 04:43:25,500 --> 04:43:28,233 这个软件设置不行 4671 04:43:28,233 --> 04:43:31,199 我知道你们看不到DIA的界面 4672 04:43:32,100 --> 04:43:33,600 我好焦虑 4673 04:43:34,533 --> 04:43:40,533 我们是对方特别的人 4674 04:43:41,800 --> 04:43:45,300 奋不顾身难舍难分 4675 04:43:45,300 --> 04:43:48,766 不是一般人的认真 4676 04:43:48,766 --> 04:43:50,933 若只有一天 4677 04:43:52,100 --> 04:43:54,166 爱一个人 4678 04:43:55,800 --> 04:43:59,600 让那时间每一刻在倒退 4679 04:43:59,933 --> 04:44:04,133 生命中有万事的可能 4680 04:44:04,900 --> 04:44:06,200 你就是我 4681 04:44:06,200 --> 04:44:10,133 他教了我这么多彼此之间关系的方法 4682 04:44:10,133 --> 04:44:14,033 却没有教我怎么在第二里面 4683 04:44:14,700 --> 04:44:17,500 创建一个可以往里写字 4684 04:44:17,700 --> 04:44:19,433 符合他要求的表格 4685 04:44:20,500 --> 04:44:28,533 像是长夜的明白让我曾经多次的等待 4686 04:44:28,733 --> 04:44:32,199 未来你何时回来 4687 04:44:32,300 --> 04:44:36,033 人山人海总有你的存在 4688 04:44:36,133 --> 04:44:40,099 grammarly does more than catch errors 4689 04:44:40,933 --> 04:44:43,599 with grammarly you can find really good no 4690 04:44:48,366 --> 04:44:49,799 这后面会挑吗 4691 04:44:50,166 --> 04:44:51,599 in the world也不挑呀 4692 04:44:51,600 --> 04:44:54,333 going to be able to use a dbms 4693 04:44:54,966 --> 04:44:56,533 by entering in data 4694 04:44:57,166 --> 04:44:58,099 a database 4695 04:44:58,833 --> 04:45:00,033 chinks that wooden soup 4696 04:45:01,766 --> 04:45:03,233 joints you move that data 4697 04:45:04,900 --> 04:45:06,633 逆天了家人们 4698 04:45:17,966 --> 04:45:18,766 this 4699 04:45:18,966 --> 04:45:21,599 garden and again this works exact 4700 04:45:22,433 --> 04:45:24,766 and there it's going to be showing you that the 4701 04:45:25,000 --> 04:45:26,533 program is installed 4702 04:45:26,766 --> 04:45:28,599 you'll click and select that 4703 04:45:28,966 --> 04:45:31,599 once you do now dia has started 4704 04:45:31,900 --> 04:45:34,966 and again this works exactly like a dozen of pc 4705 04:45:37,000 --> 04:45:39,533 我把这个重新学一下吧 4706 04:45:39,533 --> 04:45:43,166 然后我学完这个之后就可以 4707 04:45:44,200 --> 04:45:45,733 重新开它 4708 04:45:48,000 --> 04:45:49,166 再听一遍 4709 04:45:50,733 --> 04:45:54,833 不会用电脑是真的悲伤难过 4710 04:45:59,100 --> 04:46:01,766 这下卡在老师看来是常识不就 4711 04:46:01,766 --> 04:46:02,899 对啊我已经 4712 04:46:02,966 --> 04:46:06,599 我已经完全明白了他这东西是为什么 4713 04:46:06,933 --> 04:46:08,233 是要干嘛 4714 04:46:08,400 --> 04:46:11,166 但是我不明白怎么怎么 4715 04:46:11,166 --> 04:46:14,199 你先让我用手画我能画出来了 4716 04:46:15,033 --> 04:46:17,566 the first thing you must do and you must do this 4717 04:46:17,600 --> 04:46:20,166 every time and this is very important 4718 04:46:20,600 --> 04:46:23,633 you must change your environment to database 4719 04:46:23,933 --> 04:46:25,133 it'll start at flow 4720 04:46:25,133 --> 04:46:28,099 chart you go to other sheets you go to database 4721 04:46:28,133 --> 04:46:31,233 but you actually must do this each and every time 4722 04:46:31,400 --> 04:46:32,033 this way you're 4723 04:46:32,033 --> 04:46:35,533 going to have the entity box is going to be there 4724 04:46:35,533 --> 04:46:36,833 and we're going to be using the 4725 04:46:36,833 --> 04:46:40,366 line tool we're not going to be using these two tools 4726 04:46:40,400 --> 04:46:43,033 we'll use the line tool to make the connection 4727 04:46:43,766 --> 04:46:47,033 use the line to make collection 4728 04:46:55,300 --> 04:46:58,033 老师说让你设置环境变亮 4729 04:46:59,033 --> 04:47:02,399 关键他让我搞这个 4730 04:47:02,533 --> 04:47:04,299 搞我可以搞出来 4731 04:47:04,300 --> 04:47:05,966 搞出来之后 4732 04:47:06,566 --> 04:47:08,299 这玩意就叫 4733 04:47:09,166 --> 04:47:09,966 什么 4734 04:47:13,700 --> 04:47:17,600 叫student然后点一个确定 4735 04:47:17,966 --> 04:47:19,933 接下来他就这样了 4736 04:47:20,233 --> 04:47:22,566 然后关键是我应该 4737 04:47:30,366 --> 04:47:32,199 你有一个大哥呀 4738 04:47:33,166 --> 04:47:36,033 once it goes in and we double click we can edit it 4739 04:47:36,400 --> 04:47:38,900 so first thing we'll do is we'll change the name of that entity 4740 04:47:38,900 --> 04:47:41,000 and we'll call it something like entity one 4741 04:47:41,300 --> 04:47:42,500 you'll call it whatever 4742 04:47:42,500 --> 04:47:44,633 you're going to want your table name to be 4743 04:47:44,933 --> 04:47:47,399 eventually in access cause this is what we're designing 4744 04:47:47,766 --> 04:47:50,433 we'll add attribute to go to the attribute tab 4745 04:47:50,500 --> 04:47:53,166 and you'll type in the attributes that you want 4746 04:47:53,366 --> 04:47:54,166 you will then 4747 04:47:54,233 --> 04:47:57,366 want to know if they're nullable unique again watching 4748 04:47:57,533 --> 04:47:57,933 the 4749 04:47:57,933 --> 04:48:00,933 videos and watching the lectures is going to tell you exactly 4750 04:48:01,000 --> 04:48:02,900 one and how to use these 4751 04:48:03,133 --> 04:48:05,399 all you need to know here is India 4752 04:48:05,433 --> 04:48:07,533 this is how you do the indication 4753 04:48:07,733 --> 04:48:11,033 if it is unique you'll select that nullable you select there 4754 04:48:12,966 --> 04:48:16,299 他这怎么就就创造出来了 4755 04:48:16,300 --> 04:48:18,433 我怎么就创造不出来呢 4756 04:48:18,500 --> 04:48:20,366 哎我怎么不信了呢 4757 04:48:21,100 --> 04:48:24,000 新建然后呃 4758 04:48:34,433 --> 04:48:35,566 呃one 4759 04:48:35,900 --> 04:48:39,733 然后再新建一个two再新建一个three 4760 04:48:40,500 --> 04:48:42,533 这三个里面 4761 04:48:42,900 --> 04:48:45,166 第一个是主键 4762 04:48:45,500 --> 04:48:47,700 然后第二个是 4763 04:49:03,100 --> 04:49:03,900 啊 4764 04:49:04,766 --> 04:49:06,699 once you go in you can edit this 4765 04:49:06,700 --> 04:49:07,900 even though you save this 4766 04:49:07,900 --> 04:49:10,633 double clicking this again is going to bring it up 4767 04:49:11,000 --> 04:49:15,133 i want to go and change i forgot to signify a primary key 4768 04:49:15,333 --> 04:49:17,899 so i select the attribute i want to be primary 4769 04:49:18,133 --> 04:49:19,333 select primary key 4770 04:49:20,566 --> 04:49:24,033 给你们看一下这主要是我还没做好呀 4771 04:49:24,200 --> 04:49:27,500 我我我我我做出来不好看 4772 04:49:27,500 --> 04:49:29,533 而且做的很笨 4773 04:49:37,233 --> 04:49:38,433 你们看一下 4774 04:49:38,566 --> 04:49:40,399 把这个PPT先去掉 4775 04:49:58,233 --> 04:49:59,733 不是连麦呀 4776 04:50:07,300 --> 04:50:09,400 谢谢某情的新春快乐 4777 04:50:09,400 --> 04:50:11,400 非常感谢阿力在这 4778 04:50:51,033 --> 04:50:54,099 and hit okay and remember as set in the lectures 4779 04:50:54,100 --> 04:50:57,000 the primary attribute must be the first one 4780 04:51:04,033 --> 04:51:08,799 所以啊我这样搞其实是其实是对的吧 4781 04:51:08,900 --> 04:51:10,433 就是这样 4782 04:51:22,100 --> 04:51:22,533 so now 4783 04:51:22,533 --> 04:51:26,499 let's add a second attribute in their second entity in there 4784 04:51:26,733 --> 04:51:28,833 and we'll call this entity two 4785 04:51:29,233 --> 04:51:30,166 and again remember 4786 04:51:30,166 --> 04:51:32,899 because this is an object entity it's all in capital letters 4787 04:51:32,933 --> 04:51:35,099 we will add attributes to this 4788 04:51:35,300 --> 04:51:37,600 and again your attribute names will be the 4789 04:51:37,600 --> 04:51:40,500 field names you're going to have in your access table 4790 04:51:40,600 --> 04:51:41,800 that you're designing 4791 04:51:42,133 --> 04:51:43,533 and so you will go in again 4792 04:51:43,533 --> 04:51:46,399 whether it's nullable unique you will do that 4793 04:51:47,133 --> 04:51:48,433 again you'll hit okay 4794 04:51:48,433 --> 04:51:51,199 you'd notice i've already signified the primary key 4795 04:51:51,633 --> 04:51:53,833 now to show the relationships again 4796 04:51:53,833 --> 04:51:55,799 i'm going to use the lying tool here 4797 04:51:55,800 --> 04:51:57,033 you cannot use 4798 04:51:57,133 --> 04:51:58,899 the other tool down there 4799 04:51:59,400 --> 04:52:02,366 you will select that and you will collect it connect 4800 04:52:02,366 --> 04:52:03,766 it notice the 4801 04:52:03,766 --> 04:52:04,633 little red highlight 4802 04:52:04,633 --> 04:52:06,966 the red highlight means that the line is now 4803 04:52:06,966 --> 04:52:08,533 linked to that entity 4804 04:52:08,600 --> 04:52:10,000 这个不是新品哦 4805 04:52:10,000 --> 04:52:11,733 是很久之前的品 4806 04:52:12,433 --> 04:52:13,566 啊啊 4807 04:52:15,800 --> 04:52:19,600 为什么我在这个这个前面他会有一个 4808 04:52:45,900 --> 04:52:48,733 为什么不能编辑他的这个那什么呀 4809 04:52:48,733 --> 04:52:50,733 我好像搞完投屏之后 4810 04:52:51,133 --> 04:52:55,099 他就不让我编辑那个手心数据了 4811 04:52:55,833 --> 04:52:56,766 奇怪 4812 04:53:26,433 --> 04:53:29,933 不信新建一条中间 4813 04:53:39,733 --> 04:53:41,633 这地下超难用 4814 04:53:42,300 --> 04:53:45,033 跟刚才我们我们搞的那个软件 4815 04:53:45,033 --> 04:53:47,799 简直就是天上地下的那个差别 4816 04:53:50,100 --> 04:53:51,900 你也能看到这个这个低啊 4817 04:53:51,900 --> 04:53:53,933 你能你能感觉到他像一个 4818 04:53:54,233 --> 04:53:56,199 上个世纪的东西一样 4819 04:53:56,966 --> 04:53:58,166 他像一个 4820 04:53:59,033 --> 04:54:00,433 我我不想用一些 4821 04:54:00,433 --> 04:54:02,499 没有素质的语言去攻击他 4822 04:54:02,500 --> 04:54:04,333 但他但他确实就是那样 4823 04:54:14,633 --> 04:54:17,433 跟刚才我们学的时候的那个 4824 04:54:17,433 --> 04:54:19,499 完全完全比不了 4825 04:54:20,033 --> 04:54:21,566 就他像一个 4826 04:54:24,000 --> 04:54:26,933 很难说他老东西快死吧 4827 04:54:27,600 --> 04:54:29,400 怎么怎么哎 4828 04:54:33,500 --> 04:54:34,300 哎 4829 04:54:35,166 --> 04:54:38,799 这个唯一缩影点起来不可以为空 4830 04:54:39,400 --> 04:54:42,000 确定然后这样这样 4831 04:54:42,000 --> 04:54:45,533 我们假装啊我们有了两个两个表啊 4832 04:54:45,633 --> 04:54:47,433 假装有了两个表然后呢 4833 04:54:47,566 --> 04:54:50,533 在这个地方用这个箭头把它 4834 04:54:50,566 --> 04:54:51,966 把它连起来 4835 04:54:54,233 --> 04:54:55,599 啊对连起来了 4836 04:54:55,600 --> 04:54:57,200 好连起来了 4837 04:55:01,733 --> 04:55:02,966 哎古董呢 4838 04:55:02,966 --> 04:55:03,599 当古董啊 4839 04:55:03,600 --> 04:55:04,933 越真越真实 4840 04:55:05,100 --> 04:55:08,300 with it to edit that line you double click it 4841 04:55:08,333 --> 04:55:09,766 and we're going to make this 4842 04:55:09,933 --> 04:55:14,099 into crows nest so we're going to go and select the correct 4843 04:55:14,433 --> 04:55:15,299 ending point 4844 04:55:16,800 --> 04:55:19,233 然后双击这条线 4845 04:55:19,533 --> 04:55:21,999 在起始箭头中选择 4846 04:55:22,233 --> 04:55:26,133 比如说这个可以点击应用确定 4847 04:55:26,833 --> 04:55:27,633 哎 4848 04:55:28,900 --> 04:55:30,800 啊对中指箭头 4849 04:55:30,800 --> 04:55:33,133 这是起始的箭头这是中指箭 4850 04:55:33,300 --> 04:55:35,800 这质感哈哈哈 4851 04:55:35,800 --> 04:55:37,900 大家也知道我想说什么了吧 4852 04:55:38,100 --> 04:55:41,366 呵呵确定对然后 4853 04:55:42,033 --> 04:55:43,566 真漂亮啊 4854 04:55:43,633 --> 04:55:45,299 非常非常的不错 4855 04:55:45,833 --> 04:55:48,899 哎我们已经他能不能放大点啊 4856 04:55:48,900 --> 04:55:51,500 我看瞎了这能不能 4857 04:55:52,233 --> 04:55:53,033 哎 4858 04:55:54,733 --> 04:55:56,299 这能大点不 4859 04:56:09,566 --> 04:56:10,599 point of that 4860 04:56:10,933 --> 04:56:13,699 so here let's say that we're going to use that one 4861 04:56:13,900 --> 04:56:15,900 i'm going to do the other connector again 4862 04:56:15,900 --> 04:56:18,766 go to more arrows find the one that we want there 4863 04:56:19,200 --> 04:56:19,566 and now 4864 04:56:19,566 --> 04:56:22,199 we're going to change the size as stated in the assignment 4865 04:56:22,200 --> 04:56:24,300 you've got to change the size of the arrow 4866 04:56:24,533 --> 04:56:26,799 so change the size of the start arrow 4867 04:56:26,933 --> 04:56:28,433 the size is right there 4868 04:56:28,433 --> 04:56:31,099 here is we're going to add this and go to point 7 4869 04:56:32,000 --> 04:56:34,900 we will then do this and go to the end arrow 4870 04:56:34,966 --> 04:56:37,233 and again the size of the end arrow will 4871 04:56:37,333 --> 04:56:40,099 我们可以把它的大小增加 4872 04:56:40,100 --> 04:56:41,333 那就是说 4873 04:56:41,933 --> 04:56:43,799 呃可以把它改成 4874 04:56:44,433 --> 04:56:45,633 1.5 4875 04:56:46,766 --> 04:56:48,699 试一下1.5 4876 04:56:54,900 --> 04:56:59,500 嗯好像有点大哈哈怎么这么大呀 4877 04:57:03,566 --> 04:57:06,299 它的粗细可不可以调整呀 4878 04:57:19,733 --> 04:57:20,699 线宽 4879 04:57:21,600 --> 04:57:24,833 往上一点应用啊好宽 4880 04:57:27,800 --> 04:57:28,800 确定啊 4881 04:57:28,800 --> 04:57:31,433 这看起来像一个人一样的一条线了 4882 04:57:31,433 --> 04:57:35,199 家人们我做出了一条像人一样的线 4883 04:57:36,166 --> 04:57:39,733 哎这是这个这个是这个DI的一小步啊 4884 04:57:39,733 --> 04:57:43,033 但是但是是Mia Mia的一大波 4885 04:57:54,133 --> 04:57:55,566 呀呀呀呀 4886 04:57:57,166 --> 04:57:58,733 哎呀 4887 04:57:59,966 --> 04:58:01,733 怎么把它变大呢 4888 04:58:02,000 --> 04:58:04,733 这表怎么怎么能把它变大呢 4889 04:58:04,733 --> 04:58:07,166 有没有人来告诉我一下呀 4890 04:58:08,800 --> 04:58:10,966 只能改边框宽度 4891 04:58:31,500 --> 04:58:33,933 哇我太棒了家人们 4892 04:58:41,400 --> 04:58:42,566 你好小娜 4893 04:58:42,966 --> 04:58:44,533 打开放大镜 4894 04:58:58,766 --> 04:58:59,566 天呐 4895 04:59:00,200 --> 04:59:01,766 妙手回春 4896 04:59:02,500 --> 04:59:04,033 啊我真棒 4897 04:59:05,233 --> 04:59:08,099 真是太棒了哎咪呀咪呀 4898 04:59:16,833 --> 04:59:19,333 棒棒捏嘿嘿 4899 04:59:28,700 --> 04:59:30,100 为啥这玩意只能 4900 04:59:30,133 --> 04:59:32,799 斜着连接到他上面呀 4901 04:59:34,300 --> 04:59:37,300 啊这看起来是不是有有那么一回事 4902 04:59:37,300 --> 04:59:38,400 这软件干啥呀 4903 04:59:38,800 --> 04:59:41,433 最佳的我不知道我不知道他干嘛用的 4904 04:59:45,566 --> 04:59:47,699 我也不知道在干嘛还有呢 4905 04:59:49,400 --> 04:59:51,233 然后再继续写啊 4906 04:59:51,566 --> 04:59:53,333 going to bring up to point seven 4907 04:59:53,500 --> 04:59:56,633 this makes it large enough to see it in the diagram 4908 04:59:57,166 --> 05:00:00,333 so now we have our first ar diagram we've got the two entity 4909 05:00:00,333 --> 05:00:01,399 让香草来回答 4910 05:00:01,400 --> 05:00:02,000 你是干嘛 4911 05:00:02,000 --> 05:00:03,033 又来我不管 4912 05:00:03,033 --> 05:00:06,166 我只要搞明白要完成我的作业就行了 4913 05:00:06,200 --> 05:00:07,933 this so that it's going to be on your 4914 05:00:08,300 --> 05:00:11,233 Mac computer so you can upload it to owl 4915 05:00:11,633 --> 05:00:13,333 so there we're going to find the 4916 05:00:13,533 --> 05:00:15,599 director we're going to find the drive that is 4917 05:00:15,766 --> 05:00:19,766 your drive not on the remote system that's what my files h is 4918 05:00:20,200 --> 05:00:21,000 this the 4919 05:00:21,333 --> 05:00:24,533 is the directory on my computer there that i borrowed 4920 05:00:24,633 --> 05:00:25,999 is where i want to store 4921 05:00:26,000 --> 05:00:29,900 it so i select that i'm going to go into the documents 4922 05:00:29,900 --> 05:00:32,633 and i can store it right there into documents 4923 05:00:32,700 --> 05:00:35,400 that will be enough so i can have access to it 4924 05:00:35,633 --> 05:00:37,766 and i will go and change the name to whatever 4925 05:00:37,766 --> 05:00:39,899 name is appropriate for this 4926 05:00:40,233 --> 05:00:41,499 so again in the assignment 4927 05:00:41,500 --> 05:00:43,800 you're going to be told what to name this file 4928 05:00:44,000 --> 05:00:46,733 you will go and name it using your username 4929 05:00:46,733 --> 05:00:48,933 and then whatever else we tell you to do 4930 05:00:49,500 --> 05:00:52,700 want to do this and you've named it you're going to save this 4931 05:00:52,700 --> 05:00:53,733 and now again 4932 05:00:53,733 --> 05:00:55,499 because we've saved this on the 4933 05:00:55,600 --> 05:00:59,300 drive on your computer it's going to be accessible to you 4934 05:00:59,933 --> 05:01:04,566 so i go and i save this i turn around and i'm going to close out 4935 05:01:05,100 --> 05:01:09,133 dia i'll do this by closing out the program executing window 4936 05:01:09,233 --> 05:01:10,166 this will close 4937 05:01:10,333 --> 05:01:11,333 every part of it 4938 05:01:11,833 --> 05:01:15,533 so now that i've closed it and i look i'm going to say alright 4939 05:01:15,566 --> 05:01:17,099 i wish to run it again 4940 05:01:17,633 --> 05:01:18,366 remember again 4941 05:01:18,366 --> 05:01:22,533 the icon is not there yet i tape in dia in the search 4942 05:01:22,566 --> 05:01:23,733 and it brings it up 4943 05:01:24,033 --> 05:01:27,133 now i wish to reopen it say i want to work on it again 4944 05:01:27,500 --> 05:01:31,133 i will go and i will select the folder that represents the 4945 05:01:31,433 --> 05:01:33,799 directory on my actual laptop 4946 05:01:33,933 --> 05:01:36,599 i will go to the folder where i put that in 4947 05:01:36,933 --> 05:01:39,733 go and i will search and select it from there 4948 05:01:40,233 --> 05:01:42,366 once this populates with all of those 4949 05:01:42,366 --> 05:01:44,433 i will go look for the foul that i had 4950 05:01:44,700 --> 05:01:46,800 username erd underscore 1 4951 05:01:47,433 --> 05:01:48,299 open that up 4952 05:01:48,433 --> 05:01:52,733 and you notice now that it's open ready for me to edit this 4953 05:01:52,800 --> 05:01:53,600 again 4954 05:01:54,200 --> 05:01:57,600 so close this out and what i want to do now is i'll disconnect 4955 05:01:57,833 --> 05:02:01,166 because i want to see where that file is on my Mac computer 4956 05:02:01,200 --> 05:02:04,833 so that it can upload it through owl as its submission 4957 05:02:05,566 --> 05:02:06,966 so i go and maybe 4958 05:02:07,033 --> 05:02:08,366 umac users may know 4959 05:02:08,366 --> 05:02:11,199 better ways of doing this but this is what i found 4960 05:02:11,333 --> 05:02:14,099 i went opened up i find her window 4961 05:02:14,366 --> 05:02:18,533 went to my documents folder and there it is from there i 4962 05:02:18,533 --> 05:02:19,999 can as you've already done before 4963 05:02:20,133 --> 05:02:23,533 行没啥了主要操作就是这两样 4964 05:02:24,400 --> 05:02:26,700 哎用这玩意做流程图的人 4965 05:02:26,700 --> 05:02:28,700 脑子一定都有问题吧 4966 05:02:30,333 --> 05:02:31,199 哎 4967 05:02:34,433 --> 05:02:36,399 很好起码我们已经 4968 05:02:37,533 --> 05:02:40,399 这个建立了人类的一小步啊 4969 05:02:40,400 --> 05:02:42,166 但是这可能是什么了 4970 05:02:42,166 --> 05:02:42,699 一大步 4971 05:02:42,700 --> 05:02:45,300 让我看看我们的要求是什么来着 4972 05:02:51,433 --> 05:02:53,766 应该怎么在这地方输入呀 4973 05:03:03,566 --> 05:03:10,766 如何在我的ERD里包含我的全名 4974 05:03:11,133 --> 05:03:13,299 用户名和学号 4975 05:03:19,133 --> 05:03:19,833 我怎么 4976 05:03:19,833 --> 05:03:22,099 我怎么用这玩意包含我的全名 4977 05:03:22,100 --> 05:03:23,633 用户名和型号啊 4978 05:03:57,800 --> 05:04:01,633 我知道我知道我只是现在还在看 4979 05:04:01,833 --> 05:04:04,199 我不可能把我自己和开了 4980 05:04:04,200 --> 05:04:06,233 我写个作业写的忘乎所以 4981 05:04:06,233 --> 05:04:07,599 然后把我全名 4982 05:04:07,733 --> 05:04:10,199 用户PK选号都打在上面了 4983 05:04:10,200 --> 05:04:13,733 哈哈哈那我有那么傻吗 4984 05:04:29,233 --> 05:04:31,633 应该应该没有那么傻吧啊 4985 05:04:35,400 --> 05:04:37,566 以你的出脑过载程度来说 4986 05:04:37,566 --> 05:04:39,599 难说我现在还在看什么 4987 05:04:39,600 --> 05:04:40,900 把它搞出来 4988 05:04:44,766 --> 05:04:46,533 说不准嘿嘿 4989 05:05:33,333 --> 05:05:36,566 你不是是写在学生卡上的名字 4990 05:05:58,733 --> 05:06:01,366 学生卡上的名字就写的护照上的名字 4991 05:06:01,366 --> 05:06:02,533 就是真名呀 4992 05:06:16,200 --> 05:06:19,400 声卡不是印中人但是是印的拼音 4993 05:06:22,100 --> 05:06:25,166 啊我好累啊 4994 05:06:30,833 --> 05:06:33,633 老师认不到中文但是他们会用 4995 05:06:33,833 --> 05:06:38,433 自己的那个方式去念英文 4996 05:06:38,533 --> 05:06:40,533 念念你的拼音 4997 05:07:13,700 --> 05:07:16,933 啊歇一会歇一会 4998 05:07:19,100 --> 05:07:20,800 想喝奶茶 4999 05:07:21,200 --> 05:07:23,033 我想喝奶茶 5000 05:07:23,900 --> 05:07:28,800 我我知道只是画了个图啦但是就 5001 05:07:32,233 --> 05:07:37,033 我有点看不懂他的作业是要干嘛 5002 05:07:47,800 --> 05:07:49,566 好贵贵薄荷 5003 05:08:05,400 --> 05:08:08,200 要不把题目拉出来待会看看 5004 05:08:09,800 --> 05:08:10,833 等一会啊 5005 05:08:11,633 --> 05:08:13,233 因为我怕 5006 05:08:14,200 --> 05:08:16,533 这个里面就 5007 05:08:42,166 --> 05:08:44,033 他就狠狠的警告我们 5008 05:08:44,033 --> 05:08:45,699 不让我们学术不诚实 5009 05:08:45,700 --> 05:08:46,233 我把题给 5010 05:08:46,233 --> 05:08:48,499 你们看算不算学术不诚实啊 5011 05:08:49,000 --> 05:08:52,033 因为他上面要求就不可以 5012 05:08:52,033 --> 05:08:55,766 不可以把这个东西给别人看 5013 05:10:05,200 --> 05:10:08,000 来吧我们来成立一家公司 5014 05:10:08,166 --> 05:10:11,033 哈哈哈我的 5015 05:10:11,600 --> 05:10:13,566 这个虽然已经过期了 5016 05:10:13,566 --> 05:10:16,799 但是我们迪州的这个作业我忘提交了 5017 05:10:16,800 --> 05:10:20,400 只占整文课1%的分数所以问题不大 5018 05:10:20,400 --> 05:10:21,533 我忘交了 5019 05:10:22,000 --> 05:10:25,966 其实我忘写了但是我们现在这个 5020 05:10:26,633 --> 05:10:30,299 咪呀合作公司即将成立啊 5021 05:10:30,366 --> 05:10:32,199 看看他的要求是什么 5022 05:10:32,200 --> 05:10:35,200 让我填写一个 5023 05:10:36,033 --> 05:10:36,833 呃 5024 05:10:37,900 --> 05:10:39,600 公公司的名称 5025 05:10:39,633 --> 05:10:42,766 我必须保证他实际上并不存在 5026 05:10:42,966 --> 05:10:44,699 嗯其实就是没写 5027 05:10:45,500 --> 05:10:49,833 因为我看了一眼1%哎不想写就就没写 5028 05:10:49,933 --> 05:10:52,433 但我发现这个好像是阶梯性的 5029 05:10:52,433 --> 05:10:55,133 所以我这周还想把它写完嗯 5030 05:10:56,766 --> 05:10:58,533 他一共就占一分哎 5031 05:10:58,700 --> 05:10:59,933 就没关系 5032 05:11:01,333 --> 05:11:05,366 然后让我搞一个公司的地点 5033 05:11:05,433 --> 05:11:08,199 这个是必须是真实存在的 5034 05:11:08,766 --> 05:11:10,633 然后大家觉得呢 5035 05:11:10,633 --> 05:11:12,899 我我们公司地点应该设置到什么地方 5036 05:11:12,900 --> 05:11:16,100 设置到那个那个哔哩哔哩总部吧 5037 05:11:16,433 --> 05:11:18,333 设置到哔哩哔哩总部吧 5038 05:11:20,233 --> 05:11:20,499 对啊 5039 05:11:20,500 --> 05:11:23,500 我一看我一看那个什么我一看我一看 5040 05:11:23,500 --> 05:11:25,633 哎 1%不写了 5041 05:11:25,733 --> 05:11:27,333 对我就是这种感觉 5042 05:11:29,600 --> 05:11:30,400 百万是吧 5043 05:11:30,400 --> 05:11:31,766 哎呀1%吗 5044 05:11:31,766 --> 05:11:32,799 没关系的 5045 05:11:33,033 --> 05:11:35,566 我必须保证该公司时间我不存在 5046 05:11:35,566 --> 05:11:38,733 我让我搜搜有没有那个咪呀company 5047 05:11:44,600 --> 05:11:46,333 真有这玩意啊 5048 05:11:47,033 --> 05:11:49,233 日本餐具跟礼品 5049 05:11:49,933 --> 05:11:53,633 呃那我就叫嗯 5050 05:11:54,600 --> 05:11:57,000 米呀米呀company 5051 05:12:02,933 --> 05:12:06,599 真有这个这个面呀还挺罕见的 5052 05:12:08,200 --> 05:12:10,600 新泽西州的批发商 5053 05:12:14,366 --> 05:12:16,199 还有叫咪呀咪呀 5054 05:12:16,200 --> 05:12:19,133 位于卡塔尔的有限责任公司 5055 05:12:20,300 --> 05:12:22,700 我们的产品无处不在 5056 05:12:24,600 --> 05:12:25,400 啊 5057 05:12:26,200 --> 05:12:27,633 miracle 5058 05:12:35,766 --> 05:12:36,766 那就叫 5059 05:12:38,200 --> 05:12:41,600 米燕爱狂粉me i love company 5060 05:12:42,566 --> 05:12:43,933 做大做强 5061 05:12:45,333 --> 05:12:47,533 我们就叫me i love company 5062 05:12:49,033 --> 05:12:50,333 oh the me什 5063 05:12:50,333 --> 05:12:53,633 么老东西还真有叫me i love的 5064 05:13:03,933 --> 05:13:05,333 我们我们应该卖什么 5065 05:13:05,333 --> 05:13:06,933 我们现在先别想名字了 5066 05:13:06,933 --> 05:13:08,099 我们应该卖什么呢 5067 05:13:08,100 --> 05:13:10,600 家人们你们觉得我们应该卖什么 5068 05:13:33,000 --> 05:13:36,300 这个地理的话我们说到温哥华吧 5069 05:13:36,500 --> 05:13:37,300 说到 5070 05:13:37,900 --> 05:13:38,900 Vancouver 5071 05:13:42,500 --> 05:13:46,133 oh yeah it's fortune有趣的玩cover然后 5072 05:13:48,366 --> 05:13:49,933 多伦多还是温哥华呢 5073 05:13:49,933 --> 05:13:51,599 反正都不是我的地理位置 5074 05:13:51,600 --> 05:13:54,300 多伦多吧Toronto 5075 05:13:55,933 --> 05:13:57,333 Ontario 5076 05:13:59,633 --> 05:14:00,499 嗯 5077 05:14:01,333 --> 05:14:02,499 开了的 5078 05:14:03,500 --> 05:14:07,766 然后应该搞一个现实的卖店长前卫 5079 05:14:07,800 --> 05:14:10,500 你们有没有想想给我米米呀米啊 5080 05:14:10,500 --> 05:14:12,300 公司取名的这个 5081 05:14:12,300 --> 05:14:14,100 这个名字会伴随着我 5082 05:14:14,200 --> 05:14:16,233 这堂课一直上到杰克 5083 05:14:16,533 --> 05:14:20,333 你会看到我这个公司一直做大做强啊 5084 05:14:20,333 --> 05:14:21,733 好吧哈哈哈 5085 05:14:27,600 --> 05:14:29,033 我们做什么呢 5086 05:14:29,033 --> 05:14:30,399 我们我们做什么 5087 05:14:30,400 --> 05:14:32,833 卖舰长卖周边 5088 05:14:33,133 --> 05:14:35,133 是民安诈骗公司 5089 05:14:35,966 --> 05:14:39,733 138是吧纯粹的什么什么138 5090 05:14:39,733 --> 05:14:41,299 我们应该卖什么呢 5091 05:14:41,300 --> 05:14:42,533 卖猫猫尾巴 5092 05:14:42,633 --> 05:14:42,933 这 5093 05:14:42,933 --> 05:14:46,133 这会不会被动物保护主义协会起诉啊 5094 05:14:46,133 --> 05:14:47,533 我们卖猫猫尾巴 5095 05:14:48,333 --> 05:14:51,099 米亚米亚吃米无限公司 5096 05:14:51,366 --> 05:14:52,166 哈哈 5097 05:14:52,800 --> 05:14:56,400 哎那就咪呀跟大咪这两个结合一下吧 5098 05:14:56,400 --> 05:14:57,200 好吧 5099 05:14:59,566 --> 05:15:01,999 这肯定这肯定没有那什么了 5100 05:15:02,933 --> 05:15:05,033 呀rice什么呀 5101 05:15:06,733 --> 05:15:08,299 嗯卖拐 5102 05:15:11,900 --> 05:15:13,100 卖大米吗 5103 05:15:13,300 --> 05:15:16,333 不行得得自己家能生产的 5104 05:15:16,333 --> 05:15:18,499 但要求是产品需要一些 5105 05:15:18,566 --> 05:15:21,766 需要原材料的实际存在的东西 5106 05:15:22,033 --> 05:15:23,433 这个东西一定是你 5107 05:15:23,433 --> 05:15:25,699 可以在家中自行制作的 5108 05:15:25,700 --> 05:15:26,300 产品 5109 05:15:26,300 --> 05:15:29,566 所以你不可以去制造什么电动汽车 5110 05:15:29,566 --> 05:15:30,599 运动鞋手机 5111 05:15:30,600 --> 05:15:31,966 它必须是你一个人 5112 05:15:31,966 --> 05:15:33,899 可以靠自己手工做成的 5113 05:15:33,900 --> 05:15:35,633 那个handmade手作品 5114 05:15:36,000 --> 05:15:38,900 如果不行的话我就没有这个分 5115 05:15:38,900 --> 05:15:41,200 需要一个可以在家工作的人 5116 05:15:41,200 --> 05:15:43,000 来来弄出来的东西 5117 05:15:43,166 --> 05:15:44,366 米呀二米饭 5118 05:15:44,366 --> 05:15:45,733 农业科技有限 5119 05:15:45,733 --> 05:15:49,233 公司哈哈米呀米呀虚拟货币 5120 05:15:49,966 --> 05:15:52,199 那我我就我就香薰蜡烛吧 5121 05:15:52,200 --> 05:15:53,366 做蜡烛吧 5122 05:15:53,900 --> 05:15:55,533 做那个开灯 5123 05:15:56,300 --> 05:15:57,166 呃 5124 05:16:03,700 --> 05:16:06,233 candle company 5125 05:16:15,800 --> 05:16:16,600 精油吗 5126 05:16:16,600 --> 05:16:20,766 这两个东西再加上一些呃装饰品配件 5127 05:16:20,766 --> 05:16:21,499 我做过的 5128 05:16:21,500 --> 05:16:22,500 所以我知道 5129 05:16:35,700 --> 05:16:37,800 我必须是一个真实的位置 5130 05:16:38,100 --> 05:16:40,166 那我就在多伦多 5131 05:16:40,600 --> 05:16:44,233 公司的职能跟产品然后呃 5132 05:16:51,033 --> 05:16:52,133 function 5133 05:16:55,333 --> 05:16:56,899 让我看看怎么编 5134 05:16:57,233 --> 05:16:58,933 公司想做什么 5135 05:16:58,933 --> 05:17:02,133 想想我想创办什么样的公司 5136 05:17:02,133 --> 05:17:03,099 呃呃 5137 05:17:04,000 --> 05:17:04,800 嗯 5138 05:17:06,600 --> 05:17:14,100 制造多种多样的香薰蜡烛帮助人们 5139 05:17:14,900 --> 05:17:17,733 放松心情以及 5140 05:17:18,600 --> 05:17:22,100 拥有良好的睡眠 5141 05:17:25,966 --> 05:17:29,099 哈哈哈我在国内啊 5142 05:17:30,200 --> 05:17:31,433 在这个 5143 05:17:31,533 --> 05:17:34,633 你等一下我觉得我觉得这个还不错吧 5144 05:17:34,633 --> 05:17:36,733 这个这个感觉还不错吧 5145 05:17:51,033 --> 05:17:53,966 想想你真正想创办什么样的公司 5146 05:17:53,966 --> 05:17:57,099 他必须是一家制造产品的公司 5147 05:17:58,200 --> 05:18:01,166 啊但必须有足够的信息 5148 05:18:01,166 --> 05:18:02,933 证明你了解生产 5149 05:18:02,933 --> 05:18:05,733 跟制造产品所需的步骤 5150 05:18:49,500 --> 05:18:50,966 卖猫猫汉堡 5151 05:18:50,966 --> 05:18:53,833 对啊他他他要求挺多的 5152 05:19:39,333 --> 05:19:40,133 开始 5153 05:19:48,200 --> 05:19:49,700 可以有关系啊 5154 05:19:49,733 --> 05:19:51,533 怎么就不可以了呢 5155 05:20:14,433 --> 05:20:18,966 先创造一个创造一个文档 5156 05:20:18,966 --> 05:20:22,433 因为这个会涉及到现实生活中的这个 5157 05:20:22,600 --> 05:20:23,500 我的信息 5158 05:20:23,500 --> 05:20:26,333 所以说就不会展示给大家看了 5159 05:20:26,333 --> 05:20:29,566 家人们就没有办法展示给你们看 5160 05:20:29,566 --> 05:20:30,699 非常抱歉 5161 05:20:31,500 --> 05:20:33,900 因为这个写作业的话要填 5162 05:20:34,000 --> 05:20:36,233 自己的学号啊之类的 5163 05:20:36,566 --> 05:20:38,766 就不能不能当逗比 5164 05:21:23,733 --> 05:21:25,133 小月月喵 5165 05:21:25,300 --> 05:21:27,600 你还没有研究出怎么转尾巴 5166 05:21:27,600 --> 05:21:28,966 为什么呀 5167 05:21:29,333 --> 05:21:31,099 明明就是有的呀 5168 05:21:52,100 --> 05:21:53,700 你们在那个 5169 05:21:53,800 --> 05:21:56,933 动作里面你们要自己往里加呀 5170 05:21:58,400 --> 05:21:59,766 在那个 5171 05:22:00,433 --> 05:22:02,333 设置动画里面呀 5172 05:22:06,333 --> 05:22:08,433 不成这是什么防伪设定吗 5173 05:22:08,433 --> 05:22:10,133 只有我才能转转 5174 05:22:10,933 --> 05:22:13,599 是哪个动作文件呀在 5175 05:22:16,133 --> 05:22:17,499 TT是什么 5176 05:22:17,500 --> 05:22:18,766 差不多吧 5177 05:22:19,533 --> 05:22:20,599 您来了 5178 05:22:24,366 --> 05:22:27,766 就是你点开那个最后一个 5179 05:22:27,833 --> 05:22:31,299 像拍电影开机一样的那个快捷键 5180 05:22:31,400 --> 05:22:33,033 然后你点击 5181 05:22:33,700 --> 05:22:35,933 这个里面不是会有加号吗 5182 05:22:35,933 --> 05:22:39,233 加就加一个新的快捷键动作 5183 05:22:41,300 --> 05:22:43,500 然后点播放动画 5184 05:22:43,900 --> 05:22:45,500 那个motion three 5185 05:22:45,633 --> 05:22:47,199 然后选择动画 5186 05:22:47,633 --> 05:22:51,499 这个动画里面有一个我看一下 5187 05:23:05,366 --> 05:23:09,733 07尾巴旋转点motion three 5188 05:23:10,933 --> 05:23:11,999 就是这个 5189 05:23:12,400 --> 05:23:14,333 然后第二个是问号 5190 05:23:14,400 --> 05:23:18,033 第三个是我记得3好像是哭哭 5191 05:23:18,933 --> 05:23:21,166 但是这个3播不出来 5192 05:23:39,166 --> 05:23:41,833 主播在学习数据库 5193 05:23:42,000 --> 05:23:43,633 虽然学的很慢 5194 05:24:48,966 --> 05:24:51,966 没有尾巴旋转这动画为什么呀 5195 05:24:52,933 --> 05:24:54,399 哎真的吗 5196 05:24:56,966 --> 05:24:58,933 主播能替我写毕业论文吗 5197 05:24:58,933 --> 05:25:00,366 你杀了我还差不多 5198 05:25:03,333 --> 05:25:04,499 上个总督 5199 05:25:04,700 --> 05:25:07,000 主播考虑考虑哎 5200 05:25:44,000 --> 05:25:47,366 飘飘的截图发在群里了可以看一眼吗 5201 05:25:47,366 --> 05:25:49,999 耶嗯要稍等一下 5202 05:25:52,633 --> 05:25:55,033 然后那个公司叫做 5203 05:26:21,700 --> 05:26:24,500 我先把这个这个弄出来 5204 05:27:02,000 --> 05:27:04,933 然后我看一下这个这个 5205 05:27:36,000 --> 05:27:40,566 哥哥感觉好像那种酒吧一样的音乐 5206 05:28:06,233 --> 05:28:07,366 你们在聊什么 5207 05:28:07,366 --> 05:28:09,166 没有我们在聊这个音乐 5208 05:28:10,233 --> 05:28:13,499 感觉听起来像那种酒吧一样的音乐 5209 05:28:51,500 --> 05:28:52,366 you make me 5210 05:29:00,100 --> 05:29:01,766 妈我来了 5211 05:29:02,166 --> 05:29:03,399 你好吓人 5212 05:29:31,166 --> 05:29:34,533 get up get 5213 05:29:37,333 --> 05:29:38,133 up 5214 05:29:57,400 --> 05:29:59,800 i love you 5215 05:30:06,133 --> 05:30:08,166 可以了嗯 5216 05:30:21,133 --> 05:30:21,933 啊 5217 05:31:01,366 --> 05:31:02,199 怎么了 5218 05:31:03,433 --> 05:31:05,799 害人怎么害人了 5219 05:31:06,233 --> 05:31:08,766 这是数据库原理是吗 5220 05:31:08,766 --> 05:31:11,333 我也不知道我学的这个东西叫什么 5221 05:31:12,100 --> 05:31:12,900 我当然 5222 05:31:13,100 --> 05:31:16,933 写一些跟我现实有关的这个资料 5223 05:31:16,933 --> 05:31:19,366 所以说没有办法 5224 05:31:20,700 --> 05:31:22,100 给大家看 5225 05:31:23,033 --> 05:31:25,033 谢谢呃 5226 05:31:25,500 --> 05:31:27,400 roseifa的b class 5227 05:31:27,533 --> 05:31:28,366 感谢谢谢 5228 05:31:28,366 --> 05:31:30,333 你的配置Alida等 5229 05:31:46,366 --> 05:31:49,199 有没有会数控技术应用的 5230 05:31:49,833 --> 05:31:51,166 哎我 5231 05:31:51,166 --> 05:31:52,233 我这种妈妈 5232 05:31:52,233 --> 05:31:54,833 怎么会有你这么聪明的孩子呢 5233 05:31:55,833 --> 05:32:01,399 啊我的腰好痛啊啊 5234 05:32:03,100 --> 05:32:04,533 啊 5235 05:32:05,566 --> 05:32:06,566 啊 5236 05:32:07,333 --> 05:32:08,133 啊 5237 05:32:28,166 --> 05:32:30,099 玩会手机嘿嘿 5238 05:32:31,966 --> 05:32:34,033 玩会手机嘿嘿 5239 05:32:35,233 --> 05:32:37,566 想玩一会唠会嗑 5240 05:32:37,933 --> 05:32:40,366 你看看你这一头绳哪有腰啊 5241 05:32:40,366 --> 05:32:41,533 哎呀 5242 05:32:51,433 --> 05:32:53,299 你们不困吗 5243 05:32:54,100 --> 05:32:55,533 我挺困的 5244 05:32:55,533 --> 05:32:57,099 我怪困的 5245 05:33:00,400 --> 05:33:03,133 溜大了你们该溜啥呢 5246 05:33:04,766 --> 05:33:06,499 唠会嗑吧 5247 05:33:14,800 --> 05:33:14,966 哎 5248 05:33:14,966 --> 05:33:18,166 你们这个版本为啥没有尾巴转转呢 5249 05:33:21,766 --> 05:33:24,833 你们这个版本的尾巴转转呢 5250 05:33:31,166 --> 05:33:33,166 有没有想学切片的手把手教 5251 05:33:33,166 --> 05:33:34,299 能不能教我 5252 05:33:34,300 --> 05:33:36,900 哈哈哈能不能教我 5253 05:33:36,933 --> 05:33:38,833 敢带乱的不困 5254 05:33:39,000 --> 05:33:42,100 那你你你你不睡觉啊 5255 05:33:44,300 --> 05:33:45,933 啊你不睡觉啊 5256 05:33:48,333 --> 05:33:51,099 我只是希望你能好好读书 5257 05:33:52,200 --> 05:33:54,600 哎呀打会电动吗 5258 05:33:59,633 --> 05:34:00,933 我不会 5259 05:34:01,700 --> 05:34:04,300 我都是拿壁剪摆烂出来的 5260 05:34:04,300 --> 05:34:07,966 啊不对我都是拿剪映摆烂出来的 5261 05:34:27,500 --> 05:34:29,933 他说动画侠我不会 5262 05:34:30,833 --> 05:34:33,233 大妹大妹呀 5263 05:34:49,400 --> 05:34:50,733 呜啊呜啊呜 5264 05:34:58,833 --> 05:35:02,566 啊我只希望我妈能考个研究生 5265 05:35:04,033 --> 05:35:05,599 你把我杀了吧 5266 05:35:05,700 --> 05:35:09,366 哈哈哈你把我杀了吧 5267 05:35:09,533 --> 05:35:14,033 你干碎了我的梦想 5268 05:35:14,166 --> 05:35:17,166 你把我杀了吧 5269 05:35:40,000 --> 05:35:40,800 啊 5270 05:35:41,800 --> 05:35:45,400 我这个模型现在看也不过时嘛嘿嘿 5271 05:35:45,766 --> 05:35:47,799 主播休息的差不多了吧 5272 05:35:47,800 --> 05:35:49,633 啊啊 5273 05:35:49,900 --> 05:35:52,133 我刚休息多大一会啊 5274 05:35:53,366 --> 05:36:14,533 kidamaku minamona 5275 05:36:18,033 --> 05:36:19,799 差不多开挂 5276 05:36:20,433 --> 05:36:22,533 我这就开始学习 5277 05:36:23,333 --> 05:36:37,433 don't no go in kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 5278 05:36:37,766 --> 05:36:39,699 super na e o g 5279 05:36:44,733 --> 05:36:45,533 ni 5280 05:36:51,200 --> 05:36:52,633 白天学习 5281 05:36:52,766 --> 05:36:55,566 你的白天是我的晚上 5282 05:37:18,166 --> 05:37:20,433 游戏都偷了直播还没玩 5283 05:37:21,566 --> 05:37:24,633 那你你快点睡觉了 5284 05:37:45,433 --> 05:38:05,299 kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 5285 05:38:06,000 --> 05:38:07,633 为什么不睡觉 5286 05:38:26,533 --> 05:38:35,499 the king is so bad they are called what 5287 05:38:36,733 --> 05:38:38,499 i'm not 5288 05:38:40,400 --> 05:38:41,200 good 5289 05:38:42,366 --> 05:38:44,899 怎么就是败家人呢 5290 05:38:47,533 --> 05:38:50,899 不想睡那你好任性啊 5291 05:39:03,500 --> 05:39:06,566 so i want to talk about next February 5292 05:39:06,566 --> 05:39:09,566 i'm trying to get us organized for this Valentine's Day thing 5293 05:39:09,600 --> 05:39:14,200 okay i know it's meeting time but first peanut butter chip 5294 05:39:14,300 --> 05:39:16,333 madness our top seller 5295 05:39:16,333 --> 05:39:18,999 i think customers really like the extra chunky sea salt 5296 05:39:19,000 --> 05:39:20,033 i've been using 5297 05:39:20,633 --> 05:39:21,133 mmm 5298 05:39:21,133 --> 05:39:23,833 so delicious these are so good 5299 05:39:24,700 --> 05:39:25,500 but you know what 5300 05:39:25,933 --> 05:39:28,033 they're actually not our top seller 5301 05:39:28,133 --> 05:39:29,699 what为啥我想 5302 05:39:30,200 --> 05:39:31,500 听教授讲课 5303 05:39:31,500 --> 05:39:33,933 但是这个视频的内容是 5304 05:39:34,033 --> 05:39:36,699 一个亚洲女性跟一个黑人男性 5305 05:39:36,700 --> 05:39:38,600 在家里吃小饼干啊 5306 05:39:39,233 --> 05:39:41,399 this cookie more than anything else we sell 5307 05:39:41,833 --> 05:39:43,633 have you seen the comments that i've gotten on the 5308 05:39:43,633 --> 05:39:45,099 pictures that are approaching 5309 05:39:45,166 --> 05:39:46,499 all that stuff is 5310 05:39:46,833 --> 05:39:50,199 personal accounts it doesn't help us with sales data 5311 05:39:50,733 --> 05:39:52,966 according to our internet sales data 5312 05:39:53,533 --> 05:39:58,333 the top seller is mini chocolate wafers what yeah see you look 5313 05:40:00,966 --> 05:40:03,033 okay whoa whoa wait um 5314 05:40:03,700 --> 05:40:06,433 that's a lot of numbers to look at 5315 05:40:06,433 --> 05:40:07,799 can you just break it down for me 5316 05:40:07,800 --> 05:40:08,600 nba 5317 05:40:08,800 --> 05:40:12,433 first thing we need to be Claire on we need actual cells data 5318 05:40:13,033 --> 05:40:15,933 we need actual cells data啊 5319 05:40:15,933 --> 05:40:17,699 你怎么这个点归来了 5320 05:40:17,933 --> 05:40:19,966 the kind of data we get from likes 5321 05:40:21,433 --> 05:40:26,033 not the kind of data we get from likes and 5322 05:40:26,566 --> 05:40:27,833 and comments right 5323 05:40:27,900 --> 05:40:30,133 right because that's not sales data 5324 05:40:30,633 --> 05:40:35,099 it's not sales data it's social media 5325 05:40:35,733 --> 05:40:37,133 opinion data 5326 05:40:37,400 --> 05:40:39,166 social media opinion data 5327 05:40:39,300 --> 05:40:41,566 and we can't use it to determine sales 5328 05:40:42,000 --> 05:40:44,566 use it to determine sales so 5329 05:40:45,833 --> 05:40:48,433 so let's just put it aside for now 5330 05:40:48,766 --> 05:40:51,966 simply put data our facts are figures 5331 05:40:53,100 --> 05:40:56,533 eight and old and fights no finger 5332 05:40:56,533 --> 05:40:58,966 so it's a fact that we sold 5333 05:40:59,033 --> 05:41:02,433 one hundred and fifty dozen mini chocolate wafers last month 5334 05:41:02,733 --> 05:41:03,899 it's a fact 5335 05:41:04,033 --> 05:41:08,199 that we sold sixty five dozen peanut butter chip madness 5336 05:41:08,533 --> 05:41:10,433 that's sales data 5337 05:41:10,833 --> 05:41:13,766 i'm looking at data that tells me what kinds of cookies 5338 05:41:13,766 --> 05:41:15,833 we've sold online at our shows 5339 05:41:16,000 --> 05:41:18,366 during the month of February since we started 5340 05:41:18,833 --> 05:41:20,966 to figure out this Valentine's Day thing 5341 05:41:21,566 --> 05:41:22,366 okay 5342 05:41:22,766 --> 05:41:26,166 now information is something different 5343 05:41:26,433 --> 05:41:30,633 basically information is made from data that has been processed 5344 05:41:30,633 --> 05:41:33,033 so that it's meaningful and useful 5345 05:41:33,366 --> 05:41:34,566 okay can you give me 5346 05:41:34,566 --> 05:41:35,433 an example 5347 05:41:35,433 --> 05:41:38,166 i gather the data on all those February cells 5348 05:41:38,166 --> 05:41:39,499 and then i process it 5349 05:41:39,900 --> 05:41:43,833 so sales of our red Velvet cookies have gone up 5350 05:41:44,100 --> 05:41:46,133 an average of fifty percent 5351 05:41:46,300 --> 05:41:47,966 during the motherfucker 5352 05:41:48,400 --> 05:41:50,500 now we can use that to figure out 5353 05:41:50,500 --> 05:41:52,833 how many we need to make this February 5354 05:41:52,833 --> 05:41:54,533 but remember we also need 5355 05:41:55,033 --> 05:41:58,133 听到这我发现这确实没啥太大的用处 5356 05:42:17,933 --> 05:42:22,966 业务流程和决策对我应该看这个东西 5357 05:42:35,000 --> 05:42:35,800 hey 5358 05:42:36,366 --> 05:42:38,499 nice tablet you just get that 5359 05:42:38,766 --> 05:42:40,433 yeah i pushed past a couple 5360 05:42:40,433 --> 05:42:42,966 dozen shoppers to get this on Black Friday at Walmart 5361 05:42:42,966 --> 05:42:44,166 it was a great deal 5362 05:42:44,166 --> 05:42:46,033 but i'm not sure it was worth the craziness 5363 05:42:46,133 --> 05:42:47,433 i'm still recovering 5364 05:42:47,933 --> 05:42:49,566 you know in the future you may not even have to 5365 05:42:49,566 --> 05:42:51,566 go into a Walmart to get a deal like that 5366 05:42:51,900 --> 05:42:52,566 we've been reading 5367 05:42:52,566 --> 05:42:54,733 about their army channel strategy in my business class 5368 05:42:54,733 --> 05:42:56,966 in relation to porters 5 forces model 5369 05:42:57,166 --> 05:42:59,699 i've heard a little about the Omni channel idea but 5370 05:42:59,966 --> 05:43:01,833 how does porters relate to Walmart's plan 5371 05:43:01,833 --> 05:43:02,833 to take over the retail 5372 05:43:02,833 --> 05:43:03,799 shopping universe 5373 05:43:04,133 --> 05:43:04,933 let me show you 5374 05:43:10,933 --> 05:43:13,233 okay so you remember the five forces 5375 05:43:13,700 --> 05:43:14,366 in the center 5376 05:43:14,366 --> 05:43:15,499 here is a competition 5377 05:43:15,500 --> 05:43:17,900 and the intensity of rivalry within the industry 5378 05:43:18,166 --> 05:43:20,766 well even being in the middle of that Black Friday mosh pit 5379 05:43:20,766 --> 05:43:23,699 i know they have to be feeling the heat from places like Amazon 5380 05:43:24,300 --> 05:43:25,766 etoes are a huge competition 5381 05:43:25,766 --> 05:43:27,233 even for the big guys like wam run 5382 05:43:27,766 --> 05:43:28,599 Amazon Dominates 5383 05:43:28,600 --> 05:43:29,766 the e Commerce world 5384 05:43:30,133 --> 05:43:32,766 Marmar's online sales only a fraction of Amazons 5385 05:43:33,000 --> 05:43:35,500 they hope that by shifting towards an army channel strategy 5386 05:43:35,500 --> 05:43:38,433 and integrating their broken motor stores with the online sales 5387 05:43:38,566 --> 05:43:40,766 they'll capture some more of the online market 5388 05:43:41,133 --> 05:43:42,899 which brings us to the second force 5389 05:43:45,800 --> 05:43:46,833 嗯 5390 05:43:48,566 --> 05:43:52,233 我好像上个学期学过这个东西 5391 05:44:18,733 --> 05:44:22,366 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 5392 05:44:22,900 --> 05:44:24,900 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 5393 05:44:25,900 --> 05:44:26,700 嘟 5394 05:44:34,033 --> 05:44:35,499 这多少页啊 5395 05:44:35,500 --> 05:44:40,166 30页我怎么学个电脑也要学经济 5396 05:44:40,233 --> 05:44:41,833 学的东西啊 5397 05:44:44,300 --> 05:44:46,233 我我不理解 5398 05:45:35,733 --> 05:45:38,033 这是我的水课呀 5399 05:45:38,033 --> 05:45:43,333 这是跟我本本本专业没关系的东西 5400 05:45:43,833 --> 05:45:46,633 然后我我来水这个 5401 05:45:48,166 --> 05:45:49,933 怎么了嗯 5402 05:45:52,900 --> 05:45:57,100 为什么哈哈哈呀辛苦了嗯嗯 5403 05:46:04,233 --> 05:46:06,499 啊完啦我也是蜜 5404 05:46:14,533 --> 05:46:17,766 狠狠的复制粘贴进行一个荧幕的巡航 5405 05:46:18,433 --> 05:46:20,299 这这这既然 5406 05:46:20,833 --> 05:46:22,233 是我本来专 5407 05:46:22,233 --> 05:46:25,399 专业的东西应该问题不大吧 5408 05:47:16,633 --> 05:47:18,299 我想喝果汁 5409 05:47:19,633 --> 05:47:21,599 我想上楼喝果汁 5410 05:47:32,100 --> 05:47:33,600 没有不安静 5411 05:47:33,933 --> 05:47:36,099 虽然在走但是不安静 5412 05:48:52,233 --> 05:48:56,166 谢谢权威的两个虎年大吉 5413 05:48:56,533 --> 05:48:58,966 5个粉玫瑰3个幸运时榜 5414 05:48:58,966 --> 05:49:00,133 感谢阿力盖章 5415 05:49:00,500 --> 05:49:03,300 我操赚了这个虎年大吉 5416 05:49:03,700 --> 05:49:05,633 这个这个这个铁钻 5417 05:49:06,766 --> 05:49:07,999 谢谢谢谢 5418 05:49:08,200 --> 05:49:09,433 非常感谢 5419 05:49:46,933 --> 05:49:50,366 我今天不想做饭了我想点外卖 5420 05:49:50,700 --> 05:49:52,400 但是好奢侈啊 5421 05:49:52,400 --> 05:49:53,566 家人们 5422 05:49:54,400 --> 05:49:55,933 好奢侈呀 5423 05:50:18,533 --> 05:50:21,099 赚了是呀权威赚了 5424 05:50:21,533 --> 05:50:23,733 赚了叔叔30块钱呢 5425 05:50:23,766 --> 05:50:26,199 开心吗赚了什么 5426 05:50:26,200 --> 05:50:30,366 330 不是330了赚了33 5427 05:50:32,900 --> 05:50:35,133 还是330 哪有那么多 5428 05:50:48,966 --> 05:50:51,366 让我想起来香草的小作文 5429 05:50:51,366 --> 05:50:53,733 别笑真挺贵的 5430 05:50:55,200 --> 05:50:58,300 今天直播这一天也就赚了个外卖钱 5431 05:51:01,800 --> 05:51:03,566 点个外卖一天白干 5432 05:51:05,700 --> 05:51:08,033 呀说说赚了烟烟也赚了 5433 05:51:08,933 --> 05:51:11,166 烟烟人才没有数妈了呢 5434 05:51:11,500 --> 05:51:13,700 不许你这样说我的烟烟人 5435 05:51:29,000 --> 05:51:30,733 我想吃焗饭 5436 05:51:31,800 --> 05:51:33,333 家人们怎么办 5437 05:51:33,333 --> 05:51:34,933 我想吃焗饭 5438 05:51:37,933 --> 05:51:39,399 吃饭怎么做呀 5439 05:51:41,700 --> 05:51:45,200 直接进行一个焗饭的这个教程的看 5440 05:51:46,933 --> 05:51:49,533 黑椒黑椒焗饭 5441 05:52:03,933 --> 05:52:08,366 这怎么都是吃播没有没有做的呀 5442 05:52:08,433 --> 05:52:09,833 我不满意 5443 05:52:10,833 --> 05:52:12,433 都是都是吃的 5444 05:52:12,433 --> 05:52:16,199 就没有人想过怎么做这个东西吗 5445 05:52:21,100 --> 05:52:22,133 我有知识的 5446 05:52:22,133 --> 05:52:23,299 我什么都有 5447 05:52:34,900 --> 05:52:35,766 要炒一下 5448 05:52:35,766 --> 05:52:37,299 主要没有黑椒酱 5449 05:52:38,433 --> 05:52:41,766 这边没买黑椒酱还挺麻烦的 5450 05:52:47,200 --> 05:52:49,200 主播没办法考研究生 5451 05:52:49,200 --> 05:52:50,566 我给你上禁言了 5452 05:52:50,566 --> 05:52:52,566 你再讲我要给你上禁言了 5453 05:52:58,500 --> 05:52:59,900 i want to stay 5454 05:53:00,533 --> 05:53:03,999 but i好像也能做但是懒狗不想做 5455 05:53:04,033 --> 05:53:05,633 进行个外卖的点 5456 05:53:13,333 --> 05:53:15,799 还差一块一起送 5457 05:53:16,733 --> 05:53:19,999 我去哪找一块一这么便宜的东西啊 5458 05:53:42,033 --> 05:53:43,133 谢谢米亚 5459 05:53:43,133 --> 05:53:46,133 米亚荣登先生们的虚拟主播榜第六 5460 05:53:46,200 --> 05:53:48,400 我们是发条 5461 05:53:49,166 --> 05:53:51,933 主播的姿势在脑子里还是在厨房里 5462 05:53:51,933 --> 05:53:53,133 肯定是在 5463 05:53:53,300 --> 05:53:54,833 对对对 5464 05:53:56,133 --> 05:53:57,999 都有两遍都有 5465 05:53:58,000 --> 05:53:59,400 哈哈哈 5466 05:54:00,100 --> 05:54:02,966 你怎么能假定我的姿势 5467 05:54:02,966 --> 05:54:04,633 就如果在脑子里 5468 05:54:04,633 --> 05:54:06,566 他就他就不在厨房里 5469 05:54:06,566 --> 05:54:09,566 或者他在厨房里就不在脑子里呢 5470 05:54:09,766 --> 05:54:12,166 你怎么敢假定他 5471 05:54:13,400 --> 05:54:16,233 只能同时出现在一个地方呢 5472 05:54:18,100 --> 05:54:20,133 录烟了我要举办 5473 05:54:23,933 --> 05:54:25,899 我还想吃鸭脖 5474 05:54:26,800 --> 05:54:28,900 嗯什么都想吃 5475 05:54:30,100 --> 05:54:31,100 嘿呀 5476 05:55:07,800 --> 05:55:10,433 聪明猫猫不是政治经济学啦 5477 05:55:10,433 --> 05:55:11,233 嘿呀 5478 05:55:11,766 --> 05:55:16,966 是是那个呃我说这是CS的课你信吗 5479 05:55:16,966 --> 05:55:18,166 come Peter 3 5480 05:55:18,833 --> 05:55:21,099 什么吃点yes 5481 05:55:26,366 --> 05:55:27,299 啊 5482 05:55:30,600 --> 05:55:34,600 好贵呀一顿吃好多钱 5483 05:55:41,800 --> 05:55:49,166 24刀24块224乘以5.1哈哈122块钱吃个焗饭 5484 05:55:49,166 --> 05:55:50,799 拉倒吧不吃了 5485 05:55:51,733 --> 05:55:52,699 不吃了 5486 05:55:55,033 --> 05:55:56,399 盐烧的汤 5487 05:55:57,100 --> 05:55:58,166 我不吃了 5488 05:56:03,366 --> 05:56:06,766 我证明这就是CS课没错这就是CS的课 5489 05:56:09,200 --> 05:56:11,933 acting resources 5490 05:56:14,033 --> 05:56:16,799 faculty information 5491 05:56:22,000 --> 05:56:23,700 怎么衣服还没洗完呀 5492 05:56:23,700 --> 05:56:26,433 好吵呀我不像 5493 05:56:27,500 --> 05:56:28,300 哎 5494 05:56:29,200 --> 05:56:30,366 这什么 5495 05:56:31,166 --> 05:56:34,433 哎我不想听他洗衣服了他好吵哎 5496 05:56:35,200 --> 05:56:36,033 嗯 5497 05:56:36,700 --> 05:56:39,433 不开心不开心 5498 05:56:40,300 --> 05:56:42,133 想吃好吃的 5499 05:56:42,966 --> 05:56:43,966 家人们 5500 05:56:45,300 --> 05:56:47,300 一顿外卖一天白干 5501 05:56:47,333 --> 05:56:50,333 极大的减缓了我点外卖的这个 5502 05:56:50,333 --> 05:56:51,399 那个什么 5503 05:56:52,166 --> 05:56:55,166 点外卖的频率跟点外卖的热情啊 5504 05:56:58,566 --> 05:57:01,366 姑大姑大姑大姑大姑 5505 05:57:25,566 --> 05:57:27,166 便宜麦片恩造 5506 05:57:27,233 --> 05:57:29,433 怎么说便宜蛋白粉恩造呢 5507 05:57:29,766 --> 05:57:31,933 生活还是要有质量的 5508 05:57:32,766 --> 05:57:35,099 我早上就用一个印度的饼 5509 05:57:35,100 --> 05:57:36,333 做了个手抓饼 5510 05:57:36,333 --> 05:57:38,033 我还觉得挺好吃的 5511 05:57:42,600 --> 05:57:44,533 不行的话等会给我5分钟 5512 05:57:44,533 --> 05:57:46,166 我上楼再重新搞一个 5513 05:57:46,166 --> 05:57:46,966 那个饼 5514 05:57:48,166 --> 05:57:50,633 又快味道又可以 5515 05:58:08,033 --> 05:58:08,933 挺正宗的 5516 05:58:08,933 --> 05:58:10,833 手扎被国内正宗 5517 05:58:31,566 --> 05:58:34,233 亲家人们我上楼拿点吃的吧 5518 05:58:34,633 --> 05:58:38,099 我上楼我上楼那个拿点吃的然后随便 5519 05:58:38,600 --> 05:58:41,833 随便掏点零食过来有点小饿 5520 05:58:42,700 --> 05:58:45,200 我早上8点起来吃的饭算 5521 05:58:45,200 --> 05:58:47,800 现在应该也该吃点东西了啊 5522 05:58:48,000 --> 05:58:50,833 等我2分钟随便拿点零食嗯 5523 06:00:53,200 --> 06:00:54,400 猴子嘎西库娜 5524 06:00:54,400 --> 06:00:58,000 伊娜伊娜伊娜伊娜伊娜伊哟娜 5525 06:00:58,233 --> 06:01:00,799 橘子盖一屋嗦娜诺 5526 06:01:00,800 --> 06:01:03,700 伊呀伊呀伊呀伊呀伊呀伊呀伊呀 5527 06:01:03,700 --> 06:01:06,833 哒哒哒萨玛斯里的酒啊 5528 06:01:21,600 --> 06:01:28,166 shoo 5529 06:01:31,200 --> 06:01:41,600 matoo 5530 06:01:42,500 --> 06:01:43,600 拜拜权威 5531 06:01:45,633 --> 06:01:47,233 啊我回来了 5532 06:01:48,700 --> 06:01:50,800 音乐给我给音乐待一会 5533 06:01:51,000 --> 06:01:53,566 我我拿了点钱饼吃 5534 06:01:59,400 --> 06:02:01,500 我吃了几分钟呀 5535 06:02:02,533 --> 06:02:05,633 中了几分钟i don't wanna be to ride ride ride 5536 06:02:09,366 --> 06:02:11,333 ride 5537 06:02:14,500 --> 06:02:19,333 ride ride ride 5538 06:02:21,300 --> 06:02:21,966 ride 5539 06:02:21,966 --> 06:02:25,399 月饼啊月饼啊哈哈哈 5540 06:02:25,533 --> 06:02:27,366 你听你听啊 5541 06:02:27,766 --> 06:02:29,999 嗯哈哈哈 5542 06:02:34,633 --> 06:02:37,433 我加班时间早都回来了 5543 06:02:39,500 --> 06:02:40,766 你不许骗我 5544 06:02:46,100 --> 06:02:47,233 还有果冻 5545 06:02:50,533 --> 06:02:53,433 这些东西都是我好几周之前 5546 06:02:54,166 --> 06:02:57,899 买的然后就一直都没吃 5547 06:03:00,500 --> 06:03:03,533 因为我天天自己给自己做饭然后就 5548 06:03:04,033 --> 06:03:05,333 今天不想做 5549 06:03:16,366 --> 06:03:19,966 我只有个你的手请靠哟 5550 06:03:20,033 --> 06:03:25,399 我的心锁了一起把你宠哦leave me ever know 5551 06:03:25,633 --> 06:03:27,133 许多年我在哪 5552 06:03:31,833 --> 06:03:32,633 里 5553 06:03:41,333 --> 06:03:44,599 好吃这个果冻好好吃哦 5554 06:03:45,333 --> 06:03:47,233 超市打特价的时候买的 5555 06:03:49,300 --> 06:03:51,566 两包三刀然后 5556 06:03:52,333 --> 06:03:56,299 就买了一个那个百香果味的 5557 06:03:56,300 --> 06:03:57,633 哇这个好好吃哦 5558 06:03:57,633 --> 06:03:58,966 这什么牌子 5559 06:04:02,000 --> 06:04:05,600 ABC怎么会有这么草率的果冻牌子啊 5560 06:04:07,900 --> 06:04:11,333 就就包装非常的一个一个 5561 06:04:11,733 --> 06:04:14,533 一个特别特别那个啥的 5562 06:04:14,533 --> 06:04:16,166 怎么上面还印了韩文 5563 06:04:16,166 --> 06:04:17,733 这是哪个国家的 5564 06:04:21,233 --> 06:04:22,433 好好吃哦 5565 06:04:23,766 --> 06:04:25,999 燕子吧AA ABC 5566 06:04:26,233 --> 06:04:28,499 什么ADC ABC 5567 06:04:30,033 --> 06:04:32,899 我淘宝拍照搜索一下 5568 06:04:50,533 --> 06:04:51,433 搜不到哎 5569 06:04:52,533 --> 06:04:55,199 这是个什么东西啊搜不到哎 5570 06:04:57,800 --> 06:05:00,300 谢谢十月的新春快乐 5571 06:05:00,300 --> 06:05:02,366 非常感谢阿力哥的 5572 06:05:03,233 --> 06:05:04,799 i don't know the show 5573 06:06:11,200 --> 06:06:14,300 为什么我我直播吃东西同阶反 5574 06:06:14,566 --> 06:06:15,966 长了一点啊 5575 06:06:17,233 --> 06:06:20,333 你为什么都做完了燕子还在做了 5576 06:06:20,333 --> 06:06:21,433 学习太慢了吗 5577 06:06:21,433 --> 06:06:23,099 而且边学边摸吗 5578 06:06:23,766 --> 06:06:25,133 主播是这样的 5579 06:06:25,533 --> 06:06:28,699 很慢的做事情都慢慢的 5580 06:06:29,600 --> 06:06:30,833 我要是快快的 5581 06:06:30,833 --> 06:06:33,833 那就就不是你们的主播了 5582 06:06:37,366 --> 06:06:39,399 对我也觉得该睡了 5583 06:09:15,733 --> 06:09:16,533 my love 5584 06:10:51,100 --> 06:10:51,900 啊 5585 06:11:31,100 --> 06:11:31,900 my love my love 5586 06:11:32,733 --> 06:11:34,299 i love you 5587 06:11:53,033 --> 06:11:53,833 you are 5588 06:11:56,800 --> 06:11:58,533 darling you wanna know what i think 5589 06:13:35,833 --> 06:13:37,099 crept out a map 5590 06:13:38,500 --> 06:13:41,733 in and out of the water i'm gonna turn it back 5591 06:13:41,733 --> 06:13:49,233 give it to the block 5592 06:13:50,700 --> 06:13:52,100 come over there 5593 06:13:53,000 --> 06:13:54,600 just like a lamp out back 5594 06:13:54,600 --> 06:14:00,433 oh god got the one that i took it blah blah blah like a sound 5595 06:14:01,100 --> 06:14:02,700 i can't look away 5596 06:14:02,700 --> 06:14:06,500 you good as a rock and more in the electro vibe 5597 06:14:06,600 --> 06:14:08,400 yeah yeah 5598 06:14:08,400 --> 06:14:12,300 please please help me check the goons that i got them back 5599 06:14:12,300 --> 06:14:14,433 i could run da back in a hindawa 5600 06:14:14,700 --> 06:14:19,333 yeah yeah please please help me from the cat 5601 06:14:19,333 --> 06:14:22,399 i knock all the black eye on the house and she thought they are 5602 06:14:22,800 --> 06:14:24,800 ah she got killer 5603 06:14:24,800 --> 06:14:26,500 she got you got killer 5604 06:14:26,800 --> 06:14:32,966 you're a killer 5605 06:14:41,566 --> 06:14:43,399 a Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha 5606 06:14:45,600 --> 06:14:47,500 a Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha 5607 06:14:49,600 --> 06:14:50,400 Cha 5608 06:15:02,133 --> 06:15:15,599 tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu 5609 06:15:32,733 --> 06:15:36,199 yeah yeah please please help me 5610 06:15:36,200 --> 06:15:38,133 stole my heart i'm a fool i just don't know 5611 06:15:38,133 --> 06:15:40,199 sinana i'm the one knows i'm not 5612 06:15:40,300 --> 06:15:44,200 yeah yeah please please help me 5613 06:15:44,200 --> 06:15:46,500 i'm naive i'm up and i call out a lot 5614 06:15:46,500 --> 06:15:48,300 so that i'm gonna say i'm gone 5615 06:15:48,500 --> 06:15:51,700 ah don't go hey cool don't go don't go 5616 06:15:51,766 --> 06:15:55,099 这一刻怎么口不一样的色 5617 06:15:56,633 --> 06:16:00,566 啊口里的字口口里的字 5618 06:16:00,566 --> 06:16:05,433 我是ain't no flaglancer ah ah Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha ah 5619 06:16:05,433 --> 06:16:08,499 she got kettle she got she got kettle 5620 06:16:08,700 --> 06:16:10,966 no i can't hold my breath 5621 06:16:11,300 --> 06:16:13,600 ah Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha ah 5622 06:16:13,600 --> 06:16:16,766 almost i don't care i'm a almost i don't care 5623 06:16:58,833 --> 06:17:00,233 从未怕未曾犹豫 5624 06:17:00,233 --> 06:17:05,433 加一波最多怕失足那一个目的 5625 06:17:06,033 --> 06:17:10,699 第二个送你只有百个但我多少暖 5626 06:17:18,733 --> 06:17:19,533 no na 5627 06:17:21,566 --> 06:17:23,533 na na na na 5628 06:17:27,500 --> 06:17:30,100 i cannot let that you do 5629 06:17:40,166 --> 06:17:41,199 sing for she could be 5630 06:17:43,766 --> 06:17:49,699 gee 5631 06:18:11,500 --> 06:18:12,300 啦 5632 06:18:14,400 --> 06:18:15,200 啦啦 5633 06:18:18,900 --> 06:18:22,500 快快睡觉吧菠萝老师辛苦了晚安晚安 5634 06:18:22,500 --> 06:18:23,400 嗯yes me 5635 06:18:24,900 --> 06:18:25,733 我也觉得 5636 06:18:25,733 --> 06:18:29,633 有的时候连续搞太久脑子就会当机 5637 06:18:32,566 --> 06:18:33,433 dj 5638 06:18:35,400 --> 06:18:43,800 dj 5639 06:18:49,233 --> 06:18:54,599 darling oh machine 5640 06:23:24,766 --> 06:23:26,099 我没睡着 5641 06:23:26,333 --> 06:23:29,366 没有怎么就睡着了呢 5642 06:23:52,000 --> 06:23:55,600 只是发现确实连着干好多事 5643 06:23:55,733 --> 06:23:57,299 就是连着 5644 06:23:59,366 --> 06:24:00,599 看很多东西 5645 06:24:00,633 --> 06:24:02,566 然后脑子就不转个了 5646 06:24:06,733 --> 06:24:08,499 时间有点久了 5647 06:25:21,966 --> 06:25:23,299 这些东西都学过 5648 06:25:23,300 --> 06:25:26,033 但是但是这些东西跟那个 5649 06:25:27,200 --> 06:25:30,600 他要我这周完成的作业好像 5650 06:25:30,900 --> 06:25:33,100 没什么太大的关系 5651 06:26:53,300 --> 06:26:55,033 我爱你的 5652 06:27:01,333 --> 06:27:03,633 evil dominator 5653 06:27:04,900 --> 06:27:07,833 o dog and i mo o dog and i 5654 06:27:07,833 --> 06:27:11,799 you're sent into silent reads 5655 06:27:11,800 --> 06:27:15,366 kauaso kauassi ka Lulu ka Lulu na 5656 06:27:15,366 --> 06:27:17,633 and i don't want you to get down 5657 06:27:18,200 --> 06:27:19,900 you let me you got me down 5658 06:27:19,933 --> 06:27:22,499 she got me down down go fly 5659 06:27:22,733 --> 06:27:24,233 escape the world there 5660 06:27:24,300 --> 06:27:27,933 me hit the club there me took a night there 5661 06:27:28,033 --> 06:27:29,933 but couldn't cause no one 5662 06:27:31,566 --> 06:27:33,933 you do me like that you need to go 5663 06:27:34,100 --> 06:27:36,733 i think i don't think i know i'm not with that 5664 06:27:36,733 --> 06:27:39,733 i'm not gonna walk your sins can't stop me right now 5665 06:27:39,933 --> 06:27:44,199 you're oh i can't stand we're gonna move on 5666 06:27:58,133 --> 06:27:59,233 forget me here 5667 06:27:59,300 --> 06:28:01,733 long to look up on the back i love my love 5668 06:28:01,733 --> 06:28:04,333 protect your knees when life like you you're gonna dance 5669 06:28:04,333 --> 06:28:05,166 with something 5670 06:28:05,166 --> 06:28:06,599 cool cool can i cool cool 5671 06:28:06,600 --> 06:28:07,500 can i cool cool 5672 06:28:07,500 --> 06:28:11,333 can i cool cook and i cool cook and i cool cool can i count 5673 06:28:41,100 --> 06:28:42,566 madness she matter 5674 06:28:42,566 --> 06:28:44,299 got here to lay on the counter 5675 06:28:44,300 --> 06:28:47,833 who does got to love me who who done it here all over you 5676 06:28:47,833 --> 06:28:48,733 who wants to know 5677 06:28:48,733 --> 06:28:50,533 who wants to know who you are who you 5678 06:28:52,766 --> 06:28:53,566 are 5679 06:28:54,500 --> 06:28:58,433 let's die you can't stop think i need down down for a while 5680 06:28:58,700 --> 06:29:00,300 just keep on walking 5681 06:29:00,400 --> 06:29:02,200 you cannot stand there 5682 06:29:02,333 --> 06:29:06,033 you can't deny that we're gonna go somewhere 5683 06:29:07,366 --> 06:29:10,099 it's a real nightmare you look out 5684 06:29:10,100 --> 06:29:12,600 she couldn't stop talking about what i need 5685 06:29:12,900 --> 06:29:14,700 like a cross talking and she might 5686 06:29:14,700 --> 06:29:20,300 oh my knee i'm falling fast and who could have caught the wall 5687 06:29:23,366 --> 06:29:25,233 cause i'm your girl now 5688 06:29:25,300 --> 06:29:28,200 这几个可以是空的然后 5689 06:29:28,833 --> 06:29:29,633 嗯 5690 06:29:31,833 --> 06:29:34,366 对于职位的开头 5691 06:29:34,433 --> 06:29:37,633 需要工作列表清洗的话需要 5692 06:29:38,100 --> 06:29:40,800 类型即便开始结束 5693 06:30:06,333 --> 06:30:08,366 建筑物的名称 5694 06:30:08,366 --> 06:30:14,566 然后所有的属性都应该是强制的 5695 06:30:19,500 --> 06:30:20,366 i need 5696 06:30:23,566 --> 06:30:24,366 you 5697 06:30:42,133 --> 06:30:43,166 吃东西了吧 5698 06:30:43,166 --> 06:30:44,933 吃东西就哑了 5699 06:30:58,366 --> 06:31:00,366 i hope to be a ride of myself tumbling 5700 06:31:04,166 --> 06:31:05,133 and i don't wanna hear 5701 06:31:05,133 --> 06:31:08,033 another word about our personal problems until i get this down 5702 06:31:31,766 --> 06:31:32,566 uh 5703 06:31:49,200 --> 06:31:50,700 so he's gonna feel about it 5704 06:33:09,033 --> 06:33:12,233 一下要开始试试做这个东西了 5705 06:33:12,733 --> 06:33:15,366 这个尾巴还可以当电风扇的呀 5706 06:33:15,833 --> 06:33:17,933 等下试试做这个东西 5707 06:33:30,600 --> 06:33:34,400 充电器然后我必须叫这个名字 5708 06:34:06,600 --> 06:34:08,000 创建一个word文档 5709 06:34:08,000 --> 06:34:11,966 并完成以下跟你的业务相关的问题 5710 06:34:11,966 --> 06:34:14,599 description什么 5711 06:34:14,600 --> 06:34:19,800 每个答案必区全面至少需要4个橘子 5712 06:34:20,533 --> 06:34:21,333 嗯 5713 06:35:01,000 --> 06:35:04,566 我可以跟大家一起编写一下这个东西 5714 06:35:04,566 --> 06:35:10,499 大豆蜡大豆蜡烛然后包装纸盒 5715 06:35:10,566 --> 06:35:11,199 嗯 5716 06:35:11,200 --> 06:35:12,566 谢谢你啊 5717 06:35:36,133 --> 06:35:38,166 大豆蜡蜡烛 5718 06:35:39,233 --> 06:35:40,733 晚安娘娘 5719 06:35:49,133 --> 06:35:50,366 谢谢娘家的时刻 5720 06:35:50,366 --> 06:35:52,166 青春的青春快乐 5721 06:35:52,166 --> 06:35:53,966 非常感谢爱丽来到 5722 06:35:55,033 --> 06:35:56,633 包装纸盒 5723 06:35:59,200 --> 06:36:01,233 大高大这边一般是多少钱啊 5724 06:36:01,233 --> 06:36:02,399 哈哈哈 5725 06:36:02,400 --> 06:36:04,233 我都不知道这件事 5726 06:36:04,966 --> 06:36:07,233 我去这边那个那个 5727 06:36:07,300 --> 06:36:09,233 这个亚马逊上查一查 5728 06:36:20,166 --> 06:36:22,133 没事十指不沾阳春水了 5729 06:36:22,133 --> 06:36:25,599 家人们主要在这边没买过这种东西 5730 06:36:34,433 --> 06:36:36,333 温柔的幸运释放 5731 06:36:36,333 --> 06:36:37,166 感谢主播 5732 06:36:37,166 --> 06:36:38,599 在哪流行呀 5733 06:36:38,900 --> 06:36:40,100 我在加拿大 5734 06:36:40,333 --> 06:36:41,799 你也是留学生吗 5735 06:36:44,333 --> 06:36:49,833 这个卖的最多的大豆蜡是20磅21磅 5736 06:36:50,233 --> 06:36:52,766 23块钱这么便宜 5737 06:36:52,766 --> 06:36:54,233 那就一磅一块 5738 06:36:54,600 --> 06:36:56,933 呃不对啊他这不是 5739 06:36:58,200 --> 06:37:02,533 对20磅 20磅是60的 5740 06:37:03,533 --> 06:37:06,199 65刀除以21磅是3块2毛 5741 06:37:06,200 --> 06:37:07,733 我们假设我们 5742 06:37:07,966 --> 06:37:12,033 呃一个月能用掉你之前是已经回国了 5743 06:37:13,300 --> 06:37:14,533 真好呀 5744 06:37:14,933 --> 06:37:18,533 我也希望赶快顺利毕业赶快回国 5745 06:37:19,100 --> 06:37:21,500 一个月50磅吧 5746 06:37:21,566 --> 06:37:26,733 然后假设他是60刀嗯嗯嗯大概这样 5747 06:37:27,933 --> 06:37:29,999 10磅真的不对 5748 06:37:30,000 --> 06:37:30,900 20磅 5749 06:37:31,566 --> 06:37:36,433 假设我一个月能用掉20斤的精油 5750 06:37:36,433 --> 06:37:39,699 那么它的成本就是65刀 5751 06:37:42,200 --> 06:37:45,500 然后香薰精油的说话 5752 06:37:56,733 --> 06:37:59,033 一般是多少钱呢 5753 06:37:59,300 --> 06:38:02,100 如果要买一整套10个的话 5754 06:38:02,400 --> 06:38:04,500 嗯就是我 5755 06:38:05,166 --> 06:38:07,199 我听以为你在英国 5756 06:38:07,233 --> 06:38:09,833 加拿大这边也是很棒的啦 5757 06:38:11,933 --> 06:38:15,599 其实在我心里一磅跟一斤就差不多了 5758 06:38:16,400 --> 06:38:19,566 嗯假设我们买差不多一点的精油 5759 06:38:19,566 --> 06:38:21,899 那一套就是40到 5760 06:38:28,800 --> 06:38:29,900 50刀吧 5761 06:38:29,966 --> 06:38:30,766 嗯 5762 06:38:31,733 --> 06:38:34,699 但是这个这个会不会会不会 5763 06:38:34,800 --> 06:38:37,800 显得我这个公司有点小气啊 5764 06:38:37,800 --> 06:38:40,833 一个月成本才才100多刀 5765 06:38:44,300 --> 06:38:47,600 就我们我们多多多虚构一点吧 5766 06:38:49,033 --> 06:38:52,099 因为你有英榜二是那个重量的 5767 06:38:52,366 --> 06:38:53,599 重量单位 5768 06:39:00,833 --> 06:39:02,899 公司是不是有点太小气了 5769 06:39:02,900 --> 06:39:05,100 一个月成本就几百的 5770 06:39:05,200 --> 06:39:06,800 这这这这 5771 06:39:12,733 --> 06:39:15,366 但其实我觉得好像够用了 5772 06:39:19,633 --> 06:39:22,733 如果是包装纸盒的话 5773 06:39:26,300 --> 06:39:27,766 加拿大哪里呀 5774 06:39:28,000 --> 06:39:28,633 嗯 5775 06:39:28,633 --> 06:39:31,199 这个问题不是很方便透了 5776 06:39:32,833 --> 06:39:35,499 但是不是那个温哥华那边 5777 06:39:39,800 --> 06:39:42,766 在比较接近美国的这一边 5778 06:39:44,500 --> 06:39:48,033 刘先生嘛很多都是这样的地方嘛 5779 06:40:15,433 --> 06:40:18,566 每个月预估大概就是这些钱 5780 06:40:19,500 --> 06:40:22,000 你在国外有信息保护那是呀 5781 06:40:22,533 --> 06:40:25,566 因为我观众很多都是流星星 5782 06:40:26,933 --> 06:40:28,299 我要说明白的话 5783 06:40:28,300 --> 06:40:31,733 他们有一些是怎么把我开了的 5784 06:40:32,566 --> 06:40:33,733 就是说 5785 06:40:33,733 --> 06:40:34,533 呃 5786 06:40:34,833 --> 06:40:36,833 也没有保护的那么狠啊 5787 06:40:36,833 --> 06:40:39,499 基基本上就是没在哪个学校 5788 06:40:39,500 --> 06:40:41,600 在哪个学校没告诉大伙 5789 06:40:48,133 --> 06:40:51,599 万一我有校友呢是吧那多吓人呢 5790 06:40:53,200 --> 06:40:55,400 我之前发舰长礼物的时候 5791 06:40:55,400 --> 06:40:58,900 发现有人的地址离我的老家就三条街 5792 06:40:58,900 --> 06:41:00,100 吓得我一抖 5793 06:41:29,966 --> 06:41:31,966 你的朋友可能认识中之人 5794 06:41:31,966 --> 06:41:33,166 但他肯定不认识 5795 06:41:33,166 --> 06:41:34,133 米呀米呀 5796 06:41:35,100 --> 06:41:37,800 我一般我都不太跟就 5797 06:41:38,366 --> 06:41:40,566 留学生一起玩 5798 06:41:40,566 --> 06:41:42,966 其实我不是特别跟留学生一起玩 5799 06:41:42,966 --> 06:41:44,633 因为我我性格挺 5800 06:41:45,833 --> 06:41:47,166 挺自闭的 5801 06:41:47,166 --> 06:41:50,766 然后之前在国内待了蛮久呢 5802 06:41:51,600 --> 06:41:52,400 就 5803 06:41:54,300 --> 06:41:56,100 不认识太多人 5804 06:42:05,966 --> 06:42:09,599 这表示我可以知道这些东西的性质 5805 06:42:10,933 --> 06:42:12,199 那我们这个公司 5806 06:42:12,200 --> 06:42:15,566 一个月的成本也才呃呃 5807 06:42:15,933 --> 06:42:17,833 400到这么少 5808 06:42:34,966 --> 06:42:36,499 社孔吗不应该吗 5809 06:42:36,500 --> 06:42:38,400 语言不是特别好而且 5810 06:42:38,933 --> 06:42:41,399 很多学生常玩的一些 5811 06:42:41,400 --> 06:42:43,733 大伙经常凑在一起干的事情 5812 06:42:43,800 --> 06:42:46,233 很多我没什么太大的兴趣 5813 06:42:47,033 --> 06:42:48,566 我比较安静因为 5814 06:42:48,566 --> 06:42:50,899 谢谢凉生凉意的比克拉芳 5815 06:42:50,900 --> 06:42:53,533 感谢谢谢关注我爱丽爱到 5816 06:42:54,366 --> 06:42:59,766 我认为我会追踪销售跟发票 5817 06:43:00,133 --> 06:43:01,799 我还会 5818 06:43:02,533 --> 06:43:04,533 追踪哪些事情 5819 06:43:04,533 --> 06:43:06,766 嗯客户 5820 06:43:08,033 --> 06:43:10,133 的回购率 5821 06:43:10,800 --> 06:43:11,600 嗯 5822 06:43:19,600 --> 06:43:23,533 大部分客户选择的 5823 06:43:24,700 --> 06:43:27,533 蜡烛的价格区间 5824 06:43:28,100 --> 06:43:33,333 嗯判断之后的生产趋势 5825 06:43:36,700 --> 06:43:40,033 店长离我三条街那个真的那是真的 5826 06:43:40,033 --> 06:43:41,699 我之前整理那个 5827 06:43:41,966 --> 06:43:44,499 店长地址的时候发现了没 5828 06:43:44,500 --> 06:43:46,700 没事反正我都已经走了 5829 06:43:47,433 --> 06:43:49,766 反正我现在都人在国外了 5830 06:43:49,766 --> 06:43:52,099 我当时都没好意思跟大伙说 5831 06:43:52,100 --> 06:43:54,700 万一他们大伙都开始自诉 5832 06:43:54,700 --> 06:43:58,400 开始找到底是谁离我三条街那就 5833 06:43:59,633 --> 06:44:00,433 哎 5834 06:44:31,166 --> 06:44:33,433 是我吗哎呀你看 5835 06:44:36,500 --> 06:44:39,166 严查东北舰长真吓人 5836 06:44:39,166 --> 06:44:40,599 你们你们你看你看 5837 06:44:40,600 --> 06:44:43,366 我就说了你们肯定会有人搞这个 5838 06:44:43,533 --> 06:44:45,299 我真的不好说了 5839 06:44:45,566 --> 06:44:46,999 一群变态 5840 06:44:48,500 --> 06:44:49,600 欢迎诺亚 5841 06:45:15,933 --> 06:45:18,133 他们开玩笑的啦 5842 06:45:18,600 --> 06:45:20,433 之前那个 5843 06:45:21,600 --> 06:45:24,800 的事情大家还都都那个什么 5844 06:45:25,933 --> 06:45:29,099 都都叫我好好保护一次我 5845 06:45:29,100 --> 06:45:30,966 因为人都挺好的 5846 06:46:19,566 --> 06:46:20,766 大家也是啊 5847 06:46:20,766 --> 06:46:22,899 我现在应该不是早点休息了 5848 06:46:22,900 --> 06:46:25,400 现在应该是很很早 5849 06:46:25,400 --> 06:46:27,766 我这已经掌握了主播就是向晚的 5850 06:46:27,766 --> 06:46:30,633 祝你祝你早日顺利毕业 5851 06:46:31,633 --> 06:46:34,333 真好我也希望早日顺利毕业 5852 06:46:34,566 --> 06:46:35,366 啊 5853 06:46:37,200 --> 06:46:38,800 希望希望希望 5854 06:46:40,233 --> 06:46:42,566 现在还在这边写作业 5855 06:46:42,566 --> 06:46:43,966 怎么写作业 5856 06:46:52,800 --> 06:46:54,700 这两天真吐了天天图书馆 5857 06:46:54,700 --> 06:46:55,933 现在图书馆都不敢去 5858 06:46:55,933 --> 06:46:58,333 我现在天天在家里地下室哎 5859 06:46:59,800 --> 06:47:00,933 哎 5860 06:47:30,766 --> 06:47:32,366 想起来都是泪 5861 06:47:36,033 --> 06:47:39,966 我最后悔的就是之前没好好学习 5862 06:47:40,133 --> 06:47:42,433 就是一直是系统不太好 5863 06:47:43,200 --> 06:47:45,733 我跟向往从来没同框出现过 5864 06:47:45,733 --> 06:47:48,966 是吧我们还都有这个紫色的头发 5865 06:47:48,966 --> 06:47:50,366 还都养水母 5866 06:48:12,633 --> 06:48:14,399 你们是有中国留学生吗 5867 06:48:14,400 --> 06:48:16,300 肯定有啊有不少呢 5868 06:48:32,766 --> 06:48:34,399 整个戏就你一个 5869 06:48:34,400 --> 06:48:37,733 我是读的大戏我是学上课的 5870 06:48:37,966 --> 06:48:42,566 你你是学了什么很很小众的戏吗 5871 06:48:43,333 --> 06:48:47,599 就什么哲学艺术史这些吗 5872 06:48:58,200 --> 06:49:00,200 你学金融跟会计 5873 06:49:01,000 --> 06:49:03,500 会计整个戏就你一个人 5874 06:49:04,966 --> 06:49:07,433 会计不是很大很大的戏吗 5875 06:49:08,000 --> 06:49:10,633 为什么会只有你一个人啊 5876 06:49:12,566 --> 06:49:15,599 我这边一块砖掉下来干碎 5877 06:49:15,600 --> 06:49:17,166 三个中国留学生 5878 06:49:17,166 --> 06:49:19,699 就有两个半都是学上课的 5879 06:49:20,300 --> 06:49:23,000 还有半个是选修过上课的 5880 06:49:44,966 --> 06:49:49,766 聪明你应该做一个就挺好的戏 5881 06:49:50,300 --> 06:49:52,700 就可以难度太大了 5882 06:49:55,200 --> 06:49:59,000 那你说你能毕业说明你真的好厉害 5883 06:49:59,000 --> 06:50:03,133 我也我也希望我能说你毕业然后 5884 06:50:03,500 --> 06:50:06,000 尽量考考点的分手吧 5885 06:50:51,033 --> 06:50:52,799 只能靠自己 5886 06:50:53,300 --> 06:50:55,400 你真的好厉害 5887 06:50:56,100 --> 06:50:56,900 哎 5888 06:51:00,000 --> 06:51:01,533 大家快帮我编编 5889 06:51:01,900 --> 06:51:03,133 怎么才能相信 5890 06:51:03,133 --> 06:51:05,733 自己生产的香薰蜡烛会成功 5891 06:51:05,733 --> 06:51:07,566 要编250个字 5892 06:51:42,100 --> 06:51:43,000 很香 5893 06:51:43,900 --> 06:51:46,300 对我要做一个虚拟的公司 5894 06:51:46,300 --> 06:51:48,700 然后要我要自己生产那个什么 5895 06:51:48,700 --> 06:51:50,433 买它就送雨刮器 5896 06:53:17,200 --> 06:53:18,766 我想我就这么想 5897 06:53:19,033 --> 06:53:22,733 在现代社会年轻人的压力越来越大 5898 06:53:22,733 --> 06:53:24,033 他们开始 5899 06:53:24,433 --> 06:53:26,699 比以前更加重视一些 5900 06:53:26,700 --> 06:53:28,966 精神上的放松方式 5901 06:53:29,200 --> 06:53:32,433 香薰蜡烛作为一种较为精致 5902 06:53:32,433 --> 06:53:34,166 小资的新型产品 5903 06:53:34,166 --> 06:53:38,499 受到了越来越多年轻人的喜爱跟欢迎 5904 06:53:38,733 --> 06:53:42,299 比起香水跟香氛这些同类产品 5905 06:53:42,300 --> 06:53:44,566 购买香薰蜡烛的顾客往往 5906 06:53:44,566 --> 06:53:45,533 会认为 5907 06:53:45,700 --> 06:53:49,333 香薰蜡烛燃烧产生的火焰会会带来 5908 06:53:49,433 --> 06:53:50,199 温暖感 5909 06:53:50,200 --> 06:53:53,000 更有利于他们的精神感到放松 5910 06:53:53,000 --> 06:53:57,233 同时香薰蜡烛的制作工艺也连年进步 5911 06:53:57,400 --> 06:53:58,200 嗯 5912 06:54:01,366 --> 06:54:02,166 嗯 5913 06:54:03,133 --> 06:54:08,899 已经克服了燃烧会产生 5914 06:54:10,333 --> 06:54:12,499 有害烟雾 5915 06:54:17,133 --> 06:54:18,599 的缺点 5916 06:54:50,333 --> 06:54:57,499 也有着作为装饰品的作用嗯 5917 06:55:07,200 --> 06:55:09,166 它的价格其实并不低 5918 06:55:09,300 --> 06:55:13,300 这么制作的话嗯较为美观吧只能说 5919 06:55:18,033 --> 06:55:18,833 嗯 5920 06:55:20,766 --> 06:55:22,566 常常被 5921 06:55:23,633 --> 06:55:24,433 嗯 5922 06:55:26,000 --> 06:55:27,333 用于 5923 06:55:28,833 --> 06:55:31,166 作为一片 5924 06:55:33,400 --> 06:55:35,033 对比同类产品 5925 06:55:35,033 --> 06:55:36,333 没说它便宜 5926 06:55:37,033 --> 06:55:38,033 就我的 5927 06:55:38,033 --> 06:55:42,633 我生产的东西对于对比同类产品吗 5928 06:55:49,533 --> 06:55:54,166 via cat这个香薰蜡烛 5929 06:55:54,933 --> 06:55:55,899 公司 5930 06:56:02,700 --> 06:56:05,500 嗯由于是 5931 06:56:06,300 --> 06:56:09,033 啊我个人 5932 06:56:10,000 --> 06:56:13,366 创办的我个人 5933 06:56:16,100 --> 06:56:19,000 的小型公司 5934 06:56:19,200 --> 06:56:22,100 不需要额外付出 5935 06:56:23,100 --> 06:56:26,500 人力成本的费用 5936 06:56:27,633 --> 06:56:28,499 而 5937 06:56:29,300 --> 06:56:33,600 生产香薰蜡烛的工艺 5938 06:56:35,033 --> 06:56:37,733 其实并不困难 5939 06:56:41,233 --> 06:56:42,999 对不对我不应该说这些 5940 06:56:43,000 --> 06:56:45,600 因为我应该说为什么他受欢迎 5941 06:56:46,100 --> 06:56:48,366 由于呃 5942 06:56:48,933 --> 06:56:51,899 香薰蜡烛的成本 5943 06:56:54,200 --> 06:56:55,533 实际上 5944 06:56:56,733 --> 06:56:59,433 制作成本实际上 5945 06:57:00,366 --> 06:57:07,199 远远低于成品香薰蜡烛售卖的价格 5946 06:57:08,100 --> 06:57:09,433 因为 5947 06:57:11,833 --> 06:57:18,599 大品牌往往有许多品牌衣架 5948 06:57:35,933 --> 06:57:38,199 可以低于市场价格 5949 06:57:39,033 --> 06:57:40,633 的定价 5950 06:57:41,766 --> 06:57:43,366 打开市场 5951 06:57:43,400 --> 06:57:45,900 就首先是为什么我能成功 5952 06:57:45,900 --> 06:57:46,566 因为这个东西 5953 06:57:46,566 --> 06:57:48,699 首先它存在着很多的需求 5954 06:57:48,700 --> 06:57:51,433 然后就是我的定价不高 5955 06:57:51,933 --> 06:57:53,799 同时呢嗯 5956 06:58:08,800 --> 06:58:11,033 我可以使用 5957 06:58:12,800 --> 06:58:13,933 多种 5958 06:58:14,800 --> 06:58:15,633 配饰 5959 06:58:19,766 --> 06:58:20,933 增强 5960 06:58:22,100 --> 06:58:24,300 它的美观性 5961 06:58:24,933 --> 06:58:25,733 呃 5962 06:58:27,600 --> 06:58:30,133 增多够满意吗 5963 06:58:30,133 --> 06:58:31,933 他就是想让你知道 5964 06:58:32,033 --> 06:58:34,533 这个这个大头不在这个上面 5965 06:58:35,500 --> 06:58:36,800 可以随便吹吗 5966 06:58:36,800 --> 06:58:38,533 但是不用我随便吹了 5967 06:58:38,533 --> 06:58:40,166 我觉得我编就能编出来 5968 06:58:40,200 --> 06:58:43,300 让你我无心阿罗 5969 06:58:45,533 --> 06:58:50,499 记忆中那里的自我 5970 06:58:50,933 --> 06:58:53,033 我应该结合着这个 5971 06:58:53,033 --> 06:58:53,999 信息系统 5972 06:58:54,000 --> 06:58:56,600 知识决策的这个东西来看一下 5973 06:58:56,800 --> 06:58:57,733 hey papa 5974 06:59:06,366 --> 06:59:12,366 papa 5975 06:59:24,100 --> 06:59:24,900 da da da da 5976 06:59:31,600 --> 06:59:32,400 da da 5977 06:59:41,166 --> 06:59:44,633 在这个制造流程的环节中 5978 07:00:05,966 --> 07:00:08,333 感觉可以写做过市场调查 5979 07:00:08,333 --> 07:00:10,833 从消费者的这个那个什么 5980 07:00:11,033 --> 07:00:14,533 针对其他品牌的不足我做了什么改进 5981 07:00:14,833 --> 07:00:17,299 主要他要靠那个流程 5982 07:00:17,300 --> 07:00:19,100 就是要在业务系统里面 5983 07:00:19,100 --> 07:00:20,700 就是库存管理 5984 07:00:20,700 --> 07:00:24,133 制造销售跟客户支持流程 5985 07:00:24,366 --> 07:00:26,166 这些在流程里面 5986 07:00:26,300 --> 07:00:28,200 我再我再尽量把我写的这个东西 5987 07:00:28,200 --> 07:00:29,900 往流程上面靠一下 5988 07:00:38,333 --> 07:00:42,366 so he don't love me no no 5989 07:00:46,400 --> 07:00:47,766 是那么虚荣 5990 07:00:48,800 --> 07:00:51,600 看似花火的中国 5991 07:00:51,700 --> 07:00:52,600 呼吸感动 5992 07:00:53,600 --> 07:00:57,500 走过你一发的脖子耶 5993 07:00:58,100 --> 07:01:00,366 不知道你到底有没有 5994 07:01:02,766 --> 07:01:04,399 预约在见面 5995 07:01:04,566 --> 07:01:06,599 利用信息系统高效管理 5996 07:01:06,600 --> 07:01:09,300 生产销售运输等各个环节 5997 07:01:09,733 --> 07:01:11,933 都关键我应该我应该怎么 5998 07:01:12,000 --> 07:01:14,433 怎么怎么利用这个信息系统呢 5999 07:01:15,800 --> 07:01:17,200 na na 6000 07:01:20,933 --> 07:01:21,899 na na 6001 07:01:26,933 --> 07:01:27,733 na 6002 07:01:28,966 --> 07:01:31,566 苦海的咸咸咸的 6003 07:01:31,566 --> 07:01:37,133 日子从哪里找到好寄加热 6004 07:01:38,333 --> 07:01:40,599 oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 6005 07:01:45,200 --> 07:01:46,000 oh 6006 07:01:53,500 --> 07:01:55,500 恭喜你哪里答应 6007 07:02:05,533 --> 07:02:08,599 但是他要说的是就这个 6008 07:02:09,300 --> 07:02:12,600 你为什么会觉得你的这个产品可以卖 6009 07:02:12,600 --> 07:02:17,100 卖很多出去就为什么会成功 6010 07:02:18,000 --> 07:02:19,966 啊对也可以这么说 6011 07:02:57,500 --> 07:02:59,900 还可以说它品控稳定 6012 07:03:09,800 --> 07:03:12,933 行的这个是只有我一个人的公司 6013 07:03:12,933 --> 07:03:15,199 我在我家的地下室 6014 07:03:15,500 --> 07:03:18,433 开的一个只有一个人的手工作坊 6015 07:03:18,833 --> 07:03:23,166 我不能说有各部门也不能说等待时间 6016 07:03:23,200 --> 07:03:25,333 因为各部门只有我自己 6017 07:03:46,833 --> 07:03:49,833 我后面要这么写的我说那个他 6018 07:03:50,033 --> 07:03:52,333 因为他是我个人的公司 6019 07:03:52,333 --> 07:03:55,333 不需要额外付出一些人力成本 6020 07:03:55,333 --> 07:03:58,366 制造流程中因为他的制作成本实际上 6021 07:03:58,766 --> 07:04:01,499 很很低然后他售卖的价格又很高 6022 07:04:01,500 --> 07:04:03,633 所以首先是有利可图 6023 07:04:03,633 --> 07:04:06,599 然后是我可以以低价打开市场 6024 07:04:06,600 --> 07:04:09,366 最后是我可以用很多种配饰去 6025 07:04:09,533 --> 07:04:10,833 增强他的美观性 6026 07:04:10,833 --> 07:04:12,633 跟我们这个产品的竞争力 6027 07:04:12,633 --> 07:04:13,933 销售这个方面 6028 07:04:14,300 --> 07:04:17,966 这个香薰蜡烛的运输跟保存较为简单 6029 07:04:18,033 --> 07:04:20,999 同时因为制作工艺的原因品控稳定 6030 07:04:21,000 --> 07:04:24,200 在售后方面不需要付出太多的成本 6031 07:04:24,366 --> 07:04:26,533 然后在销售策略方面 6032 07:04:26,533 --> 07:04:29,799 选择面向年轻人的目标市场推送产品 6033 07:04:29,800 --> 07:04:30,766 这样可以 6034 07:04:31,166 --> 07:04:34,433 呃有更多的这个付费意愿吧 6035 07:04:34,966 --> 07:04:38,099 我内行指导内行降低内部冲突 6036 07:04:40,033 --> 07:04:42,099 你你来指导一下我吧 6037 07:04:42,100 --> 07:04:43,033 我这关键是 6038 07:04:43,100 --> 07:04:45,200 我我不知道该把它写成什么样 6039 07:04:45,200 --> 07:04:47,033 就因为这是一个CS的作业 6040 07:04:47,033 --> 07:04:51,299 然后我结果我还在这写这些嗯 6041 07:04:53,100 --> 07:04:54,800 嗯呃我选择 6042 07:04:55,100 --> 07:04:57,133 呃是这样 6043 07:04:57,133 --> 07:05:00,733 使用网络下单方式 6044 07:05:01,700 --> 07:05:04,300 我可以同时扮演资本家和工人 6045 07:05:04,300 --> 07:05:05,500 自己压下去 6046 07:05:07,600 --> 07:05:08,400 啊哈 6047 07:05:09,633 --> 07:05:14,366 使用网络下单方式全自动啊 6048 07:05:17,233 --> 07:05:18,399 接收订单 6049 07:05:18,566 --> 07:05:20,733 然后抄一段抄一段 6050 07:05:21,600 --> 07:05:26,533 呃不需要额外的时间成本 6051 07:05:26,933 --> 07:05:28,299 进行培训 6052 07:05:28,300 --> 07:05:29,166 哈哈 6053 07:05:30,366 --> 07:05:31,233 抄一段抄一 6054 07:05:31,233 --> 07:05:33,199 段PPT啊抄一段抄一段 6055 07:05:49,966 --> 07:05:52,799 狠狠的进对PPT进行一个抄袭 6056 07:05:57,966 --> 07:06:02,166 哒哒哒把主要的点都说到了 6057 07:06:02,166 --> 07:06:03,999 关键我不知道这些东西 6058 07:06:04,133 --> 07:06:06,133 是不是他想知道的 6059 07:06:06,633 --> 07:06:08,766 因为这是一门 6060 07:06:08,766 --> 07:06:11,199 我始终都记得这是一门CS的课 6061 07:06:11,200 --> 07:06:13,533 我不知道这些是不是他想听的 6062 07:06:21,633 --> 07:06:24,033 如果是他想听的当然最好了 6063 07:06:27,933 --> 07:06:30,199 这些都是我以前学过的 6064 07:06:30,200 --> 07:06:31,833 都没有啥东西了 6065 07:06:45,233 --> 07:06:47,566 it如何创造商业价值 6066 07:06:48,600 --> 07:06:50,166 不是今天学的那些 6067 07:06:50,166 --> 07:06:52,299 就是现在PPT的这些 6068 07:06:52,300 --> 07:06:54,633 这些都是就是那个 6069 07:06:55,600 --> 07:06:56,600 商业内容了 6070 07:06:56,600 --> 07:06:59,033 不是我们我们拿那个 6071 07:06:59,033 --> 07:07:01,566 那个第二画表的那个 6072 07:07:02,366 --> 07:07:05,633 当然最后还是要做到给第二画表 6073 07:07:11,500 --> 07:07:13,966 哇有了有了看到了 6074 07:08:06,500 --> 07:08:06,733 对 6075 07:08:06,733 --> 07:08:10,799 应该是用他要用这个武力模型来分析 6076 07:08:11,400 --> 07:08:12,200 哦 6077 07:08:19,966 --> 07:08:23,333 的话应该是以细分行业 6078 07:08:23,333 --> 07:08:25,099 行业细分为重点的 6079 07:08:25,100 --> 07:08:27,733 差异化竞争以及成本领先 6080 07:10:05,233 --> 07:10:10,133 专门专供那个什么年轻女性市场 6081 07:10:10,133 --> 07:10:12,299 然后就因为 6082 07:10:12,333 --> 07:10:15,799 大公司的那个品牌产品一般都 6083 07:10:15,833 --> 07:10:17,199 没有那么时尚吗 6084 07:10:17,200 --> 07:10:18,766 要要要 6085 07:10:19,566 --> 07:10:22,699 多考虑大众的审美吗 6086 07:10:22,700 --> 07:10:25,133 然后我就可以进行一个 6087 07:10:25,333 --> 07:10:29,033 年轻女性细分市场的一个 6088 07:10:29,566 --> 07:10:30,966 呃研究啊 6089 07:10:31,400 --> 07:10:32,966 我也不知道我应该怎么说 6090 07:10:32,966 --> 07:10:34,199 反正就这么想 6091 07:10:34,200 --> 07:10:36,766 我肯定是实现不了什么跨行业成本 6092 07:10:36,766 --> 07:10:38,566 领先的凭什么我跟小作坊比 6093 07:10:38,566 --> 07:10:41,899 人家比人家那个大的要要那什么呀 6094 07:10:42,933 --> 07:10:44,433 然后呃 6095 07:10:47,500 --> 07:10:49,700 对这些话真的就很难透 6096 07:11:06,966 --> 07:11:09,366 我没有什么颠覆性的技术 6097 07:11:09,633 --> 07:11:11,499 也没有什么技术的改革 6098 07:11:11,700 --> 07:11:12,900 关键就是 6099 07:11:44,566 --> 07:11:46,699 对啊定价肯定高不了 6100 07:11:54,766 --> 07:11:56,199 大概就这样吧 6101 07:11:57,933 --> 07:11:59,199 大概就这样 6102 07:11:59,433 --> 07:12:00,233 嗯 6103 07:12:01,300 --> 07:12:05,133 我觉得我写的不少挺多的 6104 07:12:23,366 --> 07:12:25,499 一觉睡醒了我还在写 6105 07:12:37,200 --> 07:12:38,000 baby 6106 07:12:49,600 --> 07:12:50,733 you and me 6107 07:12:53,833 --> 07:12:56,333 94个小心心是挂了多久啊 6108 07:12:56,333 --> 07:12:58,233 要看好久好久呢 6109 07:13:25,200 --> 07:13:28,966 嗯一天24颗就是好几天的 6110 07:13:36,233 --> 07:13:38,566 你还真能憋能来了 6111 07:13:43,400 --> 07:13:45,800 不是考六级啦嘿呀 6112 07:13:47,366 --> 07:13:50,099 是大学本科 6113 07:13:56,933 --> 07:13:59,766 这有没有我写了500多个字 6114 07:13:59,766 --> 07:14:01,199 也也不少了吧 6115 07:14:01,200 --> 07:14:02,766 也还可以了 6116 07:14:10,166 --> 07:14:12,033 还在学是呀 6117 07:14:13,366 --> 07:14:17,333 这个名字应该叫做文件令纯伟 6118 07:14:17,333 --> 07:14:18,499 应该叫做 6119 07:14:18,800 --> 07:14:20,566 让我看一下他应该叫什么 6120 07:14:25,300 --> 07:14:27,833 大一10门挂了8门 6121 07:14:28,700 --> 07:14:31,366 那补考费很贵吧 6122 07:14:32,533 --> 07:14:34,533 没有很多钱补考吧 6123 07:14:42,333 --> 07:14:46,766 our accounts name company name ar 6124 07:15:17,833 --> 07:15:21,766 没办法都是西班牙语授课你听不懂啊 6125 07:15:21,766 --> 07:15:23,633 我也学过西班牙语 6126 07:15:23,633 --> 07:15:26,099 但现在基本都还给老师了 6127 07:15:26,733 --> 07:15:29,566 我之前选修过西班牙语 6128 07:15:30,500 --> 07:15:33,300 你大学读了5年辛苦了辛苦了 6129 07:15:33,300 --> 07:15:35,933 早上好花期啊还有 6130 07:15:45,533 --> 07:15:47,366 直接多读了1年 6131 07:15:59,933 --> 07:16:01,166 大一相当于白给 6132 07:16:01,166 --> 07:16:03,099 现在MV是什么都不会呢 6133 07:16:03,100 --> 07:16:04,400 我什么都不会 6134 07:16:04,533 --> 07:16:06,299 我刚写完了一个 6135 07:16:07,300 --> 07:16:09,966 感觉可能还可以吧 6136 07:16:11,533 --> 07:16:14,233 嗯然后把这个写完了之后 6137 07:16:14,233 --> 07:16:16,633 要开始做图表了 6138 07:16:16,633 --> 07:16:19,199 这个表的要求还蛮高的 6139 07:16:19,933 --> 07:16:21,633 困了吧安排气球 6140 07:16:22,200 --> 07:16:24,566 压心里谢谢你陪我这么久 6141 07:16:24,700 --> 07:16:25,800 来了一个来到 6142 07:16:26,600 --> 07:16:28,766 一门书写一门中文 6143 07:16:31,400 --> 07:16:34,166 哎你选就写了个中文 6144 07:16:34,166 --> 07:16:36,099 说明你手速还挺快的 6145 07:16:36,233 --> 07:16:38,833 感觉中文不是很好抢啊 6146 07:16:38,966 --> 07:16:40,766 中文挺难抢的吧 6147 07:16:44,700 --> 07:16:46,533 继续做图了家人们 6148 07:16:47,900 --> 07:16:49,833 家人们哎 6149 07:17:01,300 --> 07:17:03,800 老师看见你进去都说好了 6150 07:17:06,600 --> 07:17:08,133 不是挺好的吗 6151 07:17:22,300 --> 07:17:24,766 0.7不会是要我 6152 07:17:39,166 --> 07:17:42,966 老师是个西班牙人教你中国人学中文 6153 07:17:44,100 --> 07:17:45,566 那你这门课你再挂了 6154 07:17:45,566 --> 07:17:48,533 那你那你可太太对不起了 6155 07:17:48,633 --> 07:17:50,433 太对不起老师了 6156 07:17:50,933 --> 07:17:51,933 谢谢老爷晚安 6157 07:17:51,933 --> 07:17:54,033 熬夜私密晚安香草 6158 07:17:55,500 --> 07:17:57,333 辛苦了辛苦了 6159 07:17:58,500 --> 07:18:00,333 麻了为什么麻了 6160 07:18:47,333 --> 07:18:49,033 我在想要不要休息一会 6161 07:18:49,033 --> 07:18:51,166 再回来继续做那个表 6162 07:18:52,000 --> 07:18:53,566 我想歇一会 6163 07:18:53,900 --> 07:18:55,200 家人们 6164 07:18:55,800 --> 07:18:58,533 你去了三节课后来没去追去考试 6165 07:18:58,533 --> 07:19:00,166 老师不给你前提 6166 07:19:00,766 --> 07:19:02,366 老师真好 6167 07:19:03,200 --> 07:19:06,366 我想歇一会我播太久了 6168 07:19:07,733 --> 07:19:10,099 我们我们早上再见好不好 6169 07:19:10,100 --> 07:19:12,033 我今天一定要把那个表做完 6170 07:19:12,033 --> 07:19:14,633 然后我明天考一个试 6171 07:19:14,766 --> 07:19:16,366 然后后天再复习一天 6172 07:19:16,366 --> 07:19:17,833 到后天再复习一天 6173 07:19:19,033 --> 07:19:20,499 不行不行不行 6174 07:19:20,500 --> 07:19:23,733 我要歇一会了我在这坐7个小时了 6175 07:19:23,733 --> 07:19:27,166 太累了家人们下播休息一会吧 6176 07:19:28,000 --> 07:19:29,233 下午休息一会吧 6177 07:19:29,233 --> 07:19:31,099 你为什么选西班牙也不选中文 6178 07:19:31,100 --> 07:19:33,933 那当然是因为我抢不到中文呐 6179 07:19:33,966 --> 07:19:35,699 那当然是因为我抢不到中文啊 6180 07:19:35,700 --> 07:19:38,166 我要能抢到中文谁愿意选西班牙语啊 6181 07:19:38,233 --> 07:19:40,899 我要能抢到日语我都不选西班牙语了 6182 07:19:55,200 --> 07:19:57,433 哎呀家人们家人们 6183 07:19:57,433 --> 07:20:00,999 谢谢大家今天的支持和陪伴 6184 07:20:01,000 --> 07:20:02,400 盘盘感谢啊 6185 07:20:02,400 --> 07:20:07,300 应该到然后明天啊不对不是明天那个 6186 07:20:07,900 --> 07:20:11,233 歇一会然后可能我早上还会回来 6187 07:20:13,300 --> 07:20:16,133 啊喜欢主播的可以点点关注 6188 07:20:16,233 --> 07:20:17,566 嗯嗯嗯 6189 07:20:17,800 --> 07:20:23,100 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 6190 07:20:34,766 --> 07:20:35,699 哈喽哈喽 6191 07:20:51,400 --> 07:20:53,433 谁骗我12点的